Magne Sjaastad 2814b92055
Qt6: Adjustments (#11804)
* Qt6: Avoid insertWidget, use addWidget
In Qt6, the insertWidget function checks if the index parameter is valid based on current widgets present in the layout. This is error prone, and use addWidget to avoid manual counting of index.

* Disable use of Qt keyword foreach

* Replace use of QRegExp with QRegularExpression
Replace use of QRegExp with QRegularExpression
Remove dependency on qt5compat module
Simplify an expression based on review

* Remove Qt5 ifdefs

* Guard access out of bounds seen in debug build

* Avoid reuse of string variable

* Disconnect all signals from the QOpenGLContext
The call stack when this assert happens indicates that there are more signals to be disconnected from the object. Crash is fixed by disconnecting all signals.

Assert seen in debug build:

ASSERT failure in caf::Viewer: "Called object is not of the correct type (class destructor may have already run)", file C:\Qt\6.6.3\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h, line 130

* Fix issue related to delete of a linked view
Guard null pointer use in view linker. Remove complicated cleanup in destructor in Rim3dVew.
2024-10-28 13:09:18 +01:00

931 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020 Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiuGuiTheme.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiuThemesDirectory.h"
#include "cafAppEnum.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeViewEditor.h"
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QColor>
#include <QCompleter>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QIODevice>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringListModel>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QWidget>
#include "qwt_legend_label.h"
#include "qwt_picker.h"
#include "qwt_plot.h"
#include "qwt_plot_curve.h"
#include "qwt_plot_grid.h"
#include "qwt_plot_marker.h"
#include "qwt_symbol.h"
RiaDefines::ThemeEnum RiuGuiTheme::s_currentTheme = RiaDefines::ThemeEnum::DEFAULT;
QMap<RiaDefines::ThemeEnum, QMap<QString, QString>> RiuGuiTheme::s_variableValueMap = {};
QMap<RiaDefines::ThemeEnum, QMap<QString, QString>> RiuGuiTheme::s_variableGuiTextMap = {};
QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString>>>> RiuGuiTheme::s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap = {};
QMap<QString, CustomStyleSheetApplicator> RiuGuiTheme::s_customStyleSheetApplicators =
{ { QString( "QwtPlot\\[\"(?<plotName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]::curve\\[\"(?<itemName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]\\s*\\{("
"\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9#]+)\\s*;))*)[\\n\\r]*\\s*\\}" ),
[]( QRegularExpressionMatch& match )
QRegularExpression plotNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "plotName" ) );
QRegularExpression itemNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "itemName" ) );
QRegularExpression lineColorRegExp( "line-color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString lineColor = lineColorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
QRegularExpression symbolColorRegExp( "symbol-color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString symbolColor = symbolColorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
if ( !lineColor.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ), QString( "curve" ), match.captured( "itemName" ), "line-color", lineColor );
if ( !symbolColor.isEmpty() )
// Symbols get the same color assigned as curves.
