Magne Sjaastad 2814b92055
Qt6: Adjustments (#11804)
* Qt6: Avoid insertWidget, use addWidget
In Qt6, the insertWidget function checks if the index parameter is valid based on current widgets present in the layout. This is error prone, and use addWidget to avoid manual counting of index.

* Disable use of Qt keyword foreach

* Replace use of QRegExp with QRegularExpression
Replace use of QRegExp with QRegularExpression
Remove dependency on qt5compat module
Simplify an expression based on review

* Remove Qt5 ifdefs

* Guard access out of bounds seen in debug build

* Avoid reuse of string variable

* Disconnect all signals from the QOpenGLContext
The call stack when this assert happens indicates that there are more signals to be disconnected from the object. Crash is fixed by disconnecting all signals.

Assert seen in debug build:

ASSERT failure in caf::Viewer: "Called object is not of the correct type (class destructor may have already run)", file C:\Qt\6.6.3\msvc2019_64\include\QtCore/qobjectdefs_impl.h, line 130

* Fix issue related to delete of a linked view
Guard null pointer use in view linker. Remove complicated cleanup in destructor in Rim3dVew.
2024-10-28 13:09:18 +01:00

1701 lines
64 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RifEclipseInputFileTools.h"
#include "RiaCellDividingTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaResultNames.h"
#include "RiaStringEncodingTools.h"
#include "RiaTextStringTools.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicEclipseCellResultToFileImpl.h"
#include "RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader.h"
#include "RifEclipseKeywordContent.h"
#include "RifEclipseTextFileReader.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseOutput.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RigFault.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDir>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QTextStream>
#include "ert/ecl/ecl_box.hpp"
#include "ert/ecl/ecl_grid.hpp"
#include "ert/ecl/ecl_kw.h"
QString includeKeyword( "INCLUDE" );
QString faultsKeyword( "FAULTS" );
QString editKeyword( "EDIT" );
QString gridKeyword( "GRID" );
QString pathsKeyword( "PATHS" );
/// Constructor
/// Destructor
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools::openGridFile( const QString& fileName, RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCase, bool readFaultData, QString* errorMessages )
std::string filename = fileName.toStdString();
auto objects = RifEclipseTextFileReader::readKeywordAndValues( filename );
ecl_kw_type* specGridKw = nullptr;
ecl_kw_type* zCornKw = nullptr;
ecl_kw_type* coordKw = nullptr;
ecl_kw_type* actNumKw = nullptr;
ecl_kw_type* mapAxesKw = nullptr;
for ( const auto& obj : objects )
std::string keyword = "SPECGRID";
if ( keyword ) == 0 )
std::vector<int> intValues;
for ( const auto& val : obj.values )
intValues.push_back( val );
specGridKw = ecl_kw_alloc_new(, (int)obj.values.size(), ECL_INT, );
std::string keyword = "COORD";
if ( keyword ) == 0 )
coordKw = ecl_kw_alloc_new(, (int)obj.values.size(), ECL_FLOAT, );
std::string keyword = "ZCORN";
if ( keyword ) == 0 )
zCornKw = ecl_kw_alloc_new(, (int)obj.values.size(), ECL_FLOAT, );
std::string keyword = "ACTNUM";
if ( keyword ) == 0 )
std::vector<int> intValues;
for ( const auto& val : obj.values )
intValues.push_back( val );
actNumKw = ecl_kw_alloc_new(, (int)obj.values.size(), ECL_INT, );
std::string keyword = "MAPAXES";
if ( keyword ) == 0 )
mapAxesKw = ecl_kw_alloc_new(, (int)obj.values.size(), ECL_FLOAT, );
if ( specGridKw && zCornKw && coordKw )
int nx = ecl_kw_iget_int( specGridKw, 0 );
int ny = ecl_kw_iget_int( specGridKw, 1 );
int nz = ecl_kw_iget_int( specGridKw, 2 );
ecl_grid_type* inputGrid = ecl_grid_alloc_GRDECL_kw( nx, ny, nz, zCornKw, coordKw, actNumKw, mapAxesKw );
RifReaderEclipseOutput::transferGeometry( inputGrid, eclipseCase, false );
if ( readFaultData )
bool isFaultKeywordPresent = false;
for ( const auto& keywordObj : objects )
if ( keywordObj.keyword == "FAULTS" ) isFaultKeywordPresent = true;
if ( isFaultKeywordPresent )
importFaultsFromFile( eclipseCase, fileName );
bool useMapAxes = ecl_grid_use_mapaxes( inputGrid );
eclipseCase->mainGrid()->setUseMapAxes( useMapAxes );
if ( useMapAxes )
std::array<double, 6> mapAxesValues;
ecl_grid_init_mapaxes_data_double( inputGrid, );
eclipseCase->mainGrid()->setMapAxes( mapAxesValues );
ecl_kw_free( specGridKw );
ecl_kw_free( zCornKw );
ecl_kw_free( coordKw );
if ( actNumKw ) ecl_kw_free( actNumKw );
if ( mapAxesKw ) ecl_kw_free( mapAxesKw );
ecl_grid_free( inputGrid );
QString errorMessages;
// Import additional keywords as input properties
