Add support for import of geometry and results for main grid. Currently no support for LGR.
Add selection in Preferences to either use libecl or opm-common for grid import.
If RESINSIGHT_DEVEL flag is set, display reader in an Eclipse case to make it possible to compare Eclipse and opm-common in same project.
Add more includes to custom-opm-common to be able to support this functionality. opm-common is unchanged.
* Fwk: Avoid use of include_directories
* Remove target_include_directories from Commands
* Refactor cmake includes
- Avoid using include_directories, and use target_include_directories.
- Use add_subdirectory directly from main cmakefile, do not use in ApplicationLibCode.
* Set warning level to /W3 for MSVC to catch more warnings
* remove several excluded checks for clang
* removed several unused variables
* Hide warnings qwt
* add missing parentheses in logical expressions
* Remove double check on same logical expression
* Include all libraries in APP_FWK_LIBRARIES
* Several fixes detected by Static Code Analysis
* Remove unused code
* Add .clang.tidy
* Use QElapsedTimer
* Use horizontalAdvance
* Avoid | between enum of different classes
* Avoid illegal character
* Renaming and reorder of constructor initialization
* Use horizontalAdvance
* Remove unused code
* Hide some warnings from Qt code
* Use CMP0077 NEW
* Move roff libraries to folder Thirdparty
* avoid operator()==
* Remove cmake_minimum_required and set version to 3.15
Enable c++20 in top level cmake. Keep c++17 for GrpcInterface, as the protoc tool does not work with c++20.
Several code adjustments to fix compiler issues.
* Opm Parser: Include PATHS when importing WSEGLINK
Add PATHS to supported keywords to be able to use include files with alias in file path.
* Move opm-parser-tests into OPM solution folder
Include the Vcpkg toolchain file after the installation of the first
When building for the first time from a clean source tree, the Vcpkg
toolchain file does not exist. At the same time CMake is only reading
the toolchain file the very first time it is configuring, but since the
toolchain file is only created when vcpkg is configured on the first
call to vcpkg_install it will never read it. So it is not enough to just
Note: It is not ideal to include it here since one might at some point
install and search for a package at an erlier point in the script and
fail to find it.
Alternative approaces that I considered:
- Include this file right after including AutoVcpkg. This would require
1 recompilation for the file to be found and read which is
- Include this file in the config function in AutoVcpkg. This seemed
difficult without including the file for every call to vcpkg_install,
which seems unecessary.