///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA // Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RicExportFaultsFeature.h" #include "RiaApplication.h" #include "RigEclipseCaseData.h" #include "RigFault.h" #include "RigMainGrid.h" #include "RimDefines.h" #include "RimEclipseCase.h" #include "RimFault.h" #include "cafSelectionManager.h" #include "cafUtils.h" #include #include #include CAF_CMD_SOURCE_INIT(RicExportFaultsFeature, "RicExportFaultsFeature"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RicExportFaultsFeature::isCommandEnabled() { std::vector selectedFaults; caf::SelectionManager::instance()->objectsByType(&selectedFaults); return (selectedFaults.size() > 0); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicExportFaultsFeature::onActionTriggered(bool isChecked) { std::vector selectedFaults; caf::SelectionManager::instance()->objectsByType(&selectedFaults); if (selectedFaults.size() == 0) return; RiaApplication* app = RiaApplication::instance(); QString projectFolder = app->currentProjectPath(); QString defaultDir = RiaApplication::instance()->lastUsedDialogDirectoryWithFallback("FAULTS", projectFolder); QString selectedDir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(NULL, tr("Select Directory"), defaultDir); for (RimFault* rimFault : selectedFaults) { RimEclipseCase* eclCase = nullptr; rimFault->firstAncestorOrThisOfType(eclCase); QString caseName; if (eclCase) caseName = eclCase->caseUserDescription(); QString faultName = rimFault->name(); if ( faultName == RimDefines::undefinedGridFaultName() ) faultName = "UNDEF"; if ( faultName == RimDefines::undefinedGridFaultWithInactiveName() ) faultName = "UNDEF_IA"; QString baseFilename = "Fault_" + faultName + "_" + caseName; baseFilename = caf::Utils::makeValidFileBasename(baseFilename); QString completeFilename = selectedDir + "/" + baseFilename + ".grdecl"; RicExportFaultsFeature::saveFault(completeFilename, eclCase->reservoirData()->mainGrid(), rimFault->faultGeometry()->faultFaces(), faultName); } // Remember the path to next time RiaApplication::instance()->setLastUsedDialogDirectory("FAULTS", selectedDir); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicExportFaultsFeature::setupActionLook(QAction* actionToSetup) { actionToSetup->setText("Export Faults ..."); actionToSetup->setIcon(QIcon(":/Save.png")); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RicExportFaultsFeature::saveFault(QString completeFilename, const RigMainGrid* mainGrid, const std::vector& faultFaces, QString faultName) { QFile exportFile(completeFilename); if (!exportFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly) ) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "ResInsight - Export Faults", "Could not open the file :\n" + completeFilename); } QTextStream stream(&exportFile); stream << "FAULTS" << endl; stream << "-- Name I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 Face ( I/J/K )" << endl; // 'NAME' 1 1 1 1 1 2 J / for (const RigFault::FaultFace& fface: faultFaces) { size_t i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2; bool ok = mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndex(fface.m_nativeReservoirCellIndex, &i1, &j1, &k1); if (!ok) continue; ok = mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndex(fface.m_oppositeReservoirCellIndex, &i2, &j2, &k2); QString faceText; switch (fface.m_nativeFace) { case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I: faceText = " I"; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I: faceText = "-I"; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J: faceText = " J"; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J: faceText = "-J"; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K: faceText = " K"; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K: faceText = "-K"; break; } stream << "'" << faultName << "'" << " " << i1 << " " << i2 << " " << j1 << " " << j2 << " " << k1 << " " << k2 << " " << faceText << " / "; stream << endl ; } stream << "/" << endl; }