///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Statoil ASA, Ceetron AS // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RigCell.h" #include "RigMainGrid.h" #include "cvfPlane.h" #include "cvfRay.h" #include static size_t undefinedCornersArray[8] = {cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T, cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RigCell::RigCell() : m_parentCellIndex(cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T), m_mainGridCellIndex(cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T), m_subGrid(NULL), m_hostGrid(NULL), m_isInvalid(false), m_gridLocalCellIndex(cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T), m_coarseningBoxIndex(cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T) { memcpy(m_cornerIndices.data(), undefinedCornersArray, 8*sizeof(size_t)); m_cellFaceFaults[0] = false; m_cellFaceFaults[1] = false; m_cellFaceFaults[2] = false; m_cellFaceFaults[3] = false; m_cellFaceFaults[4] = false; m_cellFaceFaults[5] = false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RigCell::~RigCell() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3d RigCell::center() const { cvf::Vec3d avg(cvf::Vec3d::ZERO); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { avg += m_hostGrid->mainGrid()->nodes()[m_cornerIndices[i]]; } avg /= 8.0; return avg; } bool isNear(const cvf::Vec3d& p1, const cvf::Vec3d& p2, double tolerance) { if ( cvf::Math::abs(p1[0] - p2[0]) < tolerance && cvf::Math::abs(p1[1] - p2[1]) < tolerance && cvf::Math::abs(p1[2] - p2[2]) < tolerance ) { return true; } else { return false; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool RigCell::isLongPyramidCell(double maxHeightFactor, double nodeNearTolerance ) const { cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4]; double squaredMaxHeightFactor = maxHeightFactor*maxHeightFactor; const std::vector& nodes = m_hostGrid->mainGrid()->nodes(); bool isPyramidCell = false; int face; for ( face = 0; face < 6 ; ++face) { cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices(static_cast(face), faceVertexIndices); int zeroLengthEdgeCount = 0; const cvf::Vec3d& c0 = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[0]]]; const cvf::Vec3d& c1 = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[1]]]; const cvf::Vec3d& c2 = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[2]]]; const cvf::Vec3d& c3 = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[3]]]; if (isNear(c0, c1, nodeNearTolerance)) { ++zeroLengthEdgeCount; } if (isNear(c1, c2, nodeNearTolerance)) { ++zeroLengthEdgeCount; } if (isNear(c2, c3, nodeNearTolerance)) { ++zeroLengthEdgeCount; } if (zeroLengthEdgeCount == 3) { return true; // Collapse of a complete face is detected. This is possibly the top of a pyramid // "face" has the index to the collapsed face. We need the size of the opposite face // to compare it with the pyramid "roof" length. cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType oppositeFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I; switch (face) { case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I: oppositeFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J: oppositeFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K: oppositeFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I: oppositeFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J: oppositeFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J; break; case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K: oppositeFace = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K; break; default: CVF_ASSERT(false); break; } cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices(oppositeFace, faceVertexIndices); const cvf::Vec3d& c0opp = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[0]]]; const cvf::Vec3d& c1opp = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[1]]]; const cvf::Vec3d& c2opp = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[2]]]; const cvf::Vec3d& c3opp = nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[3]]]; // Check if any of the opposite face vertexes are also degenerated to the pyramid top int okVertexCount = 0; cvf::Vec3d okVxs[4]; if (!isNear(c0opp, c0, nodeNearTolerance)) { okVxs[okVertexCount] = c0opp; ++okVertexCount; } if (!isNear(c1opp, c0, nodeNearTolerance)) { okVxs[okVertexCount] = c1opp; ++okVertexCount; } if (!isNear(c2opp, c0, nodeNearTolerance)) { okVxs[okVertexCount] = c2opp; ++okVertexCount; } if (!isNear(c3opp, c0, nodeNearTolerance)) { okVxs[okVertexCount] = c3opp; ++okVertexCount; } if (okVertexCount < 2) { return true; } else { // Use the good vertices to calculate a face size that can be compared to the pyramid height: double typicalSquaredEdgeLength = 0; for (int i = 1; i < okVertexCount; ++i) { typicalSquaredEdgeLength += (okVxs[i-1] - okVxs[i]).lengthSquared(); } typicalSquaredEdgeLength /= okVertexCount; double pyramidHeightSquared = (okVxs[0] - c0).lengthSquared(); if (pyramidHeightSquared > squaredMaxHeightFactor*typicalSquaredEdgeLength) { return true; } } } // Check the ratio of the length of opposite edges. // both ratios have to be above threshold to detect a pyramid-ish cell // Only test this if we have all nonzero edge lenghts. else if (zeroLengthEdgeCount == 0) // If the four first faces are ok, the two last must be as well { double e0SquareLenght = (c1 - c0).lengthSquared(); double e2SquareLenght = (c3 - c2).lengthSquared(); if ( e0SquareLenght / e2SquareLenght > squaredMaxHeightFactor || e2SquareLenght / e0SquareLenght > squaredMaxHeightFactor ) { double e1SquareLenght = (c2 - c1).lengthSquared(); double e3SquareLenght = (c0 - c3).lengthSquared(); if ( e1SquareLenght / e3SquareLenght > squaredMaxHeightFactor || e3SquareLenght / e1SquareLenght > squaredMaxHeightFactor ) { return true; } } } } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3d RigCell::faceCenter(cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face) const { cvf::Vec3d avg(cvf::Vec3d::ZERO); cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4]; cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices(face, faceVertexIndices); const std::vector& nodeCoords = m_hostGrid->mainGrid()->nodes(); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { avg += nodeCoords[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[i]]]; } avg /= 4.0; return avg; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Returns an area vector for the cell face. The direction is the face normal, and the length is /// equal to the face area (projected to the plane represented by the diagonal in case of warp) /// The components of this area vector are equal to the area of the face projection onto /// the corresponding plane. /// See http://geomalgorithms.com/a01-_area.html //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cvf::Vec3d RigCell::faceNormalWithAreaLenght(cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face) const { cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4]; cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices(face, faceVertexIndices); const std::vector& nodeCoords = m_hostGrid->mainGrid()->nodes(); return 0.5*( nodeCoords[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[2]]] - nodeCoords[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[0]]]) ^ ( nodeCoords[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[3]]] - nodeCoords[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[1]]]); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Find the intersection between the cell and the ray. The point closest to the ray origin is returned /// in \a intersectionPoint, while the return value is the total number of intersections with the 24 triangles /// the cell is interpreted as. /// If no intersection is found, the intersection point is untouched. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int RigCell::firstIntersectionPoint(const cvf::Ray& ray, cvf::Vec3d* intersectionPoint) const { CVF_ASSERT(intersectionPoint != NULL); cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4]; int face; const std::vector& nodes = m_hostGrid->mainGrid()->nodes(); cvf::Vec3d firstIntersection(cvf::Vec3d::ZERO); double minLsq = HUGE_VAL; int intersectionCount = 0; for (face = 0; face < 6 ; ++face) { cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices(static_cast(face), faceVertexIndices); cvf::Vec3d intersection; cvf::Vec3d faceCenter = this->faceCenter(static_cast(face)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { size_t next = i < 3 ? i+1 : 0; if ( ray.triangleIntersect( nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[i]]], nodes[m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[next]]], faceCenter, &intersection)) { intersectionCount++; double lsq = (intersection - ray.origin() ).lengthSquared(); if (lsq < minLsq) { firstIntersection = intersection; minLsq = lsq; } } } } if (intersectionCount > 0) { *intersectionPoint = firstIntersection; } return intersectionCount; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigCell::faceIndices(cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType face, caf::SizeTArray4* indices) const { cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4]; cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices(face, faceVertexIndices); (*indices)[0] = m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[0]]; (*indices)[1] = m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[1]]; (*indices)[2] = m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[2]]; (*indices)[3] = m_cornerIndices[faceVertexIndices[3]]; }