/* ************************************************************** * C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library * * * * Simple Example 12 * * Author: Arash Partow (1999-2017) * * URL: http://www.partow.net/programming/exprtk/index.html * * * * Copyright notice: * * Free use of the Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library is * * permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the * * most current version of the MIT License. * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT * * * ************************************************************** */ #include #include #include "exprtk.hpp" template void bubble_sort() { typedef exprtk::symbol_table symbol_table_t; typedef exprtk::expression expression_t; typedef exprtk::parser parser_t; std::string bubblesort_program = " var upper_bound := v[]; " " var swapped := false; " " repeat " " swapped := false; " " for (var i := 0; i < upper_bound; i += 1) " " { " " for (var j := i + 1; j < upper_bound; j += 1) " " { " " if (v[i] > v[j]) " " { " " v[i] <=> v[j]; " " swapped := true; " " }; " " }; " " }; " " upper_bound -= 1; " " until (not(swapped) or (upper_bound == 0)); "; T v[] = { T(9.9), T(2.2), T(1.1), T(5.5), T(7.7), T(4.4), T(3.3) }; symbol_table_t symbol_table; symbol_table.add_vector("v",v); expression_t expression; expression.register_symbol_table(symbol_table); parser_t parser; parser.compile(bubblesort_program,expression); expression.value(); } int main() { bubble_sort(); return 0; }