The critical section is needed when doing geometry transfer from libecl in paralell.
Caused arbitrary crashes in completely unrelated code when compiled in release on a 32-core machine on windows
Recent developments have rendered this parameter unused. Remove
it to make API simpler. The library now always loads arrays as
if the caller requests end-point scaling behaviour and we defer
effects of actual end-point scaling until client code queries
the flux calculator at run time.
Using RigCompletionDataGridCell as key in a map causes cells with identical local IJK to be treated as same global cell. Use reservoir grid cell index (size_t) as key to be able to handle cells correctly.
* Removed choice of different scaling
* Always use current pressure delta
* Use the maximum of an epsilon value and the absolute value of the matrix to well pressure drop as the scaling factor
* Remove file name suffixes and update information table in export file.
* The latter is not important for 2d Maps because the height of the 2d extrusion is always at least as much as the cells.
* However this makes it so the code can estimate overlap with bounding boxes that do not reach the full height of the hexahedron.
* Also added unit tests.
* Takes the volume summation error from around 30% -> 1.5-2.0% for Norne and TEST10K_FLT_LGT_NNC for sample
spacing approximately the same as grid characteristic size.
* The latter part is for #3630 and adds a special case for calculating 2d Maps SUM of riOilVolume since it needs
to avoid using the actual riOilVolume 3d result but instead use SOIL to avoid multiplying by cell volume twice.
Fixes incorrect horizontal and vertical end-point scaling of model's
saturation functions.
API Change: No longer supports user-selected behaviour for treating
scaled end-points with a sentinel value (-1.0E+20). That option was
introduced due to incomplete understanding of the semantics of the
sentinel value. Now that we understand the meaning (use actual,
unscaled end-point value from input table), we no longer need the
option. Update the calling code in RigFlowDiagSolverInterface.cpp