RifEclipseInputPropertyLoader::createInputPropertiesFromKeywords( eclipseCase, objects, &errorMessages );
if ( !errorMessages.isEmpty() ) RiaLogging::error( errorMessages );
return true;
QString txt = "Missing required keywords :";
if ( !specGridKw ) txt += " SPECGRID";
if ( !zCornKw ) txt += " ZCORN";
if ( !coordKw ) txt += " COORD";
RiaLogging::error( txt );
return false;
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools::exportGrid( const QString& fileName,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCase,
bool exportInLocalCoordinates,
const cvf::UByteArray* cellVisibilityOverrideForActnum,
const cvf::Vec3st& min,
const cvf::Vec3st& maxIn,
const cvf::Vec3st& refinement )
if ( !eclipseCase )
return false;
const RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = eclipseCase->activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
CVF_ASSERT( activeCellInfo );
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid = eclipseCase->mainGrid();
cvf::Vec3st max = maxIn;
if ( max == cvf::Vec3st::UNDEFINED )
max = cvf::Vec3st( mainGrid->cellCountI() - 1, mainGrid->cellCountJ() - 1, mainGrid->cellCountK() - 1 );
int ecl_nx = static_cast<int>( ( max.x() - min.x() + 1 ) * refinement.x() );
int ecl_ny = static_cast<int>( ( max.y() - min.y() + 1 ) * refinement.y() );
int ecl_nz = static_cast<int>( ( max.z() - min.z() + 1 ) * refinement.z() );
CVF_ASSERT( ecl_nx > 0 && ecl_ny > 0 && ecl_nz > 0 );
size_t cellsPerOriginal = refinement.x() * refinement.y() * refinement.z();
caf::ProgressInfo progress( mainGrid->cellCount() * 2, "Save Eclipse Grid" );
int cellProgressInterval = 1000;
std::vector<float*> ecl_corners;
ecl_corners.reserve( mainGrid->cellCount() * cellsPerOriginal );
std::vector<int*> ecl_coords;
ecl_coords.reserve( mainGrid->cellCount() * cellsPerOriginal );
std::array<float, 6> mapAxes = mainGrid->mapAxesF();
cvf::Mat4d mapAxisTrans = mainGrid->mapAxisTransform();
if ( exportInLocalCoordinates )
cvf::Vec3d minPoint3d( mainGrid->boundingBox().min() );
cvf::Vec2f minPoint2f( minPoint3d.x(), minPoint3d.y() );
cvf::Vec2f origin( mapAxes[2] - minPoint2f.x(), mapAxes[3] - minPoint2f.y() );
cvf::Vec2f xPoint = cvf::Vec2f( mapAxes[4], mapAxes[5] ) - minPoint2f;
cvf::Vec2f yPoint = cvf::Vec2f( mapAxes[0], mapAxes[1] ) - minPoint2f;
mapAxes = { yPoint.x(), yPoint.y(), origin.x(), origin.y(), xPoint.x(), xPoint.y() };
mapAxisTrans.setTranslation( mapAxisTrans.translation() - minPoint3d );
const size_t* cellMappingECLRi = RifReaderEclipseOutput::eclipseCellIndexMapping();
int outputCellIndex = 0;
for ( size_t k = 0; k <= max.z() - min.z(); ++k )
for ( size_t j = 0; j <= max.y() - min.y(); ++j )
for ( size_t i = 0; i <= max.x() - min.x(); ++i )
size_t mainIndex = mainGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( min.x() + i, min.y() + j, min.z() + k );
int active = activeCellInfo->isActive( mainIndex ) ? 1 : 0;
if ( active && cellVisibilityOverrideForActnum )
active = ( *cellVisibilityOverrideForActnum )[mainIndex];
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8> cellCorners;
mainGrid->cellCornerVertices( mainIndex, );
if ( mainGrid->useMapAxes() )
for ( cvf::Vec3d& corner : cellCorners )
corner.transformPoint( mapAxisTrans );
auto refinedCoords = RiaCellDividingTools::createHexCornerCoords( cellCorners, refinement.x(), refinement.y(), refinement.z() );
for ( size_t subK = 0; subK < refinement.z(); ++subK )
for ( size_t subJ = 0; subJ < refinement.y(); ++subJ )
for ( size_t subI = 0; subI < refinement.x(); ++subI )
int* ecl_cell_coords = new int[5];
ecl_cell_coords[0] = static_cast<int>( i * refinement.x() + subI + 1 );
ecl_cell_coords[1] = static_cast<int>( j * refinement.y() + subJ + 1 );
ecl_cell_coords[2] = static_cast<int>( k * refinement.z() + subK + 1 );
ecl_cell_coords[3] = outputCellIndex++;
ecl_cell_coords[4] = active;
ecl_coords.push_back( ecl_cell_coords );
size_t subIndex = subI + subJ * refinement.x() + subK * refinement.x() * refinement.y();
float* ecl_cell_corners = new float[24];
for ( size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < 8; ++cIdx )
const auto cellCorner = refinedCoords[subIndex * 8 + cIdx];
ecl_cell_corners[cellMappingECLRi[cIdx] * 3] = cellCorner[0];
ecl_cell_corners[cellMappingECLRi[cIdx] * 3 + 1] = cellCorner[1];
ecl_cell_corners[cellMappingECLRi[cIdx] * 3 + 2] = -cellCorner[2];
ecl_corners.push_back( ecl_cell_corners );
if ( outputCellIndex % cellProgressInterval == 0 )
progress.setProgress( outputCellIndex / cellsPerOriginal );
// Do not perform the transformation (applyMapaxes == false):
// The coordinates have been transformed to the map axes coordinate system already.
