E:/gitroot/ResInsight/TestModels/TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC/well_completions_pytest.rsp 2020.10.2-dev.11 $PathId_001$ E:/gitroot/ResInsight/TestModels/TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC/TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.EGRID; TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC FULL_CASE_NAME 0 $PathId_001$ TS_ALL 0 8 1 dd.MMM yyyy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 -1 -1 False False 2 3D View: Polyline False True True False 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1000 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0.23137255012989 0.23137255012989 0.23137255012989 10 True 0 FULL_MESH SURFACE False True Medium .. .. ReservoirViews 0 CrossSections 0 CrossSections 0 True False 0 0 0 956 1037 True True 1 3D View False True True False 0.954914397057696 0.249429289585614 -0.161007837662493 -2298.41668007213 -0.0384007686932436 0.641548226959121 0.766120913074024 -1509.22498006777 0.29438728786363 -0.725397065049497 0.6222019147848 157.087794109359 0 0 0 1 2029.4668530348 2177.48087242918 360.005983136748 True 5 0.23137255012989 0.23137255012989 0.23137255012989 10 True 0 FULL_MESH SURFACE True False True Medium True False True .. .. IntersectionResultDefColl 0 IntersectionResultDefinitions 0 Polyline CS_POLYLINE CS_VERTICAL 3854.27809335253 4746.43138732029 -4142.04276948891 4195.0814300596 5255.53025913349 -4152.22151482833 4876.76398216391 5626.15058168421 -4130.51353854032 5305.96895910493 6308.19708190162 -4148.15023684849 5690.76980478854 6655.21244031022 -4174.58748081458 0 90 -1 200 1000 1000 True False True .. .. .. 0 DYNAMIC_NATIVE MATRIX_MODEL None .. .. .. .. FlowDiagSolutions 0 -1 False FLOW_TR_INJ_AND_PROD PHASE_ALL True False False NODAL -1 0 0 False 0 True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE False True 2 USER_DEFINED_MAX_MIN 1 0 1 0 1 0 False True .. .. .. 0 DYNAMIC_NATIVE MATRIX_MODEL None .. .. .. .. FlowDiagSolutions 0 -1 False FLOW_TR_INJ_AND_PROD PHASE_ALL True False False NODAL -1 0 0 False 0 True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE False True 2 USER_DEFINED_MAX_MIN 1 0 1 0 1 0 False True Main Grid 0 True True LGR1 1 True True True True True True True CURRENT_TIMESTEP VISIBLE_CELLS Well Measurements False True DYNAMIC_NATIVE MATRIX_MODEL SOIL .. .. FlowDiagSolutions 0 -1 False FLOW_TR_INJ_AND_PROD PHASE_ALL True False False True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE None False True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE SOIL False True 2 USER_DEFINED_MAX_MIN 1 0 1 0 1 0 ResultVarLegendDefinitionList 1 False MULTI_AXIS_STATIC_PROPERTY MULT True True True True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 3 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE False DYNAMIC_NATIVE MATRIX_MODEL None .. .. .. FlowDiagSolutions 0 -1 False FLOW_TR_INJ_AND_PROD PHASE_ALL True False False True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE None False True 2 USER_DEFINED_MAX_MIN 1 0 1 0 1 0 ResultVarLegendDefinitionList 0 True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE False True True True False AGGREGATED VECTOR_ANCHOR True True True True 0 RESULT_COLORS 0 0 0 1 False DYNAMIC_NATIVE MATRIX_MODEL None .. .. .. FlowDiagSolutions 0 -1 False FLOW_TR_INJ_AND_PROD PHASE_ALL True False False True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE None False True 2 USER_DEFINED_MAX_MIN 1 0 1 0 1 0 ResultVarLegendDefinitionList 0 True CONDUCTIVITY [md-m] 0.647058844566345 0.164705887436867 0.164705887436867 True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 11 LinearDiscrete AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE CONDUCTIVITY [md-m] False True COLOR_INTERPOLATION False True 2 True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 LinearContinuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE False True False 1 0.1 0.2 0.901960790157318 0.901960790157318 0.901960790157318 True 1 1 0 WELLPIPE_COLOR_INDIDUALLY 12 WELLPIPE_INTERPOLATED K_DIRECTION 0.5 True WELLHEAD_POS_TOP_COLUMN GI1 True True True True False False 1 1 0.501960813999176 0.243137255311012 0.458823531866074 0.501960813999176 0.501960813999176 0 False False GP1 True True True True False False 1 1 0.831372559070587 0.109803922474384 0.517647087574005 0.501960813999176 0.501960813999176 0 False False GP2 True