mirror of
synced 2025-01-01 03:37:15 -06:00
If no SOIL is found on file, compute based on available SWAT and SGAS.
1236 lines
47 KiB
1236 lines
47 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2022- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifReaderOpmRft.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaQDateTimeTools.h"
#include "RiaResultNames.h"
#include "RiaRftDefines.h"
#include "RiaStdStringTools.h"
#include "RiaOpmParserTools.h"
#include "opm/input/eclipse/Parser/Parser.hpp"
#include "opm/input/eclipse/Parser/ParserKeywords/W.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ERft.hpp"
#include "cafAssert.h"
#include "cafVecIjk.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
RifReaderOpmRft::RifReaderOpmRft( const QString& fileName, const QString& dataDeckFileName )
: m_fileName( fileName )
, m_dataDeckFileName( dataDeckFileName )
, m_detectedErrorWhenOpeningRftFile( false )
RifReaderOpmRft::RifReaderOpmRft( const QString& fileName )
: m_fileName( fileName )
, m_detectedErrorWhenOpeningRftFile( false )
std::set<RifEclipseRftAddress> RifReaderOpmRft::eclipseRftAddresses()
return m_addresses;
void RifReaderOpmRft::values( const RifEclipseRftAddress& rftAddress, std::vector<double>* values )
if ( !openFiles() ) return;
auto wellName = rftAddress.wellName().toStdString();
auto resultName = rftAddress.segmentResultName().toStdString();
auto qDate = rftAddress.timeStep().date();
int y = qDate.year();
int m = qDate.month();
int d = qDate.day();
if ( rftAddress.wellLogChannel() == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SEGMENT_VALUES )
auto key = std::make_pair( wellName, RftDate{ y, m, d } );
auto segment = m_rftWellDateSegments[key];
if ( rftAddress.segmentResultName() == RiaDefines::segmentNumberResultName() )
auto data = segment.topology();
std::vector<size_t> nonContinuousSegmentIndices;
if ( rftAddress.segmentBranchType() == RiaDefines::RftBranchType::RFT_DEVICE )
nonContinuousSegmentIndices = segment.nonContinuousDeviceSegmentIndices( rftAddress.segmentBranchIndex() );
auto indices = segment.segmentIndicesForBranchIndex( rftAddress.segmentBranchIndex(), rftAddress.segmentBranchType() );
for ( const auto& i : indices )
CAF_ASSERT( i < data.size() );
values->push_back( data[i].segNo() );
if ( std::find( nonContinuousSegmentIndices.begin(), nonContinuousSegmentIndices.end(), i ) !=
nonContinuousSegmentIndices.end() )
// Use the same segment number for the dummy segment as the previous segment
values->push_back( values->back() );
else if ( rftAddress.segmentResultName() == RiaDefines::segmentBranchNumberResultName() )
auto branchNumbers = segment.tubingBranchIds();
for ( const auto& branchNumber : branchNumbers )
values->push_back( branchNumber );
else if ( rftAddress.segmentResultName() == RiaDefines::segmentConnectionMeasuredDepthResultName() )
auto segmentConnectionValues = segmentConnectionStartEndMeasuredDepth( rftAddress );
for ( const auto& [startMD, endMD, isValidSegment] : segmentConnectionValues )
values->push_back( endMD );
if ( resultName.empty() )
resultName = RifReaderOpmRft::resultNameFromChannelType( rftAddress.wellLogChannel() );
std::vector<float> data;
if ( rftAddress.wellLogChannel() == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SOIL &&
!isNativeResultAvailable( RiaResultNames::soil().toStdString(), wellName, y, m, d ) )
// Compute SOIL from SWAT and SGAS
// There is a similar function in RigSoilResultCalculator, but they are too different to be merged
auto computeSoil = [&]( const std::string& wellName, int y, int m, int d ) -> std::vector<float>
auto swat = resultAsFloat( RiaResultNames::swat().toStdString(), wellName, y, m, d );
auto sgas = resultAsFloat( RiaResultNames::sgas().toStdString(), wellName, y, m, d );
