Improved GitHub Action to run clang-format as part of clang-tidy
* Simplify clang-tidy workflow
* Added modernize-use-using, modernize-redundant-void-arg, readability-static-accessed-through-instance
* Add nolint for libecl typedefs
- Added custom tickmark configuration in time axis properties for `Time Mode = Date`
- Refactor code to separate handling of time axis properties and regular axis properties in RimSummaryPlot
- Add method for setting major ticks by use of list for RiuPlotWidget interface.
* Add missing time conversion for month
* #9606: FIx wrong usage of function when accessing data from summary file
The result values are aggregated into the destination vector in RimSummaryCaseCollection::computeMinMax(), so make sure the vector is recreated per case.
* #9602 : Make sure the plot is updated correctly for "Time since simulation start"
* Move roundToNumSignificantDigits() to RiaNumericalTools
* Make sure the time axis is consistent when individual time range differs
Use auto value concept in summary plot configuration. Default behavior is unchanged, but it is now possible to unlink a field to specify a custom value for this field.
Other changes:
* Add missing requirement for Svg in test application
* Use calculator icon and rename panel text
Use icon and relevant text to make it clear that the content in Calculator Data can be used for Grid Property Calculator and nothing else.
* Add example with scoped enum and auto value
* Use enum value starting av 10 to make sure enum values (not option item index) are working as expected
* Add system commands to test toolbar
* #9069 Summary Plot: Update only Y axis values during source stepping
* Reduce default brightness for ensemble summary curves
* Add a separate flag to control linking of time axis
* Make sure interactive zoom in plot is handled
* Move message dock window to right dock panel
* #8947 Plot Template : Split export dialog into file path and name
* #8946 Update multi plot title when curve is appended by copy/paste
* #8946 Separate axis object name and axis title text
* If multi plot auto name is empty, use plot title "Plot N"
* QwtPlotWidget: Double click activates Zoom All
* More testing on valid main window before use
* Return false if event is not handeled
* Improve fallback plot name
* Tree View Editor: Early exit if selected object is unchanged
Resetting selection causes flickering
* Summary Plot : Select curve object in project tree when clicking on curve