# -*- mode: cmake; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; truncate-lines: t; compile-command: "cmake -Wdev" -*- # vim: set filetype=cmake autoindent tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab softtabstop=2 nowrap: # This file sets up five lists: # MAIN_SOURCE_FILES List of compilation units which will be included in # the library. If it isn't on this list, it won't be # part of the library. Please try to keep it sorted to # maintain sanity. # # TEST_SOURCE_FILES List of programs that will be run as unit tests. # # TEST_DATA_FILES Files from the source three that should be made # available in the corresponding location in the build # tree in order to run tests there. # # EXAMPLE_SOURCE_FILES Other programs that will be compiled as part of the # build, but which is not part of the library nor is # run as tests. # # PUBLIC_HEADER_FILES List of public header files that should be # distributed together with the library. The source # files can of course include other files than these; # you should only add to this list if the *user* of # the library needs it. list (APPEND MAIN_SOURCE_FILES opm/flowdiagnostics/CellSet.cpp opm/flowdiagnostics/ConnectionValues.cpp opm/flowdiagnostics/ConnectivityGraph.cpp opm/flowdiagnostics/DerivedQuantities.cpp opm/flowdiagnostics/Solution.cpp opm/flowdiagnostics/Toolbox.cpp opm/flowdiagnostics/TracerTofSolver.cpp opm/utility/graph/tarjan.c opm/utility/graph/AssembledConnections.cpp opm/utility/numeric/RandomVector.cpp ) list (APPEND TEST_SOURCE_FILES tests/test_assembledconnections.cpp tests/test_cellset.cpp tests/test_connectionvalues.cpp tests/test_connectivitygraph.cpp tests/test_derivedquantities.cpp tests/test_flowdiagnosticstool.cpp tests/test_tarjan.cpp ) list (APPEND PUBLIC_HEADER_FILES opm/flowdiagnostics/CellSet.hpp opm/flowdiagnostics/CellSetValues.hpp opm/flowdiagnostics/ConnectionValues.hpp opm/flowdiagnostics/ConnectivityGraph.hpp opm/flowdiagnostics/DerivedQuantities.hpp opm/flowdiagnostics/Solution.hpp opm/flowdiagnostics/Toolbox.hpp opm/flowdiagnostics/TracerTofSolver.hpp opm/utility/graph/AssembledConnections.hpp opm/utility/graph/AssembledConnectionsIteration.hpp opm/utility/numeric/RandomVector.hpp )