// However, send the map axes data in to resdata so that the coordinate system description is saved.
bool applyMapaxes = false;
ecl_grid_type* mainEclGrid =
ecl_grid_alloc_GRID_data( (int)ecl_coords.size(), ecl_nx, ecl_ny, ecl_nz, 5, &ecl_coords[0], &ecl_corners[0], applyMapaxes, );
progress.setProgress( mainGrid->cellCount() );
for ( float* floatArray : ecl_corners )
delete floatArray;
for ( int* intArray : ecl_coords )
delete intArray;
FILE* filePtr = util_fopen( RiaStringEncodingTools::toNativeEncoded( fileName ).data(), "w" );
if ( !filePtr )
return false;
ert_ecl_unit_enum ecl_units = ECL_METRIC_UNITS;
if ( eclipseCase->unitsType() == RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD )
ecl_units = ECL_FIELD_UNITS;
else if ( eclipseCase->unitsType() == RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_LAB )
ecl_units = ECL_LAB_UNITS;
ecl_grid_fprintf_grdecl2( mainEclGrid, filePtr, ecl_units );
ecl_grid_free( mainEclGrid );
fclose( filePtr );
return true;
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools::exportKeywords( const QString& resultFileName,
RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCase,
const std::vector<QString>& keywords,
bool writeEchoKeywords,
const cvf::Vec3st& min,
const cvf::Vec3st& maxIn,
const cvf::Vec3st& refinement )
QFile exportFile( resultFileName );
if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
return false;
if ( writeEchoKeywords )
QTextStream stream( &exportFile );
stream << "NOECHO\n";
RigCaseCellResultsData* cellResultsData = eclipseCase->results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCells = cellResultsData->activeCellInfo();
RigMainGrid* mainGrid = eclipseCase->mainGrid();
cvf::Vec3st max = maxIn;
if ( max == cvf::Vec3st::UNDEFINED )
max = cvf::Vec3st( mainGrid->cellCountI() - 1, mainGrid->cellCountJ() - 1, mainGrid->cellCountK() - 1 );
caf::ProgressInfo progress( keywords.size(), "Saving Keywords" );
auto allResultAddresses = cellResultsData->existingResults();
auto findResultAddress = [&allResultAddresses]( const QString& keyword ) -> RigEclipseResultAddress
for ( const auto& adr : allResultAddresses )
if ( adr.resultName() == keyword )
return adr;
return {};
for ( const QString& keyword : keywords )
RigEclipseResultAddress resAddr = findResultAddress( keyword );
if ( !cellResultsData->hasResultEntry( resAddr ) ) continue;
cellResultsData->ensureKnownResultLoaded( resAddr );
CVF_ASSERT( !cellResultsData->cellScalarResults( resAddr ).empty() );
std::vector<double> resultValues = cellResultsData->cellScalarResults( resAddr )[0];
if ( resultValues.empty() ) continue;
double defaultExportValue = 0.0;
if ( RiaResultNames::isCategoryResult( keyword ) )
defaultExportValue = 1.0;
RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel = RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL;
// Create result accessor object for main grid at time step zero (static result date is always at first time step
auto resultAcc = RigResultAccessorFactory::createFromResultAddress( eclipseCase, 0, porosityModel, 0, resAddr );
std::vector<double> filteredResults;
filteredResults.reserve( resultValues.size() );
for ( size_t k = min.z() * refinement.z(); k <= max.z() * refinement.z(); ++k )
size_t mainK = k / refinement.z();
for ( size_t j = min.y() * refinement.y(); j <= max.y() * refinement.y(); ++j )
size_t mainJ = j / refinement.y();
for ( size_t i = min.x() * refinement.x(); i <= max.x() * refinement.x(); ++i )
size_t mainI = i / refinement.x();
size_t reservoirCellIndex = mainGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( mainI, mainJ, mainK );
size_t resIndex = activeCells->cellResultIndex( reservoirCellIndex );
if ( resIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
auto value = resultAcc->cellScalarGlobIdx( reservoirCellIndex );
filteredResults.push_back( value );
filteredResults.push_back( defaultExportValue );
// Multiple keywords can be exported to same file, so write ECHO keywords outside the loop
bool writeEchoKeywordsInExporterObject = false;
RicEclipseCellResultToFileImpl::writeDataToTextFile( &exportFile, writeEchoKeywordsInExporterObject, keyword, filteredResults );
if ( writeEchoKeywords )
QTextStream stream( &exportFile );
stream << "ECHO\n";
return true;
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::saveFault( QString completeFilename,
