cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8.12 ) # If you are creating Python wrappers for Windows, the actual version requirement is 3.4 project( ERT C CXX ) include(GNUInstallDirs) include(TestBigEndian) if(POLICY CMP0042) cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 OLD) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------- set( ECL_VERSION_MAJOR 2 ) # Remember to update release notes whenever set( ECL_VERSION_MINOR 4 ) # you change the ERT_VERSION_MINOR or MAJOR set( ECL_VERSION_MICRO git ) # with "new in Ert Version X.X.X"! # If the micro version is not integer, that should be interpreted as a # development version leading towards version MAJOR.MINOR.0 execute_process(COMMAND date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ECL_BUILD_TIME ) string(STRIP "${ECL_BUILD_TIME}" ECL_BUILD_TIME) find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_COMMIT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --short HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_COMMIT_SHORT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) else() set( GIT_COMMIT "unknown (git not found!)") set( GIT_COMMIT_SHORT "unknown (git not found!)") message( WARNING "Git not found. Build will not contain git revision info." ) endif() #----------------------------------------------------------------- option( BUILD_TESTS "Should the tests be built" OFF) option( BUILD_APPLICATIONS "Should we build small utility applications" OFF) option( BUILD_ECL_SUMMARY "Build the commandline application ecl_summary" OFF) option( BUILD_PYTHON "Run py_compile on the python wrappers" OFF) option( ENABLE_PYTHON "Build and install the Python wrappers" OFF) option( BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries" ON ) option( ERT_USE_OPENMP "Use OpenMP" OFF ) option( RST_DOC "Build RST documentation" OFF) option( USE_RPATH "Don't strip RPATH from libraries and binaries" OFF) option( INSTALL_ERT_LEGACY "Add ert legacy wrappers" OFF) set(EQUINOR_TESTDATA_ROOT "" CACHE PATH "Root to Equinor internal testdata") if (EXISTS ${EQUINOR_TESTDATA_ROOT}) set( LINK "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test-data/Equinor" ) if (EXISTS ${LINK}) EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove "${LINK}") endif() EXECUTE_PROCESS( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink "${EQUINOR_TESTDATA_ROOT}" "${LINK}") message(STATUS "Linking testdata: ${LINK} -> ${EQUINOR_TESTDATA_ROOT}") set(_equinor_test_data ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test-data/Equinor) set(_eclpath ${_equinor_test_data}/ECLIPSE) set(_geopath ${_equinor_test_data}/Geometry) endif() if (BUILD_PYTHON) set(ENABLE_PYTHON ON) message(WARNING "The option 'BUILD_PYTHON' is deprecated - use ENABLE_PYTHON.") endif() # output libs to some lib/ path for testing set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}) set(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bin) if (USE_RPATH) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) endif () ENABLE_TESTING() if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") message(STATUS "Found Linux") set(ERT_LINUX TRUE ) add_definitions( -DERT_LINUX ) set( ERT_BINARY_POSTFIX .${ERT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ERT_VERSION_MINOR} ) elseif(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") message(STATUS "Found Darwin") set(ERT_LINUX TRUE ) set(ERT_MAC TRUE) add_definitions( -DERT_LINUX ) set( ERT_BINARY_POSTFIX .${ERT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${ERT_VERSION_MINOR} ) elseif (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Windows") message(STATUS "Found Windows") set(ERT_WINDOWS TRUE) add_definitions( -DERT_WINDOWS ) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE AND NOT CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) message(STATUS "Setting build type to 'RelWithDebInfo' as none was specified.") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) # Set the possible values of build type for cmake-gui set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo") endif() # Treat warnings as errors if not on Windows if (NOT ERT_WINDOWS) set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas ") set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wfatal-errors -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-parameter" ) endif() if (MSVC) add_definitions( "/W3 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /wd4996" ) endif() list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules) find_package(CXX11Features) #----------------------------------------------------------------- # create targets for (required and optional) dependencies to link to find_package(OpenMP) if (NOT OPENMP_FOUND) message(STATUS "OpenMP package not found") set(ERT_USE_OPENMP OFF) endif () if (NOT ERT_USE_OPENMP) message(STATUS "OpenMP disabled") endif () # when cmake can be upgraded to >= 3.0, dependencies should be implemented # either via target-providing FindLib.cmake: # ``` # find_package(Threads) # target_link_libraries(lib Threads::Threads) # ``` # # or via INTERFACE libraries: # add_library(m INTERFACE) # find_library(M_LIBRARY NAMES m) # if (M_LIBRARY) # target_link_libraries(m ${M_LIBRARY}) # endif () # target_link_libraries(m ${M_LIBRARY}) # # These targets can then be exported along with targets provided by this # project. Linking against cmake interface targets will handle include # directories better than raw names given to target_link_libraries set(CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD ON) set(THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG ON) find_package(Threads) if (CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT) set(HAVE_PTHREAD TRUE) set(ERT_HAVE_THREAD_POOL ON) set(pthread "${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}") if (THREADS_HAVE_PTHREAD_ARG) set(pthreadarg "-pthread") endif () endif () set(dl "${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}") find_library(M_LIBRARY NAMES m) if(M_LIBRARY) set(m m) endif () find_package(ZLIB) if (ZLIB_FOUND) set(ERT_HAVE_ZLIB ON) set(zlib "${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}") endif () find_library(SHLWAPI_LIBRARY NAMES Shlwapi) if (SHLWAPI_LIBRARY) set(shlwapi ${SHLWAPI_LIBRARY}) endif () #----------------------------------------------------------------- # feature tests include(CheckFunctionExists) include(CheckIncludeFile) include(CheckSymbolExists) include(CheckTypeSize) check_function_exists( access HAVE_POSIX_ACCESS) check_function_exists( _access HAVE_WINDOWS__ACCESS) check_function_exists( chdir HAVE_POSIX_CHDIR ) check_function_exists( _chdir HAVE_WINDOWS_CHDIR ) check_function_exists( chmod HAVE_CHMOD ) check_function_exists( fnmatch HAVE_FNMATCH ) check_function_exists( fork HAVE_FORK ) check_function_exists( fseeko HAVE_FSEEKO ) check_function_exists( fsync HAVE_FSYNC ) check_function_exists( ftruncate HAVE_FTRUNCATE ) check_function_exists( getcwd HAVE_POSIX_GETCWD) check_function_exists( _getcwd HAVE_WINDOWS_GETCWD) check_function_exists( getpwuid HAVE_GETPWUID ) check_function_exists( GetTempPath HAVE_WINDOWS_GET_TEMP_PATH ) check_function_exists( getuid ERT_HAVE_GETUID ) check_function_exists( glob ERT_HAVE_GLOB ) check_function_exists( gmtime_r HAVE_GMTIME_R ) check_function_exists( localtime_r HAVE_LOCALTIME_R ) check_function_exists( lockf ERT_HAVE_LOCKF ) check_function_exists( mkdir HAVE_POSIX_MKDIR) check_function_exists( _mkdir HAVE_WINDOWS_MKDIR) check_function_exists( opendir ERT_HAVE_OPENDIR ) check_function_exists( posix_spawn ERT_HAVE_SPAWN ) check_function_exists( readlinkat ERT_HAVE_READLINKAT ) check_function_exists( realpath HAVE_REALPATH ) check_function_exists( regexec ERT_HAVE_REGEXP ) check_function_exists( round HAVE_ROUND ) check_function_exists( symlink ERT_HAVE_SYMLINK ) check_function_exists( timegm HAVE_TIMEGM ) check_function_exists( usleep HAVE__USLEEP ) check_function_exists( unlink HAVE_POSIX_UNLINK ) check_function_exists( _unlink HAVE_WINDOWS_UNLINK ) check_symbol_exists(_tzname time.h HAVE_WINDOWS_TZNAME) check_symbol_exists( tzname time.h HAVE_TZNAME) check_include_file(execinfo.h HAVE_EXECINFO) check_include_file(getopt.h ERT_HAVE_GETOPT) check_include_file(unistd.h ERT_HAVE_UNISTD) test_big_endian(BIG_ENDIAN) check_type_size(time_t SIZE_OF_TIME_T) if (${SIZE_OF_TIME_T} EQUAL 8) try_run(RUN_RESULT COMPILE_RESULT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_mktime_before1970.c) if (${COMPILE_RESULT}) if (${RUN_RESULT} EQUAL 0) set( ERT_TIME_T_64BIT_ACCEPT_PRE1970 ON ) endif() endif() endif() try_compile( HAVE_VA_COPY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_va_copy.c ) try_compile( HAVE_SIGBUS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_have_sigbus.c ) try_compile( HAVE_PID_T ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_pid_t.c ) try_compile( HAVE_MODE_T ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_mode_t.c ) try_compile( ERT_HAVE_ISFINITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_isfinite.c) if (ERT_HAVE_READLINKAT) try_compile( ERT_HAVE_READLINKAT_DECLARATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_have_readlinkat_decl.c ) endif() set( BUILD_CXX ON ) try_compile( HAVE_CXX_SHARED_PTR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Tests/test_shared_ptr.cpp ) if (NOT HAVE_CXX_SHARED_PTR) set( BUILD_CXX OFF ) endif() if (HAVE_FORK AND HAVE_PTHREAD AND HAVE_EXECINFO AND HAVE_GETPWUID) set( HAVE_UTIL_ABORT_INTERCEPT ON) set( HAVE_BACKTRACE ON) endif() if (ERT_WINDOWS) if (CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set( ERT_WINDOWS_LFS ON ) endif() endif() find_package(Git) if(GIT_FOUND) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_COMMIT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) execute_process( COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} rev-parse --short HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_COMMIT_SHORT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) else() set( GIT_COMMIT "unknown (git not found!)") set( GIT_COMMIT_SHORT "unknown (git not found!)") message( WARNING "Git not found. Build will not contain git revision info." ) endif() if (ERT_WINDOWS) execute_process(COMMAND cmd.exe /c "echo %date% %time%" OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_TIME) else() # Linux or Darwin execute_process(COMMAND date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_TIME) endif() string(STRIP "${BUILD_TIME}" BUILD_TIME) #----------------------------------------------------------------- set(INSTALL_GROUP "" CACHE STRING "Group to install as - blank to install as current group") if (MSVC) add_definitions( -D__func__="\\"????\\"") endif() if (ERT_LINUX) add_definitions( -DHAVE_PROC ) endif() add_subdirectory( external/catch2 ) add_subdirectory( lib ) add_subdirectory( applications ) add_subdirectory( bin ) if (ENABLE_PYTHON AND ERT_WINDOWS) if ((NOT MSVC) OR (MSVC_VERSION LESS 1900)) message(FATAL_ERROR "The Python wrappers require Visual Studio 2015 or newer") endif() endif() if (ENABLE_PYTHON) # If finding the Python interpreter and required packages # fails in the python/CMakeLists.txt file the ENABLE_PYTHON # will be set to OFF. add_subdirectory( python ) endif() if (ENABLE_PYTHON) if (NOT ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) message(FATAL_ERROR "The Python wrappers require shared libraries") endif() endif() if (INSTALL_ERT) install(EXPORT ecl-config DESTINATION share/cmake/ecl) endif() export(TARGETS ecl FILE eclConfig.cmake) export(PACKAGE ecl)