Update clang-tidy.yml to use clang-tidy-15 to be able to support c++20
Do not use OpenMP, as omp.h is not found during parsing
Remove modernize-use-nullptr, as this does not work with <=> (spaceship operator)
- Crated new RimMatrixPlotWidget to show table data
- Create RimWellConnectivityTable for showing Producer/Injector connectivity table data
- Rename RimWellAllocationOverTimeCollection to RigWellAllocationOverTime for well allocation over time data storage
- Created heatmap color palette
- Move utils from RimWellAllocationOverTimePlot to RiaQDateTimeTools
- Create RimFlowDiagnosticsTools for producer/injector well utility functions
Co-authored-by: jorgenherje <jorgenherje@users.noreply.github.com>
* #9966 Summary calculations: add support for imported vectors.
* #9966 Summary Calculation: add support for imported and observed data.
* Summary Address: avoid extra level in tree for imported data.
* #9966 Update observed data when calculation is updated.
* #9963 Rft reader: Search for DATA file when required
WSEGLINK is used to establish the branch topology for MSW wells. Search and read WSEGLINK data when segment data is requested by the user. This can be a time consuming operation.
Avoid doing this search for standard RFT plots.
* Make sure that single summary curves are displayed correctly
* Make sure single summary curves are visible in the plot
When multiple ensemble curve sets are toggled on/off, it is required to do a full RimSummaryPlot::loadDataAndUpdate() that will call RimEnsembleCurveSet::updateCurves() on all ensembles in the plot. This can be a heavy operation, but will happen only once.
* Add CON*RAT track for tubing branch
* Set long summary vector name as default, and allow both in curve name
* Use line shift if multiple quantities are present on axis title
Insert line shift if multiple quantities are present, otherwise insert space between individual vector names and the unit text.
* Move Groups between Field and Wells
* Bump version
Use spaceship operator to fix issue for multiple pressure/depth curves
It was not possible to show two pressure/drop curves at the same time. This was caused by inconsistent implementation of operator< and operator==. Implement operator <=> to simplify the code.
* Show segment plots in Well Log Plot collection
* Improve menu text for operations related to segment plots
* Show reservoir rates for annulus and device
* Make sure curve objects are visible in the Project Tree
* When importing the first summary case, expand case in project tree
* Bump version
* #9944 Add "Import Pressure Depth Data" to import menu
Remove obsolete *InMenuFeatures and set all actions in menu to enabled when the signal aboutToShow() is triggered. This is useful for menus where no selection/context is available.
* Use RiaApplication::enableDevelopmentFeatures() to control visibility
* Add support for word wrap in checkbox label
* QLabelEditor: Add word wrap and support for wide label
Add support for one label widget spanning the area usually consumed by a label widget and an editor widget.
* Use word wrap in summary calculation dialog
* Make sure text for multiple wells in same grid cell is displayed correctly
* Improve selection of result in Advanced Snapshot Export
* Restore the main window that was on top when project was saved
* Trim string to make sure '/' is exported with no space in front
* #9872 RFT-plot: Make colors stable for curves in RFT plots
* Set version to RC_02
* #9923 Call loadDataAndUpdate() after visibility of curves is updated
This will ensure that all zoom ranges are recalculated based on visible curves.
* #9923 Put new segment plots in RFT Plot collection
* #9923 Add "Create Rft Sement Plot" to RFT plot collection
* #9923 Make sure the main window is displayed when required
Make sure the main window is opened and views updated when a grid model is opened from a summary case.
* #9923 Make sure fieldChanged is triggered when required
Exclude field having the target state. If these fields are included, the one and only call to setValueWithFieldChanged() can contain a field with the target state value. When setting a value to a field with the same value, nothing happens and the UI will get an inconsistent state (some curves toggled off are still visible in a plot).
When importing new wells, consider all wells when connecting multi segment wells
Make sure that import of individual well paths will give the same ordering as importing all wells in a single operation.
* Move members to private in RigWellResultPoint
* Create simulation well path geometry using well topology
* Add separate MSW well pipe centerline computations
* Review comments
Co-authored-by: magnesj <magnesj@users.noreply.github.com>