///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA // Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS // Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RiaSocketCommand.h" #include "RiaSocketDataTransfer.h" #include "RiaSocketServer.h" #include "RiaSocketTools.h" #include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h" #include "RigEclipseCaseData.h" #include "RigEclipseResultInfo.h" #include "RigMainGrid.h" #include "RigResultAccessor.h" #include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h" #include "RigResultModifier.h" #include "RigResultModifierFactory.h" #include "RimEclipseCase.h" #include "RimEclipseCellColors.h" #include "RimEclipseInputCase.h" #include "RimEclipseInputProperty.h" #include "RimEclipseInputPropertyCollection.h" #include "RimEclipseView.h" #include "RimGeoMechCase.h" #include "RimGeoMechView.h" #include "RimIntersectionCollection.h" #include "RimReservoirCellResultsStorage.h" #include "RimGeoMechResultDefinition.h" #include "Riu3dSelectionManager.h" #include "RiuMainWindow.h" #include "RiuProcessMonitor.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RiaGetActiveCellProperty : public RiaSocketCommand { public: static QString commandName() { return QString( "GetActiveCellProperty" ); } bool interpretCommand( RiaSocketServer* server, const QList& args, QDataStream& socketStream ) override { RimEclipseCase* rimCase = RiaSocketTools::findCaseFromArgs( server, args ); QString propertyName = args[2]; QString porosityModelName = args[3]; RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL; if ( porosityModelName == "Fracture" ) { porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL; } // Find the requested data std::vector>* scalarResultFrames = nullptr; if ( rimCase && rimCase->results( porosityModelEnum ) ) { if ( rimCase->results( porosityModelEnum )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( RigEclipseResultAddress( propertyName ) ) ) { scalarResultFrames = rimCase->results( porosityModelEnum )->modifiableCellScalarResultTimesteps( RigEclipseResultAddress( propertyName ) ); } } if ( scalarResultFrames == nullptr ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the %1 model property named: \"%2\"" ).arg( porosityModelName ).arg( propertyName ) ); } // Write data back : timeStepCount, bytesPrTimestep, dataForTimestep0 ... dataForTimestepN if ( scalarResultFrames == nullptr ) { // No data available socketStream << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0; } else { // Create a list of all the requested timesteps std::vector requestedTimesteps; if ( args.size() <= 4 ) { // Select all for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < scalarResultFrames->size(); ++tsIdx ) { requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } } else { bool timeStepReadError = false; for ( int argIdx = 4; argIdx < args.size(); ++argIdx ) { bool conversionOk = false; int tsIdx = args[argIdx].toInt( &conversionOk ); if ( conversionOk ) { requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } else { timeStepReadError = true; } } if ( timeStepReadError ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: riGetActiveCellProperty : \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "An error occurred while interpreting the requested timesteps." ) ); } } // First write timestep count quint64 timestepCount = (quint64)requestedTimesteps.size(); socketStream << timestepCount; // then the byte-size of the result values in one timestep const RigActiveCellInfo* activeInfo = rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( porosityModelEnum ); size_t timestepResultCount = activeInfo->reservoirActiveCellCount(); quint64 timestepByteCount = ( quint64 )( timestepResultCount * sizeof( double ) ); socketStream << timestepByteCount; // Then write the data. size_t valueCount = RiaSocketDataTransfer::maximumValueCountInBlock(); std::vector values( valueCount ); size_t valueIndex = 0; size_t reservoirCellCount = activeInfo->reservoirCellCount(); for ( size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < requestedTimesteps.size(); ++tIdx ) { std::vector& doubleValues = scalarResultFrames->at( requestedTimesteps[tIdx] ); for ( size_t gcIdx = 0; gcIdx < reservoirCellCount; ++gcIdx ) { size_t resultIdx = activeInfo->cellResultIndex( gcIdx ); if ( resultIdx == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T ) continue; if ( resultIdx < doubleValues.size() ) { if ( doubleValues.size() == activeInfo->reservoirCellCount() ) { // When reading data from input text files, result data is read for all grid cells // Read out values from data vector using global cell index instead of active cell result // index When data is written back to ResInsight using RiaSetActiveCellProperty, the // resulting data vector will have activeCellCount data values, which is potentially smaller // than total number of cells