auto maxItems = std::max( swat.size(), sgas.size() );
std::vector<float> data( maxItems, 1.0f );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < maxItems; ++i )
if ( i < swat.size() )
data[i] -= swat[i];
if ( i < sgas.size() )
data[i] -= sgas[i];
data[i] = std::clamp( data[i], 0.0f, 1.0f );
return data;
data = computeSoil( wellName, y, m, d );
data = resultAsFloat( resultName, wellName, y, m, d );
if ( !data.empty() )
if ( rftAddress.wellLogChannel() == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SEGMENT_VALUES )
auto key = std::make_pair( wellName, RftDate{ y, m, d } );
auto segment = m_rftWellDateSegments[key];
if ( m_connectionResultItemCount.count( wellName ) && data.size() == m_connectionResultItemCount[wellName] )
auto connectionValues = segmentConnectionValues( rftAddress, segment, data );
values->insert( values->end(), connectionValues.begin(), connectionValues.end() );
std::vector<size_t> nonContinuousDeviceSegmentIndices;
if ( rftAddress.segmentBranchType() == RiaDefines::RftBranchType::RFT_DEVICE )
nonContinuousDeviceSegmentIndices = segment.nonContinuousDeviceSegmentIndices( rftAddress.segmentBranchIndex() );
auto indices = segment.segmentIndicesForBranchIndex( rftAddress.segmentBranchIndex(), rftAddress.segmentBranchType() );
for ( const auto& i : indices )
CAF_ASSERT( i < data.size() );
auto dataValue = data[i];
if ( std::find( nonContinuousDeviceSegmentIndices.begin(), nonContinuousDeviceSegmentIndices.end(), i ) !=
nonContinuousDeviceSegmentIndices.end() )
if ( rftAddress.segmentResultName() == RiaDefines::segmentEndDepthResultName() )
// Insert a depth value for segments that are not continuous. When infinity is assigned to this measured
// depth, no curve is drawn for this segment
values->push_back( dataValue - 0.1 );
// Use infinity to make sure no curve is drawn for this segment
values->push_back( std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
values->push_back( dataValue );
if ( resultName == "CONFAC" || resultName == "CONKH" )
// Replace undefined values with zero to improve readability of plots
std::replace( data.begin(), data.end(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0 );
values->insert( values->end(), data.begin(), data.end() );
catch ( ... )
std::set<QDateTime> RifReaderOpmRft::availableTimeSteps( const QString& wellName )
std::set<QDateTime> timeSteps;
for ( const auto& address : m_addresses )
if ( address.wellName() == wellName )
timeSteps.insert( address.timeStep() );
return timeSteps;
std::set<QDateTime> RifReaderOpmRft::availableTimeSteps( const QString& wellName,
const RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType& wellLogChannelName )
if ( wellLogChannelName == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SEGMENT_VALUES ) return m_rftSegmentTimeSteps;
std::set<QDateTime> timeSteps;
for ( const auto& address : m_addresses )
if ( address.wellName() == wellName && address.wellLogChannel() == wellLogChannelName )
timeSteps.insert( address.timeStep() );
if ( timeSteps.empty() && wellLogChannelName == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SOIL )
auto sgasTimeSteps = availableTimeSteps( wellName, RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SGAS );
auto swatTimeSteps = availableTimeSteps( wellName, RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SWAT );
// Combine time steps from SGAS and SWAT
timeSteps.insert( sgasTimeSteps.begin(), sgasTimeSteps.end() );
timeSteps.insert( swatTimeSteps.begin(), swatTimeSteps.end() );
return timeSteps;
std::set<QDateTime> RifReaderOpmRft::availableTimeSteps( const QString& wellName,
const std::set<RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType>& relevantChannels )
std::set<QDateTime> timeSteps;
for ( const auto& address : m_addresses )
