Statistics can be computed in two ways, precise using all available cell values and fast based on a histogram. A flag indicates if the P10/P90 values are calculated. Check this flag before assigning values using the fast histogram method.
* Fwk: Avoid use of include_directories
* Remove target_include_directories from Commands
* Refactor cmake includes
- Avoid using include_directories, and use target_include_directories.
- Use add_subdirectory directly from main cmakefile, do not use in ApplicationLibCode.
- Set default frequency enum to relative frequency [%]
- Set current view selected in filter by 3D view visibility by default
- Add labels for statistics data
- Add UI to change number of bins in histogram
- Add control of font size of axis values and axis titles
* Use horizontalAdvance
* Remove unused code
* Hide some warnings from Qt code
* Use CMP0077 NEW
* Move roff libraries to folder Thirdparty
* avoid operator()==
* Remove cmake_minimum_required and set version to 3.15