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ),
QString( "curve" ),
match.captured( "itemName" ),
symbolColor );
if ( lineColor.isEmpty() && symbolColor.isEmpty() ) return;
const QWidgetList topLevelWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
for ( QWidget* widget : topLevelWidgets )
for ( QwtPlot* plotWidget : widget->findChildren<QwtPlot*>() )
if ( plotNameRegExp.match( plotWidget->property( "qss-class" ).toString() ).hasMatch() )
for ( QwtPlotItem* item : plotWidget->itemList() )
if ( QwtPlotCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotCurve*>( item ) )
if ( itemNameRegExp.match( item->title().text() ).hasMatch() || match.captured( "itemName" ) == "*" )
QPen pen = curve->pen();
pen.setColor( QColor( lineColor ) );
curve->setPen( pen );
if ( curve->symbol() && curve->symbol()->style() != QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )
QPen pen = curve->symbol()->pen();
pen.setColor( QColor( symbolColor ) );
QwtSymbol* symbol = cloneCurveSymbol( curve );
symbol->setPen( pen );
curve->setSymbol( symbol );
} },
{ QString( "QwtPlot\\[\"(?<plotName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]::grid\\[\"(?<itemName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]\\s*\\{("
"\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9#]+)\\s*;))*)[\\n\\r]*\\s*\\}" ),
[]( QRegularExpressionMatch& match )
QRegularExpression plotNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "plotName" ) );
QRegularExpression itemNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "itemName" ) );
QRegularExpression colorRegExp( "color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString color = colorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
const QWidgetList topLevelWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
if ( !color.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ), QString( "grid" ), match.captured( "itemName" ), "color", color );
for ( QWidget* widget : topLevelWidgets )
for ( QwtPlot* plotWidget : widget->findChildren<QwtPlot*>() )
if ( plotNameRegExp.match( plotWidget->property( "qss-class" ).toString() ).hasMatch() ||
match.captured( "plotName" ) == "*" )
for ( QwtPlotItem* item : plotWidget->itemList() )
if ( QwtPlotGrid* grid = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotGrid*>( item ) )
if ( itemNameRegExp.match( item->title().text() ).hasMatch() || match.captured( "itemName" ) == "*" )
QPen pen = grid->majorPen();
pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
grid->setPen( pen );
} },
{ QString( "QwtPlot\\[\"(?<plotName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]::legend\\s*\\{("
"\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9#]+)\\s*;))*)[\\n\\r]*\\s*\\}" ),
[]( QRegularExpressionMatch& match )
QRegularExpression plotNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "plotName" ) );
QRegularExpression itemNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "itemName" ) );
QRegularExpression colorRegExp( "text-color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString color = colorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
const QWidgetList topLevelWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
if ( !color.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ), QString( "legend" ), match.captured( "itemName" ), "text-color", color );
for ( QWidget* widget : topLevelWidgets )
for ( QwtPlot* plotWidget : widget->findChildren<QwtPlot*>() )
if ( plotNameRegExp.match( plotWidget->property( "qss-class" ).toString() ).hasMatch() ||
match.captured( "plotName" ) == "*" )
for ( QwtLegendLabel* label : plotWidget->findChildren<QwtLegendLabel*>() )
QwtText text = label->text();
text.setColor( QColor( color ) );
label->setText( text );
} },
{ QString( "QwtPlot\\[\"(?<plotName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]::lineMarker\\[\"(?<itemName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]"
"\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9#]+)\\s*;))*)[\\n\\r]*\\s*\\}" ),
[]( QRegularExpressionMatch& match )
QRegularExpression plotNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "plotName" ) );
QRegularExpression itemNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "itemName" ) );
QRegularExpression colorRegExp( "color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString color = colorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
QRegularExpression textColorRegExp( "text-color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString textColor = textColorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
const QWidgetList topLevelWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
if ( !color.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ), QString( "lineMarker" ), match.captured( "itemName" ), "color", color );
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ),
QString( "lineMarker" ),