if ( address.wellName() == wellName && relevantChannels.count( address.wellLogChannel() ) )
timeSteps.insert( address.timeStep() );
return timeSteps;
std::set<RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType> RifReaderOpmRft::availableWellLogChannels( const QString& wellName )
std::set<RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType> types;
for ( const auto& a : m_addresses )
if ( ( a.wellName() == wellName ) && ( a.wellLogChannel() != RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::NONE ) )
types.insert( a.wellLogChannel() );
if ( types.contains( RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SWAT ) ||
types.contains( RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SGAS ) )
// Add SOIL if SGAS or SWAT are available, SOIL can be computed from these
types.insert( RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SOIL );
return types;
std::set<QString> RifReaderOpmRft::wellNames()
return m_wellNames;
std::vector<caf::VecIjk> RifReaderOpmRft::cellIndices( const QString& wellName, const QDateTime& timeStep )
if ( !openFiles() ) return {};
auto stdWellName = wellName.toStdString();
auto date = timeStep.date();
int y = date.year();
int m = date.month();
int d = date.day();
std::vector<caf::VecIjk> indices;
auto dataI = m_opm_rft->getRft<int>( RiaDefines::segmentConnectionIPos(), stdWellName, y, m, d );
auto dataJ = m_opm_rft->getRft<int>( RiaDefines::segmentConnectionJPos(), stdWellName, y, m, d );
auto dataK = m_opm_rft->getRft<int>( RiaDefines::segmentConnectionKPos(), stdWellName, y, m, d );
if ( !dataI.empty() && ( dataI.size() == dataJ.size() ) && ( dataI.size() == dataK.size() ) )
for ( size_t n = 0; n < dataI.size(); n++ )
// NB: Transform to zero-based cell indices
indices.push_back( caf::VecIjk( dataI[n] - 1, dataJ[n] - 1, dataK[n] - 1 ) );
catch ( ... )
return indices;
std::map<int, int>
RifReaderOpmRft::branchIdsAndOneBasedIndices( const QString& wellName, const QDateTime& timeStep, RiaDefines::RftBranchType branchType )
int y = timeStep.date().year();
int m = timeStep.date().month();
int d = timeStep.date().day();
auto key = std::make_pair( wellName.toStdString(), RftDate{ y, m, d } );
if ( m_rftWellDateSegments.count( key ) > 0 )
auto segment = m_rftWellDateSegments[key];
return segment.branchIdsAndOneBasedBranchIndices( branchType );
return {};
RifRftSegment RifReaderOpmRft::segmentForWell( const QString& wellName, const QDateTime& timeStep )
int y = timeStep.date().year();
int m = timeStep.date().month();
int d = timeStep.date().day();
auto key = std::make_pair( wellName.toStdString(), RftDate{ y, m, d } );
if ( m_rftWellDateSegments.count( key ) > 0 )
return m_rftWellDateSegments[key];
return {};
void RifReaderOpmRft::readWseglink( const std::string& filePath )
if ( filePath.empty() ) return;
QString text = QString( "Scanning for WSEGLINK data in %1\n" ).arg( QString::fromStdString( filePath ) );
m_wseglink = RiaOpmParserTools::extractWseglink( filePath );
if ( !m_wseglink.empty() )
text += "Imported WSEGLINK data from well(s):\n";
for ( auto [wellName, links] : m_wseglink )
text += " " + QString::fromStdString( wellName ) + "\n";
text += QString( " No WSEGLINK data found." );
RiaLogging::info( text );
void RifReaderOpmRft::openFiles( const QString& fileName, const QString& dataDeckFileName )
m_opm_rft = std::make_unique<Opm::EclIO::ERft>( fileName.toStdString() );
readWseglink( dataDeckFileName.toStdString() );
catch ( const std::exception& e )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Failed to open RFT file %1\n%2" ).arg( fileName ).arg( e.what() ) );
catch ( ... )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Failed to open RFT file %1" ).arg( fileName ) );
m_detectedErrorWhenOpeningRftFile = true;
