#include #include #include #include "riSettings.h" #include "RiaSocketDataTransfer.cpp" // NB! Include cpp-file to avoid linking of additional file in oct-compile configuration void getGridPropertyForSelectedCells(Matrix& propertyFrames, const QString &serverName, quint16 serverPort, const qint64& caseId, QString propertyName, const int32NDArray& requestedTimeSteps, QString porosityModel) { QTcpSocket socket; socket.connectToHost(serverName, serverPort); if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::connectTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } QDataStream socketStream(&socket); socketStream.setVersion(riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion); // Create command as a string with arguments , and send it: QString command; command += "GetGridPropertyForSelectedCells " + QString::number(caseId) + " " + propertyName + " " + porosityModel; for (int i = 0; i < requestedTimeSteps.numel(); ++i) { if (i == 0) command += " "; command += QString::number(static_cast(requestedTimeSteps.elem(i)) - 1); // To make the index 0-based if (i != requestedTimeSteps.numel() - 1) command += " "; } QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1(); socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size()); socket.write(cmdBytes); // Get response. First wait for the header while (socket.bytesAvailable() < (int)(2*sizeof(quint64))) { if (!socket.waitForReadyRead(riOctavePlugin::longTimeOutMilliSecs)) { error((("Waiting for header: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data()); return; } } // Read timestep count and blocksize quint64 timestepCount; quint64 byteCount; size_t selectedCellCount; socketStream >> timestepCount; socketStream >> byteCount; selectedCellCount = byteCount / sizeof(double); propertyFrames.resize(selectedCellCount, timestepCount); if (!(byteCount && timestepCount)) { error ("Could not find the requested data in ResInsight"); return; } quint64 totalByteCount = byteCount * timestepCount; double* internalMatrixData = propertyFrames.fortran_vec(); QStringList errorMessages; if (!RiaSocketDataTransfer::readBlockDataFromSocket(&socket, (char*)(internalMatrixData), totalByteCount, errorMessages)) { for (int i = 0; i < errorMessages.size(); i++) { error(errorMessages[i].toLatin1().data()); } return; } QString tmp = QString("riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells : Read %1").arg(propertyName); if (caseId < 0) { tmp += QString(" from current case."); } else { tmp += QString(" from case with Id: %1.").arg(caseId); } octave_stdout << tmp.toStdString() << " Selected cells cells : " << selectedCellCount << ", Time steps : " << timestepCount << std::endl; return; } DEFUN_DLD (riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells, args, nargout, "Usage:\n" "\n" "Matrix[numSelectedCells][numTimestepsRequested]\n" " riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells([CaseId], PropertyName, [RequestedTimeSteps], [PorosityModel = \"Matrix\"|\"Fracture\"] )\n" "\n" "This function returns a two dimensional matrix: [numSelectedCells][numTimestepsRequested] containing the requested property data from the case with CaseId.\n" "If the CaseId is not defined, ResInsight's Current Case is used.\n" "The RequestedTimeSteps must contain a list of 1-based indices to the requested time steps. If not defined, all the time steps are returned.\n" ) { if (nargout < 1) { error("riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells: Missing output argument.\n"); print_usage(); return octave_value_list (); } int nargin = args.length (); if (nargin < 1) { error("riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells: Too few arguments. The name of the property requested is necessary.\n"); print_usage(); return octave_value_list (); } if (nargin > 4) { error("riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells: Too many arguments.\n"); print_usage(); return octave_value_list (); } std::vector argIndices; argIndices.push_back(0); argIndices.push_back(1); argIndices.push_back(2); argIndices.push_back(3); // Check if we have a CaseId: if (!riOctavePlugin::isOctaveValueNumeric(args(argIndices[0]))) { argIndices[0] = -1; for (size_t aIdx = 1; aIdx < argIndices.size(); ++aIdx) --argIndices[aIdx]; } // Check if we have a Requested TimeSteps if (!(nargin > argIndices[2] && (args(argIndices[2]).is_matrix_type() || riOctavePlugin::isOctaveValueNumeric(args(argIndices[2]))) && !args(argIndices[2]).is_string())) { argIndices[2] = -1; for (size_t aIdx = 3; aIdx < argIndices.size(); ++aIdx) --argIndices[aIdx]; } // Check if we have a PorosityModel int lastArgumentIndex = argIndices[3] ; if (!(nargin > argIndices[3] && args(argIndices[3]).is_string())) { argIndices[3] = -1; for (size_t aIdx = 4; aIdx < argIndices.size(); ++aIdx) --argIndices[aIdx]; } // Check if we have more arguments than we should if (nargin > lastArgumentIndex + 1) { error("riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells: Unexpected argument after the PorosityModel.\n"); print_usage(); return octave_value_list (); } // Setup the argument list Matrix propertyFrames; int caseId = -1; std::string propertyName = "UNDEFINED"; int32NDArray requestedTimeSteps; std::string porosityModel = "Matrix"; if (argIndices[0] >= 0) caseId = args(argIndices[0]).int_value(); if (argIndices[1] >= 0) propertyName = args(argIndices[1]).char_matrix_value().row_as_string(0); if (argIndices[2] >= 0) requestedTimeSteps = args(argIndices[2]).int32_array_value(); if (argIndices[3] >= 0) porosityModel = args(argIndices[3]).string_value(); if (porosityModel != "Matrix" && porosityModel != "Fracture") { error("riGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells: The value for \"PorosityModel\" is unknown. Please use either \"Matrix\" or \"Fracture\"\n"); print_usage(); return octave_value_list (); } getGridPropertyForSelectedCells(propertyFrames, "", 40001, caseId, propertyName.c_str(), requestedTimeSteps, porosityModel.c_str()); return octave_value(propertyFrames); }