//  Copyright (C) 2011-     Statoil ASA
//  Copyright (C) 2013-     Ceetron Solutions AS
//  Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
//  ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
//  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//  See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> 
//  for more details.

#include "RigMainGrid.h"

#include "cvfAssert.h"
#include "RimDefines.h"
#include "RigFault.h"
#include "cvfBoundingBoxTree.h"

    : RigGridBase(this)
    m_displayModelOffset = cvf::Vec3d::ZERO;
    m_gridIndex = 0;
    m_gridId = 0;

    m_flipXAxis = false;
    m_flipYAxis = false;


void RigMainGrid::addLocalGrid(RigLocalGrid* localGrid)
    CVF_ASSERT(localGrid && localGrid->gridId() != cvf::UNDEFINED_INT); // The grid ID must be set.
    CVF_ASSERT(localGrid->gridId() >= 0); // We cant handle negative ID's if they exist.

    localGrid->setGridIndex(m_localGrids.size()); // Maingrid itself has grid index 0

    if (m_gridIdToIndexMapping.size() <= static_cast<size_t>(localGrid->gridId()))
        m_gridIdToIndexMapping.resize(localGrid->gridId() + 1, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T);

    m_gridIdToIndexMapping[localGrid->gridId()] = localGrid->gridIndex();

void RigMainGrid::initAllSubGridsParentGridPointer()
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < m_localGrids.size(); ++i)

void RigMainGrid::initAllSubCellsMainGridCellIndex()
    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < m_localGrids.size(); ++i)

cvf::Vec3d RigMainGrid::displayModelOffset() const
    return m_displayModelOffset;

void RigMainGrid::setDisplayModelOffset(cvf::Vec3d offset)
    m_displayModelOffset = offset;

/// Initialize pointers from grid to parent grid
/// Compute cell ranges for active and valid cells
/// Compute bounding box in world coordinates based on node coordinates
void RigMainGrid::computeCachedData()

/// Returns the grid with index \a localGridIndex. Main Grid itself has index 0. First LGR starts on 1
RigGridBase* RigMainGrid::gridByIndex(size_t localGridIndex)
    if (localGridIndex == 0) return this;
    CVF_ASSERT(localGridIndex - 1 < m_localGrids.size()) ;
    return m_localGrids[localGridIndex-1].p();

/// Returns the grid with index \a localGridIndex. Main Grid itself has index 0. First LGR starts on 1
const RigGridBase* RigMainGrid::gridByIndex(size_t localGridIndex) const
    if (localGridIndex == 0) return this;
    CVF_ASSERT(localGridIndex - 1 < m_localGrids.size()) ;
    return m_localGrids[localGridIndex-1].p();

void RigMainGrid::setFlipAxis(bool flipXAxis, bool flipYAxis)
    bool needFlipX = false;
    bool needFlipY = false;

    if (m_flipXAxis != flipXAxis)
        needFlipX = true;

    if (m_flipYAxis != flipYAxis)
        needFlipY = true;

    if (needFlipX || needFlipY)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_nodes.size(); i++)
            if (needFlipX)
                m_nodes[i].x() *= -1.0;

            if (needFlipY)
                m_nodes[i].y() *= -1.0;

        m_flipXAxis = flipXAxis;
        m_flipYAxis = flipYAxis;

RigGridBase* RigMainGrid::gridById(int localGridId)
    CVF_ASSERT (localGridId >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(localGridId) < m_gridIdToIndexMapping.size());
    return this->gridByIndex(m_gridIdToIndexMapping[localGridId]);

RigNNCData* RigMainGrid::nncData()
    if (m_nncData.isNull()) 
        m_nncData = new RigNNCData;
    return m_nncData.p();

void RigMainGrid::setFaults(const cvf::Collection<RigFault>& faults)
    m_faults = faults;

#pragma omp parallel for 
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(m_faults.size()); i++)

void RigMainGrid::calculateFaults()
    m_faultsPrCellAcc = new RigFaultsPrCellAccumulator(m_cells.size());