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid,
const std::vector<RigFault::FaultFace>& faultFaces,
QString faultName,
const cvf::Vec3st& min,
const cvf::Vec3st& maxIn,
const cvf::Vec3st& refinement )
QFile exportFile( completeFilename );
if ( ! QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
RiaLogging::error( "Could not open the file : " + completeFilename );
QTextStream stream( &exportFile );
stream << "FAULTS" << '\n';
stream << "-- Name I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 Face ( I/J/K )" << '\n';
saveFault( stream, mainGrid, faultFaces, faultName, min, maxIn, refinement );
stream << "/" << '\n';
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::saveFault( QTextStream& stream,
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid,
const std::vector<RigFault::FaultFace>& faultFaces,
QString faultName,
const cvf::Vec3st& min,
const cvf::Vec3st& maxIn,
const cvf::Vec3st& refinement )
// 'NAME' 1 1 1 1 1 2 J /
if ( faultName.contains( ' ' ) )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Fault name '%1' contains spaces" ).arg( faultName ) );
else if ( faultName.length() > 8 )
// Keep going anyway, eclipse files sometimes have longer than
// the specified 8 characters in the name without Eclipse complaining
RiaLogging::warning( QString( "Fault name '%1' is longer than 8 characters" ).arg( faultName ) );
std::vector<RigFault::CellAndFace> faultCellAndFaces;
cvf::Vec3st max = maxIn;
if ( max == cvf::Vec3st::UNDEFINED )
max = cvf::Vec3st( mainGrid->cellCountI() - 1, mainGrid->cellCountJ() - 1, mainGrid->cellCountK() - 1 );
for ( const RigFault::FaultFace& faultCellAndFace : faultFaces )
size_t i, j, k;
bool ok = mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndex( faultCellAndFace.m_nativeReservoirCellIndex, &i, &j, &k );
if ( !ok ) continue;
if ( i < min.x() || i > max.x() || j < min.y() || j > max.y() || k < min.z() || k > max.z() ) continue;
size_t shifted_i = ( i - min.x() ) * refinement.x();
size_t shifted_j = ( j - min.y() ) * refinement.y();
size_t shifted_k = ( k - min.z() ) * refinement.z();
// 2x2 Refinement of Original Cell 0, 0
// Y/J POS_J boundary
// ^ _______________
// | | | |
// | | 0,1 | 1,1 |
// | |_______|_______| POS_I boundary
// | | | |
// | | 0,0 | 1,0 |
// | |_______|_______|
// ---------------------> X/I
// NEG_J boundary
// POS_J gets shifted 1 index in J direction, NEG_J stays the same in J but spans two I.
// POS_I gets shifted 1 index in I direction, NEG_I stays the same in I but spans two J.
if ( refinement != cvf::Vec3st( 1, 1, 1 ) )
auto gridAxis = cvf::StructGridInterface::gridAxisFromFace( faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace );
if ( gridAxis == cvf::StructGridInterface::GridAxisType::AXIS_I )
if ( faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace == cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I )
shifted_i += refinement.x() - 1;
for ( size_t refineK = 0; refineK < refinement.z(); ++refineK )
for ( size_t refineJ = 0; refineJ < refinement.y(); ++refineJ )
std::make_tuple( shifted_i, shifted_j + refineJ, shifted_k + refineK, faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace ) );
else if ( gridAxis == cvf::StructGridInterface::GridAxisType::AXIS_J )
if ( faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace == cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J )
shifted_j += refinement.y() - 1;
for ( size_t refineK = 0; refineK < refinement.z(); ++refineK )
for ( size_t refineI = 0; refineI < refinement.x(); ++refineI )
std::make_tuple( shifted_i + refineI, shifted_j, shifted_k + refineK, faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace ) );
else if ( gridAxis == cvf::StructGridInterface::GridAxisType::AXIS_K )
if ( faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace == cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K )
shifted_k += refinement.z() - 1;
for ( size_t refineJ = 0; refineJ < refinement.y(); ++refineJ )
for ( size_t refineI = 0; refineI < refinement.x(); ++refineI )
std::make_tuple( shifted_i + refineI, shifted_j + refineJ, shifted_k, faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace ) );
faultCellAndFaces.push_back( std::make_tuple( shifted_i, shifted_j, shifted_k, faultCellAndFace.m_nativeFace ) );
// Sort order: i, j, face then k.
