///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2016- Statoil ASA // // ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // See the GNU General Public License at // for more details. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RigLasFileExporter.h" #include "RiaDefines.h" #include "RigWellLogCurveData.h" #include "RigWellPath.h" #include "RimCase.h" #include "RimWellLogCurve.h" #include "RimWellLogExtractionCurve.h" #include "RimWellPath.h" #include "cafUtils.h" #include "cvfAssert.h" #include "laswell.hpp" #include #include #include // Needed for HUGE_VAL on Linux namespace NRLib { class LasWell; }; class SingleChannelData { public: SingleChannelData( const std::string& channelName, const std::string& unit, const std::string& comment, const RigWellLogCurveData* curveData ) : m_channelName( channelName ) , m_unit( unit ) , m_comment( comment ) , m_curveData( curveData ) { } void appendDataToLasFile( NRLib::LasWell* lasFile, double absentValue ) const { CVF_ASSERT( lasFile ); if ( !m_curveData->propertyValues().empty() ) { std::vector wellLogValues = m_curveData->propertyValues( QString::fromStdString( m_unit ) ); for ( size_t vIdx = 0; vIdx < wellLogValues.size(); vIdx++ ) { double value = wellLogValues[vIdx]; if ( value == HUGE_VAL || value == -HUGE_VAL || value != value ) { wellLogValues[vIdx] = absentValue; } } lasFile->AddLog( m_channelName, m_unit, m_comment, wellLogValues ); } } std::string channelName() const { return m_channelName; } const RigWellLogCurveData* curveData() const { return m_curveData; } private: std::string m_channelName; std::string m_unit; std::string m_comment; const RigWellLogCurveData* m_curveData; }; class SingleLasFileMetaData { public: SingleLasFileMetaData() : m_rkbDiff( HUGE_VAL ) , m_exportTvdrkb( false ) , m_minimumCurveValue( HUGE_VAL ) { } void setWellName( const QString& wellName ) { m_wellName = wellName; } QString wellName() { return m_wellName; } void setCaseName( const QString& caseName ) { m_caseName = caseName; } void setDate( const QString& date ) { m_date = date; } void setRkbDiff( double rkbDiff ) { m_rkbDiff = rkbDiff; } void enableTvdrkbExport() { m_exportTvdrkb = true; } double rkbDiff() { return m_rkbDiff; } void addLogData( const std::string& channelName, const std::string& unit, const std::string& comment, const RigWellLogCurveData* curveData ) { m_logCurveData.push_back( SingleChannelData( channelName, unit, comment, curveData ) ); for ( double xValue : curveData->propertyValues() ) { if ( xValue < m_minimumCurveValue ) { m_minimumCurveValue = xValue; } } } std::string generateFilename() const { QString fileBasenameCandidate; QString separator( "-" ); if ( !m_wellName.isEmpty() ) { fileBasenameCandidate += m_wellName; } if ( !m_caseName.isEmpty() ) { if ( !fileBasenameCandidate.isEmpty() ) fileBasenameCandidate += separator; fileBasenameCandidate += m_caseName; } // Add property name if only one curve is exported if ( m_logCurveData.size() == 1 ) { if ( !fileBasenameCandidate.isEmpty() ) fileBasenameCandidate += separator; fileBasenameCandidate += QString::fromStdString( m_logCurveData[0].channelName() ); } if ( !m_date.isEmpty() ) { if ( !fileBasenameCandidate.isEmpty() ) fileBasenameCandidate += separator; fileBasenameCandidate += m_date; } QString cleanFileName = caf::Utils::makeValidFileBasename( fileBasenameCandidate ); cleanFileName += ".las"; return cleanFileName.toStdString(); } void appendDataToLasFile( NRLib::LasWell* lasFile ) const { if ( m_logCurveData.size() == 0 ) return; lasFile->addWellInfo( "WELL", m_wellName.toStdString() ); QString wellLogDate = m_date; wellLogDate.replace( ".", "_" ); wellLogDate.replace( " ", "_" ); lasFile->addWellInfo( "DATE", wellLogDate.toStdString() ); const RigWellLogCurveData* firstCurveData = curveDataForFirstCurve(); if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_METER ) { lasFile->AddLog( "DEPTH", "M", "Depth in meters", firstCurveData->depths( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH ) ); } else if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_FEET ) { lasFile->AddLog( "DEPTH", "FT", "Depth in feet", firstCurveData->depths( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH ) ); } else if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_NONE ) { lasFile->AddLog( "DEPTH", "", "Depth in Connection number", firstCurveData->depths( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH ) ); } if ( firstCurveData->depths( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH ).size() ) { lasFile->AddLog( "TVDMSL", "M", "True vertical depth in