    // Spread fault idx'es on the cells from the faults
    for (size_t fIdx = 0 ; fIdx < m_faults.size(); ++fIdx)
        m_faults[fIdx]->accumulateFaultsPrCell(m_faultsPrCellAcc.p(), static_cast<int>(fIdx));

    // Find the geometrical faults that is in addition

    RigFault * unNamedFault = new RigFault;
    int unNamedFaultIdx = static_cast<int>(m_faults.size());

    for (int gcIdx = 0 ; gcIdx < static_cast<int>(m_cells.size()); ++gcIdx)
        if ( m_cells[gcIdx].isInvalid())

        size_t neighborReservoirCellIdx;
        size_t neighborGridCellIdx;
        size_t i, j, k;
        RigGridBase* hostGrid = NULL; 
        bool firstNO_FAULTFaceForCell = true;

        for (char faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < 6; ++faceIdx)
            cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face = cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType(faceIdx);

            if (m_faultsPrCellAcc->faultIdx(gcIdx, face) == RigFaultsPrCellAccumulator::NO_FAULT)
                // Find neighbor cell
                if (firstNO_FAULTFaceForCell) // To avoid doing this for every face, and only when detecting a NO_FAULT
                    hostGrid = m_cells[gcIdx].hostGrid();
                    hostGrid->ijkFromCellIndex(m_cells[gcIdx].gridLocalCellIndex(), &i,&j, &k);
                    firstNO_FAULTFaceForCell = false;

                if(!hostGrid->cellIJKNeighbor(i, j, k, face, &neighborGridCellIdx))

                neighborReservoirCellIdx = hostGrid->reservoirCellIndex(neighborGridCellIdx);
                if (m_cells[neighborReservoirCellIdx].isInvalid())

                double tolerance = 1e-6;

                caf::SizeTArray4 faceIdxs;
                m_cells[gcIdx].faceIndices(face, &faceIdxs);
                caf::SizeTArray4 nbFaceIdxs;
                m_cells[neighborReservoirCellIdx].faceIndices(StructGridInterface::oppositeFace(face), &nbFaceIdxs);

                const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& vxs = m_mainGrid->nodes();

                bool sharedFaceVertices = true;
                if (sharedFaceVertices && vxs[faceIdxs[0]].pointDistance(vxs[nbFaceIdxs[0]]) > tolerance ) sharedFaceVertices = false;
                if (sharedFaceVertices && vxs[faceIdxs[1]].pointDistance(vxs[nbFaceIdxs[3]]) > tolerance ) sharedFaceVertices = false;
                if (sharedFaceVertices && vxs[faceIdxs[2]].pointDistance(vxs[nbFaceIdxs[2]]) > tolerance ) sharedFaceVertices = false;
                if (sharedFaceVertices && vxs[faceIdxs[3]].pointDistance(vxs[nbFaceIdxs[1]]) > tolerance ) sharedFaceVertices = false;

                if (sharedFaceVertices)

                // To avoid doing this calculation for the opposite face

                m_faultsPrCellAcc->setFaultIdx(gcIdx, face, unNamedFaultIdx);
                m_faultsPrCellAcc->setFaultIdx(neighborReservoirCellIdx, StructGridInterface::oppositeFace(face), unNamedFaultIdx);

                // Add as fault face only if the grid index is less than the neighbors

                if (static_cast<size_t>(gcIdx) < neighborReservoirCellIdx)
                        RigFault::FaultFace ff(gcIdx, cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType(faceIdx), neighborReservoirCellIdx);

                    CVF_FAIL_MSG("Found fault with global neighbor index less than the native index. "); // Should never occur. because we flag the opposite face in the faultsPrCellAcc

    if (unNamedFault->faultFaces().size())