values[valueIndex] = doubleValues[gcIdx]; } else { values[valueIndex] = doubleValues[resultIdx]; } } else { values[valueIndex] = HUGE_VAL; } valueIndex++; if ( valueIndex >= valueCount ) { if ( !RiaSocketTools::writeBlockData( server, server->currentClient(), (const char*)values.data(), valueIndex * sizeof( double ) ) ) { return false; } valueIndex = 0; } } } // Write remaining data if ( !RiaSocketTools::writeBlockData( server, server->currentClient(), (const char*)values.data(), valueIndex * sizeof( double ) ) ) { return false; } } return true; } }; static bool RiaGetActiveCellProperty_init = RiaSocketCommandFactory::instance()->registerCreator( RiaGetActiveCellProperty::commandName() ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RiaGetGridProperty : public RiaSocketCommand { public: static QString commandName() { return QString( "GetGridProperty" ); } bool interpretCommand( RiaSocketServer* server, const QList& args, QDataStream& socketStream ) override { int caseId = args[1].toInt(); int gridIdx = args[2].toInt(); QString propertyName = args[3]; QString porosityModelName = args[4]; RimEclipseCase* rimCase = server->findReservoir( caseId ); if ( !rimCase || !rimCase->eclipseCaseData() ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the case with ID: \"%1\"" ).arg( caseId ) ); // No data available socketStream << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0; return true; } RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL; if ( porosityModelName == "Fracture" ) { porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL; } bool isResultsLoaded = false; RigEclipseResultAddress resVarAddr( propertyName ); if ( gridIdx < 0 || rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->gridCount() <= (size_t)gridIdx ) { server->showErrorMessage( "ResInsight SocketServer: riGetGridProperty : \n" "The gridIndex \"" + QString::number( gridIdx ) + "\" does not point to an existing grid." ); } else { // Find the requested data if ( rimCase && rimCase->results( porosityModelEnum ) ) { isResultsLoaded = rimCase->results( porosityModelEnum )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resVarAddr ); } } if ( !isResultsLoaded ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the %1 model property named: \"%2\"" ).arg( porosityModelName ).arg( propertyName ) ); // No data available socketStream << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0; return true; } // Create a list of all the requested time steps std::vector requestedTimesteps; if ( args.size() <= 5 ) { // Select all for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < rimCase->results( porosityModelEnum )->timeStepCount( resVarAddr ); ++tsIdx ) { requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } } else { bool timeStepReadError = false; for ( int argIdx = 5; argIdx < args.size(); ++argIdx ) { bool conversionOk = false; int tsIdx = args[argIdx].toInt( &conversionOk ); if ( conversionOk ) { requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } else { timeStepReadError = true; } } if ( timeStepReadError ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: riGetGridProperty : \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "An error occurred while interpreting the requested timesteps." ) ); } } RigGridBase* rigGrid = rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->grid( gridIdx ); quint64 cellCountI = (quint64)rigGrid->cellCountI(); quint64 cellCountJ = (quint64)rigGrid->cellCountJ(); quint64 cellCountK = (quint64)rigGrid->cellCountK(); socketStream << cellCountI; socketStream << cellCountJ; socketStream << cellCountK; // Write time step count quint64 timestepCount = (quint64)requestedTimesteps.size(); socketStream << timestepCount; for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < timestepCount; tsIdx++ ) { cvf::ref resultAccessor = RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultAddress( rimCase->eclipseCaseData(), gridIdx, porosityModelEnum, requestedTimesteps[tsIdx], RigEclipseResultAddress( propertyName ) ); if ( resultAccessor.isNull() ) { continue; } size_t valueCount = RiaSocketDataTransfer::maximumValueCountInBlock(); std::vector values( valueCount ); size_t valueIndex = 0; for ( size_t cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < rigGrid->cellCount(); cellIdx++ ) { double cellValue = resultAccessor->cellScalar( cellIdx ); if ( cellValue == HUGE_VAL ) { cellValue = 0.0; } values[valueIndex++] = cellValue; if ( valueIndex >= valueCount ) { if ( !RiaSocketTools::writeBlockData( server, server->currentClient(), (const char*)values.data(), valueIndex * sizeof( double ) ) ) { return false; } valueIndex = 0; } } // Write remaining data if ( !RiaSocketTools::writeBlockData( server, server->currentClient(), (const char*)values.data(), valueIndex * sizeof( double ) ) ) { return false; } } return true; } }; static bool RiaGetGridProperty_init = RiaSocketCommandFactory::instance()->registerCreator( RiaGetGridProperty::commandName() ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RiaSetActiveCellProperty : public RiaSocketCommand { public: RiaSetActiveCellProperty() : m_currentReservoir( nullptr ) , m_scalarResultsToAdd( nullptr ) , m_currentEclResultAddress() , m_timeStepCountToRead( 0 ) , m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead( 0 ) , m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead( 0 ) , m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected( false ) , m_porosityModelEnum( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL ) { } static QString commandName() { return QString( "SetActiveCellProperty" ); } bool interpretCommand( RiaSocketServer* server, const QList& args, QDataStream& socketStream ) override { RimEclipseCase* rimCase = RiaSocketTools::findCaseFromArgs( server, args ); QString propertyName = args[2]; QString porosityModelName = args[3]; if ( porosityModelName == "Fracture" ) { m_porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL; } // Find the requested data, Or create a set if we are setting data and it is not found std::vector>* scalarResultFrames = nullptr; if ( rimCase && rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum ) ) { RigEclipseResultAddress eclResAddr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED, propertyName ); if ( !rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( eclResAddr ) ) { rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->createResultEntry( eclResAddr, true ); RigEclipseResultAddress addrToMaxTimeStepCountResult; rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->maxTimeStepCount( &addrToMaxTimeStepCountResult ); const std::vector timeStepInfos = rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->timeStepInfos( addrToMaxTimeStepCountResult ); rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->setTimeStepInfos( eclResAddr, timeStepInfos ); } scalarResultFrames = rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->modifiableCellScalarResultTimesteps( eclResAddr ); size_t timeStepCount = rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->maxTimeStepCount(); scalarResultFrames->resize( timeStepCount ); m_currentEclResultAddress = eclResAddr; m_currentPropertyName = propertyName; } if ( scalarResultFrames == nullptr ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the %1 model property named: \"%2\"" ).arg( porosityModelName ).arg( propertyName ) ); return true; } // If we have not read the header and there are data enough: Read it. // Do nothing if we have not enough data if ( m_timeStepCountToRead == 0 || m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead == 0 ) { if ( server->currentClient()->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof( quint64 ) * 2 ) return true; socketStream >> m_timeStepCountToRead; socketStream >> m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead; } // Create a list of all the requested timesteps m_requestedTimesteps.clear(); if ( args.size() <= 4 ) { // Select all for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tsIdx ) { m_requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } } else { bool timeStepReadError = false; for ( int argIdx = 4; argIdx < args.size(); ++argIdx ) { bool conversionOk = false; int tsIdx = args[argIdx].toInt( &conversionOk ); if ( conversionOk ) { m_requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } else { timeStepReadError = true; } } if ( timeStepReadError ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: riGetActiveCellProperty : \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "An error occurred while interpreting the requested timesteps." ) ); } } if ( !m_requestedTimesteps.size() ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "No time steps specified" ).arg( porosityModelName ).arg( propertyName ) ); return true; } m_currentReservoir = rimCase; m_scalarResultsToAdd = scalarResultFrames; if ( server->currentClient()->bytesAvailable() ) { return this->interpretMore( server, server->currentClient() ); } return false; } bool interpretMore( RiaSocketServer* server, QTcpSocket* currentClient ) override { if ( m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected ) return true; // If nothing should be read, or we already have read everything, do nothing if ( ( m_timeStepCountToRead == 0 ) || ( m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead >= m_timeStepCountToRead ) ) return true; if ( !currentClient->bytesAvailable() ) return false; if ( m_timeStepCountToRead != m_requestedTimesteps.size() ) { CVF_ASSERT( false ); } // Check if a complete timestep is available, return and whait for readyRead() if not if ( currentClient->bytesAvailable() < (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead ) return false; size_t cellCountFromOctave = m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead / sizeof( double ); RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo( m_porosityModelEnum ); size_t activeCellCountReservoir = activeCellInfo->reservoirActiveCellCount(); size_t totalCellCount = activeCellInfo->reservoirCellCount(); if ( cellCountFromOctave != activeCellCountReservoir ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "The number of cells in the data coming from octave does not match the case" ) + ":\"" + m_currentReservoir->caseUserDescription() + "\"\n" " Octave: " + QString::number( cellCountFromOctave ) + "\n" " " + m_currentReservoir->caseUserDescription() + ": Active cell count: " + QString::number( activeCellCountReservoir ) + " Total cell count: " + QString::number( totalCellCount ) ); cellCountFromOctave = 0; m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected = true; currentClient->abort(); return true; } // Make sure the size of the retrieving container is correct. // If it is, this is noops { size_t maxRequestedTimeStepIdx = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T; for ( size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tIdx ) { size_t tsId = m_requestedTimesteps[tIdx]; if ( maxRequestedTimeStepIdx == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T || tsId > maxRequestedTimeStepIdx ) { maxRequestedTimeStepIdx = tsId; } } if ( maxRequestedTimeStepIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T && m_scalarResultsToAdd->size() <= maxRequestedTimeStepIdx ) { m_scalarResultsToAdd->resize( maxRequestedTimeStepIdx + 1 ); } } for ( size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tIdx ) { size_t tsId = m_requestedTimesteps[tIdx]; m_scalarResultsToAdd->at( tsId ).resize( activeCellCountReservoir, HUGE_VAL ); } std::vector readBuffer; double* internalMatrixData = nullptr; QDataStream socketStream( currentClient ); socketStream.setVersion( riOctavePlugin::qtDataStreamVersion ); // Read available complete timestepdata while ( ( currentClient->bytesAvailable() >= (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead ) && ( m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead < m_timeStepCountToRead ) ) { internalMatrixData = m_scalarResultsToAdd->at( m_requestedTimesteps[m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead] ).data(); QStringList errorMessages; if ( !RiaSocketDataTransfer::readBlockDataFromSocket( currentClient, (char*)( internalMatrixData ), m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead, errorMessages ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < errorMessages.size(); i++ ) { server->showErrorMessage( errorMessages[i] ); } currentClient->abort(); return true; } ++m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead; } // If we have read all the data, refresh the views if ( m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead == m_timeStepCountToRead ) { if ( m_currentReservoir != nullptr ) { // Create a new input property if we have an input reservoir RimEclipseInputCase* inputRes = dynamic_cast( m_currentReservoir ); if ( inputRes ) { RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty = inputRes->inputPropertyCollection()->findInputProperty( m_currentPropertyName ); if ( !inputProperty ) { inputProperty = new RimEclipseInputProperty; inputProperty->resultName = m_currentPropertyName; inputProperty->eclipseKeyword = ""; inputProperty->fileName = QString( "" ); inputRes->inputPropertyCollection()->inputProperties.push_back( inputProperty ); inputRes->inputPropertyCollection()->updateConnectedEditors(); } inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::RESOLVED_NOT_SAVED; } if ( m_currentEclResultAddress.isValid() && m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData() && m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData()->results( m_porosityModelEnum ) ) { // Adjust the result data if only one time step is requested so the result behaves like a static result if ( m_requestedTimesteps.size() == 1 && m_currentEclResultAddress.isValid() ) { std::vector>* scalarResultFrames = m_currentReservoir->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->modifiableCellScalarResultTimesteps( m_currentEclResultAddress ); size_t lastIndexWithDataPresent = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T; for ( size_t i = 0; i < scalarResultFrames->size(); i++ ) { if ( ( *scalarResultFrames )[i].size() > 0 ) { lastIndexWithDataPresent = i; } } if ( lastIndexWithDataPresent == 0 ) { scalarResultFrames->resize( 1 ); } } m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData()->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->recalculateStatistics( m_currentEclResultAddress ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews.size(); ++i ) { if ( m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i] ) { // As new result might have been introduced, update all editors connected m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i]->cellResult()->updateConnectedEditors(); // It