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synced 2024-12-28 18:01:08 -06:00
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105 lines
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# IMPORT code blocks
Set-Variable -name "kScriptLocation" `
-value (Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent) <#`
-option Constant#>
, "$kScriptLocation\io.ps1"
) | ForEach-Object { . $_ }
Describe "File IO" {
It "Remove-PathTrailingSlash" {
Remove-PathTrailingSlash "c:\windows\" | Should -BeExactly "c:\windows"
Remove-PathTrailingSlash "c:\windows" | Should -BeExactly "c:\windows"
Remove-PathTrailingSlash "..\foo\bar\" | Should -BeExactly "..\foo\bar"
It "Get-FileDirectory" {
Get-FileDirectory "$env:SystemRoot\explorer.exe" | Should -BeExactly "$env:SystemRoot\"
Get-FileDirectory "$env:SystemRoot\explorer.exe" | Should -BeExactly "$env:SystemRoot\"
Get-FileDirectory "$env:SystemRoot\foobar.nonexistent" | Should -BeExactly "$env:SystemRoot\"
Get-FileDirectory "foo\bar" | Should -BeExactly "foo\"
It "Get-FileName" {
Get-FileName "$env:SystemRoot\explorer.exe" | Should -BeExactly "explorer.exe"
Get-FileName "$env:SystemRoot\foobar.nonexistent" | Should -BeExactly "foobar.nonexistent"
It "IsFileMatchingName - no regex" {
# Mocking script parameter aDisableNameRegexMatching
[bool] $aDisableNameRegexMatching = $true
$path = "$env:SystemRoot\notepad.exe"
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "notepad" | Should -BeExactly $true
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "notepad.exe" | Should -BeExactly $true
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "notepad.ex" | Should -BeExactly $false
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "note" | Should -BeExactly $false
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName ".*" | Should -BeExactly $false
It "IsFileMatchingName - with regex" {
# Mocking script parameter aDisableNameRegexMatching
[bool] $aDisableNameRegexMatching = $false
$path = "$env:SystemRoot\notepad.exe"
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "notepad" | Should -BeExactly $true
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "notepad.exe" | Should -BeExactly $true
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "notepad.ex" | Should -BeExactly $true
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName "note" | Should -BeExactly $true
IsFileMatchingName -filePath $path -matchName ".*" | Should -BeExactly $true
It "FileHasExtension" {
FileHasExtension -filePath "c:\foo.bar" -ext 'bar' | Should -BeExactly $true
FileHasExtension -filePath "c:\foo.bar" -ext 'bar2' | Should -BeExactly $false
FileHasExtension -filePath "c:\foo.bar" -ext @('bar') | Should -BeExactly $true
FileHasExtension -filePath "c:\foo.bar" -ext @('bar2') | Should -BeExactly $false
FileHasExtension -filePath "c:\foo.bar" -ext @('bar', 'bar2') | Should -BeExactly $true
FileHasExtension -filePath "c:\foo.bar" -ext @('bar2', 'bar') | Should -BeExactly $true
FileHasExtension -filePath "c:\foo.bar" -ext @('bar2', 'bar2') | Should -BeExactly $false
It "Canonize-Path" {
$sysDrive = "$env:SystemDrive\"
Canonize-Path -base $sysDrive -child "Windows" | Should -Be $env:SystemRoot
{ Canonize-Path -base $sysDrive -child "foobar" } | Should -throw
{ Canonize-Path -base $sysDrive -child "foobar" -ignoreErrors } | Should -not -throw
Canonize-Path -base $sysDrive -child "foobar" -ignoreErrors | Should -BeExactly $null
[string[]] $files = Canonize-Path -base $sysDrive -child "*" # get all children
$files.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1
It "Exists" {
[string] $winDir = $env:SystemRoot
Exists $winDir | should -BeExactly $true
Exists "$winDir\notepad.exe" | should -BeExactly $true
Exists "$winDir\foobar_surely_nonextant" | should -BeExactly $false
It "HasTrailingSlash" {
HasTrailingSlash "ab" | should -BeExactly $false
HasTrailingSlash "ab\" | should -BeExactly $true
HasTrailingSlash "ab/" | should -BeExactly $true
HasTrailingSlash "a/b/" | should -BeExactly $true
It "EnsureTrailingSlash" {
EnsureTrailingSlash "ab" | should -BeExactly "ab\"
EnsureTrailingSlash "ab\" | should -BeExactly "ab\"
EnsureTrailingSlash "ab/" | should -BeExactly "ab/"
EnsureTrailingSlash "a/b/" | should -BeExactly "a/b/"
Describe "Command IO" {
It "Exists-Command" {
Exists-Command "Get-Process" | Should -BeExactly $true
Exists-Command "Get-JiggyWithIt" | Should -BeExactly $false