RifReaderOpmRft::segmentConnectionStartEndMeasuredDepth( const RifEclipseRftAddress& rftAddress )
std::vector<RifReaderOpmRft::SegmentConnectionStartEnd> startEndValues;
if ( !isOpen() ) return startEndValues;
const int y = rftAddress.timeStep().date().year();
const int m = rftAddress.timeStep().date().month();
const int d = rftAddress.timeStep().date().day();
const std::string wellName = rftAddress.wellName().toStdString();
const std::string conbrnoResultName = RiaDefines::segmentConnectionBranchNoResultName();
const std::string conlenstResultName = RiaDefines::segmentConnectionStartDepthResultName();
const std::string conlenenResultName = RiaDefines::segmentConnectionEndDepthResultName();
const auto connnectionBranchNumbers = m_opm_rft->getRft<int>( conbrnoResultName, wellName, y, m, d );
const auto startMD = m_opm_rft->getRft<float>( conlenstResultName, wellName, y, m, d );
const auto endMD = m_opm_rft->getRft<float>( conlenenResultName, wellName, y, m, d );
const size_t size = connnectionBranchNumbers.size();
if ( size == startMD.size() && size == endMD.size() )
auto segment = segmentForWell( rftAddress.wellName(), rftAddress.timeStep() );
auto branchIdIndex = segment.branchIdsAndOneBasedBranchIndices( rftAddress.segmentBranchType() );
// Convert the branch number to the branch index
// Filter data based on branch index
bool isFirstSegment = true;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < connnectionBranchNumbers.size(); i++ )
if ( branchIdIndex.count( connnectionBranchNumbers[i] ) )
auto branchIndex = branchIdIndex[connnectionBranchNumbers[i]];
if ( branchIndex == rftAddress.segmentBranchIndex() )
if ( !isFirstSegment && std::fabs( startMD[i] - endMD[i - 1] ) > 0.1 )
// Insert a segment representing the connection between the segments. Assign infinity as value to this
// segment to allow discontinuous plotting.
startEndValues.emplace_back( endMD[i - 1], startMD[i], false );
startEndValues.emplace_back( startMD[i], endMD[i], true );
isFirstSegment = false;
return startEndValues;
catch ( ... )
return {};
std::vector<float> RifReaderOpmRft::segmentConnectionValues( const RifEclipseRftAddress& rftAddress,
const RifRftSegment& rftSegment,
const std::vector<float>& nativeValues )
std::vector<float> branchValues;
const int y = rftAddress.timeStep().date().year();
const int m = rftAddress.timeStep().date().month();
const int d = rftAddress.timeStep().date().day();
const auto connnectionBranchNumbers =
m_opm_rft->getRft<int>( RiaDefines::segmentConnectionBranchNoResultName(), rftAddress.wellName().toStdString(), y, m, d );
if ( nativeValues.size() == connnectionBranchNumbers.size() )
auto branchIdIndex = rftSegment.branchIdsAndOneBasedBranchIndices( rftAddress.segmentBranchType() );
// Convert the branch number to the branch index
// Filter data based on branch index
for ( size_t i = 0; i < connnectionBranchNumbers.size(); i++ )
if ( branchIdIndex.count( connnectionBranchNumbers[i] ) )
auto branchIndex = branchIdIndex[connnectionBranchNumbers[i]];
if ( branchIndex == rftAddress.segmentBranchIndex() )
branchValues.push_back( nativeValues[i] );
std::vector<float> allResultValues;
auto segmentConnectionValues = segmentConnectionStartEndMeasuredDepth( rftAddress );
size_t segmentConnectionIndex = 0;
for ( auto branchValue : branchValues )
if ( segmentConnectionIndex < segmentConnectionValues.size() )
auto [startMD, endMD, isValidSegment] = segmentConnectionValues[segmentConnectionIndex];
if ( !isValidSegment )
// Use infinity to make sure no curve is drawn for this segment
allResultValues.push_back( std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() );
allResultValues.push_back( branchValue );
return allResultValues;
void RifReaderOpmRft::buildMetaData()
// TODO: Assert better than return?