match.captured( "itemName" ),
textColor );
for ( QWidget* widget : topLevelWidgets )
for ( QwtPlot* plotWidget : widget->findChildren<QwtPlot*>() )
if ( plotNameRegExp.match( plotWidget->property( "qss-class" ).toString() ).hasMatch() ||
match.captured( "plotName" ) == "*" )
for ( QwtPlotItem* item : plotWidget->itemList() )
if ( QwtPlotMarker* marker = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotMarker*>( item ) )
if ( marker->symbol() == nullptr || marker->symbol()->style() == QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )
if ( itemNameRegExp.match( item->title().text() ).hasMatch() || match.captured( "itemName" ) == "*" )
QPen pen = marker->linePen();
pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
marker->setLinePen( pen );
marker->label().setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
} },
{ QString( "QwtPlot\\[\"(?<plotName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]::pointMarker\\[\"(?<itemName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]"
"\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9#]+)\\s*;))*)[\\n\\r]*\\s*\\}" ),
[]( QRegularExpressionMatch& match )
QRegularExpression plotNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "plotName" ) );
QRegularExpression itemNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "itemName" ) );
QRegularExpression colorRegExp( "color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString color = colorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
QRegularExpression textColorRegExp( "text-color:\\s*([#0-9a-zA-Z]+)" );
QString textColor = textColorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
const QWidgetList topLevelWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
if ( !color.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ), QString( "pointMarker" ), match.captured( "itemName" ), "color", color );
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ),
QString( "pointMarker" ),
match.captured( "itemName" ),
textColor );
for ( QWidget* widget : topLevelWidgets )
for ( QwtPlot* plotWidget : widget->findChildren<QwtPlot*>() )
if ( plotNameRegExp.match( plotWidget->property( "qss-class" ).toString() ).hasMatch() ||
match.captured( "plotName" ) == "*" )
for ( QwtPlotItem* item : plotWidget->itemList() )
if ( QwtPlotMarker* marker = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotMarker*>( item ) )
if ( marker->symbol() && marker->symbol()->style() != QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )
if ( itemNameRegExp.match( item->title().text() ).hasMatch() || match.captured( "itemName" ) == "*" )
QPen pen = marker->symbol()->pen();
pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
QwtSymbol* symbol = cloneMarkerSymbol( marker );
symbol->setPen( pen );
marker->setSymbol( symbol );
marker->label().setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
} },
{ QString( "QwtPlot\\[\"(?<plotName>[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\*]+)\"\\]::picker"
"\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9#]+)\\s*;))*)[\\n\\r]*\\s*\\}" ),
[]( QRegularExpressionMatch& match )
QRegularExpression plotNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "plotName" ) );
QRegularExpression itemNameRegExp = QRegularExpression::fromWildcard( match.captured( "itemName" ) );
QRegularExpression textColorRegExp( "text-color:\\s*([#a-zA-Z0-9]+)" );
QString textColor = textColorRegExp.match( match.captured( "properties" ) ).captured( 1 );
const QWidgetList topLevelWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() )
storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( match.captured( "plotName" ), QString( "picker" ), "*", "text-color", textColor );
for ( QWidget* widget : topLevelWidgets )
for ( QwtPlot* plotWidget : widget->findChildren<QwtPlot*>() )
if ( plotNameRegExp.match( plotWidget->property( "qss-class" ).toString() ).hasMatch() ||
match.captured( "plotName" ) == "*" )
QWidget* canvas = plotWidget->canvas();
if ( canvas )
for ( QwtPicker* picker : canvas->findChildren<QwtPicker*>() )
QPen pen = picker->trackerPen();
pen.setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
picker->setTrackerPen( pen );
} } };
RiaDefines::ThemeEnum RiuGuiTheme::currentGuiTheme()
return s_currentTheme;
void RiuGuiTheme::updateGuiTheme( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
s_currentTheme = theme;
applyStyleSheet( theme );
const QWidgetList allWidgets = QApplication::allWidgets();
for ( QWidget* widget : allWidgets )
widget->style()->unpolish( widget );
widget->style()->polish( widget );
if ( caf::PdmUiTreeViewWidget* treeViewWidget = dynamic_cast<caf::PdmUiTreeViewWidget*>( widget ) )
treeViewWidget->setStyle( new caf::PdmUiTreeViewStyle );
bool RiuGuiTheme::applyStyleSheet( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
QString styleSheetPath = getStyleSheetPath( theme );
QFile styleSheetFile( styleSheetPath );
