///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RicDeleteSubItemsFeature.h" #include "RimProject.h" #include "RimSummaryMultiPlot.h" #include "RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection.h" #include "RimWellPath.h" #include "RimWellPathCollection.h" #include "RimWellPathFracture.h" #include "RimWellPathFractureCollection.h" #include "cafPdmUiItem.h" #include "cafSelectionManager.h" #include CAF_CMD_SOURCE_INIT( RicDeleteSubItemsFeature, "RicDeleteSubItemsFeature" ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::isCommandEnabled() const { return RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::canCommandBeEnabled(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::canCommandBeEnabled() { std::vector items; caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItems( items ); if ( items.empty() ) return false; for ( auto* item : items ) { if ( !RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::hasDeletableSubItems( item ) ) return false; } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::onActionTriggered( bool isChecked ) { bool onlyUnchecked = false; RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::deleteSubItems( onlyUnchecked ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::setupActionLook( QAction* actionToSetup ) { actionToSetup->setText( "Delete Sub Items" ); actionToSetup->setIcon( QIcon( ":/Erase.svg" ) ); applyShortcutWithHintToAction( actionToSetup, QKeySequence::Delete ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::hasDeletableSubItems( caf::PdmUiItem* uiItem ) { { auto multiPlot = dynamic_cast( uiItem ); if ( multiPlot && !multiPlot->summaryPlots().empty() ) { return true; } } { auto collection = dynamic_cast( uiItem ); if ( collection && !collection->multiPlots().empty() ) { return true; } } { auto collection = dynamic_cast( uiItem ); if ( collection && !collection->allWellPaths().empty() ) { return true; } } { auto collection = dynamic_cast( uiItem ); if ( collection && !collection->allFractures().empty() ) { return true; } } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::deleteSubItems( bool onlyDeleteUnchecked ) { std::vector items; caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItems( items ); CVF_ASSERT( items.size() > 0 ); for ( auto item : items ) { if ( !RicDeleteSubItemsFeature::hasDeletableSubItems( item ) ) continue; { auto multiPlot = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( multiPlot ) { if ( onlyDeleteUnchecked ) { auto plots = multiPlot->plots(); for ( auto plot : plots ) { if ( plot->showWindow() ) continue; multiPlot->removePlotNoUpdate( plot ); delete plot; } } else { multiPlot->deleteAllPlots(); } multiPlot->updateConnectedEditors(); } } { auto collection = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( collection ) { if ( onlyDeleteUnchecked ) { auto plots = collection->multiPlots(); for ( auto plot : plots ) { if ( plot->showWindow() ) continue; collection->removePlotNoUpdate( plot ); delete plot; } } else { collection->deleteAllPlots(); } collection->updateConnectedEditors(); } } { auto collection = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( collection ) { if ( onlyDeleteUnchecked ) { auto paths = collection->allWellPaths(); for ( auto path : paths ) { if ( path->showWellPath() ) continue; collection->removeWellPath( path ); delete path; } } else { collection->deleteAllWellPaths(); } collection->updateConnectedEditors(); collection->scheduleRedrawAffectedViews(); } } { auto collection = dynamic_cast( item ); if ( collection ) { if ( onlyDeleteUnchecked ) { auto items = collection->allFractures(); for ( auto item : items ) { if ( item->isChecked() ) continue; collection->removeFracture( item ); delete item; } } else { collection->deleteFractures(); } collection->updateConnectedEditors(); RimProject* proj = RimProject::current(); if ( proj ) proj->reloadCompletionTypeResultsInAllViews(); } } } }