///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) Statoil ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RifEclipseSummaryTools.h" #include "RiaFilePathTools.h" #include "RiaStringEncodingTools.h" #include "RiaSummaryCurveAnalyzer.h" #include "RifSummaryReaderInterface.h" #include "cafAppEnum.h" #include "ert/ecl/ecl_file.h" #include "ert/ecl/ecl_kw.h" #include "ert/ecl/ecl_kw_magic.h" #include "ert/ecl/ecl_sum.h" #include "ert/ecl/ecl_util.h" #include "ert/ecl/smspec_node.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RifEclipseSummaryTools::findSummaryHeaderFile( const QString& inputFile, QString* headerFile, bool* isFormatted ) { findSummaryHeaderFileInfo( inputFile, headerFile, nullptr, nullptr, isFormatted ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RifEclipseSummaryTools::findSummaryFiles( const QString& inputFile, QString* headerFile, QStringList* dataFiles ) { dataFiles->clear(); headerFile->clear(); char* myPath = nullptr; char* myBase = nullptr; char* myExtension = nullptr; util_alloc_file_components( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( inputFile ).data(), &myPath, &myBase, &myExtension ); QString path; if ( myPath ) path = RiaStringEncodingTools::fromNativeEncoded( myPath ); QString base; if ( myBase ) base = RiaStringEncodingTools::fromNativeEncoded( myBase ); std::string extension; if ( myExtension ) extension = myExtension; free( myExtension ); free( myBase ); free( myPath ); if ( path.isEmpty() || base.isEmpty() ) return; char* myHeaderFile = nullptr; stringlist_type* summary_file_list = stringlist_alloc_new(); ecl_util_alloc_summary_files( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( path ).data(), RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( base ).data(), extension.data(), &myHeaderFile, summary_file_list ); if ( myHeaderFile ) { ( *headerFile ) = RiaStringEncodingTools::fromNativeEncoded( myHeaderFile ); free( myHeaderFile ); } if ( stringlist_get_size( summary_file_list ) > 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < stringlist_get_size( summary_file_list ); i++ ) { dataFiles->push_back( RiaStringEncodingTools::fromNativeEncoded( stringlist_iget( summary_file_list, i ) ) ); } } stringlist_free( summary_file_list ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString RifEclipseSummaryTools::findGridCaseFileFromSummaryHeaderFile( const QString& summaryHeaderFile ) { char* myPath = nullptr; char* myBase = nullptr; util_alloc_file_components( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( QDir::toNativeSeparators( summaryHeaderFile ) ).data(), &myPath, &myBase, nullptr ); char* caseFile = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename( myPath, myBase, ECL_EGRID_FILE, true, -1 ); if ( !caseFile ) { caseFile = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename( myPath, myBase, ECL_EGRID_FILE, false, -1 ); } QString gridCaseFile; if ( caseFile ) gridCaseFile = caseFile; free( caseFile ); free( myBase ); free( myPath ); return RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( gridCaseFile ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RifEclipseSummaryTools::dumpMetaData( RifSummaryReaderInterface* readerEclipseSummary ) { const std::set& addresses = readerEclipseSummary->allResultAddresses(); for ( int category = 0; category < RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SUMMARY_BLOCK_LGR; category++ ) { RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SummaryVarCategory categoryEnum = RifEclipseSummaryAddress::SummaryVarCategory( category ); std::vector catAddresses = RiaSummaryCurveAnalyzer::addressesForCategory( addresses, categoryEnum ); if ( !catAddresses.empty() ) { std::cout << caf::AppEnum::uiText( categoryEnum ).toStdString() << " count : " << catAddresses.size() << std::endl; for ( const auto& catAddresse : catAddresses ) { std::cout << catAddresse.quantityName() << " " << catAddresse.regionNumber() << " " << catAddresse.regionNumber2() << " " << catAddresse.wellGroupName() << " " << catAddresse.wellName() << " " << catAddresse.wellSegmentNumber() << " " << catAddresse.lgrName() << " " << catAddresse.cellI() << " " << catAddresse.cellJ() << " " << catAddresse.cellK() << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector RifEclipseSummaryTools::getRestartFiles( const QString& headerFileName, std::vector& warnings ) { std::vector restartFiles; std::set restartFilesOpened; RifRestartFileInfo currFile; currFile.fileName = headerFileName; while ( !currFile.fileName.isEmpty() ) { // Due to a weakness in libecl regarding restart summary header file selection, // do some extra checking { QString formattedHeaderExtension = ".FSMSPEC"; QString nonformattedHeaderExtension = ".SMSPEC"; QString formattedDataFileExtension = ".FUNSMRY"; if ( currFile.fileName.endsWith( nonformattedHeaderExtension, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) { QString formattedHeaderFile = currFile.fileName; formattedHeaderFile.replace( nonformattedHeaderExtension, formattedHeaderExtension, Qt::CaseInsensitive ); QString formattedDateFile = currFile.fileName; formattedDateFile.replace( nonformattedHeaderExtension, formattedDataFileExtension, Qt::CaseInsensitive ); QFileInfo nonformattedHeaderFileInfo = QFileInfo( currFile.fileName ); QFileInfo formattedHeaderFileInfo = QFileInfo( formattedHeaderFile ); QFileInfo formattedDateFileInfo = QFileInfo( formattedDateFile ); if ( formattedHeaderFileInfo.lastModified() < nonformattedHeaderFileInfo.lastModified() && formattedHeaderFileInfo.exists() && !formattedDateFileInfo.exists() ) { warnings.push_back( QString( "RifReaderEclipseSummary: Formatted summary header file without an\n" ) + QString( "associated data file detected.