if ( styleSheetFile.exists() )
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
RiaGuiApplication* app = RiaGuiApplication::instance();
QString styleSheet = styleSheetFile.readAll();
preparseStyleSheet( theme, styleSheet );
app->setStyleSheet( styleSheet );
return true;
return false;
void RiuGuiTheme::changeVariableValue( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme, const QString& variableName, const QString& newValue )
if ( !s_variableValueMap.keys().contains( theme ) )
s_variableValueMap.insert( theme, {} );
if ( !s_variableValueMap[theme].keys().contains( variableName ) )
s_variableValueMap[theme].insert( variableName, newValue );
s_variableValueMap[theme][variableName] = newValue;
QMap<QString, QString> RiuGuiTheme::getVariableValueMap( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
if ( !s_variableValueMap.keys().contains( theme ) )
QFile styleSheetFile( getStyleSheetPath( theme ) );
if ( styleSheetFile.exists() )
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
QString styleSheet = styleSheetFile.readAll();
preparseStyleSheet( theme, styleSheet );
return s_variableValueMap[theme];
return QMap<QString, QString>();
return s_variableValueMap[theme];
QMap<QString, QString> RiuGuiTheme::getVariableGuiTextMap( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
if ( !s_variableGuiTextMap.keys().contains( theme ) )
QFile styleSheetFile( getStyleSheetPath( theme ) );
if ( styleSheetFile.exists() )
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
QString styleSheet = styleSheetFile.readAll();
preparseStyleSheet( theme, styleSheet );
return s_variableGuiTextMap[theme];
return QMap<QString, QString>();
return s_variableGuiTextMap[theme];
QString RiuGuiTheme::applyVariableValueMapToStyleSheet( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
QFileInfo info( getStyleSheetPath( theme ) );
QString absoluteStyleSheetPath = QString( "%0/%1" ).arg( GUI_THEMES_DIR ).arg( info.fileName() );
QFile styleSheetFile( absoluteStyleSheetPath );
if ( styleSheetFile.exists() )
QString styleSheet;
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text ) )
styleSheet = styleSheetFile.readAll();
QRegularExpression variableRegExp( "(?<prefix>[ \\t]*(?<name>\\$[a-zA-z0-9_]+)[ \\t]*:[ "
"\\t]*)(?<value>[a-zA-Z-_0-9#]+)(?<suffix>;[ \\t]*(\\/\\/[ "
"\\t]*(?<descriptor>(.*)))?)" );
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matchIterator = variableRegExp.globalMatch( styleSheet );
while ( matchIterator.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
styleSheet.replace( match.captured( 0 ),
QString( "%0%1%2" )
.arg( match.captured( "prefix" ) )
.arg( s_variableValueMap[theme].value( match.captured( "name" ) ) )
.arg( match.captured( "suffix" ) ) );
if ( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text ) )
styleSheetFile.write( styleSheet.toLatin1() );
return styleSheet;
return QString();
bool RiuGuiTheme::writeStyleSheetToFile( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme, const QString& styleSheet )
QFileInfo info( getStyleSheetPath( theme ) );
QString absoluteStyleSheetPath = QString( "%0/%1" ).arg( GUI_THEMES_DIR ).arg( info.fileName() );
QFile styleSheetFile( absoluteStyleSheetPath );
if ( styleSheetFile.exists() )
if ( QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text ) )
QString modifiedStyleSheet = styleSheet;
formatStyleSheetForWriting( modifiedStyleSheet );
styleSheetFile.write( modifiedStyleSheet.toLatin1() );
preparseStyleSheet( theme, modifiedStyleSheet );
RiaGuiApplication* app = RiaGuiApplication::instance();
app->setStyleSheet( modifiedStyleSheet );
const QWidgetList topLevelWidgets = QApplication::allWidgets();
for ( QWidget* widget : topLevelWidgets )
widget->style()->unpolish( widget );
widget->style()->polish( widget );
return true;
return false;
QString RiuGuiTheme::loadStyleSheet( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
QFile styleSheetFile( getStyleSheetPath( theme ) );
QString styleSheet;
if ( styleSheetFile.exists() )
if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
styleSheet = styleSheetFile.readAll();
return styleSheet;
QAbstractItemModel* RiuGuiTheme::getQssCompletionModel( QCompleter* completer )
QFile file( ":utility/qss-keywords.txt" );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) ) return new QStringListModel( completer );
QStringList words;
while ( !file.atEnd() )
QByteArray line = file.readLine();
if ( !line.isEmpty() ) words << QString::fromUtf8( line.trimmed() );
return new QStringListModel( words, completer );
QColor RiuGuiTheme::getColorByVariableName( const QString& variable, RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme /*= UNDEFINED */ )
RiaDefines::ThemeEnum eTheme = s_currentTheme;
if ( theme != RiaDefines::ThemeEnum::UNDEFINED )
eTheme = theme;
if ( s_variableValueMap.keys().contains( eTheme ) && s_variableValueMap[eTheme].keys().contains( "$" + variable ) )