std::sort( faultCellAndFaces.begin(), faultCellAndFaces.end(), RigFault::ordering );
size_t lastI = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t lastJ = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t lastK = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
size_t startK = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType lastFaceType = cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType::NO_FACE;
for ( const RigFault::CellAndFace& faultCellAndFace : faultCellAndFaces )
size_t i, j, k;
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType faceType;
std::tie( i, j, k, faceType ) = faultCellAndFace;
if ( i != lastI || j != lastJ || lastFaceType != faceType || k != lastK + 1 )
// No fault should have no face
if ( lastFaceType != cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType::NO_FACE )
writeFaultLine( stream, faultName, lastI, lastJ, startK, lastK, lastFaceType );
lastI = i;
lastJ = j;
lastK = k;
lastFaceType = faceType;
startK = k;
lastK = k;
// No fault should have no face
if ( lastFaceType != cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType::NO_FACE )
writeFaultLine( stream, faultName, lastI, lastJ, startK, lastK, lastFaceType );
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::saveFaults( QTextStream& stream,
const RigMainGrid* mainGrid,
const cvf::Vec3st& min /*= cvf::Vec3st::ZERO*/,
const cvf::Vec3st& max /*= cvf::Vec3st::UNDEFINED*/,
const cvf::Vec3st& refinement /*= cvf::Vec3st(1, 1, 1)*/ )
stream << "FAULTS" << '\n';
stream << "-- Name I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 Face ( I/J/K )" << '\n';
const cvf::Collection<RigFault>& faults = mainGrid->faults();
for ( const auto& fault : faults )
if ( fault->name() != RiaResultNames::undefinedGridFaultName() && fault->name() != RiaResultNames::undefinedGridFaultWithInactiveName() )
saveFault( stream, mainGrid, fault->faultFaces(), fault->name(), min, max, refinement );
stream << "/" << '\n';
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools::importFaultsFromFile( RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCaseData, const QString& fileName )
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faultCollectionFromFile;
RifEclipseInputFileTools::parseAndReadFaults( fileName, &faultCollectionFromFile );
if ( faultCollectionFromFile.empty() )
return false;
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faults;
cvf::Collection<RigFault> faultCollection = eclipseCaseData->mainGrid()->faults();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < faultCollection.size(); i++ )
RigFault* f = i );
if ( f->name() == RiaResultNames::undefinedGridFaultName() || f->name() == RiaResultNames::undefinedGridFaultName() )
// Do not include undefined grid faults, as these are recomputed based on the imported faults from
// files
faults.push_back( f );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < faultCollectionFromFile.size(); i++ )
RigFault* faultFromFile = i );
bool existFaultWithSameName = false;
for ( size_t j = 0; j < faults.size(); j++ )
RigFault* existingFault = j );
if ( existingFault->name() == faultFromFile->name() )
existFaultWithSameName = true;
if ( !existFaultWithSameName )
faults.push_back( faultFromFile );
eclipseCaseData->mainGrid()->setFaults( faults );
return true;
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::parseAndReadPathAliasKeyword( const QString& fileName,
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>>* pathAliasDefinitions )
char buf[1024];
QFile data( fileName ); QFile::ReadOnly );
QString line;
bool foundPathsKeyword = false;
qint64 lineLength = data.readLine( buf, sizeof( buf ) );
if ( lineLength > 0 )
line = QString::fromLatin1( buf );
if ( line.size() && ( line[0].isLetter() || foundPathsKeyword ) )
line = line.trimmed();
if ( line == gridKeyword )
else if ( line == pathsKeyword )
foundPathsKeyword = true;
else if ( foundPathsKeyword )
if ( line.startsWith( "/", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// Detected end of keyword data section
else if ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// Replace tab with space to be able to split the string using space as splitter
line.replace( "\t", " " );
// Remove character ' used to mark start and end of fault name, possibly also around face
// definition; 'I+'
line.remove( "'" );
QStringList entries = RiaTextStringTools::splitSkipEmptyParts( line );
if ( entries.size() < 2 )
pathAliasDefinitions->push_back( std::make_pair( entries[0], entries[1] ) );
} while ( !data.atEnd() );
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::findGridKeywordPositions( const std::vector<RifKeywordAndFilePos>& keywords,
qint64* coordPos,
qint64* zcornPos,
qint64* specgridPos,
qint64* actnumPos,
qint64* mapaxesPos,
qint64* gridunitPos )
CVF_ASSERT( coordPos && zcornPos && specgridPos && actnumPos && mapaxesPos && gridunitPos );
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < keywords.size(); i++ )
if ( keywords[i].keyword == "COORD" )
*coordPos = keywords[i].filePos;
else if ( keywords[i].keyword == "ZCORN" )
*zcornPos = keywords[i].filePos;
else if ( keywords[i].keyword == "SPECGRID" )
*specgridPos = keywords[i].filePos;
else if ( keywords[i].keyword == "ACTNUM" )
*actnumPos = keywords[i].filePos;
else if ( keywords[i].keyword == "MAPAXES" )
*mapaxesPos = keywords[i].filePos;
else if ( keywords[i].keyword == "GRIDUNIT" )
*gridunitPos = keywords[i].filePos;
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::readFaults( const QString& fileName,
const std::vector<RifKeywordAndFilePos>& fileKeywords,
cvf::Collection<RigFault>* faults )
QFile data( fileName );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < fileKeywords.size(); i++ )
if ( fileKeywords[i] editKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
else if ( fileKeywords[i] faultsKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
qint64 filePos = fileKeywords[i].filePos;
bool isEditKeywordDetected = false;
