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952 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RigCellGeometryTools.h"
#include "cvfGeometryTools.h"
#include "cvfStructGrid.h"
#include "cafHexGridIntersectionTools/cafHexGridIntersectionTools.h"
#include "cvfBoundingBox.h"
#include "cvfMatrix3.h"
#include "clipper/clipper.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
/// Efficient Computation of Volume of Hexahedral Cells
/// Jeffrey Grandy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
/// https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/632793/
/// Note that in the paper the following vertex numbering is used
/// 6---------7
/// /| /| |k
/// / | / | | /j
/// 4---------5 | |/
/// | 2------|--3 *---i
/// | / | /
/// |/ |/
/// 0---------1
/// While in ResInsight, this is the numbering. Thus we need to swap 2<->3, 6<->7 in the equations.
/// Note the negative k! This causes an additional set of 0<->4, 1<->5, etc. index swaps.
/// 7---------6
/// /| /| |-k
/// / | / | | /j
/// 4---------5 | |/
/// | 3------|--2 *---i
/// | / | /
/// |/ |/
/// 0---------1
double RigCellGeometryTools::calculateCellVolume( const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& x )
// 6 * 3 flops = 18 flops
// Perform index swap when retrieving corners but keep indices in variable names matching paper.
cvf::Vec3d x3mx0 = x[6] - x[4]; // Swap 3->2, then negate z by 2->6 and 0->4
cvf::Vec3d x5mx0 = x[1] - x[4]; // Negate z by Swap 5->1 and 0->4
cvf::Vec3d x6mx0 = x[3] - x[4]; // Swap 6->7, then negate z by 7->3 and 0->4
cvf::Vec3d x7mx1 = x[2] - x[5]; // Swap 7->6, then negate z by 6->2 and 1->5
cvf::Vec3d x7mx2 = x[2] - x[7]; // Swap 7->6, 2->3, then negate z by 6->2 and 3->7
cvf::Vec3d x7mx4 = x[2] - x[0]; // Swap 7->6 then negate z by 6->2 and 4->0
// 3 flops for summation + 5 for dot product + 9 flops for cross product = 17 flops
double det1 = ( x7mx1 + x6mx0 ) * ( x7mx2 ^ x3mx0 );
// 3 flops for summation + 5 for dot product + 9 flops for cross product = 17 flops
double det2 = x6mx0 * ( ( x7mx2 + x5mx0 ) ^ x7mx4 );
// 3 flops for summation + 5 for dot product + 9 flops for cross product = 17 flops
double det3 = x7mx1 * ( x5mx0 ^ ( x7mx4 + x3mx0 ) );
// 2 flops for summation + 1 for division = 3 flops
double volume = ( det1 + det2 + det3 ) / 12.0;
// In order for this to work in any rotation of the cell, we need the absolute value. 1 flop.
return std::abs( volume ); // Altogether 18 + 3*17 + 3 + 1 flops = 73 flops.
/// A reasonable approximation to the overlap volume
bool RigCellGeometryTools::estimateHexOverlapWithBoundingBox( const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& hexCorners,
const cvf::BoundingBox& boundingBox,
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>* overlapElement,
cvf::BoundingBox* overlapBoundingBox )
CVF_ASSERT( overlapElement && overlapBoundingBox );
*overlapBoundingBox = cvf::BoundingBox();
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> uniqueTopPoints = { hexCorners[0], hexCorners[1], hexCorners[2], hexCorners[3] };
auto uniqueTopEnd = std::unique( uniqueTopPoints.begin(), uniqueTopPoints.end() );
if ( uniqueTopEnd - uniqueTopPoints.begin() < 3u ) return false;
cvf::Plane topPlane;
if ( !topPlane.setFromPoints( uniqueTopPoints[0], uniqueTopPoints[1], uniqueTopPoints[2] ) ) return false;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> uniqueBottomPoints = { hexCorners[4], hexCorners[5], hexCorners[6], hexCorners[7] };
auto uniqueBottomEnd = std::unique( uniqueBottomPoints.begin(), uniqueBottomPoints.end() );
if ( uniqueBottomEnd - uniqueBottomPoints.begin() < 3u ) return false;
cvf::Plane bottomPlane;
if ( !bottomPlane.setFromPoints( uniqueBottomPoints[0], uniqueBottomPoints[1], uniqueBottomPoints[2] ) ) return false;
const cvf::Vec3d& boundingMin = boundingBox.min();
const cvf::Vec3d& boundingMax = boundingBox.max();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
const cvf::Vec3d& hexCorner = hexCorners[i];
double x = std::clamp( hexCorner.x(), boundingMin.x(), boundingMax.x() );
double y = std::clamp( hexCorner.y(), boundingMin.y(), boundingMax.y() );
cvf::Vec3d corner;
cvf::Vec3d maxZCorner( x, y, boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d minZCorner( x, y, boundingMin.z() );
if ( topPlane.intersect( minZCorner, maxZCorner, &corner ) )
overlapBoundingBox->add( corner );
std::swap( ( *overlapElement )[i], corner );
double z = std::clamp( hexCorner.z(), boundingMin.z(), boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d clampedCorner( x, y, z );
overlapBoundingBox->add( clampedCorner );
