ResInsight supports displaying a few types of annotations in 3D views and Contour Map view.
Global annotations may be displayed in all views and are located in the Annotations project tree node right below Grid Models (Global annotations sub tree). Local annotations are associated with a specific view and are located in the Annotations project tree node below the view node (Local annotations sub tree). All annotation types except text annotations are global only. Text annotation may be either global or local.
All global annotations also have a representation in the local Annotation tree node in order to toggle visibilty per view. Those annotations are located in tree nodes starting with Global.
Local annotations sub tree
Global annotations sub tree
There are two ways of creating a new text annotation.
When a text annotation tree node is selected, target markers in each end of the anchor line are displayed. The targets can be clicked and dragged. Clicking the blue part lets the user drag the target vertically (along Z axis). Clicking the magenta part lets the user drag the target in the XY plane.
To create a reach circle annotation, right click Annotations or Reach Circle Annotations tree node in the global annotations sub tree. Then enter values in the property editor.
To create a user defined polyline annotation, right click Annotations or User Defined Polyline Annotations tree node in the global annotations sub tree. The property editor for the newly created annotation is displayed and is in picking points mode. The user may now click on objects in the view to create polyline points. When finished, click Stop Picking Points in the property editor.
When a user defined polyline annotation tree node is selected, the polyline target markers become visible. Those can be dragged around as decribed above.
To import a polyline annotation from file, right click Annotations or Polylines From File tree node in the global annotations sub tree. Then select the file to import and click OK. Imported polyline annotations are not editable.
Local annotations visibility is controlled by the check boxes in the local annotations sub tree only. Global annotations visibility, on the other hand, is controlled by the check boxes in both the global and local annotations sub trees. So in order to display a global annotation in a specific view, both the annotation tree note itself and its representation in the local sub tree must have visibilty enabled.