//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "RiaStringEncodingTools.h" #include "RiaTestDataDirectory.h" #include "RifActiveCellsReader.h" #include "ert/ecl/ecl_file.hpp" #include "ert/ecl/ecl_grid.hpp" #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST( RifActiveCellsReaderTest, BasicTest10k ) { QDir baseFolder( TEST_MODEL_DIR ); bool subFolderExists = baseFolder.cd( "TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC" ); EXPECT_TRUE( subFolderExists ); ecl_grid_type* mainEclGrid = nullptr; { QString filename( "TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.EGRID" ); QString filePath = baseFolder.absoluteFilePath( filename ); mainEclGrid = ecl_grid_alloc( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( filePath ).data() ); } std::vector> activeCellsFromActnum; std::vector> activeCellsFromPorv; { QString filename( "TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.EGRID" ); QString filePath = baseFolder.absoluteFilePath( filename ); ecl_file_type* gridFile = ecl_file_open( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( filePath ).data(), ECL_FILE_CLOSE_STREAM ); activeCellsFromActnum = RifActiveCellsReader::activeCellsFromActnumKeyword( gridFile ); EXPECT_EQ( (size_t)2, activeCellsFromActnum.size() ); ecl_file_close( gridFile ); } { QString filename( "TEST10K_FLT_LGR_NNC.INIT" ); QString filePath = baseFolder.absoluteFilePath( filename ); ecl_file_type* initFile = ecl_file_open( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( filePath ).data(), ECL_FILE_CLOSE_STREAM ); int cellCountMainGrid = 0; activeCellsFromPorv = RifActiveCellsReader::activeCellsFromPorvKeyword( initFile, false, cellCountMainGrid ); EXPECT_EQ( 2, (int)activeCellsFromPorv.size() ); ecl_file_close( initFile ); } for ( size_t gridIndex = 0; gridIndex < activeCellsFromActnum.size(); gridIndex++ ) { for ( size_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < activeCellsFromActnum[gridIndex].size(); valueIndex++ ) { auto actnumValue = activeCellsFromActnum[gridIndex][valueIndex]; auto porvValue = activeCellsFromPorv[gridIndex][valueIndex]; if ( actnumValue > 0 ) { EXPECT_TRUE( porvValue > 0 ); } else { EXPECT_EQ( 0, porvValue ); } } } std::vector expectedActiveCellCountPerGrid; expectedActiveCellCountPerGrid.push_back( 8517 ); expectedActiveCellCountPerGrid.push_back( 2608 ); for ( int gridIndex = 0; gridIndex < static_cast( activeCellsFromActnum.size() ); gridIndex++ ) { ecl_grid_type* currentGrid = nullptr; if ( gridIndex == 0 ) { currentGrid = mainEclGrid; } else { currentGrid = ecl_grid_iget_lgr( mainEclGrid, gridIndex - 1 ); } auto activeCellsForGrid = activeCellsFromActnum[gridIndex]; if ( ecl_grid_get_global_size( currentGrid ) == static_cast( activeCellsForGrid.size() ) ) { int expectedCellCount = expectedActiveCellCountPerGrid[gridIndex]; EXPECT_EQ( expectedCellCount, ecl_grid_get_nactive( currentGrid ) ); int* actnum_values = activeCellsForGrid.data(); ecl_grid_reset_actnum( currentGrid, actnum_values ); EXPECT_EQ( expectedCellCount, ecl_grid_get_nactive( currentGrid ) ); } } ecl_grid_free( mainEclGrid ); }