################################################################ # Qwt Widget Library # Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen # Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 ################################################################ include( qwtconfig.pri ) TEMPLATE = subdirs CONFIG += ordered SUBDIRS = \ src \ textengines \ doc contains(QWT_CONFIG, QwtDesigner ) { SUBDIRS += designer } contains(QWT_CONFIG, QwtExamples ) { SUBDIRS += examples } contains(QWT_CONFIG, QwtPlayground ) { SUBDIRS += playground } qwtspec.files = qwtconfig.pri qwtfunctions.pri qwt.prf qwtspec.path = $${QWT_INSTALL_FEATURES} INSTALLS += qwtspec