True True True False False 1 1 0.964705884456635 0.462745100259781 0.556862771511078 0.501960813999176 0.501960813999176 0 False False WOPT PROPERTY_TYPE_PREDEFINED PRODUCTION_RATES True False 1 0.501960813999176 0.501960813999176 0 False False True True True FAULT_BACK_FACE_CULLING False 0.901960790157318 0.901960790157318 0.901960790157318 True True Undefined Grid Faults True 0.396078437566757 0.517647087574005 0.376470595598221 Undefined Grid Faults With Inactive False 1 0.513725519180298 0.549019634723663 True True 0 False True True True True Medium True 8 4 FIXED $ROOT$ ColorLegendCollection 0 StandardColorLegends 0 Log10Continuous AUTOMATIC_ALLTIMESTEPS 1 0 INTERPOLATE False Streamlines 0.01 100 20 5000 True True COMBINED False ANIMATION PHASE_COLORS 10 0 100 100 True False False False False UNITS_METRIC All Wells True True 0.901960790157318 0.901960790157318 0.901960790157318 ALL_ON 0.1 True 100 Well-1 0 0 UNITS_METRIC 0 True True 1 0.788235306739807 0.5686274766922 0.788235306739807 Perforations True 4905.84 - 4955.84 True 4905.84298244604 4955.84298244604 0.216 0 False 2014_01_01-00:00:00 False 2030_01_01-00:00:00 6782.78 - 6832.78 True 6782.77989752994 6832.77989752994 0.216 0 False 2014_01_01-00:00:00 False 2030_01_01-00:00:00 None 1 1 0.108 0.8 0.02 883.9 -1.1045 0 Fishbones True inf 0.216 0 Fractures True StimPlan Models True Well-1 OIL 0.0 STD STOP True 0 SEG 0 GridIntersectionRefMD 0 False 0.152 1e-05 HF- ABS False 200 True 1 True False Casing Design True 3881.71092059068 4787.41106445822 4152.93801462937 0 0 True False 0 0 0 3 3 POINT 33.7993278405854 87.3873752947346 True False 211.350879520533 315.720186694321 12.8953459212153 3 3 POINT 37.7817902228438 85.4826093910952 True False 363.784797201014 495.528644129419 38.1668038289954 3 3 POINT 42.6812239583385 85.2737825481168 True False 1160.81743186498 1102.15449950202 16.7066357210606 3 3 POINT 45.4478855799457 90.0759894533597 True False 1712.01268747003 1780.28458725645 30.8826142568405 3 3 POINT 38.8531163433484 89.0309170322663 True True False -304.199692064227 -454.419606810967 -4152.93801462937 3 3 POINT_AND_TANGENT 0 0 False False 0.317647069692612 0.52549022436142 0.580392181873322 0.15 UNITS_METRIC 0 Ellipse Fracture Template UNITS_METRIC TransverseWellPath 0 0 1 1 0.216 FiniteConductivity 25 False 0 0 False 0 None 1 FractureWidth 0.01 UserDefinedBetaFactor 0.006083236 FractureConductivity 1 0 0.8 0.02 1 1 1 1 100 75 0.01 100000 1 0 AICD: Valve Template #1 UNITS_UNKNOWN AICD Valve Template #1 8 0.7 True 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* ICD: Valve Template #2 UNITS_UNKNOWN ICD Valve Template #2 8 0.7 True 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* ICV: Valve Template #3 UNITS_UNKNOWN ICV Valve Template #3 8 0.7 True 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* UNITS_METRIC True True True True True Surfaces True True UTM_FILTER_OFF 0 0 0 0 True 1 0 0 -1 -1 False False SELECTED 0.1 True CELLS_ACTIVE 0 146000 1 0 0 -1 -1 False False Default Flow Diagnostics Plot True True 0 None ACCUMULATED True 0.005 True -1 False False False XX_Large Small CONNECTION_NUMBER UNIT_NONE 0 1000 GRID_X_MAJOR True Medium Medium Medium Well Log Plot False False False False False True Total Allocation True True False Cumulative Saturation by Time of Flight True 50 1 0 0 -1 -1 False False 1 True True True XX_Large Small -1 None True 0.005 20 True -1 True False True XX_Large Small ONE ONE -1 None OIL_PHASE True 0.005 20 True -1 True False True XX_Large Small ONE ONE -1 None GAS_PHASE True 0.005 20 True -1 True False True XX_Large Small ONE ONE -1 None WATER_PHASE True 0.005 20 True True True Cumulative Phase Distribution Plots True -1-1000000120;-1-1000000;-1-10000;-1-100;-1-1100020;-1-11000;-1-110 1 0;0 0;2 0;1 0 -1-10000;-1-100;-1-11000;-1-110 0 0 True True False False 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 8 SPLIT_ON_WELL_AND_COMPLETION_TYPE TRANSMISSIBILITIES 0 True False True True True False 0 WBHP_SUMMARY 200 False INDIVIDUALLY True True False False 10 10 -- Selected Wells 5 0 True True True 2 2 2 LGR_PER_COMPLETION True C:/Users/Magne/GRID.GRDECL False False VISIBLE_CELLS 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -2147483647 -2147483647 -2147483647 TO_SINGLE_RESULT_FILE C:/Users/Magne/FAULTS.GRDECL 1 1 1 TO_SEPARATE_RESULT_FILES C:/Users/Magne/RESULTS.GRDECL 100 100 10 0 3 10