meters", firstCurveData->depths( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH ) ); if ( m_exportTvdrkb && m_rkbDiff != -1.0 ) { // Export True Vertical Depth Rotary Kelly Bushing - TVDRKB std::vector tvdrkbValues = firstCurveData->depths( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::TRUE_VERTICAL_DEPTH ); for ( auto& value : tvdrkbValues ) { value += m_rkbDiff; } if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_METER ) { lasFile->AddLog( "TVDRKB", "M", "True vertical depth (Rotary Kelly Bushing)", tvdrkbValues ); } else if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_FEET ) { lasFile->AddLog( "TVDRKB", "FT", "True vertical depth (Rotary Kelly Bushing)", tvdrkbValues ); } else if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_NONE ) { CVF_ASSERT( false ); lasFile->AddLog( "TVDRKB", "", "", tvdrkbValues ); } } } double minDepth = 0.0; double maxDepth = 0.0; firstCurveData->calculateDepthRange( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH, firstCurveData->depthUnit(), &minDepth, &maxDepth ); lasFile->setStartDepth( minDepth ); lasFile->setStopDepth( maxDepth ); if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_METER ) { lasFile->setDepthUnit( "M" ); } else if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() == RiaDefines::DepthUnitType::UNIT_FEET ) { lasFile->setDepthUnit( "FT" ); } double absentValue = SingleLasFileMetaData::createAbsentValue( m_minimumCurveValue ); lasFile->SetMissing( absentValue ); for ( auto curveData : m_logCurveData ) { curveData.appendDataToLasFile( lasFile, absentValue ); } } private: const RigWellLogCurveData* curveDataForFirstCurve() const { CVF_ASSERT( m_logCurveData.size() > 0 ); return m_logCurveData[0].curveData(); } static double createAbsentValue( double lowestDataValue ) { double absentValue = -999.0; while ( absentValue > lowestDataValue ) { absentValue *= 10; absentValue -= 9; } return absentValue - 0.25; } private: QString m_wellName; QString m_caseName; QString m_date; double m_rkbDiff; bool m_exportTvdrkb; RiaDefines::DepthUnitType m_depthUnit; std::vector m_depthValues; std::vector m_logCurveData; double m_minimumCurveValue; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RigLasFileExporter::RigLasFileExporter( const std::vector& curves ) : m_curves( curves ) , m_isResampleActive( false ) , m_resamplingInterval( 1.0 ) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigLasFileExporter::setResamplingInterval( double interval ) { m_isResampleActive = true; m_resamplingInterval = interval; m_resampledCurveDatas.clear(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigLasFileExporter::wellPathsAndRkbDiff( std::vector* wellNames, std::vector* rkbDiffs ) { std::vector lasFileDescriptions = createLasFileDescriptions( m_curves, false ); std::set uniqueWellNames; for ( auto metaData : lasFileDescriptions ) { if ( metaData.rkbDiff() != std::numeric_limits::infinity() ) { QString wellName = metaData.wellName(); if ( uniqueWellNames.find( wellName ) == uniqueWellNames.end() ) { uniqueWellNames.insert( wellName ); wellNames->push_back( wellName ); rkbDiffs->push_back( metaData.rkbDiff() ); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigLasFileExporter::setRkbDiffs( const std::vector& wellNames, const std::vector& rkbDiffs ) { assert( wellNames.size() == rkbDiffs.size() ); std::vector lasFileDescriptions = createLasFileDescriptions( m_curves, false ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < wellNames.size(); i++ ) { for ( auto& metaData : lasFileDescriptions ) { if ( metaData.wellName() == wellNames[i] ) { m_userDefinedRkbOffsets.push_back( rkbDiffs[i] ); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector RigLasFileExporter::writeToFolder( const QString& exportFolder, const QString& filePrefix /*= ""*/, bool capitalizeFileName /*= false*/, bool alwaysOverwrite /*= false*/, bool convertCurveUnits /*= false*/ ) { std::vector writtenFiles; std::vector lasFileDescriptions = createLasFileDescriptions( m_curves, convertCurveUnits ); applyUserDefinedRkbOffsets( &lasFileDescriptions ); for ( auto lasFileDescr : lasFileDescriptions ) { NRLib::LasWell lasFile; lasFile.setVersionInfo( "2.0" ); lasFileDescr.appendDataToLasFile( &lasFile ); if ( m_isResampleActive ) { lasFile.setDepthStep( m_resamplingInterval ); } QDir dir( exportFolder ); QString fileName = filePrefix + QString::fromStdString( lasFileDescr.generateFilename() ); if ( capitalizeFileName ) { fileName = fileName.toUpper(); } QString fullPathName = dir.absoluteFilePath( fileName ); if ( caf::Utils::fileExists( fullPathName ) && !alwaysOverwrite ) { QString txt = QString( "File %1 exists.