* Add timestep selection
* Add import geomech model to context menu
* Add command for running fault reactivation
* Change order of nodes for exported elements
* Add command to quickly show model in 3D view
* Support continuous lines along the seismic surface
* Make sure watertight surface include all cells
* Remove unused function and mark with static
* Invert surface intersection line visibility control
Add model thickness parameter.
Add support for reloading INP files from recent files
Add working directory field to fault reactivation model and put INP export there.
* Compute average MD for intersections with a cell
* Create extractor for simulation well
* Remove rftReader from RifDataSourceForRftPlt
* Add function compute measured depth for RFT cells based on well path geometry
* Move statistics reader to well ensemble curve set
* Make sure both TVD and MD are cached if possible
* Add selection of grid case to use for estimation of measured depth (MD)
Add "Grid Model For MD" where the user can select a grid model. This grid model is propagated to a hidden field in EnsembleCurveSet. The grid model is then applied to RifReaderEnsembleStatisticsRft owned by EnsembleCurveSet
Add support for import of geometry and results for main grid. Currently no support for LGR.
Add selection in Preferences to either use libecl or opm-common for grid import.
If RESINSIGHT_DEVEL flag is set, display reader in an Eclipse case to make it possible to compare Eclipse and opm-common in same project.
Add more includes to custom-opm-common to be able to support this functionality. opm-common is unchanged.
* Performance: Cache registry value
* Performance: Avoid recursive update
Early return if values are identical
updateConnectedEditors is handled by setValueFromUiEditor
Avoid fieldChanged in analyzePlotsAndAdjustAppearanceSettings
This dialog was designed to be used efficiently from keyboard. By default, all filtered addresses are selected. To select a subset using the text filter, all addresses need to be unchecked before typing a text string in the filter text input.
Previously, when the stepping dimension was set to 'well' for range aggregation, it was based on all wells. If one of the wells had extreme values and was not visible, it would set the y-range to match the extreme value, making some curves invisible. We have now changed the default setting to use visible subplots to determine the y-range aggregation.
* Always use element-nodal for POR calculations
* Add RigFemAddressDefines
Add special handling for "POR-Bar" result, always use element_nodal
* 9362 Show unit text "sg" when normalized by hydrostatic pressure