//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RiaConsoleApplication.h" #include "RiaArgumentParser.h" #include "RiaLogging.h" #include "RiaPreferences.h" #include "RiaPreferencesGrid.h" #include "RiaProjectModifier.h" #include "RiaSocketServer.h" #include "RiaVersionInfo.h" #include "RicImportGeneralDataFeature.h" #include "cvfProgramOptions.h" #include "cvfqtUtils.h" #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RiaConsoleApplication* RiaConsoleApplication::instance() { RiaConsoleApplication* currentConsoleApp = dynamic_cast( RiaApplication::instance() ); CAF_ASSERT( currentConsoleApp && "Should never be called from a method that isn't within the Console context" ); return currentConsoleApp; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RiaConsoleApplication::RiaConsoleApplication( int& argc, char** argv ) : QCoreApplication( argc, argv ) , RiaApplication() { installEventFilter( this ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RiaConsoleApplication::~RiaConsoleApplication() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RiaConsoleApplication::initialize() { #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning( push ) // Saves the current warning state. #pragma warning( disable : 4996 ) // Temporarily disables warning 4996. bool isReOpenStdToConsoleNeeded = false; if ( AttachConsole( ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS ) ) { int fileType = GetFileType( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ) ); // FILE_TYPE_CHAR indicates a windows console buffer. // FILE_TYPE_PIPE indicates redirection imposed by the starting shell (eg migw shell) // If we are dealing with a pipe, we do not want to do the reopen, and destroy the connection. if ( fileType == FILE_TYPE_CHAR ) { isReOpenStdToConsoleNeeded = true; } } else if ( AllocConsole() ) { isReOpenStdToConsoleNeeded = true; } if ( isReOpenStdToConsoleNeeded ) { freopen( "conout$", "w", stdout ); freopen( "conout$", "w", stderr ); freopen( "conin$", "r", stdin ); } #pragma warning( pop ) #endif RiaApplication::initialize(); auto logger = std::make_unique(); logger->setLevel( int( RiaLogging::logLevelBasedOnPreferences() ) ); RiaLogging::appendLoggerInstance( std::move( logger ) ); m_socketServer = new RiaSocketServer( this ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus RiaConsoleApplication::handleArguments( gsl::not_null progOpt ) { // Handling of the actual command line options // -------------------------------------------------------- if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "ignoreArgs" ) ) { return ApplicationStatus::KEEP_GOING; } if ( progOpt->option( "help" ) || progOpt->option( "?" ) ) { showFormattedTextInMessageBoxOrConsole( "\nThe current command line options in ResInsight are:\n" + commandLineParameterHelp() ); return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED; } if ( progOpt->option( "version" ) ) { QString text = QString( STRPRODUCTVER ) + "\n"; text += "SHA " + QString( RESINSIGHT_GIT_HASH ) + "\n"; showFormattedTextInMessageBoxOrConsole( text ); return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED; } // Code generation // ----------------- if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "generate" ) ) { CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 ); QString outputFile = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) ); QString errMsg; if ( !RiaApplication::generateCode( outputFile, &errMsg ) ) { RiaLogging::error( QString( "Error: %1" ).arg( errMsg ) ); return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_WITH_ERROR; } return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED; } if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "startdir" ) ) { CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 ); setStartDir( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) ) ); } if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "egridReader" ) ) { CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 ); std::string readerName = o.value( 0 ).toLower().toStdString(); m_preferences->gridPreferences()->setGridModelReaderOverride( readerName ); } QString projectFileName; if ( progOpt->hasOption( "last" ) ) { projectFileName = preferences()->lastUsedProjectFileName; } if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "project" ) ) { CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 ); projectFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) ); } if ( !projectFileName.isEmpty() ) { cvf::ref projectModifier; RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction projectLoadAction = RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE; if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "replaceCase" ) ) { if ( projectModifier.isNull() ) projectModifier = new RiaProjectModifier; if ( o.valueCount() == 1 ) { // One argument is available, use replace case for first occurrence in the project QString gridFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) ); projectModifier->setReplaceCaseFirstOccurrence( gridFileName ); } else { size_t optionIdx = 0; while ( optionIdx < o.valueCount() ) { const int caseId = o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 ); QString gridFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) ); if ( caseId != -1 && !gridFileName.isEmpty() ) { projectModifier->setReplaceCase( caseId, gridFileName ); } } } } if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "replaceSourceCases" ) ) { if ( projectModifier.isNull() ) projectModifier = new RiaProjectModifier; if ( o.valueCount() == 1 ) { // One argument is available, use replace case for first occurrence in the project std::vector gridFileNames = readFileListFromTextFile( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) ) ); projectModifier->setReplaceSourceCasesFirstOccurrence( gridFileNames ); } else { size_t optionIdx = 0; while ( optionIdx < o.valueCount() ) { const int groupId = o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 ); std::vector gridFileNames = readFileListFromTextFile( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) ) ); if ( groupId != -1 && !gridFileNames.empty() ) { projectModifier->setReplaceSourceCasesById( groupId, gridFileNames ); } } } projectLoadAction = RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_CALCULATE_STATISTICS; } if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "replacePropertiesFolder" ) ) { if ( projectModifier.isNull() ) projectModifier = new RiaProjectModifier; if ( o.valueCount() == 1 ) { QString propertiesFolder = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) ); projectModifier->setReplacePropertiesFolderFirstOccurrence( propertiesFolder ); } else { size_t optionIdx = 0; while ( optionIdx < o.valueCount() ) { const int caseId = o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 ); QString propertiesFolder = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) ); if ( caseId != -1 && !propertiesFolder.isEmpty() ) { projectModifier->setReplacePropertiesFolder( caseId, propertiesFolder ); } } } } loadProject( projectFileName, projectLoadAction, projectModifier.p() ); } if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "case" ) ) { QStringList fileNames = RicImportGeneralDataFeature::fileNamesFromCaseNames( cvfqt::Utils::toQStringList( o.values() ) ); bool createView = true; bool createPlot = true; RicImportGeneralDataFeature::openEclipseFilesFromFileNames( fileNames, createPlot, createView ); } if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "commandFile" ) ) { QString commandFile = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) ); if ( !progOpt->hasOption( "startdir" ) ) { QFileInfo commandFileInfo( commandFile ); QString commandDir = commandFileInfo.absolutePath(); setStartDir( commandDir ); } cvf::Option projectOption = progOpt->option( "commandFileProject" ); cvf::Option caseOption = progOpt->option( "commandFileReplaceCases" ); if ( projectOption && caseOption ) { projectFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( projectOption.value( 0 ) ); std::vector caseIds; std::vector caseListFiles; if ( caseOption.valueCount() == 1 ) { caseListFiles.push_back( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( caseOption.safeValue( 0 ) ) ); } else { size_t optionIdx = 0; while ( optionIdx < caseOption.valueCount() ) { const int caseId = caseOption.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 ); QString caseListFile = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( caseOption.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) ); if ( caseId != -1 && !caseListFile.isEmpty() ) { caseIds.push_back( caseId ); caseListFiles.push_back( caseListFile ); } } } if ( caseIds.empty() && !caseListFiles.empty() ) { QString caseListFile = caseListFiles[0]; std::vector caseFiles = readFileListFromTextFile( caseListFile ); for ( const QString& caseFile : caseFiles ) { RiaProjectModifier projectModifier; projectModifier.setReplaceCaseFirstOccurrence( caseFile ); loadProject( projectFileName, RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE, &projectModifier ); executeCommandFile( commandFile ); } } else { CVF_ASSERT( caseIds.size() == caseListFiles.size() ); std::vector> allCaseFiles; size_t maxFiles = 0; for ( size_t i = 0; i < caseIds.size(); ++i ) { std::vector caseFiles = readFileListFromTextFile( caseListFiles[i] ); allCaseFiles.push_back( caseFiles ); maxFiles = std::max( caseFiles.size(), maxFiles ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < caseIds.size(); ++i ) { RiaProjectModifier projectModifier; for ( size_t j = 0; j < maxFiles; ++j ) { if ( allCaseFiles[i].size() > j ) { projectModifier.setReplaceCase( caseIds[i], allCaseFiles[i][j] ); } } loadProject( projectFileName, RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE, &projectModifier ); executeCommandFile( commandFile ); } } } else { executeCommandFile( commandFile ); } return ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED; } return ApplicationStatus::KEEP_GOING; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RiaConsoleApplication::showFormattedTextInMessageBoxOrConsole( const QString& errMsg ) { std::cout << errMsg.toStdString(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RiaConsoleApplication::invokeProcessEvents( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags /*= QEventLoop::AllEvents*/ ) { processEvents( flags ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RiaConsoleApplication::onProjectOpeningError( const QString& errMsg ) { RiaLogging::error( errMsg ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RiaConsoleApplication::onProjectOpened() { loadAndUpdatePlotData(); processEvents(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RiaConsoleApplication::onProjectClosed() { processEvents(); }