if ( !isOpen() ) return;
auto reports = m_opm_rft->listOfRftReports();
for ( const auto& [wellName, reportDate, reportTime] : reports )
auto results = m_opm_rft->listOfRftArrays( wellName, reportDate );
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, size] : results )
const auto& [y, m, d] = reportDate;
auto dt = RiaQDateTimeTools::createUtcDateTime( QDate( y, m, d ) );
auto channelType = identifyChannelType( name );
if ( channelType != RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::NONE )
auto adr = RifEclipseRftAddress::createAddress( QString::fromStdString( wellName ), dt, channelType );
m_addresses.insert( adr );
// Create segment result addresses
for ( const auto& segmentWellData : m_rftWellDateSegments )
auto [wellName, reportDate] = segmentWellData.first;
auto segmentData = segmentWellData.second;
const auto& [y, m, d] = reportDate;
auto dt = RiaQDateTimeTools::createUtcDateTime( QDate( y, m, d ) );
m_rftSegmentTimeSteps.insert( dt );
auto resultNameAndSizes = segmentData.resultNameAndSize();
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, size] : resultNameAndSizes )
auto adr = RifEclipseRftAddress::createSegmentAddress( QString::fromStdString( wellName ), dt, QString::fromStdString( name ) );
m_addresses.insert( adr );
auto adr = RifEclipseRftAddress::createSegmentAddress( QString::fromStdString( wellName ), dt, RiaDefines::segmentNumberResultName() );
m_addresses.insert( adr );
void RifReaderOpmRft::buildSegmentData()
auto wellNames = m_opm_rft->listOfWells();
auto dates = m_opm_rft->listOfdates();
for ( const auto& wellName : wellNames )
for ( const auto& date : dates )
std::vector<RifRftSegmentData> segmentsForWellDate;
std::vector<int> segnxt = importWellData( wellName, "SEGNXT", date );
std::vector<int> segbrno = importWellData( wellName, "SEGBRNO", date );
std::vector<int> brnstValues = importWellData( wellName, "BRNST", date );
std::vector<int> brnenValues = importWellData( wellName, "BRNEN", date );
if ( segnxt.empty() ) continue;
if ( segnxt.size() != segbrno.size() ) continue;
if ( brnenValues.empty() || brnstValues.empty() ) continue;
std::vector<int> segNo;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < segnxt.size(); i++ )
int branchIndex = segbrno[i] - 1;
int nextBranchIndex = -1;
if ( i + 1 < segbrno.size() ) nextBranchIndex = segbrno[i + 1] - 1;
bool isLastSegmentOnBranch = branchIndex != nextBranchIndex;
int brnst = brnstValues[branchIndex];
int brnen = brnenValues[branchIndex];
int segmentId = -1;
if ( !isLastSegmentOnBranch )
if ( i + 1 < segnxt.size() ) segmentId = segnxt[i + 1];
segmentId = brnen;
segNo.push_back( segmentId );
segmentsForWellDate.emplace_back( RifRftSegmentData( segnxt[i], segbrno[i], brnst, brnen, segmentId ) );
if ( segmentsForWellDate.empty() ) continue;
RifRftSegment segment;
segment.setSegmentData( segmentsForWellDate );
auto results = m_opm_rft->listOfRftArrays( wellName, date );
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, size] : results )
if ( ( RiaDefines::isSegmentResult( QString::fromStdString( name ) ) ) && m_segmentResultItemCount.count( wellName ) == 0 )
m_segmentResultItemCount[wellName] = size;
if ( RiaDefines::isSegmentConnectionResult( QString::fromStdString( name ) ) &&
m_connectionResultItemCount.count( wellName ) == 0 )
m_connectionResultItemCount[wellName] = size;
for ( const auto& rftResultMetaData : results )
const auto& [name, arrayType, size] = rftResultMetaData;
bool isResultItemCountValid = false;
if ( m_segmentResultItemCount.count( wellName ) && size == static_cast<int64_t>( m_segmentResultItemCount[wellName] ) )
isResultItemCountValid = true;
if ( m_connectionResultItemCount.count( wellName ) && size == static_cast<int64_t>( m_connectionResultItemCount[wellName] ) )
isResultItemCountValid = true;
if ( isResultItemCountValid )
segment.addResultNameAndSize( rftResultMetaData );
auto wellDateKey = std::make_pair( wellName, date );
m_rftWellDateSegments[wellDateKey] = segment;
buildSegmentBranchTypes( wellDateKey );
void RifReaderOpmRft::segmentDataDebugLog() const
for ( const auto& a : m_rftWellDateSegments )
auto [wellName, date] = a.first;
auto segmentData = a.second;
const auto& [y, m, d] = date;
