///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2022 Equinor ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RicOpenSummaryPlotEditorFeature.h" #include "RiaSummaryTools.h" #include "RicEditSummaryPlotFeature.h" #include "RicNewSummaryEnsembleCurveSetFeature.h" #include "RicSummaryPlotEditorDialog.h" #include "RicSummaryPlotEditorUi.h" #include "RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl.h" #include "RimCustomObjectiveFunctionCollection.h" #include "RimEnsembleCurveFilter.h" #include "RimEnsembleCurveFilterCollection.h" #include "RimObservedDataCollection.h" #include "RimProject.h" #include "RimRegularLegendConfig.h" #include "RimSummaryCase.h" #include "RimSummaryCaseCollection.h" #include "RimSummaryCaseMainCollection.h" #include "RimSummaryMultiPlot.h" #include "RimSummaryMultiPlotCollection.h" #include "RimSummaryPlot.h" #include "RiuPlotMainWindow.h" #include "cafSelectionManagerTools.h" #include "cvfAssert.h" #include CAF_CMD_SOURCE_INIT( RicOpenSummaryPlotEditorFeature, "RicOpenSummaryPlotEditorFeature" ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RicOpenSummaryPlotEditorFeature::isCommandEnabled() { RimSummaryMultiPlot* multiPlot = nullptr; RimCustomObjectiveFunctionCollection* customObjFuncCollection = nullptr; std::vector selectedCases = caf::selectedObjectsByType(); if ( selectedCases.size() > 0 ) return true; std::vector selectedGroups = caf::selectedObjectsByType(); if ( selectedGroups.size() > 0 ) return true; std::vector selectedPlotCollections = caf::selectedObjectsByType(); if ( selectedPlotCollections.size() > 0 ) return true; caf::PdmObject* selObj = dynamic_cast( caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItem() ); if ( !selObj ) return false; customObjFuncCollection = selObj->firstAncestorOrThisOfType(); auto ensembleFilter = dynamic_cast( selObj ); auto ensembleFilterColl = dynamic_cast( selObj ); auto legendConfig = dynamic_cast( selObj ); auto sumPlot = dynamic_cast( selObj ); if ( ensembleFilter || ensembleFilterColl || legendConfig || customObjFuncCollection || sumPlot ) return false; multiPlot = RiaSummaryTools::parentSummaryMultiPlot( selObj ); if ( multiPlot ) return true; auto summaryCase = dynamic_cast( selObj ); auto summaryCaseColl = dynamic_cast( selObj ); auto obsColl = dynamic_cast( selObj ); if ( summaryCase || summaryCaseColl || obsColl ) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicOpenSummaryPlotEditorFeature::onActionTriggered( bool isChecked ) { RimProject* project = RimProject::current(); CVF_ASSERT( project ); std::vector selectedCases = caf::selectedObjectsByType(); std::vector selectedGroups = caf::selectedObjectsByType(); std::vector sourcesToSelect( selectedCases.begin(), selectedCases.end() ); if ( sourcesToSelect.empty() && selectedGroups.empty() ) { const auto allSingleCases = project->firstSummaryCaseMainCollection()->topLevelSummaryCases(); const auto allGroups = project->summaryGroups(); std::vector allEnsembles; for ( const auto group : allGroups ) if ( group->isEnsemble() ) allEnsembles.push_back( group ); if ( !allSingleCases.empty() ) { sourcesToSelect.push_back( allSingleCases.front() ); } else if ( !allEnsembles.empty() ) { sourcesToSelect.push_back( allEnsembles.front() ); } } // Append grouped cases for ( auto group : selectedGroups ) { if ( group->isEnsemble() ) { sourcesToSelect.push_back( group ); } else { auto groupCases = group->allSummaryCases(); sourcesToSelect.insert( sourcesToSelect.end(), groupCases.begin(), groupCases.end() ); } } auto dialog = RicEditSummaryPlotFeature::curveCreatorDialog( true ); if ( !dialog->isVisible() ) { dialog->show(); } else { dialog->raise(); } RimSummaryMultiPlot* multiPlot = nullptr; if ( auto uiItem = dynamic_cast( caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItem() ) ) { multiPlot = uiItem->firstAncestorOrThisOfType(); } if ( multiPlot ) { if ( multiPlot->summaryPlots().size() > 0 ) { dialog->updateFromSummaryPlot( multiPlot->summaryPlots()[0] ); } else { dialog->updateFromSummaryMultiPlot( multiPlot ); } } else { dialog->updateFromDefaultCases( sourcesToSelect ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicOpenSummaryPlotEditorFeature::setupActionLook( QAction* actionToSetup ) { actionToSetup->setText( "Open Summary Plot Editor" ); actionToSetup->setIcon( QIcon( ":/SummaryPlotLight16x16.png" ) ); applyShortcutWithHintToAction( actionToSetup, QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+E" ) ) ); }