\n" ) + QString( "This may cause a failure reading summary origin data.\n" ) + QString( "To avoid this problem, please delete or rename the.FSMSPEC file." ) ); break; } } QString prevFile = currFile.fileName; currFile = getRestartFile( currFile.fileName ); // Fix to stop potential infinite loop if ( currFile.fileName == prevFile ) { warnings.push_back( "RifReaderEclipseSummary: Restart file reference loop detected" ); break; } if ( restartFilesOpened.count( currFile.fileName ) != 0u ) { warnings.push_back( "RifReaderEclipseSummary: Same restart file being opened multiple times" ); } restartFilesOpened.insert( currFile.fileName ); } if ( !currFile.fileName.isEmpty() ) restartFiles.push_back( currFile ); } return restartFiles; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RifRestartFileInfo RifEclipseSummaryTools::getFileInfo( const QString& headerFileName ) { RifRestartFileInfo fileInfo; ecl_sum_type* ecl_sum = openEclSum( headerFileName, false ); std::vector timeSteps = getTimeSteps( ecl_sum ); if ( !timeSteps.empty() ) { fileInfo.fileName = headerFileName; fileInfo.startDate = timeSteps.front(); fileInfo.endDate = timeSteps.back(); } closeEclSum( ecl_sum ); return fileInfo; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RifEclipseSummaryTools::findSummaryHeaderFileInfo( const QString& inputFile, QString* headerFile, QString* path, QString* base, bool* isFormatted ) { char* myPath = nullptr; char* myBase = nullptr; bool formattedFile = true; util_alloc_file_components( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( QDir::toNativeSeparators( inputFile ) ).data(), &myPath, &myBase, nullptr ); char* myHeaderFile = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename( myPath, myBase, ECL_SUMMARY_HEADER_FILE, true, -1 ); if ( !myHeaderFile ) { myHeaderFile = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename( myPath, myBase, ECL_SUMMARY_HEADER_FILE, false, -1 ); if ( myHeaderFile ) { formattedFile = false; } } if ( myHeaderFile && headerFile ) *headerFile = RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( myHeaderFile ); if ( myPath && path ) *path = RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( myPath ); if ( myBase && base ) *base = RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( myBase ); if ( isFormatted ) *isFormatted = formattedFile; free( myHeaderFile ); free( myBase ); free( myPath ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RifRestartFileInfo RifEclipseSummaryTools::getRestartFile( const QString& headerFileName ) { ecl_sum_type* ecl_sum = openEclSum( headerFileName, true ); const ecl_smspec_type* smspec = ecl_sum ? ecl_sum_get_smspec( ecl_sum ) : nullptr; const char* rstCase = smspec ? ecl_smspec_get_restart_case( smspec ) : nullptr; QString restartCase = rstCase ? RiaFilePathTools::canonicalPath( RiaStringEncodingTools::fromNativeEncoded( rstCase ) ) : ""; closeEclSum( ecl_sum ); if ( !restartCase.isEmpty() ) { QString path = QFileInfo( restartCase ).dir().path(); QString restartBase = QDir( restartCase ).dirName(); char* smspec_header = ecl_util_alloc_exfilename( path.toStdString().data(), restartBase.toStdString().data(), ECL_SUMMARY_HEADER_FILE, false /*unformatted*/, 0 ); QString restartFileName = RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( RiaStringEncodingTools::fromNativeEncoded( smspec_header ) ); free( smspec_header ); return getFileInfo( restartFileName ); } return RifRestartFileInfo(); } std::vector RifEclipseSummaryTools::getTimeSteps( ecl_sum_type* ecl_sum ) { std::vector timeSteps; if ( ecl_sum ) { time_t_vector_type* steps = ecl_sum_alloc_time_vector( ecl_sum, false ); if ( steps ) { for ( int i = 0; i < time_t_vector_size( steps ); i++ ) { timeSteps.push_back( time_t_vector_iget( steps, i ) ); } time_t_vector_free( steps ); } } return timeSteps; } RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem RifEclipseSummaryTools::readUnitSystem( ecl_sum_type* ecl_sum ) { ert_ecl_unit_enum eclUnitEnum = ecl_sum_get_unit_system( ecl_sum ); switch ( eclUnitEnum ) { case ECL_METRIC_UNITS: return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC; case ECL_FIELD_UNITS: return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD; case ECL_LAB_UNITS: return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_LAB; default: return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_UNKNOWN; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ecl_sum_type* RifEclipseSummaryTools::openEclSum( const QString& inHeaderFileName, bool includeRestartFiles ) { QString headerFileName; QStringList dataFileNames; QString nativeHeaderFileName = QDir::toNativeSeparators( inHeaderFileName ); RifEclipseSummaryTools::findSummaryFiles( nativeHeaderFileName, &headerFileName, &dataFileNames ); if ( headerFileName.isEmpty() || dataFileNames.isEmpty() ) return nullptr; stringlist_type* dataFiles = stringlist_alloc_new(); for ( int i = 0; i < dataFileNames.size(); i++ ) { stringlist_append_copy( dataFiles, RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( dataFileNames[i] ).data() ); } bool lazyLoad = true; std::string itemSeparatorInVariableNames = ":"; ecl_sum_type* ecl_sum = nullptr; try { ecl_sum = ecl_sum_fread_alloc( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( headerFileName ).data(), dataFiles, itemSeparatorInVariableNames.data(), includeRestartFiles, lazyLoad, ECL_FILE_CLOSE_STREAM ); } catch ( ... ) { ecl_sum = nullptr; } stringlist_free( dataFiles ); return ecl_sum; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RifEclipseSummaryTools::closeEclSum( ecl_sum_type* ecl_sum ) { if ( ecl_sum ) ecl_sum_free( ecl_sum ); }