std::cout << "\nWell: " << wellName << "Date : " << y << " " << m << " " << d << " \n";
for ( const auto& r : segmentData.topology() )
std::cout << "SEGNXT " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segNext() << ", ";
std::cout << "SEGBRNO " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrno() << ", ";
std::cout << "BNRST " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrnst() << ", ";
std::cout << "BRNEN " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrnen() << ", ";
std::cout << "SEGNO " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segNo() << "\n";
bool RifReaderOpmRft::isOpen() const
return m_opm_rft != nullptr;
void RifReaderOpmRft::importWellNames()
auto names = m_opm_rft->listOfWells();
for ( const auto& w : names )
m_wellNames.insert( QString::fromStdString( w ) );
void RifReaderOpmRft::buildSegmentBranchTypes( const RftSegmentKey& segmentKey )
// A branch can have up to three layers of branches
// Tubing branch
// The inner most branch representing the tubing pipe
// Device branch
// Layer between tubing branch and annulus branch or reservoir
// The device segment is connected to a segment on the tubing branch
// Annulus branch
// Layer between device branch and reservoir. The segment connection data is imported from WSEGLINK in the
// data deck
auto wellName = segmentKey.first;
auto date = segmentKey.second;
RifRftSegment& segmentRef = m_rftWellDateSegments[segmentKey];
const auto& [y, m, d] = date;
auto dt = RiaQDateTimeTools::createUtcDateTime( QDate( y, m, d ) );
std::vector<double> seglenstValues;
std::vector<double> seglenenValues;
auto resultName = RifEclipseRftAddress::createSegmentAddress( QString::fromStdString( wellName ), dt, "SEGLENST" );
values( resultName, &seglenstValues );
if ( seglenstValues.size() > 2 )
seglenstValues[0] = seglenstValues[1];
auto resultName = RifEclipseRftAddress::createSegmentAddress( QString::fromStdString( wellName ), dt, "SEGLENEN" );
values( resultName, &seglenenValues );
if ( !seglenenValues.empty() && !seglenstValues.empty() )
identifyTubingCandidateBranches( segmentRef, wellName, seglenstValues, seglenenValues );
identifyAnnulusBranches( segmentRef, seglenstValues );
// The tubing branches are given increasing branch indices. If a tubing branch is categorized as an
// annulus branch, the index values must be reassigned. Each triplet of tubing/device/annulus has a
// unique branch index.
reassignBranchIndices( segmentRef );
identifyDeviceBranches( segmentRef, seglenstValues );
// Assign branch index to annulus branches
auto branchIds = segmentRef.branchIds();
for ( auto branchId : branchIds )
auto branchType = segmentRef.branchType( branchId );
if ( branchType == RiaDefines::RftBranchType::RFT_ANNULUS )
auto segmentIndices = segmentRef.segmentIndicesForBranchNumber( branchId );
if ( segmentIndices.empty() ) continue;
auto firstSegmentIndex = segmentIndices.front();
auto firstSegment = segmentRef.topology()[firstSegmentIndex];
auto candidateSegmentNumber = firstSegment.segNext();
auto candidateDeviceSeg = segmentRef.segmentData( candidateSegmentNumber );
if ( candidateDeviceSeg )
auto branchIndex = segmentRef.oneBasedBranchIndexForBranchId( candidateDeviceSeg->segBrno() );
if ( branchIndex >= 0 )
segmentRef.setOneBasedBranchIndex( branchId, branchIndex );
void RifReaderOpmRft::identifyTubingCandidateBranches( RifRftSegment& segmentRef,
const std::string& wellName,
const std::vector<double>& seglenstValues,
const std::vector<double>& seglenenValues )
int oneBasedBranchIndex = 1;
auto branchIds = segmentRef.branchIds();
for ( auto id : branchIds )
double minimumMD = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double maximumMD = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
std::vector<int> segmentNumbers;
auto indices = segmentRef.segmentIndicesForBranchNumber( id );
for ( auto i : indices )
minimumMD = std::min( minimumMD, seglenstValues[i] );
maximumMD = std::max( maximumMD, seglenenValues[i] );
segmentNumbers.push_back( segmentRef.topology()[i].segNo() );
double length = maximumMD - minimumMD;
segmentRef.setBranchLength( id, length );
RiaDefines::RftBranchType branchType = RiaDefines::RftBranchType::RFT_UNKNOWN;
