///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools.h" #include "RiaLogging.h" #include "RiaStdStringTools.h" #include "RifEclipseUserDataParserTools.h" #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::requiredItemsPerLineForKeyword( const std::string& identifier ) { if ( identifier.size() < 2 ) return {}; char firstLetter = identifier[0]; switch ( firstLetter ) { case 'B': return {3}; // Block triplet case 'C': return {1, 3}; // Well Name and completion triplet case 'G': return {1}; // Group case 'R': return {1}; // Region number case 'S': return {1, 1}; // Well name and segment number case 'W': return {1}; // Well Name } std::string firstTwoLetters = identifier.substr( 0, 2 ); if ( firstTwoLetters == "LB" ) return {1, 3}; // LGR name and block triplet else if ( firstTwoLetters == "LC" ) return {1, 1, 3}; // LGR name, well name and block triplet else if ( firstTwoLetters == "LW" ) return {1, 1}; // LGR name and well name return {}; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector> RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::buildColumnHeaderText( const std::vector& quantityNames, const std::vector>& restOfHeaderRows, std::vector* errorText ) { std::vector> tableHeaderText; std::vector headerLineWordIndices( restOfHeaderRows.size(), 0 ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < quantityNames.size(); i++ ) { std::vector columnHeaderText; auto quantityName = quantityNames[i]; columnHeaderText.push_back( quantityName ); auto itemCountPerLine = RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::requiredItemsPerLineForKeyword( quantityName ); if ( itemCountPerLine.size() > restOfHeaderRows.size() ) { std::string text = "Detected too few header lines"; if ( errorText ) errorText->push_back( text ); return std::vector>(); } for ( size_t lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < itemCountPerLine.size(); lineIdx++ ) { auto line = restOfHeaderRows[lineIdx]; for ( size_t itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < itemCountPerLine[lineIdx]; itemIndex++ ) { size_t wordIndex = headerLineWordIndices[lineIdx]; if ( wordIndex >= line.size() ) { std::string text = "Detected too few items for header line"; if ( errorText ) errorText->push_back( text ); return std::vector>(); } auto word = line[wordIndex]; columnHeaderText.push_back( word ); headerLineWordIndices[lineIdx]++; } } tableHeaderText.push_back( columnHeaderText ); } return tableHeaderText; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::isTime( const std::string& identifier ) { return ( identifier == "TIME" ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::isDate( const std::string& identifier ) { return ( identifier == "DATE" ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::isDays( const std::string& identifier ) { return ( identifier.find( "DAYS" ) != std::string::npos ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::isYears( const std::string& identifier ) { return ( identifier.find( "YEARS" ) != std::string::npos ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::isYearX( const std::string& identifier ) { return ( identifier.find( "YEARX" ) != std::string::npos ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RifEclipseSummaryAddress RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::makeAndFillAddress( const std::string quantityName, const std::vector& columnHeaderText ) { RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SummaryVarCategory category = RifEclipseSummaryAddress::identifyCategory( quantityName ); if ( category == RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_INVALID ) { return RifEclipseSummaryAddress::importedAddress( quantityName ); } int regionNumber = -1; int regionNumber2 = -1; std::string wellGroupName = ""; std::string wellName = ""; int wellSegmentNumber = -1; std::string lgrName = ""; int cellI = -1; int cellJ = -1; int cellK = -1; int aquiferNumber = -1; bool isErrorResult = false; switch ( category ) { case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_FIELD: break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_AQUIFER: { if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 0 ) { aquiferNumber = RiaStdStringTools::toInt( columnHeaderText[0] ); } break; } case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_NETWORK: break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_MISC: break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_REGION: { if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 0 ) { regionNumber = RiaStdStringTools::toInt( columnHeaderText[0] ); } break; } case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_REGION_2_REGION: break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_WELL_GROUP: { if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 0 ) { wellGroupName = columnHeaderText[0]; } break; } case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_WELL: { if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 0 ) { wellName = columnHeaderText[0]; } break; } case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION: { if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 1 ) { wellName = columnHeaderText[0]; RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::extractThreeInts( &cellI, &cellJ, &cellK, columnHeaderText[1] ); } break; } break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_WELL_LGR: if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 1 ) { wellName = columnHeaderText[0]; lgrName = columnHeaderText[1]; } break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_WELL_COMPLETION_LGR: if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 2 ) { wellName = columnHeaderText[0]; lgrName = columnHeaderText[1]; RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::extractThreeInts( &cellI, &cellJ, &cellK, columnHeaderText[2] ); } break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_WELL_SEGMENT: if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 1 ) { wellName = columnHeaderText[0]; wellSegmentNumber = RiaStdStringTools::toInt( columnHeaderText[1] ); } break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_BLOCK: if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 0 ) { RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::extractThreeInts( &cellI, &cellJ, &cellK, columnHeaderText[0] ); } break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_BLOCK_LGR: if ( columnHeaderText.size() > 1 ) { lgrName = columnHeaderText[0]; RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::extractThreeInts( &cellI, &cellJ, &cellK, columnHeaderText[1] ); } break; case RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_CALCULATED: break; default: break; } return RifEclipseSummaryAddress( category, quantityName, regionNumber, regionNumber2, wellGroupName, wellName, wellSegmentNumber, lgrName, cellI, cellJ, cellK, aquiferNumber, isErrorResult ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::isStepType( const std::string& identifier ) { return ( identifier.find( "STEPTYPE" ) != std::string::npos ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size_t RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::computeRequiredHeaderLineCount( const std::vector& words ) { size_t maxHeaderLinesFromKeywords = 0; for ( auto w : words ) { if ( knownKeywordsWithZeroRequiredHeaderLines( w ) ) continue; auto linesForKeyword = RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::requiredItemsPerLineForKeyword( w ).size(); if ( linesForKeyword > maxHeaderLinesFromKeywords ) { maxHeaderLinesFromKeywords = linesForKeyword; } } // Quantity and unit, scaling is optional return 1 + maxHeaderLinesFromKeywords; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::knownKeywordsWithZeroRequiredHeaderLines( const std::string& identifier ) { if ( identifier.find( "DAY" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "MONTH" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "YEAR" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "DATE" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "TIME" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "ELAPSED" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "NEWTON" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "NLINSMIN" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "NLINSMAX" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "MLINEARS" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "MSUMLINS" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "MSUMNEWT" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "TCPU" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "TCPUTS" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "TCPUDAY" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "TELAPLIN" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; if ( identifier.find( "STEPTYPE" ) != std::string::npos ) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RifEclipseUserDataKeywordTools::extractThreeInts( int* cellI, int* cellJ, int* cellK, const std::string& line ) { std::vector words = RiaStdStringTools::splitStringBySpace( line ); if ( words.size() > 2 ) { *cellI = RiaStdStringTools::toInt( words[0] ); *cellJ = RiaStdStringTools::toInt( words[1] ); *cellK = RiaStdStringTools::toInt( words[2] ); } }