readFaults( data, filePos, faults, &isEditKeywordDetected );
if ( isEditKeywordDetected )
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::parseAndReadFaults( const QString& fileName, cvf::Collection<RigFault>* faults )
QFile data( fileName );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) )
qint64 filePos = findKeyword( faultsKeyword, data, 0 );
while ( filePos != -1 )
readFaults( data, filePos, faults, nullptr );
filePos = findKeyword( faultsKeyword, data, filePos );
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::readFaultsInGridSection( const QString& fileName,
cvf::Collection<RigFault>* faults,
std::vector<QString>* filenamesWithFaults,
const QString& faultIncludeFileAbsolutePathPrefix )
QFile data( fileName );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) )
// Search for keyword grid
qint64 gridPos = findKeyword( gridKeyword, data, 0 );
if ( gridPos < 0 )
bool isEditKeywordDetected = false;
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> pathAliasDefinitions;
parseAndReadPathAliasKeyword( fileName, &pathAliasDefinitions );
readFaultsAndParseIncludeStatementsRecursively( data,
faultIncludeFileAbsolutePathPrefix );
size_t RifEclipseInputFileTools::findFaultByName( const cvf::Collection<RigFault>& faults, const QString& name )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < faults.size(); i++ )
if ( i )->name() == name )
return i;
return cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T;
qint64 RifEclipseInputFileTools::findKeyword( const QString& keyword, QFile& file, qint64 startPos )
QString line; startPos );
line = file.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
if ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
if ( line.startsWith( keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return file.pos();
} while ( !file.atEnd() );
return -1;
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::writeFaultLine( QTextStream& stream,
QString faultName,
size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t startK,
size_t endK,
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType faceType )
// Convert indices to eclipse format
stream << "'" << faultName << "'"
<< " " << i << " " << i << " " << j << " " << j << " " << startK << " " << endK << " "
<< faultFaceText( faceType ) << " / ";
stream << '\n';
QString RifEclipseInputFileTools::faultFaceText( cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType faceType )
switch ( faceType )
case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I:
return QString( "I " );
case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I:
return QString( "I-" );
case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J:
return QString( "J " );
case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J:
return QString( "J-" );
case cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K:
return QString( "K " );
case cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K:
return QString( "K-" );
CVF_ASSERT( false );
return "";
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::parsePflotranInputFile( const QString& fileName, cvf::Collection<RigFault>* faults )
QStringList gridSectionFilenames;
RiaLogging::info( "Looking for faults in 'PFLOTRAN' file: " + fileName );
// Find all referenced grdecl files in a pflotran input file, in the GRID section, example
// The line can optionally contain a '/' at the end, which is ignored
TYPE grdecl ../include/ccs_3df_kh.grdecl
TYPE grdecl ../include/ccs_3df_other.grdecl
QFile file( fileName );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) ) return;
bool continueParsing = true;
bool foundGridKeyword = false;
bool foundEndKeyword = false;
QString line;
line = file.readLine().trimmed();
if ( line.startsWith( "GRID" ) ) foundGridKeyword = true;
if ( foundGridKeyword )
if ( line.startsWith( "TYPE" ) )
auto words = RiaTextStringTools::splitSkipEmptyParts( line, " " );
if ( words.size() > 2 && words[1].startsWith( "grdecl", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
QFileInfo fi( fileName );
QDir currentFileFolder = fi.absoluteDir();
QString absoluteFilePath = currentFileFolder.absoluteFilePath( words[2] );
gridSectionFilenames.push_back( absoluteFilePath );
if ( line.startsWith( "END" ) ) foundEndKeyword = true;
if ( foundEndKeyword || file.atEnd() )
continueParsing = false;
} while ( continueParsing );
// Find all grdecl files defined by the external_file keyword
// For all these files, search for the FAULTS keyword and create fault objects
// The line can optionally contain a '/' at the end, which is ignored
external_file ccs_3df_kh.grdecl
external_file ccs_3df_other.grdecl
for ( const auto& gridSectionFilename : gridSectionFilenames )
QFile file( gridSectionFilename );
if ( ! QFile::ReadOnly ) ) continue;
QString line;
line = file.readLine().trimmed();
if ( line.startsWith( "external_file", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
auto words = RiaTextStringTools::splitSkipEmptyParts( line, " " );
if ( words.size() > 1 )
QFileInfo fi( gridSectionFilename );
QDir currentFileFolder = fi.absoluteDir();
auto currentFaultCount = faults->size();
QString absoluteFilePath = currentFileFolder.absoluteFilePath( words[1] );
parseAndReadFaults( absoluteFilePath, faults );
if ( currentFaultCount != faults->size() )
RiaLogging::info( "Imported faults from " + absoluteFilePath );
} while ( !file.atEnd() );
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools::readFaultsAndParseIncludeStatementsRecursively( QFile& file,
qint64 startPos,
const std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>>& pathAliasDefinitions,
cvf::Collection<RigFault>* faults,
std::vector<QString>* filenamesWithFaults,
bool* isEditKeywordDetected,
const QString& faultIncludeFileAbsolutePathPrefix )
QString line;
if ( ! startPos ) )
return false;
bool continueParsing = true;
line = file.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
if ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