is usually not needed to create new display model, but if any derived geometry based on // generated data (from Octave) a full display model rebuild is required m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i]->scheduleCreateDisplayModelAndRedraw(); m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i]->intersectionCollection()->scheduleCreateDisplayModelAndRedraw2dIntersectionViews(); } } } return true; } return false; } private: RimEclipseCase* m_currentReservoir; std::vector>* m_scalarResultsToAdd; RigEclipseResultAddress m_currentEclResultAddress; QString m_currentPropertyName; std::vector m_requestedTimesteps; RiaDefines::PorosityModelType m_porosityModelEnum; quint64 m_timeStepCountToRead; quint64 m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead; size_t m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead; bool m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected; }; static bool RiaSetActiveCellProperty_init = RiaSocketCommandFactory::instance()->registerCreator( RiaSetActiveCellProperty::commandName() ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RiaSetGridProperty : public RiaSocketCommand { public: RiaSetGridProperty() : m_currentReservoir( nullptr ) , m_scalarResultsToAdd( nullptr ) , m_currentGridIndex( cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T ) , m_timeStepCountToRead( 0 ) , m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead( 0 ) , m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead( 0 ) , m_invalidDataDetected( false ) , m_porosityModelEnum( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL ) { } static QString commandName() { return QString( "SetGridProperty" ); } bool interpretCommand( RiaSocketServer* server, const QList& args, QDataStream& socketStream ) override { int caseId = args[1].toInt(); RimEclipseCase* rimCase = server->findReservoir( caseId ); if ( !rimCase ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the case with ID : \"%1\"" ).arg( caseId ) ); return true; } m_currentGridIndex = args[2].toInt(); QString propertyName = args[3]; QString porosityModelName = args[4]; if ( porosityModelName == "Fracture" ) { m_porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL; } RigGridBase* grid = rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->grid( m_currentGridIndex ); if ( !grid ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the grid index : %1" ).arg( m_currentGridIndex ) ); return true; } // Read header if ( server->currentClient()->bytesAvailable() < (int)sizeof( quint64 ) * 5 ) { return true; } quint64 cellCountI = 0; quint64 cellCountJ = 0; quint64 cellCountK = 0; socketStream >> cellCountI; socketStream >> cellCountJ; socketStream >> cellCountK; if ( grid->cellCountI() != cellCountI || grid->cellCountJ() != cellCountJ || grid->cellCountK() != cellCountK ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Destination grid size do not match incoming grid size for grid index : %1" ).arg( m_currentGridIndex ) ); return true; } socketStream >> m_timeStepCountToRead; socketStream >> m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead; if ( m_timeStepCountToRead == 0 || m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead == 0 ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Zero data to read for " ) + ":\"" + m_currentReservoir->caseUserDescription() + "\"\n" ); return true; } std::vector>* scalarResultFrames = nullptr; if ( rimCase && rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum ) ) { RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED, propertyName ); if ( !rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resAddr ) ) { rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->createResultEntry( resAddr, true ); } m_currentResultAddress = resAddr; scalarResultFrames = rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->modifiableCellScalarResultTimesteps( m_currentResultAddress ); size_t timeStepCount = rimCase->results( m_porosityModelEnum )->maxTimeStepCount(); scalarResultFrames->resize( timeStepCount ); m_currentPropertyName = propertyName; } if ( scalarResultFrames == nullptr ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the %1 model property named: \"%2\"" ).arg( porosityModelName ).arg( propertyName ) ); return true; } // Create a list of all the requested timesteps m_requestedTimesteps.clear(); if ( args.size() <= 5 ) { // Select all for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tsIdx ) { m_requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } } else { bool timeStepReadError = false; for ( int argIdx = 5; argIdx < args.size(); ++argIdx ) { bool conversionOk = false; int tsIdx = args[argIdx].toInt( &conversionOk ); if ( conversionOk ) { m_requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } else { timeStepReadError = true; } } if ( timeStepReadError ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: riGetActiveCellProperty : \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "An error occurred while interpreting the requested timesteps." ) ); return true; } } if ( !m_requestedTimesteps.size() ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "No time steps specified" ).arg( porosityModelName ).arg( propertyName ) ); return true; } m_currentReservoir = rimCase; m_scalarResultsToAdd = scalarResultFrames; if ( server->currentClient()->bytesAvailable() ) { return this->interpretMore( server, server->currentClient() ); } return false; } bool interpretMore( RiaSocketServer* server, QTcpSocket* currentClient ) override { if ( m_invalidDataDetected ) { RiuMainWindow::instance()->processMonitor()->addStringToLog( "[ResInsight SocketServer] > True \n" ); return true; } // If nothing should be read, or we already have read everything, do nothing if ( ( m_timeStepCountToRead == 0 ) || ( m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead >= m_timeStepCountToRead ) ) return true; if ( !currentClient->bytesAvailable() ) return false; RigGridBase* grid = m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData()->grid( m_currentGridIndex ); if ( !grid ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "No grid found" ) + ":\"" + m_currentReservoir->caseUserDescription() + "\"\n" ); m_invalidDataDetected = true; currentClient->abort(); // Hmmm... should we not let the server handle this ? return true; } if ( m_timeStepCountToRead != m_requestedTimesteps.size() ) { CVF_ASSERT( false ); } // Check if a complete timestep is available, return and wait for readyRead() if not if ( currentClient->bytesAvailable() < (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead ) return false; size_t cellCountFromOctave = m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead / sizeof( double ); if ( cellCountFromOctave != grid->cellCount() ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Mismatch between expected and received data. Expected : %1, Received : %2" ) .arg( grid->cellCount() ) .arg( cellCountFromOctave ) ); m_invalidDataDetected = true; currentClient->abort(); return true; } // Resize the timestep container { size_t maxRequestedTimeStepIdx = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T; for ( size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tIdx ) { size_t tsId = m_requestedTimesteps[tIdx]; if ( maxRequestedTimeStepIdx == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T || tsId > maxRequestedTimeStepIdx ) { maxRequestedTimeStepIdx = tsId; } } if ( maxRequestedTimeStepIdx != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T && m_scalarResultsToAdd->size() <= maxRequestedTimeStepIdx ) { m_scalarResultsToAdd->resize( maxRequestedTimeStepIdx + 1 ); } } for ( size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tIdx ) { size_t tsId = m_requestedTimesteps[tIdx]; // Result data is stored in an array containing all cells for all grids // The size of this array must match the test in RigCaseCellResultsData::isUsingGlobalActiveIndex(), // as it is used to determine if we have data for active cells or all cells // See RigCaseCellResultsData::isUsingGlobalActiveIndex() size_t totalNumberOfCellsIncludingLgrCells = grid->mainGrid()->globalCellArray().size(); m_scalarResultsToAdd->at( tsId ).resize( totalNumberOfCellsIncludingLgrCells, HUGE_VAL ); } while ( ( currentClient->bytesAvailable() >= (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead ) && ( m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead < m_timeStepCountToRead ) ) { // Read a single time step with data std::vector doubleValues( cellCountFromOctave ); QStringList errorMessages; if ( !RiaSocketDataTransfer::readBlockDataFromSocket( currentClient, (char*)( doubleValues.data() ), m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead, errorMessages ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < errorMessages.size(); i++ ) { server->showErrorMessage( errorMessages[i] ); } currentClient->abort(); return true; } cvf::ref resultModifier = RigResultModifierFactory::createResultModifier( m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData(), grid->gridIndex(), m_porosityModelEnum, m_requestedTimesteps[m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead], m_currentResultAddress ); if ( !resultModifier.isNull() ) { for ( size_t cellIdx = 0; static_cast( cellIdx ) < cellCountFromOctave; cellIdx++ ) { resultModifier->setCellScalar( cellIdx, doubleValues[cellIdx] ); } } ++m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead; } // If we have read all the data, refresh the views if ( m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead == m_timeStepCountToRead ) { if ( m_currentReservoir != nullptr ) { // Create a new input property if we have an input reservoir RimEclipseInputCase* inputRes = dynamic_cast( m_currentReservoir ); if ( inputRes ) { RimEclipseInputProperty* inputProperty = inputRes->inputPropertyCollection()->findInputProperty( m_currentPropertyName ); if ( !inputProperty ) { inputProperty = new RimEclipseInputProperty; inputProperty->resultName = m_currentPropertyName; inputProperty->eclipseKeyword = ""; inputProperty->fileName = QString( "" ); inputRes->inputPropertyCollection()->inputProperties.push_back( inputProperty ); inputRes->inputPropertyCollection()->updateConnectedEditors(); } inputProperty->resolvedState = RimEclipseInputProperty::RESOLVED_NOT_SAVED; } if ( m_currentResultAddress.isValid() && m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData() && m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData()->results( m_porosityModelEnum ) ) { // Adjust the result data if only one time step is requested so the result behaves like a static result if ( m_requestedTimesteps.size() == 1 && m_currentResultAddress.isValid() ) { auto scalarResultFrames = m_currentReservoir->results( m_porosityModelEnum ) ->modifiableCellScalarResultTimesteps( RigEclipseResultAddress( m_currentResultAddress ) ); size_t lastIndexWithDataPresent = cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T; for ( size_t i = 0; i < scalarResultFrames->size(); i++ ) { if ( ( *scalarResultFrames )[i].size() > 0 ) { lastIndexWithDataPresent = i; } } if ( lastIndexWithDataPresent == 0 ) { scalarResultFrames->resize( 1 ); } } m_currentReservoir->eclipseCaseData() ->results( m_porosityModelEnum ) ->recalculateStatistics( RigEclipseResultAddress( m_currentResultAddress ) ); } for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews.size(); ++i ) { if ( m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i] ) { // As new result might have been introduced, update all editors connected m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i]->cellResult()->updateConnectedEditors(); // It is usually not needed to create new display model, but if any derived geometry based on // generated data (from Octave) a full display model rebuild is required m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i]->scheduleCreateDisplayModelAndRedraw(); m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i]->intersectionCollection()->scheduleCreateDisplayModelAndRedraw2dIntersectionViews(); } } } return true; } return false; } private: RimEclipseCase* m_currentReservoir; std::vector>* m_scalarResultsToAdd; size_t m_currentGridIndex; RigEclipseResultAddress m_currentResultAddress; QString m_currentPropertyName; std::vector m_requestedTimesteps; RiaDefines::PorosityModelType m_porosityModelEnum; quint64 m_timeStepCountToRead; quint64 m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead; size_t m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead; bool m_invalidDataDetected; }; static bool RiaSetGridProperty_init = RiaSocketCommandFactory::instance()->registerCreator( RiaSetGridProperty::commandName() ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RiaGetPropertyNames : public RiaSocketCommand { public: static QString commandName() { return QString( "GetPropertyNames" ); } bool interpretCommand( RiaSocketServer* server, const QList& args, QDataStream& socketStream ) override { int caseId = args[1].toInt(); RimEclipseCase* rimCase = server->findReservoir( caseId ); if ( !rimCase ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "Could not find the case with ID : \"%1\"" ).arg( caseId ) ); return true; } QString porosityModelName = args[2]; RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL; if ( porosityModelName == "Fracture" ) { porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL; } std::vector propNames; std::vector propTypes; RigCaseCellResultsData* results = rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->results( porosityModelEnum ); std::vector resTypes; std::vector resTypeNames; resTypes.push_back( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::DYNAMIC_NATIVE ); resTypeNames.push_back( "DynamicNative" ); resTypes.push_back( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::SOURSIMRL ); resTypeNames.push_back( "SourSimRL" ); resTypes.push_back( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::STATIC_NATIVE ); resTypeNames.push_back( "StaticNative" ); resTypes.push_back( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::GENERATED ); resTypeNames.push_back( "Generated" ); resTypes.push_back( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::INPUT_PROPERTY ); resTypeNames.push_back( "Input" ); #ifdef USE_HDF5 resTypes.push_back( RiaDefines::ResultCatType::INJECTION_FLOODING ); resTypeNames.push_back( "Injection Flooding" ); #endif /* USE_HDF5 */ for ( size_t rtIdx = 0; rtIdx < resTypes.size(); ++rtIdx ) { RiaDefines::ResultCatType resType = resTypes[rtIdx]; QStringList names = results->resultNames( resType ); for ( int pnIdx = 0; pnIdx < names.size(); ++pnIdx ) { propNames.push_back( names[pnIdx] ); propTypes.push_back( resTypeNames[rtIdx] ); } } quint64 