bool hasFoundAnnulusBranch = false;
// If WESEGLINK is imported, get annulus segments for well
auto annulusSegments = annulusSegmentsForWell( wellName );
std::vector<int> matchingSegments;
std::set_intersection( segmentNumbers.begin(),
std::inserter( matchingSegments, matchingSegments.end() ) );
if ( !matchingSegments.empty() )
branchType = RiaDefines::RftBranchType::RFT_ANNULUS;
// NOTE: Assign branch index after device branch is detected
hasFoundAnnulusBranch = true;
if ( !hasFoundAnnulusBranch )
const double tubingThreshold = 1.0;
if ( length > tubingThreshold )
branchType = RiaDefines::RftBranchType::RFT_TUBING;
segmentRef.setOneBasedBranchIndex( id, oneBasedBranchIndex++ );
segmentRef.setBranchType( id, branchType );
void RifReaderOpmRft::identifyAnnulusBranches( RifRftSegment& segmentRef, const std::vector<double>& seglenstValues )
// If no WESEGLINK data is present, compare the location of the last N segments of two tubing branches. If
// the difference is correct, mark candidate branch as annulus branch instead of tubing.
if ( m_wseglink.empty() )
auto tubingIds = segmentRef.tubingBranchIds();
std::map<size_t, std::vector<double>> seglenstForBranch;
for ( auto branchId : tubingIds )
std::vector<double> values;
auto indices = segmentRef.segmentIndicesForBranchNumber( branchId );
for ( auto i : indices )
values.push_back( seglenstValues[i] );
seglenstForBranch[branchId] = values;
std::set<int> annulusBranchIds;
for ( auto branchId : tubingIds )
if ( annulusBranchIds.count( branchId ) ) continue;
for ( auto candidateBranchId : tubingIds )
if ( candidateBranchId == branchId ) continue;
if ( annulusBranchIds.count( candidateBranchId ) ) continue;
auto branchValues = seglenstForBranch.at( branchId );
auto candidateValues = seglenstForBranch.at( candidateBranchId );
double lastBranchValue = branchValues.back();
double lastCandidateValue = candidateValues.back();
double diff = lastCandidateValue - lastBranchValue;
const double epsilon = 1e-3;
const double distanceTubingAnnulus = 0.1;
if ( std::fabs( ( std::fabs( diff ) - distanceTubingAnnulus ) ) < epsilon )
int annulusBranchId = ( diff > 0 ) ? candidateBranchId : branchId;
segmentRef.setBranchType( annulusBranchId, RiaDefines::RftBranchType::RFT_ANNULUS );
annulusBranchIds.insert( annulusBranchId );
void RifReaderOpmRft::reassignBranchIndices( RifRftSegment& segmentRef )
auto tubingBranchIds = segmentRef.tubingBranchIds();
int oneBasedBranchIndex = 1;
std::map<int, int> newOneBasedBranchIndex;
for ( auto branchId : tubingBranchIds )
auto previsousIndex = segmentRef.oneBasedBranchIndexForBranchId( branchId );
newOneBasedBranchIndex[previsousIndex] = oneBasedBranchIndex++;
for ( auto branchId : segmentRef.branchIds() )
auto branchIndex = segmentRef.oneBasedBranchIndexForBranchId( branchId );
if ( newOneBasedBranchIndex.count( branchIndex ) )
segmentRef.setOneBasedBranchIndex( branchId, newOneBasedBranchIndex.at( branchIndex ) );
void RifReaderOpmRft::identifyDeviceBranches( RifRftSegment& segmentRef, const std::vector<double>& seglenstValues )
auto tubingBranchIds = segmentRef.tubingBranchIds();
for ( auto& segment : segmentRef.topology() )
auto segmentBranchId = segment.segBrno();
auto it = std::find( tubingBranchIds.begin(), tubingBranchIds.end(), segmentBranchId );
if ( it == tubingBranchIds.end() )
auto tubingSegmentNumber = segment.segNext();
auto tubingSegmentData = segmentRef.segmentData( tubingSegmentNumber );
if ( tubingSegmentData != nullptr )
auto it = std::find( tubingBranchIds.begin(), tubingBranchIds.end(), tubingSegmentData->segBrno() );
if ( it != tubingBranchIds.end() )
// Find all connected segments that is not assigned a branch type, and mark as device layer
auto tubingBranchIndex = segmentRef.oneBasedBranchIndexForBranchId( tubingSegmentData->segBrno() );
segmentRef.createDeviceBranch( segment.segNo(), tubingBranchIndex, seglenstValues );
std::vector<int> RifReaderOpmRft::importWellData( const std::string& wellName, const std::string& propertyName, const RftDate& date ) const
// Use method hasRft() that do not throw exception if RFT data is not available. Using this method and avoid
// try/catch and exceptions is way faster.