return QColor( s_variableValueMap[eTheme]["$" + variable] );
return Qt::black;
QString RiuGuiTheme::getQwtStyleSheetProperty( QString plotName, const QString& itemType, QString itemName, const QString& propertyName )
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap.keys().contains( plotName ) )
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap.keys().contains( "*" ) )
return QString();
plotName = "*";
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName].keys().contains( itemType ) )
if ( s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap.keys().contains( "*" ) && s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap["*"].keys().contains( itemType ) )
plotName = "*";
return QString();
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName][itemType].keys().contains( itemName ) )
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName][itemType].keys().contains( "*" ) )
if ( s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap.keys().contains( "*" ) && s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap["*"].keys().contains( itemType ) &&
s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap["*"][itemType].keys().contains( "*" ) )
plotName = "*";
itemName = "*";
return QString();
itemName = "*";
return s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName][itemType][itemName].value( propertyName );
void RiuGuiTheme::styleQwtItem( QwtPlotItem* item )
QwtPlot* plot = item->plot();
QString plotName;
if ( plot && plot->property( "qss-class" ).isValid() )
plotName = plot->property( "qss-class" ).toString();
if ( QwtPlotCurve* curve = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotCurve*>( item ) )
QPen pen = curve->pen();
QString color = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "curve", curve->title().text(), "line-color" );
if ( !color.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
curve->setPen( pen );
if ( curve->symbol() && curve->symbol()->style() != QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )
pen = curve->symbol()->pen();
QString symbolColor = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "curve", curve->title().text(), "symbol-color" );
if ( !color.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( symbolColor ) );
QwtSymbol* symbol = cloneCurveSymbol( curve );
symbol->setPen( pen );
curve->setSymbol( symbol );
else if ( QwtPlotGrid* grid = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotGrid*>( item ) )
QPen pen = grid->majorPen();
QString color = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "grid", grid->title().text(), "color" );
if ( !color.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
grid->setPen( pen );
else if ( QwtPlotMarker* marker = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotMarker*>( item ) )
if ( marker->symbol() == nullptr || marker->symbol()->style() == QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )
QPen pen = marker->linePen();
QString color = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "lineMarker", marker->title().text(), "color" );
if ( !color.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
marker->setLinePen( pen );
QString textColor = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "lineMarker", marker->title().text(), "text-color" );
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() ) marker->label().setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
QwtSymbol* symbol = cloneMarkerSymbol( marker );
QPen pen = symbol->pen();
QString color = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "pointMarker", marker->title().text(), "color" );
if ( !color.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
symbol->setPen( pen );
marker->setSymbol( symbol );
QString textColor = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "pointMarker", marker->title().text(), "text-color" );
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() ) marker->label().setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
else if ( QwtPlotMarker* marker = dynamic_cast<QwtPlotMarker*>( item ) )
if ( marker->symbol() == nullptr || marker->symbol()->style() == QwtSymbol::NoSymbol )
QPen pen = marker->linePen();
QString color = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "lineMarker", marker->title().text(), "color" );
if ( !color.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
marker->setLinePen( pen );
QString textColor = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "lineMarker", marker->title().text(), "text-color" );
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() ) marker->label().setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
QwtSymbol* symbol = cloneMarkerSymbol( marker );
QPen pen = symbol->pen();
QString color = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "pointMarker", marker->title().text(), "color" );
if ( !color.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( color ) );