else if ( line.startsWith( editKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
if ( isEditKeywordDetected )
*isEditKeywordDetected = true;
return false;
if ( line.startsWith( includeKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
line = file.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
while ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
line = file.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
int firstQuote = line.indexOf( "'" );
int lastQuote = line.lastIndexOf( "'" );
if ( firstQuote >= 0 && lastQuote >= 0 && firstQuote != lastQuote )
QDir currentFileFolder;
QFileInfo fi( file.fileName() );
currentFileFolder = fi.absoluteDir();
// Read include file name, and both relative and absolute path is supported
QString includeFilename = line.mid( firstQuote + 1, lastQuote - firstQuote - 1 );
for ( auto entry : pathAliasDefinitions )
QString textToReplace = "$" + entry.first;
includeFilename.replace( textToReplace, entry.second );
#ifdef WIN32
if ( includeFilename.startsWith( '/' ) )
// Absolute UNIX path, prefix on Windows
includeFilename = faultIncludeFileAbsolutePathPrefix + includeFilename;
QFileInfo fi( currentFileFolder, includeFilename );
if ( fi.exists() )
QString absoluteFilename = fi.canonicalFilePath();
QFile includeFile( absoluteFilename );
if ( QFile::ReadOnly ) )
// qDebug() << "Found include statement, and start parsing of\n " << absoluteFilename;
if ( !readFaultsAndParseIncludeStatementsRecursively( includeFile,
faultIncludeFileAbsolutePathPrefix ) )
qDebug() << "Error when parsing include file : " << absoluteFilename;
else if ( line.startsWith( faultsKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
if ( !line.contains( "/" ) )
readFaults( file, file.pos(), faults, isEditKeywordDetected );
filenamesWithFaults->push_back( file.fileName() );
if ( isEditKeywordDetected && *isEditKeywordDetected )
continueParsing = false;
if ( file.atEnd() )
continueParsing = false;
} while ( continueParsing );
return true;
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools::readKeywordAndParseIncludeStatementsRecursively( const QString& keyword,
const QString& keywordToStopParsing,
const std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>>& pathAliasDefinitions,
const QString& includeStatementAbsolutePathPrefix,
QFile& file,
qint64 startPos,
QStringList& keywordDataContent,
std::vector<QString>& filenamesContainingKeyword,
bool& isStopParsingKeywordDetected )
QString line;
if ( ! startPos ) )
return false;
bool continueParsing = true;
line = file.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
if ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
if ( !keywordToStopParsing.isEmpty() && line.startsWith( keywordToStopParsing, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
isStopParsingKeywordDetected = true;
return false;
if ( line.startsWith( includeKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
line = file.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
while ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
line = file.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
int firstQuote = line.indexOf( "'" );
int lastQuote = line.lastIndexOf( "'" );
if ( firstQuote >= 0 && lastQuote >= 0 && firstQuote != lastQuote )
QDir currentFileFolder;
QFileInfo fi( file.fileName() );
currentFileFolder = fi.absoluteDir();
// Read include file name, and both relative and absolute path is supported
QString includeFilename = line.mid( firstQuote + 1, lastQuote - firstQuote - 1 );
for ( auto entry : pathAliasDefinitions )
QString textToReplace = "$" + entry.first;
includeFilename.replace( textToReplace, entry.second );
#ifdef WIN32
if ( includeFilename.startsWith( '/' ) )
// Absolute UNIX path, prefix on Windows
includeFilename = includeStatementAbsolutePathPrefix + includeFilename;
QFileInfo fi( currentFileFolder, includeFilename );
if ( fi.exists() )
QString absoluteFilename = fi.canonicalFilePath();
QFile includeFile( absoluteFilename );
if ( QFile::ReadOnly ) )
if ( !readKeywordAndParseIncludeStatementsRecursively( keyword,
isStopParsingKeywordDetected ) )
qDebug() << "Error when parsing include file : " << absoluteFilename;
else if ( line.startsWith( keyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
if ( !line.contains( "/" ) )
readKeywordDataContent( file, file.pos(), keywordDataContent, isStopParsingKeywordDetected );
filenamesContainingKeyword.push_back( file.fileName() );
if ( isStopParsingKeywordDetected )
continueParsing = false;
if ( file.atEnd() )
continueParsing = false;
} while ( continueParsing );
return true;
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::readKeywordDataContent( QFile& data, qint64 filePos, QStringList& textContent, bool& isStopParsingKeywordDetected )
if ( ! filePos ) )
// This function assumes the keyword is read from file, and the file pointer is pointing to the first line
// containing data for the keyword
QString line = data.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
if ( !line.isEmpty() )
if ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// Skip comment lines
else if ( line.startsWith( "/", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// Detected end of keyword data section
else if ( line.startsWith( editKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// End parsing when edit keyword is detected
isStopParsingKeywordDetected = true;
else if ( line[0].isLetter() )
// If a letter is starting the line, this is a new keyword
textContent.push_back( line );
} while ( !data.atEnd() );
RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem RifEclipseInputFileTools::readUnitSystem( QFile& file, qint64 gridunitPos )
bool stopParsing = false;
QStringList unitText;
readKeywordDataContent( file, gridunitPos, unitText, stopParsing );
for ( QString unitString : unitText )
if ( unitString.contains( "FEET", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_FIELD;
else if ( unitString.contains( "CM", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_LAB;