( *overlapElement )[i] = clampedCorner;
for ( size_t i = 4; i < 8; ++i )
const cvf::Vec3d& hexCorner = hexCorners[i];
double x = std::clamp( hexCorner.x(), boundingMin.x(), boundingMax.x() );
double y = std::clamp( hexCorner.y(), boundingMin.y(), boundingMax.y() );
cvf::Vec3d corner;
cvf::Vec3d maxZCorner( x, y, boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d minZCorner( x, y, boundingMin.z() );
if ( bottomPlane.intersect( minZCorner, maxZCorner, &corner ) )
overlapBoundingBox->add( corner );
std::swap( ( *overlapElement )[i], corner );
double z = std::clamp( hexCorner.z(), boundingMin.z(), boundingMax.z() );
cvf::Vec3d clampedCorner( x, y, z );
overlapBoundingBox->add( clampedCorner );
( *overlapElement )[i] = clampedCorner;
return true;
void RigCellGeometryTools::createPolygonFromLineSegments( std::list<std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d>>& intersectionLineSegments,
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygons,
double tolerance )
bool startNewPolygon = true;
while ( !intersectionLineSegments.empty() )
if ( startNewPolygon )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> polygon;
// Add first line segments to polygon and remove from list
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> linesegment = intersectionLineSegments.front();
polygon.push_back( linesegment.first );
polygon.push_back( linesegment.second );
intersectionLineSegments.remove( linesegment );
polygons.push_back( polygon );
startNewPolygon = false;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon = polygons.back();
// Search remaining list for next point...
bool isFound = false;
for ( std::list<std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d>>::iterator lIt = intersectionLineSegments.begin();
lIt != intersectionLineSegments.end();
lIt++ )
cvf::Vec3d lineSegmentStart = lIt->first;
cvf::Vec3d lineSegmentEnd = lIt->second;
cvf::Vec3d polygonEnd = polygon.back();
double lineSegmentLength = ( lineSegmentStart - lineSegmentEnd ).lengthSquared();
if ( lineSegmentLength < tolerance * tolerance )
intersectionLineSegments.erase( lIt );
isFound = true;
double lineSegmentStartDiff = ( lineSegmentStart - polygonEnd ).lengthSquared();
if ( lineSegmentStartDiff < tolerance * tolerance )
polygon.push_back( lIt->second );
intersectionLineSegments.erase( lIt );
isFound = true;
double lineSegmentEndDiff = ( lineSegmentEnd - polygonEnd ).lengthSquared();
if ( lineSegmentEndDiff < tolerance * tolerance )
polygon.push_back( lIt->first );
intersectionLineSegments.erase( lIt );
isFound = true;
if ( isFound )
startNewPolygon = true;
/// Ramer-Douglas-Peucker simplification algorithm
/// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm
void RigCellGeometryTools::simplifyPolygon( std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>* vertices, double epsilon )
CVF_ASSERT( vertices );
if ( vertices->size() < 3 ) return;
std::pair<size_t, double> maxDistPoint( 0u, 0.0 );
for ( size_t i = 1; i < vertices->size() - 1; ++i )
cvf::Vec3d v = vertices->at( i );
double u;
cvf::Vec3d v_proj = cvf::GeometryTools::projectPointOnLine( vertices->front(), vertices->back(), v, &u );
double distance = ( v_proj - v ).length();
if ( distance > maxDistPoint.second )
maxDistPoint = std::make_pair( i, distance );
if ( maxDistPoint.second > epsilon )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices1( vertices->begin(), vertices->begin() + maxDistPoint.first + 1 );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices2( vertices->begin() + maxDistPoint.first, vertices->end() );
// Recurse
simplifyPolygon( &newVertices1, epsilon );
simplifyPolygon( &newVertices2, epsilon );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices( newVertices1.begin(), newVertices1.end() - 1 );
newVertices.insert( newVertices.end(), newVertices2.begin(), newVertices2.end() );
*vertices = newVertices;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> newVertices = { vertices->front(), vertices->back() };
*vertices = newVertices;
void RigCellGeometryTools::findCellLocalXYZ( const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& hexCorners,
cvf::Vec3d& localXdirection,
cvf::Vec3d& localYdirection,
cvf::Vec3d& localZdirection )
cvf::ubyte faceVertexIndices[4];
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceEnum face;
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_I;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterNegI = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
// TODO: Should we use face centroids instead of face centers?