symbol->setPen( pen );
marker->setSymbol( symbol );
QString textColor = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "pointMarker", marker->title().text(), "text-color" );
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() ) marker->label().setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
void RiuGuiTheme::styleQwtItem( QwtPicker* item )
QWidget* canvas = item->parentWidget();
if ( canvas )
QwtPlot* plot = dynamic_cast<QwtPlot*>( canvas->parentWidget() );
if ( plot )
QString plotName;
if ( plot && plot->property( "qss-class" ).isValid() )
plotName = plot->property( "qss-class" ).toString();
QPen pen = item->trackerPen();
QString textColor = getQwtStyleSheetProperty( plotName, "picker", "*", "text-color" );
if ( !textColor.isEmpty() ) pen.setColor( QColor( textColor ) );
item->setTrackerPen( pen );
void RiuGuiTheme::preparseStyleSheet( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme, QString& styleSheet )
QMap<QString, QPalette::ColorRole> colorRoleMap;
colorRoleMap.insert( "AlternateBase", QPalette::ColorRole::AlternateBase );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Base", QPalette::ColorRole::Base );
colorRoleMap.insert( "BrightText", QPalette::ColorRole::BrightText );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Button", QPalette::ColorRole::Button );
colorRoleMap.insert( "ButtonText", QPalette::ColorRole::ButtonText );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Dark", QPalette::ColorRole::Dark );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Highlight", QPalette::ColorRole::Highlight );
colorRoleMap.insert( "HighlightedText", QPalette::ColorRole::HighlightedText );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Light", QPalette::ColorRole::Light );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Link", QPalette::ColorRole::Link );
colorRoleMap.insert( "LinkVisited", QPalette::ColorRole::LinkVisited );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Mid", QPalette::ColorRole::Mid );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Midlight", QPalette::ColorRole::Midlight );
colorRoleMap.insert( "NoRole", QPalette::ColorRole::NoRole );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Shadow", QPalette::ColorRole::Shadow );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Text", QPalette::ColorRole::Text );
colorRoleMap.insert( "ToolTipBase", QPalette::ColorRole::ToolTipBase );
colorRoleMap.insert( "ToolTipText", QPalette::ColorRole::ToolTipText );
colorRoleMap.insert( "Window", QPalette::ColorRole::Window );
colorRoleMap.insert( "WindowText", QPalette::ColorRole::WindowText );
QMap<QString, QPalette::ColorGroup> colorGroupMap;
colorGroupMap.insert( "Active", QPalette::ColorGroup::Active );
colorGroupMap.insert( "Disabled", QPalette::ColorGroup::Disabled );
colorGroupMap.insert( "Inactive", QPalette::ColorGroup::Inactive );
QString regExp = "QPalette::(";
regExp += colorRoleMap.keys().join( "|" );
regExp += "){1}(::(";
regExp += colorGroupMap.keys().join( "|" );
regExp += "){1})?";
QRegularExpression paletteRegExp( regExp );
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matchIterator = paletteRegExp.globalMatch( styleSheet );
QPalette palette = QApplication::palette();
while ( matchIterator.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
QPalette::ColorGroup colorGroup = QPalette::ColorGroup::Active;
if ( match.lastCapturedIndex() == 3 )
colorGroup = colorGroupMap.value( match.captured( 3 ) );
QColor color = palette.color( colorGroup, colorRoleMap.value( match.captured( 1 ) ) );
styleSheet.replace( match.captured( 0 ), );
QRegularExpression variableRegExp( "[ \\t]*(?<name>\\$[a-zA-z0-9_]+)[ \\t]*:[ \\t]*(?<value>[a-zA-Z-_0-9#]+);[ \\t]*(\\/\\/[ "
"\\t]*(?<descriptor>(.*)))?[\\n\\r]*" );
matchIterator = variableRegExp.globalMatch( styleSheet );
if ( !s_variableValueMap.keys().contains( theme ) )
s_variableValueMap.insert( theme, {} );
while ( matchIterator.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
styleSheet.replace( match.captured( 0 ), "" );
QRegularExpression replaceRegExp( "(\\" + match.captured( "name" ) + ")([ ;\\n\\t]+)" );
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator replaceMatchIterator = replaceRegExp.globalMatch( styleSheet );
while ( replaceMatchIterator.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch replaceMatch =;
if ( s_variableValueMap[theme].keys().contains( match.captured( "name" ) ) )
styleSheet = styleSheet.left( replaceMatch.capturedStart( 1 ) ) + s_variableValueMap[theme].value( match.captured( "name" ) ) +
replaceMatch.captured( 2 ) + styleSheet.right( styleSheet.length() - replaceMatch.capturedEnd( 0 ) );
styleSheet = styleSheet.left( replaceMatch.capturedStart( 0 ) ) + match.captured( "value" ) + replaceMatch.captured( 2 ) +
styleSheet.right( styleSheet.length() - replaceMatch.capturedEnd( 0 ) );
// Positions got updated, we need to reassign the iterator.
