///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2019- Equinor ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RiuDockedQwtPlot.h" #include "RiaApplication.h" #include "RiaPreferences.h" #include "qwt_abstract_legend.h" #include "qwt_text.h" #include #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RiuDockedQwtPlot::RiuDockedQwtPlot( QWidget* parent /*= nullptr*/ ) : QwtPlot( parent ) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RiuDockedQwtPlot::applyFontSizes( bool replot /*= false*/ ) { std::set allAxes = {QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yLeft, QwtPlot::xTop, QwtPlot::yRight}; int fontPointSize = RiaApplication::instance()->preferences()->defaultPlotFontSize() - 1; for ( QwtPlot::Axis axis : allAxes ) { QwtText text = this->axisTitle( axis ); QFont font = text.font(); font.setPixelSize( RiaFontCache::pointSizeToPixelSize( RiaApplication::instance()->preferences()->defaultPlotFontSize() ) ); text.setFont( font ); this->setAxisTitle( axis, text ); QFont valuesFont = this->axisFont( axis ); valuesFont.setPixelSize( font.pixelSize() ); this->setAxisFont( axis, valuesFont ); } if ( legend() ) { auto font = legend()->font(); font.setPointSize( fontPointSize ); legend()->setFont( font ); } QwtText titleText = this->title(); QFont font = titleText.font(); font.setPointSize( fontPointSize + 3 ); titleText.setFont( font ); this->setTitle( titleText ); if ( replot ) { this->replot(); } }