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_I;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterPosI = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::NEG_J;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterNegJ = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
face = cvf::StructGridInterface::POS_J;
cvf::StructGridInterface::cellFaceVertexIndices( face, faceVertexIndices );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterPosJ = cvf::GeometryTools::computeFaceCenter( hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[0]],
hexCorners[faceVertexIndices[3]] );
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterCenterVectorI = faceCenterPosI - faceCenterNegI;
cvf::Vec3d faceCenterCenterVectorJ = faceCenterPosJ - faceCenterNegJ;
localZdirection.cross( faceCenterCenterVectorI, faceCenterCenterVectorJ );
cvf::Vec3d crossPoductJZ;
crossPoductJZ.cross( faceCenterCenterVectorJ, localZdirection );
localXdirection = faceCenterCenterVectorI + crossPoductJZ;
cvf::Vec3d crossPoductIZ;
crossPoductIZ.cross( faceCenterCenterVectorI, localZdirection );
localYdirection = faceCenterCenterVectorJ - crossPoductIZ;
// TODO: Check if we end up with 0-vectors, and handle this case...
double RigCellGeometryTools::polygonLengthInLocalXdirWeightedByArea( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygonToCalcLengthOf )
// Find bounding box
cvf::BoundingBox polygonBBox;
for ( cvf::Vec3d nodeCoord : polygonToCalcLengthOf )
polygonBBox.add( nodeCoord );
cvf::Vec3d bboxCorners[8];
polygonBBox.cornerVertices( bboxCorners );
// Split bounding box in multiple polygons (2D)
int resolutionOfLengthCalc = 20;
double widthOfPolygon = polygonBBox.extent().y() / resolutionOfLengthCalc;
std::vector<double> areasOfPolygonContributions;
std::vector<double> lengthOfPolygonContributions;
cvf::Vec3d directionOfLength( 1, 0, 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < resolutionOfLengthCalc; i++ )
cvf::Vec3d pointOnLine1( bboxCorners[0].x(), bboxCorners[0].y() + i * widthOfPolygon, 0 );
cvf::Vec3d pointOnLine2( bboxCorners[0].x(), bboxCorners[0].y() + ( i + 1 ) * widthOfPolygon, 0 );
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> line1 = getLineThroughBoundingBox( directionOfLength, polygonBBox, pointOnLine1 );
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> line2 = getLineThroughBoundingBox( directionOfLength, polygonBBox, pointOnLine2 );
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> polygon;
polygon.push_back( line1.first );
polygon.push_back( line1.second );
polygon.push_back( line2.second );
polygon.push_back( line2.first );
// Use clipper to find overlap between bbpolygon and fracture
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolygons = intersectionWithPolygon( polygonToCalcLengthOf, polygon );
double area = 0;
double length = 0;
cvf::Vec3d areaVector = cvf::Vec3d::ZERO;
// Calculate length (max-min) and area
for ( std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon : clippedPolygons )
areaVector = cvf::GeometryTools::polygonAreaNormal3D( clippedPolygon );
area += areaVector.length();
length += ( getLengthOfPolygonAlongLine( line1, clippedPolygon ) + getLengthOfPolygonAlongLine( line2, clippedPolygon ) ) / 2;
areasOfPolygonContributions.push_back( area );
lengthOfPolygonContributions.push_back( length );
// Calculate area-weighted length average.