\n\nDo you want to overwrite the file?" ).arg( fullPathName ); int ret = QMessageBox::question( nullptr, "LAS File Export", txt, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes ); if ( ret != QMessageBox::Yes ) continue; } std::vector commentHeader; lasFile.WriteToFile( fullPathName.toStdString(), commentHeader ); if ( QFileInfo::exists( fullPathName ) ) { writtenFiles.push_back( fullPathName ); } } return writtenFiles; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector RigLasFileExporter::createLasFileDescriptions( const std::vector& curves, bool convertCurveUnits ) { std::vector eclipseCurves; std::vector geoMechCurves; std::vector externalLasCurves; for ( auto curve : curves ) { RimWellLogExtractionCurve* extractionCurve = dynamic_cast( curve ); if ( extractionCurve ) { if ( extractionCurve->isEclipseCurve() ) { eclipseCurves.push_back( extractionCurve ); } else { geoMechCurves.push_back( extractionCurve ); } } else { externalLasCurves.push_back( curve ); } } // External LAS files std::vector lasFileDescriptions; appendLasFileDescriptions( externalLasCurves, &lasFileDescriptions, convertCurveUnits ); appendLasFileDescriptions( eclipseCurves, &lasFileDescriptions, convertCurveUnits ); appendLasFileDescriptions( geoMechCurves, &lasFileDescriptions, convertCurveUnits ); return lasFileDescriptions; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigLasFileExporter::appendLasFileDescriptions( const std::vector& curves, std::vector* lasFileDescriptions, bool convertCurveUnits ) { CVF_ASSERT( lasFileDescriptions ); struct CurveCollectionDefinition { CurveCollectionDefinition( const QString& wellName, const QString& caseName, const QString& date ) : m_wellName( wellName ) , m_caseName( caseName ) , m_date( date ) { } bool isEqual( RimWellLogCurve* curve, const QString& caseName ) { if ( m_wellName == curve->wellName() && m_caseName == caseName && m_date == curve->wellDate() ) { return true; } return false; } QString m_wellName; QString m_caseName; QString m_date; }; std::vector curveDefinitions; for ( auto curve : curves ) { QString caseName = caseNameFromCurve( curve ); bool found = false; for ( auto curveDef : curveDefinitions ) { if ( curveDef.isEqual( curve, caseName ) ) { found = true; } } if ( !found ) { CurveCollectionDefinition curveDefCandidate( curve->wellName(), caseName, curve->wellDate() ); curveDefinitions.push_back( curveDefCandidate ); } } for ( auto curveDef : curveDefinitions ) { SingleLasFileMetaData singleLasFileMeta; singleLasFileMeta.setWellName( curveDef.m_wellName ); singleLasFileMeta.setCaseName( curveDef.m_caseName ); singleLasFileMeta.setDate( curveDef.m_date ); for ( auto curve : curves ) { if ( curveDef.isEqual( curve, caseNameFromCurve( curve ) ) ) { singleLasFileMeta.setRkbDiff( rkbDiff( curve ) ); const RigWellLogCurveData* curveData = nullptr; if ( m_isResampleActive ) { cvf::ref resampledData = curve->curveData()->calculateResampledCurveData( m_resamplingInterval ); m_resampledCurveDatas.push_back( resampledData.p() ); curveData = resampledData.p(); } else { curveData = curve->curveData(); } QString units = curve->curveData()->propertyValueUnit(); if ( convertCurveUnits || units == RiaWellLogUnitTools::barX100UnitString() ) { units = curve->wellLogChannelUnits(); } singleLasFileMeta.addLogData( curve->wellLogChannelName().toStdString(), units.toStdString(), "", curveData ); } } lasFileDescriptions->push_back( singleLasFileMeta ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString RigLasFileExporter::caseNameFromCurve( RimWellLogCurve* curve ) { QString caseName; RimWellLogExtractionCurve* extractionCurve = dynamic_cast( curve ); if ( extractionCurve ) { caseName = extractionCurve->caseName(); } else { caseName = "unnamed"; } return caseName; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double RigLasFileExporter::rkbDiff( RimWellLogCurve* curve ) { RimWellLogExtractionCurve* extractionCurve = dynamic_cast( curve ); if ( extractionCurve && extractionCurve->wellPath() ) { return extractionCurve->wellPath()->wellPathGeometry()->rkbDiff(); } return HUGE_VAL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RigLasFileExporter::applyUserDefinedRkbOffsets( std::vector* lasFileDescriptions ) { if ( m_userDefinedRkbOffsets.size() == lasFileDescriptions->size() ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_userDefinedRkbOffsets.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_userDefinedRkbOffsets[i] != HUGE_VAL ) { lasFileDescriptions->at( i ).setRkbDiff( m_userDefinedRkbOffsets[i] ); lasFileDescriptions->at( i ).enableTvdrkbExport(); } } } }