if ( !m_opm_rft->hasRft( wellName, date ) ) return {};
// The hasArray method can throw, so we must use a try/catch block here
if ( m_opm_rft->hasArray( propertyName, wellName, date ) )
return m_opm_rft->getRft<int>( propertyName, wellName, date );
catch ( ... )
return {};
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> RifReaderOpmRft::annulusLinksForWell( const std::string& wellName ) const
auto it = m_wseglink.find( wellName );
if ( it != m_wseglink.end() )
return it->second;
return {};
std::vector<int> RifReaderOpmRft::annulusSegmentsForWell( const std::string& wellName ) const
std::vector<int> annulusSegments;
for ( auto it : annulusLinksForWell( wellName ) )
annulusSegments.push_back( it.first );
return annulusSegments;
RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType RifReaderOpmRft::identifyChannelType( const std::string& resultName )
if ( resultName == "DEPTH" ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::TVD;
if ( resultName == "PRESSURE" ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::PRESSURE;
if ( resultName == "WRAT" ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::WRAT;
if ( resultName == "ORAT" ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::ORAT;
if ( resultName == "GRAT" ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::GRAT;
if ( resultName == RiaResultNames::swat().toStdString() ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SWAT;
if ( resultName == RiaResultNames::soil().toStdString() ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SOIL;
if ( resultName == RiaResultNames::sgas().toStdString() ) return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SGAS;
return RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::NONE;
std::string RifReaderOpmRft::resultNameFromChannelType( RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType channelType )
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::TVD ) return "DEPTH";
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::PRESSURE ) return "PRESSURE";
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::WRAT ) return "WRAT";
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::ORAT ) return "ORAT";
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::GRAT ) return "GRAT";
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SWAT ) return RiaResultNames::swat().toStdString();
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SOIL ) return RiaResultNames::soil().toStdString();
if ( channelType == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SGAS ) return RiaResultNames::sgas().toStdString();
return {};
std::vector<float> RifReaderOpmRft::resultAsFloat( const std::string& resultName, const std::string& wellName, int year, int month, int day ) const
Opm::EclIO::eclArrType resultDataType = Opm::EclIO::eclArrType::REAL;
auto results = m_opm_rft->listOfRftArrays( wellName, year, month, day );
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, size] : results )
if ( resultName == name )
resultDataType = arrayType;
if ( resultDataType == Opm::EclIO::eclArrType::INTE )
std::vector<float> data;
auto integerData = m_opm_rft->getRft<int>( resultName, wellName, year, month, day );
for ( auto val : integerData )
data.push_back( val );
return data;
return m_opm_rft->getRft<float>( resultName, wellName, year, month, day );
return {};
bool RifReaderOpmRft::isNativeResultAvailable( const std::string& resultName, const std::string& wellName, int year, int month, int day ) const
if ( !m_opm_rft ) return false;
auto results = m_opm_rft->listOfRftArrays( wellName, year, month, day );
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, size] : results )
if ( resultName == name ) return true;
return false;
bool RifReaderOpmRft::openFiles()
// The file open operations can be costly, so do lazy loading of the files
// NB! Make sure that this function is called from all public functions that needs to access the files
if ( !isOpen() && !m_detectedErrorWhenOpeningRftFile )
openFiles( m_fileName, m_dataDeckFileName );
return isOpen();