///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA // Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RigFemPartGrid.h" #include "RigFemPart.h" #include #include #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RigFemPartGrid::RigFemPartGrid() : m_femPart( nullptr ) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RigFemPartGrid::~RigFemPartGrid() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigFemPartGrid::setFemPart( const RigFemPart* femPart ) { m_femPart = femPart; generateStructGridData(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigFemPartGrid::generateStructGridData() { //[X] 1. Calculate neighbors for each element //[X] record the ones with 3 or fewer neighbors as possible grid corners //[X] 2. Loop over the possible corner cells, //[X] find the one that corresponds to IJK = 000 //[X] by finding the one closest to origo // Does not work //[X] by Determining what surfs correspond to NEG IJK surfaces in that element, // and that none of those faces have a neighbor //[X] 4. Assign IJK = 000 to that element //[X] Store IJK in elm idx array //[X] 5. Loop along POS I surfaces increment I for each element and assign IJK //[X] when at end, go to POS J neighbor, increment J, repeat above. //[X] etc for POS Z //[X] Find max IJK as you go, //[ ] also assert that there are no NEG I/NEG J/NEG Z neighbors when starting on a new row //[ ] (Need to find min, and offset IJK values if there exists such) //[ ] 6. If IJK to elm idx is needed, allocate "grid" with maxI,maxJ,maxZ values //[ ] Loop over elms, assign elmIdx to IJK address in grid int elmIdxForIJK_000 = findElmIdxForIJK000(); CVF_ASSERT( elmIdxForIJK_000 != -1 ); // Debug. When we have run enough tests, remove if ( elmIdxForIJK_000 == -1 ) return; // Find the IJK faces based on the corner cell cvf::Vec3i ijkMainFaceIndices = findMainIJKFaces( elmIdxForIJK_000 ); // assign ijk to cells { m_ijkPrElement.resize( m_femPart->elementCount(), cvf::Vec3i( -1, -1, -1 ) ); int posIFaceIdx = ijkMainFaceIndices[0]; int posJFaceIdx = ijkMainFaceIndices[1]; int posKFaceIdx = ijkMainFaceIndices[2]; m_elementIJKCounts = cvf::Vec3st( 0, 0, 0 ); int elmIdxInK = elmIdxForIJK_000; int kCoord = 0; while ( true ) { int elmIdxInJ = elmIdxInK; cvf::Vec3f startElmInKNormalJ = m_femPart->faceNormal( elmIdxInJ, posJFaceIdx ); cvf::Vec3f startElmInKNormalI = m_femPart->faceNormal( elmIdxInJ, posIFaceIdx ); int jCoord = 0; while ( true ) { int elmIdxInI = elmIdxInJ; cvf::Vec3f startElmInJNormalI = m_femPart->faceNormal( elmIdxInI, posIFaceIdx ); int iCoord = 0; while ( true ) { CVF_ASSERT( elmIdxInI >= 0 && size_t( elmIdxInI ) < m_ijkPrElement.size() ); // Assign ijk coordinate m_ijkPrElement[elmIdxInI] = cvf::Vec3i( iCoord, jCoord, kCoord ); ++iCoord; // Find neighbor and exit if at end int neighborElmIdx = m_femPart->elementNeighbor( elmIdxInI, posIFaceIdx ); if ( neighborElmIdx == -1 ) break; // Find the continuing face in the neighbor element (opposite of the neighbor face) int neighborNegFaceIdx = m_femPart->neighborFace( elmIdxInI, posIFaceIdx ); RigElementType eType = m_femPart->elementType( neighborElmIdx ); posIFaceIdx = RigFemTypes::oppositeFace( eType, neighborNegFaceIdx ); // Step to neighbor elmIdxInI = neighborElmIdx; } // Scoped to show that nothing bleeds further to K-loop { if ( iCoord > static_cast( m_elementIJKCounts[0] ) ) m_elementIJKCounts[0] = iCoord; ++jCoord; // Find neighbor and exit if at end int neighborElmIdx = m_femPart->elementNeighbor( elmIdxInJ, posJFaceIdx ); if ( neighborElmIdx == -1 ) break; // Find the continuing face in the neighbor element (opposite of the neighbor face) int neighborNegFaceIdx = m_femPart->neighborFace( elmIdxInJ, posJFaceIdx ); RigElementType eType = m_femPart->elementType( neighborElmIdx ); posJFaceIdx = RigFemTypes::oppositeFace( eType, neighborNegFaceIdx ); // Now where is posIFace of the new J cell ? posIFaceIdx = perpendicularFaceInDirection( startElmInJNormalI, neighborNegFaceIdx, neighborElmIdx ); // Step to neighbor elmIdxInJ = neighborElmIdx; } } { if ( jCoord > static_cast( m_elementIJKCounts[1] ) ) m_elementIJKCounts[1] = jCoord; ++kCoord; // Find neighbor and exit if at end int neighborElmIdx = m_femPart->elementNeighbor( elmIdxInK, posKFaceIdx ); if ( neighborElmIdx == -1 ) break; // Find the continuing face in the neighbor element (opposite of the neighbor face) int neighborNegFaceIdx = m_femPart->neighborFace( elmIdxInK, posKFaceIdx ); RigElementType eType = m_femPart->elementType( neighborElmIdx ); posKFaceIdx = RigFemTypes::oppositeFace( eType, neighborNegFaceIdx ); // Now where is posJFace of the new K cell ? posJFaceIdx = perpendicularFaceInDirection( startElmInKNormalJ, neighborNegFaceIdx, neighborElmIdx ); posIFaceIdx = perpendicularFaceInDirection( startElmInKNormalI, neighborNegFaceIdx, neighborElmIdx ); // Step to neighbor elmIdxInK = neighborElmIdx; } } if ( kCoord > static_cast( m_elementIJKCounts[2] ) ) m_elementIJKCounts[2] = kCoord; } m_elmIdxPrIJK.resize( m_elementIJKCounts[0], m_elementIJKCounts[1], m_elementIJKCounts[2] ); for ( int elmIdx = 0; elmIdx < m_femPart->elementCount(); ++elmIdx ) { size_t i, j, k; bool validIndex = ijkFromCellIndex( elmIdx, &i, &j, &k ); if ( validIndex ) { m_elmIdxPrIJK.at( i, j, k ) = elmIdx; } } // IJK bounding box m_reservoirIJKBoundingBox.first = cvf::Vec3st( INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX ); m_reservoirIJKBoundingBox.second = cvf::Vec3st( 0, 0, 0 ); cvf::Vec3st& min = m_reservoirIJKBoundingBox.first; cvf::Vec3st& max = m_reservoirIJKBoundingBox.second; for ( int elmIdx = 0; elmIdx < m_femPart->elementCount(); ++elmIdx ) { RigElementType elementType = m_femPart->elementType( elmIdx ); size_t i, j, k; bool validIndex = ijkFromCellIndex( elmIdx, &i, &j, &k ); if ( elementType == HEX8P && validIndex ) { if ( i < min.x() ) min.x() = i; if ( j < min.y() ) min.y() = j; if ( k < min.z() ) min.z() = k; if ( i > max.x() ) max.x() = i; if ( j > max.y() ) max.y() = j; if ( k > max.z() ) max.z() = k; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int RigFemPartGrid::findElmIdxForIJK000() { const std::vector& possibleGridCorners = m_femPart->possibleGridCornerElements(); size_t possibleCornerCount = possibleGridCorners.size(); for ( size_t pcIdx = 0; pcIdx < possibleCornerCount; ++pcIdx ) { int elmIdx = possibleGridCorners[pcIdx]; cvf::Vec3i ijkMainFaceIndices = findMainIJKFaces( elmIdx ); if ( m_femPart->elementNeighbor( elmIdx, ijkMainFaceIndices[0] ) != -1 && m_femPart->elementNeighbor( elmIdx, ijkMainFaceIndices[1] ) != -1 && m_femPart->elementNeighbor( elmIdx, ijkMainFaceIndices[2] ) != -1 ) { return elmIdx; } } return -1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3i RigFemPartGrid::findMainIJKFaces( int elementIndex ) const { cvf::Vec3i ijkMainFaceIndices = cvf::Vec3i( -1, -1, -1 ); RigElementType eType = m_femPart->elementType( elementIndex ); int faceCount = RigFemTypes::elementFaceCount( eType ); std::vector normals( faceCount ); for ( int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < faceCount; ++faceIdx ) { normals[faceIdx] = m_femPart->faceNormal( elementIndex, faceIdx ); } // Record three independent main direction vectors for the element, and what face they are created from cvf::Vec3f mainElmDirections[3]; int mainElmDirOriginFaces[3]; if ( eType == HEX8 || eType == HEX8P ) { mainElmDirections[0] = normals[0] - normals[1]; // To get a better "average" direction vector mainElmDirections[1] = normals[2] - normals[3]; mainElmDirections[2] = normals[4] - normals[5]; mainElmDirOriginFaces[0] = 0; mainElmDirOriginFaces[1] = 2; mainElmDirOriginFaces[2] = 4; } else { mainElmDirections[0] = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO; mainElmDirections[1] = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO; mainElmDirections[2] = cvf::Vec3f::ZERO; CVF_ASSERT( false ); } mainElmDirections[0].normalize(); mainElmDirections[1].normalize(); mainElmDirections[2].normalize(); // Match the element main directions with best XYZ match (IJK respectively) // Find the mainElmDirection with the largest component starting with Z // and use that for the corresponding IJK direction. // Find the Z (for K) first. Then select among the other two the Y (for J), // and select the remaining for I int mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[3] = {-1, -1, -1}; for ( int cIdx = 2; cIdx >= 0; --cIdx ) // Check Z first as it is more important { double maxAbsComp = -1.0; int usedDir1 = -1; int usedDir2 = -1; for ( int dIdx = 0; dIdx < 3; ++dIdx ) { if ( dIdx == usedDir1 || dIdx == usedDir2 ) continue; float absComp = fabs( mainElmDirections[dIdx][cIdx] ); if ( absComp > maxAbsComp ) { maxAbsComp = absComp; mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[cIdx] = dIdx; } } if ( usedDir1 == -1 ) usedDir1 = mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[cIdx]; else usedDir2 = mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[cIdx]; } // Assign the correct face based on the main direction ijkMainFaceIndices[0] = ( mainElmDirections[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[0]] * cvf::Vec3f::X_AXIS > 0 ) ? mainElmDirOriginFaces[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[0]] : RigFemTypes::oppositeFace( eType, mainElmDirOriginFaces[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[0]] ); ijkMainFaceIndices[1] = ( mainElmDirections[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[1]] * cvf::Vec3f::Y_AXIS > 0 ) ? mainElmDirOriginFaces[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[1]] : RigFemTypes::oppositeFace( eType, mainElmDirOriginFaces[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[1]] ); ijkMainFaceIndices[2] = ( mainElmDirections[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[2]] * -cvf::Vec3f::Z_AXIS > 0 ) ? mainElmDirOriginFaces[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[2]] : RigFemTypes::oppositeFace( eType, mainElmDirOriginFaces[mainElmDirectionIdxForIJK[2]] ); return ijkMainFaceIndices; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::pair RigFemPartGrid::reservoirIJKBoundingBox() const { return m_reservoirIJKBoundingBox; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Find the face that is not perpFaceIdx or its opposite, and has normal closest to direction //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int RigFemPartGrid::perpendicularFaceInDirection( cvf::Vec3f direction, int perpFaceIdx, int elmIdx ) { RigElementType eType = m_femPart->elementType( elmIdx ); int faceCount = RigFemTypes::elementFaceCount( eType ); int oppFace = RigFemTypes::oppositeFace( eType, perpFaceIdx ); double minDiffSqLength = HUGE_VAL; cvf::Vec3f faceNormal; direction.normalize(); int bestFace = -1; for ( int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < faceCount; ++faceIdx ) { if ( faceIdx == perpFaceIdx || faceIdx == oppFace ) continue; faceNormal = m_femPart->faceNormal( elmIdx, faceIdx ); faceNormal.normalize(); float diffSqLength = ( direction - faceNormal ).lengthSquared(); if ( diffSqLength < minDiffSqLength ) { bestFace = faceIdx; minDiffSqLength = diffSqLength; } } return bestFace; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t RigFemPartGrid::gridPointCountI() const { return m_elementIJKCounts[0] + 1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t RigFemPartGrid::gridPointCountJ() const { return m_elementIJKCounts[1] + 1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t RigFemPartGrid::gridPointCountK() const { return m_elementIJKCounts[2] + 1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RigFemPartGrid::isCellValid( size_t i, size_t j, size_t k ) const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3d RigFemPartGrid::minCoordinate() const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); return cvf::Vec3d::ZERO; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3d RigFemPartGrid::maxCoordinate() const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); return cvf::Vec3d::ZERO; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RigFemPartGrid::cellIJKNeighbor( size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, FaceType face, size_t* neighborCellIndex ) const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t RigFemPartGrid::cellIndexFromIJK( size_t i, size_t j, size_t k ) const { return m_elmIdxPrIJK.at( i, j, k ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RigFemPartGrid::ijkFromCellIndex( size_t cellIndex, size_t* i, size_t* j, size_t* k ) const { if ( cellIndex < m_ijkPrElement.size() ) { int signed_i = m_ijkPrElement[cellIndex][0]; int signed_j = m_ijkPrElement[cellIndex][1]; int signed_k = m_ijkPrElement[cellIndex][2]; if ( signed_i >= 0 && signed_j >= 0 && signed_k >= 0 ) { *i = signed_i; *j = signed_j; *k = signed_k; return true; } } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RigFemPartGrid::cellIJKFromCoordinate( const cvf::Vec3d& coord, size_t* i, size_t* j, size_t* k ) const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigFemPartGrid::cellCornerVertices( size_t cellIndex, cvf::Vec3d vertices[8] ) const { const std::vector& nodeCoords = m_femPart->nodes().coordinates; const int* cornerIndices = m_femPart->connectivities( cellIndex ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { vertices[i] = cvf::Vec3d( nodeCoords[cornerIndices[i]] ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3d RigFemPartGrid::cellCentroid( size_t cellIndex ) const { std::array cellVertices; this->cellCornerVertices( cellIndex, cellVertices.data() ); cvf::Vec3d centroid( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); for ( int i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { centroid += cellVertices[i]; } return centroid / 8.0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigFemPartGrid::cellMinMaxCordinates( size_t cellIndex, cvf::Vec3d* minCoordinate, cvf::Vec3d* maxCoordinate ) const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t RigFemPartGrid::gridPointIndexFromIJK( size_t i, size_t j, size_t k ) const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); return cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3d RigFemPartGrid::gridPointCoordinate( size_t i, size_t j, size_t k ) const { CVF_ASSERT( false ); return cvf::Vec3d::ZERO; }