byteCount = sizeof( quint64 ); quint64 propCount = propNames.size(); for ( size_t rtIdx = 0; rtIdx < propCount; rtIdx++ ) { byteCount += propNames[rtIdx].size() * sizeof( QChar ); byteCount += propTypes[rtIdx].size() * sizeof( QChar ); } socketStream << byteCount; socketStream << propCount; for ( size_t rtIdx = 0; rtIdx < propCount; rtIdx++ ) { socketStream << propNames[rtIdx]; socketStream << propTypes[rtIdx]; } return true; } }; static bool RiaGetPropertyNames_init = RiaSocketCommandFactory::instance()->registerCreator( RiaGetPropertyNames::commandName() ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RiaGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells : public RiaSocketCommand { public: static QString commandName() { return QString( "GetGridPropertyForSelectedCells" ); } bool interpretCommand( RiaSocketServer* server, const QList& args, QDataStream& socketStream ) override { RimEclipseCase* rimCase = RiaSocketTools::findCaseFromArgs( server, args ); if ( !rimCase ) return true; QString propertyName = args[2]; RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL; if ( args.size() > 1 ) { QString prorosityModelString = args[3]; if ( prorosityModelString.toUpper() == "FRACTURE" ) { porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL; } } if ( rimCase && rimCase->results( porosityModel ) ) { rimCase->results( porosityModel )->ensureKnownResultLoaded( RigEclipseResultAddress( propertyName ) ); } std::vector requestedTimesteps; if ( args.size() < 5 ) { // Select all for ( size_t tsIdx = 0; tsIdx < rimCase->results( porosityModel )->timeStepCount( RigEclipseResultAddress( propertyName ) ); ++tsIdx ) { requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } } else { bool timeStepReadError = false; for ( int argIdx = 4; argIdx < args.size(); ++argIdx ) { bool conversionOk = false; int tsIdx = args[argIdx].toInt( &conversionOk ); if ( conversionOk ) { requestedTimesteps.push_back( tsIdx ); } else { timeStepReadError = true; } } if ( timeStepReadError ) { server->showErrorMessage( RiaSocketServer::tr( "ResInsight SocketServer: riGetGridProperty : \n" ) + RiaSocketServer::tr( "An error occurred while interpreting the requested time steps." ) ); } } if ( !( rimCase && rimCase->eclipseCaseData() && rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->mainGrid() ) ) { // No data available socketStream << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0; return true; } std::vector> selectedCells = getSelectedCellsForCase( rimCase ); // First write column count quint64 timestepCount = (quint64)requestedTimesteps.size(); socketStream << timestepCount; // then the byte-size of the size of one column quint64 timestepByteCount = ( quint64 )( selectedCells.size() * sizeof( double ) ); socketStream << timestepByteCount; size_t valueCount = RiaSocketDataTransfer::maximumValueCountInBlock(); std::vector values( valueCount ); size_t valueIndex = 0; for ( size_t timeStep : requestedTimesteps ) { for ( const std::pair& selectedCell : selectedCells ) { cvf::ref resultAccessor = RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultAddress( rimCase->eclipseCaseData(), selectedCell.first, porosityModel, timeStep, RigEclipseResultAddress( propertyName ) ); if ( resultAccessor.isNull() ) { return false; } values[valueIndex] = resultAccessor->cellScalar( selectedCell.second ); valueIndex++; if ( valueIndex >= valueCount ) { if ( !RiaSocketTools::writeBlockData( server, server->currentClient(), (const char*)values.data(), valueIndex * sizeof( double ) ) ) { return false; } valueIndex = 0; } } } // Write remaining data if ( !RiaSocketTools::writeBlockData( server, server->currentClient(), (const char*)values.data(), valueIndex * sizeof( double ) ) ) { return false; } return true; } static std::vector> getSelectedCellsForCase( const RimCase* reservoirCase ) { std::vector items; Riu3dSelectionManager::instance()->selectedItems( items ); std::vector> selectedCells; for ( const RiuSelectionItem* item : items ) { if ( item->type() == RiuSelectionItem::ECLIPSE_SELECTION_OBJECT ) { const RiuEclipseSelectionItem* eclipseItem = static_cast( item ); if ( eclipseItem->m_resultDefinition->eclipseCase()->caseId() == reservoirCase->caseId() ) { selectedCells.push_back( std::make_pair( eclipseItem->m_gridIndex, eclipseItem->m_gridLocalCellIndex ) ); } } else if ( item->type() == RiuSelectionItem::GEOMECH_SELECTION_OBJECT ) { const RiuGeoMechSelectionItem* geomechItem = static_cast( item ); if ( geomechItem->m_resultDefinition->geoMechCase()->caseId() == reservoirCase->caseId() ) { selectedCells.push_back( std::make_pair( geomechItem->m_gridIndex, geomechItem->m_cellIndex ) ); } } } return selectedCells; } }; static bool RiaGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells_init = RiaSocketCommandFactory::instance()->registerCreator( RiaGetGridPropertyForSelectedCells::commandName() );