//  Copyright (C) 2011-     Statoil ASA
//  Copyright (C) 2013-     Ceetron Solutions AS
//  Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
//  ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
//  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//  See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> 
//  for more details.

#include "RigGridBase.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigCell.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h"

#include "cvfAssert.h"

RigGridBase::RigGridBase(RigMainGrid* mainGrid):
    if (mainGrid == NULL)
        m_gridIndex = 0;
        m_gridId    = 0;
        m_gridIndex = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T;
        m_gridId = cvf::UNDEFINED_INT;


void RigGridBase::setGridName(const std::string& gridName)
    m_gridName = gridName;

std::string RigGridBase::gridName() const
    return m_gridName;

/// Do we need this ?
RigCell& RigGridBase::cell(size_t gridLocalCellIndex)

     CVF_ASSERT(m_indexToStartOfCells + gridLocalCellIndex < m_mainGrid->globalCellArray().size());

     return m_mainGrid->globalCellArray()[m_indexToStartOfCells + gridLocalCellIndex];

const RigCell& RigGridBase::cell(size_t gridLocalCellIndex) const

    return m_mainGrid->globalCellArray()[m_indexToStartOfCells + gridLocalCellIndex];

void RigGridBase::initSubGridParentPointer()
    RigGridBase* grid = this;

    size_t cellIdx;
    for (cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < grid->cellCount(); ++cellIdx)
        RigCell& cell = grid->cell(cellIdx);
        if (cell.subGrid())

/// Find the cell index to the maingrid cell containing this cell, and store it as 
/// m_mainGridCellIndex in each cell.
void RigGridBase::initSubCellsMainGridCellIndex()
    RigGridBase* grid = this;
    if (grid->isMainGrid())
        size_t cellIdx;
        for (cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < grid->cellCount(); ++cellIdx)
            RigCell& cell = grid->cell(cellIdx);
        size_t cellIdx;
        for (cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < grid->cellCount(); ++cellIdx)
            RigLocalGrid* localGrid = static_cast<RigLocalGrid*>(grid);
            RigGridBase* parentGrid = localGrid->parentGrid();

            RigCell& cell = localGrid->cell(cellIdx);
            size_t parentCellIndex = cell.parentCellIndex();

            while (!parentGrid->isMainGrid())
                const RigCell& parentCell = parentGrid->cell(parentCellIndex);
                parentCellIndex = parentCell.parentCellIndex();

                localGrid = static_cast<RigLocalGrid*>(parentGrid);
                parentGrid = localGrid->parentGrid();


/// For main grid, this will work with reservoirCellIndices retreiving the correct lgr cells as well.
/// the cell() call retreives correct cell, because main grid has offset of 0, and we access the global 
/// cell array in main grid.
void RigGridBase::cellCornerVertices(size_t cellIndex, cvf::Vec3d vertices[8]) const
    const caf::SizeTArray8& indices = cell(cellIndex).cornerIndices();

size_t RigGridBase::cellIndexFromIJK(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const
    CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(i < m_gridPointDimensions.x() && j < m_gridPointDimensions.y() && k < m_gridPointDimensions.z()  );

    size_t ci = i + j*(m_gridPointDimensions.x() - 1) + k*((m_gridPointDimensions.x() - 1)*(m_gridPointDimensions.y() - 1));
    return ci;

void RigGridBase::cellMinMaxCordinates(size_t cellIndex, cvf::Vec3d* minCoordinate, cvf::Vec3d* maxCoordinate) const

bool RigGridBase::ijkFromCellIndex(size_t cellIndex, size_t* i, size_t* j, size_t* k) const
    CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT(cellIndex < cellCount());

    size_t index = cellIndex;

    if (cellCountI() <= 0 || cellCountJ() <= 0)
        return false;

    *k      = index/(cellCountI()*cellCountJ());
    index   -= (*k)*(cellCountI()*cellCountJ());
    *j      = index/cellCountI();
    index   -= (*j)*cellCountI();
    *i      = index;

    return true;

size_t RigGridBase::gridPointIndexFromIJK(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const
    return 0;

bool RigGridBase::cellIJKFromCoordinate(const cvf::Vec3d& coord, size_t* i, size_t* j, size_t* k) const
    return false;

cvf::Vec3d RigGridBase::gridPointCoordinate(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const
    cvf::Vec3d pos;

    return pos;

cvf::Vec3d RigGridBase::minCoordinate() const
    cvf::Vec3d v;

    return v;

size_t RigGridBase::gridPointCountI() const
    return m_gridPointDimensions.x();

size_t RigGridBase::gridPointCountJ() const
    return m_gridPointDimensions.y();

size_t RigGridBase::gridPointCountK() const
    return m_gridPointDimensions.z();

cvf::Vec3d RigGridBase::cellCentroid(size_t cellIndex) const
    cvf::Vec3d v;

    return v;

cvf::Vec3d RigGridBase::maxCoordinate() const
    cvf::Vec3d v;

    return v;

bool RigGridBase::isCellValid(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const
    if (i >= cellCountI() || j >= cellCountJ() || k >= cellCountK())
        return false;

    size_t idx = cellIndexFromIJK(i, j, k);
    const RigCell& c = cell(idx);
    return !c.isInvalid();

bool RigGridBase::cellIJKNeighbor(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, FaceType face, size_t* neighborCellIndex) const
    size_t ni, nj, nk;
    neighborIJKAtCellFace(i, j, k, face, &ni, &nj, &nk);

    if (!isCellValid(ni, nj, nk))
        return false;

    if (neighborCellIndex)
        *neighborCellIndex = cellIndexFromIJK(ni, nj, nk);

    return true;

bool RigGridBase::isMainGrid() const
    return this == m_mainGrid;