    // Distribute nnc's to the faults

    const std::vector<RigConnection>& nncs = this->nncData()->connections();
    for (size_t nncIdx = 0; nncIdx  < nncs.size(); ++nncIdx)
        // Find the fault for each side of the nnc
        const RigConnection& conn = nncs[nncIdx];
        int fIdx1 =  RigFaultsPrCellAccumulator::NO_FAULT;
        int fIdx2 =  RigFaultsPrCellAccumulator::NO_FAULT;

        if (conn.m_c1Face != StructGridInterface::NO_FACE)
            fIdx1 = m_faultsPrCellAcc->faultIdx(conn.m_c1GlobIdx, conn.m_c1Face);
            fIdx2 = m_faultsPrCellAcc->faultIdx(conn.m_c2GlobIdx, StructGridInterface::oppositeFace(conn.m_c1Face));

        if (fIdx1 < 0 && fIdx2 < 0)
            cvf::String lgrString ("Same Grid");
            if (m_cells[conn.m_c1GlobIdx].hostGrid() != m_cells[conn.m_c2GlobIdx].hostGrid() )
                lgrString = "Different Grid";

           //cvf::Trace::show("NNC: No Fault for NNC C1: " + cvf::String((int)conn.m_c1GlobIdx) + " C2: " + cvf::String((int)conn.m_c2GlobIdx) + " Grid: " + lgrString);

        if (fIdx1 >= 0)
            // Add the connection to both, if they are different.

        if (fIdx2 != fIdx1)
            if (fIdx2 >= 0)

/// The cell is normally inverted due to Depth becoming -Z at import, 
/// but if (only) one of the flipX/Y is done, the cell is back to normal
bool RigMainGrid::isFaceNormalsOutwards() const
    for (int gcIdx = 0 ; gcIdx < static_cast<int>(m_cells.size()); ++gcIdx)
        if (!m_cells[gcIdx].isInvalid())
            cvf::Vec3d cellCenter = m_cells[gcIdx].center();
            cvf::Vec3d faceCenter = m_cells[gcIdx].faceCenter(StructGridInterface::POS_I);
            cvf::Vec3d faceNormal = m_cells[gcIdx].faceNormalWithAreaLenght(StructGridInterface::POS_I);

            double typicalIJCellSize =  characteristicIJCellSize();
            double dummy, dummy2, typicalKSize;
            characteristicCellSizes(&dummy, &dummy2, &typicalKSize);

            if (   (faceCenter - cellCenter).length() > 0.2 * typicalIJCellSize
                && (faceNormal.length() > (0.2 * typicalIJCellSize * 0.2* typicalKSize)))
                // Cell is assumed ok to use, so calculate whether the normals are outwards or inwards

                if ((faceCenter - cellCenter) * faceNormal >= 0)
                    return true;
                    return false;

    return false;

const RigFault* RigMainGrid::findFaultFromCellIndexAndCellFace(size_t reservoirCellIndex, cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face) const

    int faultIdx = m_faultsPrCellAcc->faultIdx(reservoirCellIndex, face);
    if (faultIdx !=  RigFaultsPrCellAccumulator::NO_FAULT )
        return m_faults.at(faultIdx);

#if 0
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_faults.size(); i++)
        const RigFault* rigFault = m_faults.at(i);
        const std::vector<RigFault::FaultFace>& faultFaces = rigFault->faultFaces();

        for (size_t fIdx = 0; fIdx < faultFaces.size(); fIdx++)
            if (faultFaces[fIdx].m_nativeReservoirCellIndex == cellIndex)
                if (face == faultFaces[fIdx].m_nativeFace )
                    return rigFault;

            if (faultFaces[fIdx].m_oppositeReservoirCellIndex == cellIndex)
                if (face == cvf::StructGridInterface::oppositeFace(faultFaces[fIdx].m_nativeFace))
                    return rigFault;
    return NULL;

void RigMainGrid::findIntersectingCells(const cvf::BoundingBox& inputBB, std::vector<size_t>* cellIndices) const
    if (m_cellSearchTree.isNull())
        // build tree

        size_t cellCount = m_cells.size();

        std::vector<cvf::BoundingBox> cellBoundingBoxes;

        for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cellCount; ++cIdx)
            const caf::SizeTArray8& cellIndices = m_cells[cIdx].cornerIndices();
            cvf::BoundingBox& cellBB = cellBoundingBoxes[cIdx];

        m_cellSearchTree = new cvf::BoundingBoxTree;
        m_cellSearchTree->buildTreeFromBoundingBoxes(cellBoundingBoxes, NULL);

    m_cellSearchTree->findIntersections(inputBB, cellIndices);