* Update titles after dropping vectors into plot
* Do not replace _Name variables
* Make sure signals are wired when opening a project file
* Add auto name field and set default on
* Remove includes from header files
* Ensemble plot templates now have .erpt extension and new icon
* Default plot templates are given a checkmark overlay on the icon
* Context menu has been cleaned up a bit
* Old default template is really just the last used template. Rename it.
* Add max. recursive depth setting in preferences for plot template searches
* Only create plots based on correct template type when importing ensembles or single cases
* Support creating new plot from template explorer
* Update last used template when creating a new plot from a template
* #8947 Plot Template : Split export dialog into file path and name
* #8946 Update multi plot title when curve is appended by copy/paste
* #8946 Separate axis object name and axis title text
* If multi plot auto name is empty, use plot title "Plot N"
* QwtPlotWidget: Double click activates Zoom All
* More testing on valid main window before use
* Return false if event is not handeled
* Improve fallback plot name
* Tree View Editor: Early exit if selected object is unchanged
Resetting selection causes flickering
* Summary Plot : Select curve object in project tree when clicking on curve
Remove obsolete single summary template code
Always use maximized state of the QMdiSubWindow when a plot or view is deleted.
Move time axis to top
Set correct text for unused axis
Avoid assert when layout is requested for non existing legend
* Remove obsolete template commands
Use first object in object list when creating plots for templates and a case is selected. (use first well in well list, first group in group list, ...)
* Always create the reference string