else if ( unitString.contains( "MET", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC;
return RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_UNKNOWN;
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceEnum RifEclipseInputFileTools::faceEnumFromText( const QString& faceString )
QString upperCaseText = faceString.toUpper().trimmed();
if ( upperCaseText.size() > 1 )
QString firstTwoChars = upperCaseText.mid( 0, 2 );
if ( firstTwoChars == "X+" || firstTwoChars == "I+" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I;
if ( firstTwoChars == "Y+" || firstTwoChars == "J+" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J;
if ( firstTwoChars == "Z+" || firstTwoChars == "K+" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K;
if ( firstTwoChars == "X-" || firstTwoChars == "I-" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I;
if ( firstTwoChars == "Y-" || firstTwoChars == "J-" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J;
if ( firstTwoChars == "Z-" || firstTwoChars == "K-" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_K;
if ( upperCaseText.size() > 0 )
QString firstChar = upperCaseText.mid( 0, 1 );
if ( firstChar == "X" || firstChar == "I" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I;
if ( firstChar == "Y" || firstChar == "J" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J;
if ( firstChar == "Z" || firstChar == "K" ) return cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_K;
return cvf::StructGridInterface::NO_FACE;
bool RifEclipseInputFileTools::hasGridData( const QString& fileName )
// Look for keyword "COORD" in file
// NOTE: If readKeywordAndValues is slow for large .GRDECL files, consider function in RifEclipseTextFileReader
// reading line for line and returns true on first hit of keyword. This prevents reading entire file on large cases
const auto keywordAndValues = RifEclipseTextFileReader::readKeywordAndValues( fileName.toStdString() );
auto coordKeywordItr = std::find_if( keywordAndValues.begin(),
[]( const auto& keywordAndValue ) { return keywordAndValue.keyword == "COORD"; } );
return coordKeywordItr != keywordAndValues.end();
QStringList RifEclipseInputFileTools::readKeywordContentFromFile( const QString& keyword, const QString& keywordToStopParsing, QFile& file )
std::vector<std::pair<QString, QString>> pathAliasDefinitions;
const QString includeStatementAbsolutePathPrefix;
const qint64 startPositionInFile = 0;
QStringList keywordContent;
std::vector<QString> fileNamesContainingKeyword;
bool isStopParsingKeywordDetected = false;
RifEclipseInputFileTools::readKeywordAndParseIncludeStatementsRecursively( keyword,
isStopParsingKeywordDetected );
return keywordContent;
/// The file pointer is pointing at the line following the FAULTS keyword.
/// Parse content of this keyword until end of file or
/// end of keyword when a single line with '/' is found
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::readFaults( QFile& data, qint64 filePos, cvf::Collection<RigFault>* faults, bool* isEditKeywordDetected )
if ( ! filePos ) )
// qDebug() << "Reading faults from\n " << data.fileName();
std::set<QString> errorMessages;
std::set<QString> warningMessages;
RigFault* fault = nullptr;
QString line = data.readLine();
line = line.trimmed();
if ( line.startsWith( "--", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// Skip comment lines
else if ( line.startsWith( "/", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// Detected end of keyword data section
else if ( line.startsWith( editKeyword, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
// End parsing when edit keyword is detected
if ( isEditKeywordDetected )
*isEditKeywordDetected = true;
// Replace tab with space to be able to split the string using space as splitter
line.replace( "\t", " " );
QStringList entries;
bool insideQuotes = false;
QString column;
for ( int i = 0; i < line.length(); ++i )
if ( line[i] == '\'' )
insideQuotes = !insideQuotes;
else if ( line[i] == ' ' && !insideQuotes )
if ( column.length() > 0 )
entries.push_back( column );
column += line[i];
if ( entries.size() < 8 )
QString faultName = entries[0];
if ( faultName.contains( ' ' ) )
errorMessages.insert( QString( "Fault name '%1' contains spaces" ).arg( faultName ) );
else if ( faultName.length() > 8 )
// Keep going anyway, eclipse files sometimes have longer than
// the specified 8 characters in the name without Eclipse complaining
warningMessages.insert( QString( "Fault name '%1' is longer than 8 characters" ).arg( faultName ) );
int i1, i2, j1, j2, k1, k2;
i1 = entries[1].toInt();
i2 = entries[2].toInt();
j1 = entries[3].toInt();
j2 = entries[4].toInt();
k1 = entries[5].toInt();
k2 = entries[6].toInt();
QString faceString = entries[7];
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceEnum cellFaceEnum = RifEclipseInputFileTools::faceEnumFromText( faceString );
// Adjust from 1-based to 0-based cell indices
// Guard against invalid cell ranges by limiting lowest possible range value to zero
cvf::CellRange cellrange( std::max( i1 - 1, 0 ),
std::max( j1 - 1, 0 ),
std::max( k1 - 1, 0 ),
std::max( i2 - 1, 0 ),
std::max( j2 - 1, 0 ),
std::max( k2 - 1, 0 ) );
if ( !( fault && fault->name() == faultName ) )
if ( findFaultByName( *faults, faultName ) == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
RigFault* newFault = new RigFault;
newFault->setName( faultName );
faults->push_back( newFault );
size_t faultIndex = findFaultByName( *faults, faultName );
if ( faultIndex == cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T )
CVF_ASSERT( faultIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T );
fault = faults->at( faultIndex );
CVF_ASSERT( fault );
fault->addCellRangeForFace( cellFaceEnum, cellrange );
} while ( !data.atEnd() );
for ( QString errorMessage : errorMessages )
RiaLogging::error( errorMessage );
for ( QString warningMessage : warningMessages )
RiaLogging::warning( warningMessage );