///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) Statoil ASA // Copyright (C) Ceetron Solutions AS // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RimReservoirCellResultsStorage.h" #include "RigActiveCellInfo.h" #include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h" #include "RigCell.h" #include "RigEclipseCaseData.h" #include "RigEclipseResultInfo.h" #include "RigMainGrid.h" #include "RimCompletionCellIntersectionCalc.h" #include "RimEclipseCase.h" #include "RimProject.h" #include "RimTools.h" #include "cafProgressInfo.h" #include "cafUtils.h" #include "cvfGeometryTools.h" #include "RifReaderEclipseOutput.h" #include #include #include #include #include CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimReservoirCellResultsStorage, "ReservoirCellResultStorage" ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RimReservoirCellResultsStorage::RimReservoirCellResultsStorage() : m_cellResults( nullptr ) { CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Cacher", "", "", "" ); CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_resultCacheFileName, "ResultCacheFileName", QString(), "UiDummyname", "", "", "" ); m_resultCacheFileName.uiCapability()->setUiHidden( true ); CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_resultCacheMetaData, "ResultCacheEntries", "UiDummyname", "", "", "" ); m_resultCacheMetaData.uiCapability()->setUiTreeHidden( true ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RimReservoirCellResultsStorage::~RimReservoirCellResultsStorage() { m_resultCacheMetaData.deleteAllChildObjects(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// This override populates the metainfo regarding the cell results data in the RigCaseCellResultsData /// object. This metainfo will then be written to the project file when saving, and thus read on project file open. /// This method then writes the actual double arrays to the data file in a simple format: /// MagicNumber, Version, ResultVariables< Array < TimeStep< CellDataArraySize, CellData< /// Array > > > /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RimReservoirCellResultsStorage::setupBeforeSave() { m_resultCacheMetaData.deleteAllChildObjects(); QString newValidCacheFileName = getValidCacheFileName(); // Delete the storage file QFileInfo storageFileInfo( newValidCacheFileName ); if ( storageFileInfo.exists() ) { QDir storageDir = storageFileInfo.dir(); storageDir.remove( storageFileInfo.fileName() ); } if ( !m_cellResults ) return; const std::vector& resAddrs = m_cellResults->existingResults(); bool hasResultsToStore = false; for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < resAddrs.size(); ++rIdx ) { if ( m_cellResults->resultInfo( resAddrs[rIdx] )->needsToBeStored() ) { hasResultsToStore = true; break; } } if ( resAddrs.size() && hasResultsToStore ) { QDir::root().mkpath( getCacheDirectoryPath() ); QFile cacheFile( newValidCacheFileName ); if ( !cacheFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { qWarning() << "Saving project: Can't open the cache file : " + newValidCacheFileName; return; } m_resultCacheFileName = newValidCacheFileName; QDataStream stream( &cacheFile ); stream.setVersion( QDataStream::Qt_4_6 ); stream << (quint32)0xCEECAC4E; // magic number stream << (quint32)1; // Version number. Increment if needing to extend the format in ways that can not be // handled generically by the reader caf::ProgressInfo progInfo( resAddrs.size(), "Saving generated and imported properties" ); for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < resAddrs.size(); ++rIdx ) { // If there is no data, we do not store anything for the current result variable // (Even not the metadata, of cause) size_t timestepCount = m_cellResults->cellScalarResults( resAddrs[rIdx] ).size(); const RigEclipseResultInfo* resInfo = m_cellResults->resultInfo( resAddrs[rIdx] ); if ( timestepCount && resInfo->needsToBeStored() ) { progInfo.setProgressDescription( resInfo->resultName() ); // Create and setup the cache information for this result RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo* cacheEntry = new RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo; m_resultCacheMetaData.push_back( cacheEntry ); cacheEntry->m_resultType = resInfo->resultType(); cacheEntry->m_resultName = resInfo->resultName(); cacheEntry->m_timeStepDates = resInfo->dates(); cacheEntry->m_daysSinceSimulationStart = resInfo->daysSinceSimulationStarts(); // Take note of the file position for fast lookup later cacheEntry->m_filePosition = cacheFile.pos(); // Write all the scalar values for each time step to the stream, // starting with the number of values for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < resInfo->dates().size(); ++tsIdx ) { const std::vector* data = nullptr; if ( tsIdx < timestepCount ) { data = &( m_cellResults->cellScalarResults( resAddrs[rIdx], tsIdx ) ); } if ( data && data->size() ) { stream << ( quint64 )( data->size() ); for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < data->size(); ++cIdx ) { stream << ( *data )[cIdx]; } } else { stream << (quint64)0; } } } progInfo.incrementProgress(); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString RimReservoirCellResultsStorage::getValidCacheFileName() { QString cacheFileName; if ( m_resultCacheFileName().isEmpty() ) { QString newCacheDirPath = getCacheDirectoryPath(); QUuid guid = QUuid::createUuid(); cacheFileName = newCacheDirPath + "/" + guid.toString(); } else { // Make the path correct related to the possibly new project filename QString newCacheDirPath = getCacheDirectoryPath(); QFileInfo oldCacheFile( m_resultCacheFileName() ); cacheFileName = newCacheDirPath + "/" + oldCacheFile.fileName(); } return cacheFileName; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString RimReservoirCellResultsStorage::getCacheDirectoryPath() { QString cacheDirPath = RimTools::getCacheRootDirectoryPathFromProject(); cacheDirPath += "_cache"; return cacheDirPath; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RimReservoirCellResultsStorage::setCellResults( RigCaseCellResultsData* cellResults ) { m_cellResults = cellResults; if ( m_cellResults == nullptr ) return; // Now that we have got the results container, we can finally // Read data from the internal storage and populate it if ( m_resultCacheFileName().isEmpty() ) return; // Get the name of the cache name relative to the current project file position QString newValidCacheFileName = getValidCacheFileName(); // Warn if we thought we were to find some data on the storage file if ( !caf::Utils::fileExists( newValidCacheFileName ) && m_resultCacheMetaData.size() ) { qWarning() << "Reading stored results: Missing the storage file : " + newValidCacheFileName; return; } QFile storageFile( newValidCacheFileName ); if ( !storageFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { qWarning() << "Reading stored results: Can't open the file : " + newValidCacheFileName; return; } QDataStream stream( &storageFile ); stream.setVersion( QDataStream::Qt_4_6 ); quint32 magicNumber = 0; quint32 versionNumber = 0; stream >> magicNumber; if ( magicNumber != 0xCEECAC4E ) { qWarning() << "Reading stored results: The storage file has wrong type "; return; } stream >> versionNumber; if ( versionNumber > 1 ) { qWarning() << "Reading stored results: The storage file has been written by a newer version of ResInsight"; return; } caf::ProgressInfo progress( m_resultCacheMetaData.size(), "Reading internally stored results" ); // Fill the object with data from the storage for ( size_t rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_resultCacheMetaData.size(); ++rIdx ) { RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo* resInfo = m_resultCacheMetaData[rIdx]; RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( resInfo->m_resultType(), resInfo->m_resultName ); m_cellResults->createResultEntry( resAddr, true ); std::vector reportNumbers; // Hack: Using no report step numbers. Not really used except for Flow // Diagnostics... reportNumbers.resize( resInfo->m_timeStepDates().size() ); std::vector timeStepInfos = RigEclipseTimeStepInfo::createTimeStepInfos( resInfo->m_timeStepDates(), reportNumbers, resInfo->m_daysSinceSimulationStart() ); m_cellResults->setTimeStepInfos( resAddr, timeStepInfos ); progress.setProgressDescription( resInfo->m_resultName ); for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < resInfo->m_timeStepDates().size(); ++tsIdx ) { std::vector* data = m_cellResults->modifiableCellScalarResult( resAddr, tsIdx ); quint64 cellCount = 0; stream >> cellCount; data->resize( cellCount, HUGE_VAL ); for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cellCount; ++cIdx ) { stream >> ( *data )[cIdx]; } } progress.incrementProgress(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t RimReservoirCellResultsStorage::storedResultsCount() { return m_resultCacheMetaData.size(); } CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo, "ResultStorageEntryInfo" ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo::RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo() { CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Cache Entry", "", "", "" ); CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_resultType, "ResultType", caf::AppEnum( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::REMOVED ), "ResultType", "", "", "" ); CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_resultName, "ResultName", QString(), "ResultName", "", "", "" ); CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_timeStepDates, "TimeSteps", "TimeSteps", "", "", "" ); CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_daysSinceSimulationStart, "DaysSinceSimulationStart", "DaysSinceSimulationStart", "", "", "" ); CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_filePosition, "FilePositionDataStart", qint64( -1 ), "FilePositionDataStart", "", "", "" ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo::~RimReservoirCellResultsStorageEntryInfo() { }