* Major refactor from RimGridView to Rim3dView
* Move view linker/controller functions to Rim3dView
* Add bitmask to define the content of a 3D view
* Link views based on matching content
* Enable bit mask operators at global scope
* Make it possible to use 2d intersection views as comparison views
* Fix crash when a view used as comparison view is deleted
* Move unlinking to Rim3dView
* Add options to snapshot only 3D views/plots as part of regression testing
* WBS plot: Improve default name, hide axis for some tracks
* Guard use of back() on empty vector
* Add "Show Data Sources" to ensemble realizations
* Update summary plot as summary curve collection is not visible in tree view
* Set selection manager root in RiaApplication
* Always close both main windows if present
* Add copy/paste of summary multi plot
* Add test for RiuMainWindow::instance() before use
* Remove duplicated code
* Multiple Tree Views : Use getTreeViewWithItem() to find correct tree view
* Minor UI adjustments
Guard divide by zero issues
2D Intersection View: Do not add parts with wrong coordinates
Add bounding box search tree
Add support display of intersection lines for selected surfaces
Show band between two first intersection lines