/// Models with large absolute values for coordinate scalars will often end up with z-fighting due
/// to numerical limits in float used by OpenGL to represent a position. displayModelOffset() is intended
//  to be subtracted from domain model coordinate when building geometry for visualization
//  Vec3d domainModelCoord
//  Vec3d coordForVisualization
cvf::Vec3d RigGridBase::displayModelOffset() const
    return m_mainGrid->displayModelOffset();

/// Returns the min size of the I and J charactristic cell sizes
double RigGridBase::characteristicIJCellSize() const
    double characteristicCellSize = HUGE_VAL;

    double cellSizeI, cellSizeJ, cellSizeK;
    this->characteristicCellSizes(&cellSizeI, &cellSizeJ, &cellSizeK);

    if (cellSizeI < characteristicCellSize) characteristicCellSize = cellSizeI;
    if (cellSizeJ < characteristicCellSize) characteristicCellSize = cellSizeJ;

    return characteristicCellSize;

size_t RigGridBase::reservoirCellIndex(size_t gridLocalCellIndex) const
    return m_indexToStartOfCells + gridLocalCellIndex;

size_t RigGridBase::addCoarseningBox(size_t i1, size_t i2, size_t j1, size_t j2, size_t k1, size_t k2)
    caf::SizeTArray6 box;
    box[0] = i1;
    box[1] = i2;
    box[2] = j1;
    box[3] = j2;
    box[4] = k1;
    box[5] = k2;


    size_t coarseningBoxIndex = m_coarseningBoxInfo.size() - 1;

    for (size_t k = k1; k <= k2; k++)
        for (size_t j = j1; j <= j2; j++)
            for (size_t i = i1; i <= i2; i++)
                size_t cellIdx = this->cellIndexFromIJK(i, j, k);

                RigCell& c = this->cell(cellIdx);
                CVF_ASSERT(c.coarseningBoxIndex() == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T);


    return coarseningBoxIndex;

void RigGridBase::coarseningBox(size_t coarseningBoxIndex, size_t* i1, size_t* i2, size_t* j1, size_t* j2, size_t* k1, size_t* k2) const
    CVF_ASSERT(coarseningBoxIndex < m_coarseningBoxInfo.size());

    CVF_ASSERT(i1 && i2 && j1 && j2 && k1 && k2);

    caf::SizeTArray6 box = m_coarseningBoxInfo[coarseningBoxIndex];
    *i1 = box[0];
    *i2 = box[1];
    *j1 = box[2];
    *j2 = box[3];
    *k1 = box[4];
    *k2 = box[5];

cvf::BoundingBox RigGridBase::boundingBox()
    if (!m_boundingBox.isValid())
        cvf::Vec3d cornerVerts[8];

        for (size_t i = 0; i < cellCount(); i++)
            cellCornerVertices(i, cornerVerts);

            for (size_t j = 0; j < 8; j++)
    return m_boundingBox;

bool RigGridCellFaceVisibilityFilter::isFaceVisible(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face, const cvf::UByteArray* cellVisibility) const

    size_t cellIndex = m_grid->cellIndexFromIJK(i, j, k);
    if (m_grid->cell(cellIndex).subGrid())
        // Do not show any faces in the place where a LGR is present
        return false; 

    size_t ni, nj, nk;
    cvf::StructGridInterface::neighborIJKAtCellFace(i, j, k, face, &ni, &nj, &nk);

    // If the cell is on the edge of the grid, Interpret as having an invisible neighbour
    if (ni >= m_grid->cellCountI() || nj >= m_grid->cellCountJ() || nk >= m_grid->cellCountK())
        return true;
    size_t neighborCellIndex = m_grid->cellIndexFromIJK(ni, nj, nk);

    // Do show the faces in the boarder between this grid and a possible LGR. Some of the LGR cells
    // might not be visible.
    if (m_grid->cell(neighborCellIndex).subGrid())
        return true;

    // Do not show cell geometry if a fault is present to avoid z fighting between surfaces
    // It will always be a better solution to avoid geometry creation instead of part priority and polygon offset
    size_t nativeResvCellIndex = m_grid->reservoirCellIndex(cellIndex);
    const RigFault* fault = m_grid->mainGrid()->findFaultFromCellIndexAndCellFace(nativeResvCellIndex, face);
    if (fault)
        return false;

    // If the neighbour cell is invisible, we need to draw the face
    if ((cellVisibility != NULL) && !(*cellVisibility)[neighborCellIndex])
        return true;

    return false;