replaceMatchIterator = replaceRegExp.globalMatch( styleSheet );
if ( !s_variableValueMap[theme].keys().contains( match.captured( "name" ) ) )
s_variableValueMap[theme].insert( match.captured( "name" ), match.captured( "value" ) );
s_variableGuiTextMap[theme].insert( match.captured( "name" ), match.captured( "descriptor" ) );
QMap<QString, CustomStyleSheetApplicator>::iterator applicatorIterator;
for ( applicatorIterator = s_customStyleSheetApplicators.begin(); applicatorIterator != s_customStyleSheetApplicators.end();
applicatorIterator++ )
matchIterator = QRegularExpression( applicatorIterator.key() ).globalMatch( styleSheet );
while ( matchIterator.hasNext() )
QRegularExpressionMatch match =;
applicatorIterator.value()( match );
styleSheet.replace( match.captured( 0 ), "" );
styleSheet = styleSheet.simplified();
QString RiuGuiTheme::getStyleSheetPath( RiaDefines::ThemeEnum theme )
return QString( ":/themes/%0.qss" ).arg( caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::ThemeEnum>( theme ).text().toLower() );
void RiuGuiTheme::storeQwtStyleSheetProperty( const QString& plotName,
const QString& itemType,
const QString& itemName,
const QString& propertyName,
const QString& value )
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap.keys().contains( plotName ) )
s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap.insert( plotName, QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString>>>{} );
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName].keys().contains( itemType ) )
s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName].insert( itemType, QMap<QString, QMap<QString, QString>>{} );
if ( !s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName][itemType].keys().contains( itemName ) )
s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName][itemType].insert( itemName, QMap<QString, QString>{} );
s_qwtPlotItemPropertiesMap[plotName][itemType][itemName].insert( propertyName, value );
QwtSymbol* RiuGuiTheme::cloneMarkerSymbol( QwtPlotMarker* marker )
QwtSymbol* symbol = new QwtSymbol();
symbol->setBrush( marker->symbol()->brush() );
symbol->setPen( marker->symbol()->pen() );
symbol->setStyle( marker->symbol()->style() );
if ( marker->symbol()->style() == QwtSymbol::Style::Pixmap )
symbol->setPixmap( marker->symbol()->pixmap() );
else if ( marker->symbol()->style() == QwtSymbol::Style::Graphic )
symbol->setGraphic( marker->symbol()->graphic() );
symbol->setSize( marker->symbol()->size() );
symbol->setPinPoint( marker->symbol()->pinPoint() );
return symbol;
QwtSymbol* RiuGuiTheme::cloneCurveSymbol( QwtPlotCurve* curve )
QwtSymbol* symbol = new QwtSymbol();
symbol->setBrush( curve->symbol()->brush() );
symbol->setPen( curve->symbol()->pen() );
symbol->setStyle( curve->symbol()->style() );
if ( curve->symbol()->style() == QwtSymbol::Style::Pixmap )
symbol->setPixmap( curve->symbol()->pixmap() );
else if ( curve->symbol()->style() == QwtSymbol::Style::Graphic )
symbol->setGraphic( curve->symbol()->graphic() );
symbol->setSize( curve->symbol()->size() );
symbol->setPinPoint( curve->symbol()->pinPoint() );
return symbol;
void RiuGuiTheme::formatStyleSheetForWriting( QString& styleSheet )
styleSheet.replace( "\\r", "" );