///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2020 Equinor ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RiaLogging.h" #include "RigCellFaceGeometryTools.h" #include "RigActiveCellInfo.h" #include "RigCell.h" #include "RigMainGrid.h" #include "RigNncConnection.h" #include "cvfGeometryTools.h" #include "cafAssert.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType RigCellFaceGeometryTools::calculateCellFaceOverlap( const RigCell& c1, const RigCell& c2, const RigMainGrid& mainGrid, std::vector* connectionPolygon, std::vector* connectionIntersections ) { // Try to find the shared face bool isPossibleNeighborInDirection[6] = { true, true, true, true, true, true }; if ( c1.hostGrid() == c2.hostGrid() ) { char hasNeighbourInAnyDirection = 0; size_t i1, j1, k1; c1.hostGrid()->ijkFromCellIndex( c1.gridLocalCellIndex(), &i1, &j1, &k1 ); size_t i2, j2, k2; c2.hostGrid()->ijkFromCellIndex( c2.gridLocalCellIndex(), &i2, &j2, &k2 ); isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I] = ( ( i1 + 1 ) == i2 ); isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I] = ( ( i2 + 1 ) == i1 ); isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J] = ( ( j1 + 1 ) == j2 ); isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J] = ( ( j2 + 1 ) == j1 ); isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K] = ( ( k1 + 1 ) == k2 ); isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K] = ( ( k2 + 1 ) == k1 ); hasNeighbourInAnyDirection = isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I] + isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I] + isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J] + isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J] + isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K] + isPossibleNeighborInDirection[cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K]; // If cell 2 is not adjancent with respect to any of the six ijk directions, // assume that we have no overlapping area. if ( !hasNeighbourInAnyDirection ) { // Add to search map // m_cellIdxToFaceToConnectionIdxMap[m_connections[cnIdx].m_c1GlobIdx][cvf::StructGridInterface::NO_FACE].push_back(cnIdx); // m_cellIdxToFaceToConnectionIdxMap[m_connections[cnIdx].m_c2GlobIdx][cvf::StructGridInterface::NO_FACE].push_back(cnIdx); // cvf::Trace::show("NNC: No direct neighbors : C1: " + cvf::String((int)m_connections[cnIdx].m_c1GlobIdx) + // " C2: " + cvf::String((int)m_connections[cnIdx].m_c2GlobIdx)); return cvf::StructGridInterface::NO_FACE; } } for ( unsigned char fIdx = 0; fIdx < 6; ++fIdx ) { if ( !isPossibleNeighborInDirection[fIdx] ) { continue; } // Calculate connection polygon std::vector polygon; std::vector intersections; std::array face1; std::array face2; c1.faceIndices( ( cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType )( fIdx ), &face1 ); c2.faceIndices( cvf::StructGridInterface::oppositeFace( ( cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType )( fIdx ) ), &face2 ); bool foundOverlap = cvf::GeometryTools::calculateOverlapPolygonOfTwoQuads( &polygon, &intersections, (cvf::EdgeIntersectStorage*)nullptr, cvf::wrapArrayConst( &mainGrid.nodes() ), face1.data(), face2.data(), 1e-6 ); if ( foundOverlap ) { if ( connectionPolygon ) ( *connectionPolygon ) = polygon; if ( connectionIntersections ) ( *connectionIntersections ) = intersections; return ( cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType )( fIdx ); } } return cvf::StructGridInterface::NO_FACE; } void assignThreadConnections( RigConnectionContainer& allConnections, RigConnectionContainer& threadConnections ) { #pragma omp critical { allConnections.push_back( threadConnections ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RigConnectionContainer RigCellFaceGeometryTools::computeOtherNncs( const RigMainGrid* mainGrid, const RigConnectionContainer& nativeConnections, const RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo, bool includeInactiveCells ) { // Compute Non-Neighbor Connections (NNC) not reported by Eclipse. NNCs with zero transmissibility are not reported // by Eclipse. Use faults as basis for subset of cells to find NNC connection for. The imported connections from // Eclipse are located at the beginning of the connections vector. std::set> nativeCellPairs; for ( size_t i = 0; i < nativeConnections.size(); ++i ) { RigConnection c = nativeConnections[i]; nativeCellPairs.emplace( static_cast( c.c1GlobIdx() ), static_cast( c.c2GlobIdx() ) ); } if ( nativeConnections.size() != nativeCellPairs.size() ) { QString message = QString( "Nnc connection imported from Eclipse are not unique\nNNC count : %1\nUnique : %2" ) .arg( nativeConnections.size() ) .arg( nativeCellPairs.size() ); RiaLogging::warning( message ); } const cvf::Collection& faults = mainGrid->faults(); RigConnectionContainer otherConnections; for ( int faultIdx = 0; faultIdx < (int)faults.size(); faultIdx++ ) { const RigFault* fault = faults.at( faultIdx ); const std::vector& faultFaces = fault->faultFaces(); // Build a vector of active face indices so we don't have to have this check inside the parallel loop. // This makes the load balancing much better in the loop. std::vector activeFaceIndices; activeFaceIndices.reserve( faultFaces.size() ); for ( size_t faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < faultFaces.size(); ++faceIdx ) { const RigFault::FaultFace& f = faultFaces[faceIdx]; bool atLeastOneCellActive = true; if ( !includeInactiveCells && activeCellInfo && activeCellInfo->reservoirActiveCellCount() > 0u ) { atLeastOneCellActive = activeCellInfo->isActive( f.m_nativeReservoirCellIndex ) || activeCellInfo->isActive( f.m_oppositeReservoirCellIndex ); } if ( atLeastOneCellActive ) activeFaceIndices.push_back( faceIdx ); } size_t totalNumberOfConnections = 0u; #pragma omp parallel { RigConnectionContainer threadConnections; #pragma omp for schedule( guided ) reduction( + : totalNumberOfConnections ) for ( int activeFaceIdx = 0; activeFaceIdx < static_cast( activeFaceIndices.size() ); activeFaceIdx++ ) { size_t faceIdx = activeFaceIndices[activeFaceIdx]; extractConnectionsForFace( faultFaces[faceIdx], mainGrid, nativeCellPairs, threadConnections ); } #pragma omp barrier otherConnections.reserve( otherConnections.size() + totalNumberOfConnections ); // Merge together connections per thread assignThreadConnections( otherConnections, threadConnections ); } // end parallel region } size_t nncCountWarningThreshold = 5000000; if ( otherConnections.size() > nncCountWarningThreshold ) { auto txt = QString( "Additional NNC count has reached %1, and is above the warning threshold of %2. Faults for " "inactive cells can be managed from Preferences->Eclipse Grid->Include Inactive Cells" ) .arg( otherConnections.size() ) .arg( nncCountWarningThreshold ); RiaLogging::warning( txt ); } otherConnections.remove_duplicates(); return otherConnections; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigCellFaceGeometryTools::extractConnectionsForFace( const RigFault::FaultFace& face, const RigMainGrid* mainGrid, const std::set>& nativeCellPairs, RigConnectionContainer& connections ) { size_t sourceReservoirCellIndex = face.m_nativeReservoirCellIndex; cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType sourceCellFace = face.m_nativeFace; if ( sourceReservoirCellIndex >= mainGrid->cellCount() ) { return; } const std::vector& mainGridNodes = mainGrid->nodes(); cvf::BoundingBox bb; std::array sourceFaceIndices; mainGrid->globalCellArray()[sourceReservoirCellIndex].faceIndices( sourceCellFace, &sourceFaceIndices ); bb.add( mainGridNodes[sourceFaceIndices[0]] ); bb.add( mainGridNodes[sourceFaceIndices[1]] ); bb.add( mainGridNodes[sourceFaceIndices[2]] ); bb.add( mainGridNodes[sourceFaceIndices[3]] ); std::vector closeCells = mainGrid->findIntersectingCells( bb ); cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType candidateFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::oppositeFace( sourceCellFace ); size_t neighborCellIndex = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t ni = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t nj = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t nk = std::numeric_limits::max(); { size_t i; size_t j; size_t k; mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndexUnguarded( sourceReservoirCellIndex, &i, &j, &k ); RigMainGrid::neighborIJKAtCellFace( i, j, k, sourceCellFace, &ni, &nj, &nk ); if ( mainGrid->isCellValid( ni, nj, nk ) ) { neighborCellIndex = mainGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( ni, nj, nk ); } } for ( size_t candidateCellIndex : closeCells ) { if ( candidateCellIndex == sourceReservoirCellIndex ) { // Exclude cellIndex for source cell continue; } if ( candidateCellIndex >= mainGrid->cellCount() ) { continue; } if ( candidateCellIndex == neighborCellIndex ) { // Exclude direct neighbor continue; } if ( neighborCellIndex != std::numeric_limits::max() ) { // Find target IJK index based on source cell and cell face // Exclude cells not matching destination target index size_t ci = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t cj = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t ck = std::numeric_limits::max(); mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndexUnguarded( candidateCellIndex, &ci, &cj, &ck ); auto gridAxis = cvf::StructGridInterface::gridAxisFromFace( sourceCellFace ); if ( gridAxis == cvf::StructGridInterface::GridAxisType::AXIS_I ) { if ( ni != ci ) { continue; } } else if ( gridAxis == cvf::StructGridInterface::GridAxisType::AXIS_J ) { if ( nj != cj ) { continue; } } else if ( gridAxis == cvf::StructGridInterface::GridAxisType::AXIS_K ) { if ( nk != ck ) { continue; } } } // Test if this pair of cells already has a connection. Check both combinations of cell index ordering to avoid // duplicate NNC geometry for the same pair of cells auto candidate = std::make_pair( static_cast( sourceReservoirCellIndex ), static_cast( candidateCellIndex ) ); if ( nativeCellPairs.count( candidate ) > 0 ) { continue; } std::swap( candidate.first, candidate.second ); if ( nativeCellPairs.count( candidate ) > 0 ) { continue; } std::vector polygon; std::vector intersections; std::array candidateFaceIndices; mainGrid->globalCellArray()[candidateCellIndex].faceIndices( candidateFace, &candidateFaceIndices ); bool foundOverlap = cvf::GeometryTools::calculateOverlapPolygonOfTwoQuads( &polygon, &intersections, (cvf::EdgeIntersectStorage*)nullptr, cvf::wrapArrayConst( &mainGridNodes ), sourceFaceIndices.data(), candidateFaceIndices.data(), 1e-6 ); if ( foundOverlap ) { RigConnection conn( sourceReservoirCellIndex, candidateCellIndex, sourceCellFace, RigCellFaceGeometryTools::extractPolygon( mainGridNodes, polygon, intersections ) ); connections.push_back( conn ); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector RigCellFaceGeometryTools::extractPolygon( const std::vector& nativeNodes, const std::vector& connectionPolygon, const std::vector& connectionIntersections ) { std::vector allPolygonNodes; for ( size_t polygonIndex : connectionPolygon ) { if ( polygonIndex < nativeNodes.size() ) allPolygonNodes.push_back( cvf::Vec3f( nativeNodes[polygonIndex] ) ); else allPolygonNodes.push_back( cvf::Vec3f( connectionIntersections[polygonIndex - nativeNodes.size()] ) ); } return allPolygonNodes; }