double totalArea = 0.0;
double totalAreaXlength = 0.0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < areasOfPolygonContributions.size(); i++ )
totalArea += areasOfPolygonContributions[i];
totalAreaXlength += ( areasOfPolygonContributions[i] * lengthOfPolygonContributions[i] );
double areaWeightedLength = totalAreaXlength / totalArea;
return areaWeightedLength;
double clipperConversionFactor = 10000; // For transform to clipper int
ClipperLib::IntPoint toClipperPoint( const cvf::Vec3d& cvfPoint )
int xInt = cvfPoint.x() * clipperConversionFactor;
int yInt = cvfPoint.y() * clipperConversionFactor;
int zInt = cvfPoint.z() * clipperConversionFactor;
return ClipperLib::IntPoint( xInt, yInt, zInt );
cvf::Vec3d fromClipperPoint( const ClipperLib::IntPoint& clipPoint )
double zDValue;
if ( clipPoint.Z == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() )
zDValue = HUGE_VAL;
zDValue = clipPoint.Z;
return cvf::Vec3d( clipPoint.X, clipPoint.Y, zDValue ) / clipperConversionFactor;
RigCellGeometryTools::intersectionWithPolygons( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon1,
const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygonToIntersectWith )
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolygons;
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
ClipperLib::Path polygon1path;
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& v : polygon1 )
polygon1path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon1path, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
for ( const auto& path : polygonToIntersectWith )
ClipperLib::Path polygon2path;
for ( const auto& v : path )
polygon2path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon2path, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
ClipperLib::Paths solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctIntersection, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solution )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
clippedPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
clippedPolygons.push_back( clippedPolygon );
return clippedPolygons;
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> RigCellGeometryTools::intersectionWithPolygon( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon1,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon2 )
return intersectionWithPolygons( polygon1, { polygon2 } );
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> RigCellGeometryTools::subtractPolygons( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& sourcePolygon,
const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygonsToSubtract )
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
ClipperLib::Path polygon1path;
for ( const auto& v : sourcePolygon )
polygon1path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon1path, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
for ( const auto& path : polygonsToSubtract )
ClipperLib::Path polygon2path;
for ( const auto& v : path )
polygon2path.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
clpr.AddPath( polygon2path, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
ClipperLib::Paths solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctDifference, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolygons;
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solution )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
clippedPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
clippedPolygons.push_back( clippedPolygon );
return clippedPolygons;
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> RigCellGeometryTools::subtractPolygon( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& sourcePolygon,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygonToSubtract )
return subtractPolygons( sourcePolygon, { polygonToSubtract } );
/// Note for cppcheck : First four parameter cannot be const to match the signature of the receiver
void fillInterpolatedSubjectZ( ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& pt )
ClipperLib::IntPoint ePLbot;
ClipperLib::IntPoint ePLtop;
if ( e1top.Z == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() )
ePLtop = e2top;
ePLbot = e2bot;
ePLtop = e1top;
ePLbot = e1bot;
double ePLXRange = ( ePLtop.X - ePLbot.X );
double ePLYRange = ( ePLtop.Y - ePLbot.Y );
double ePLLength = sqrt( ePLXRange * ePLXRange + ePLYRange * ePLYRange );
if ( ePLLength <= 1 )
pt.Z = ePLbot.Z;
double ePLBotPtXRange = pt.X - ePLbot.X;
double ePLBotPtYRange = pt.Y - ePLbot.Y;
double ePLBotPtLength = sqrt( ePLBotPtXRange * ePLBotPtXRange + ePLBotPtYRange * ePLBotPtYRange );
double fraction = ePLBotPtLength / ePLLength;
pt.Z = std::nearbyint( ePLbot.Z + fraction * ( ePLtop.Z - ePLbot.Z ) );
void fillUndefinedZ( ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e1top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2bot,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& e2top,
ClipperLib::IntPoint& pt )
pt.Z = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
/// Assumes x.y plane polygon. Polyline might have a Z, and the returned Z is the polyline Z, interpolated if it is
/// clipped.
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> RigCellGeometryTools::clipPolylineByPolygon( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyLine,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon,
ZInterpolationType interpolType )
std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>> clippedPolyline;
// Adjusting polygon to avoid clipper issue with interpolating z-values when lines crosses though polygon vertecies
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> adjustedPolygon = ajustPolygonToAvoidIntersectionsAtVertex( polyLine, polygon );
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
ClipperLib::Path polyLinePath;
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& v : polyLine )
polyLinePath.push_back( toClipperPoint( v ) );
ClipperLib::Path polygonPath;
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& v : adjustedPolygon )
ClipperLib::IntPoint intp = toClipperPoint( v );
intp.Z = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
polygonPath.push_back( intp );
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
clpr.AddPath( polyLinePath, ClipperLib::ptSubject, false );
clpr.AddPath( polygonPath, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
if ( interpolType == INTERPOLATE_LINE_Z )
clpr.ZFillFunction( &fillInterpolatedSubjectZ );
else if ( interpolType == USE_HUGEVAL )
clpr.ZFillFunction( &fillUndefinedZ );
ClipperLib::PolyTree solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctIntersection, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
// We only expect open paths from this method (unless the polyline is self intersecting, a condition we do not handle)
ClipperLib::Paths solutionPaths;
ClipperLib::OpenPathsFromPolyTree( solution, solutionPaths );
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solutionPaths )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> clippedPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
clippedPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
clippedPolyline.push_back( clippedPolygon );
return clippedPolyline;
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> RigCellGeometryTools::getLineThroughBoundingBox( const cvf::Vec3d& lineDirection,
const cvf::BoundingBox& polygonBBox,
const cvf::Vec3d& pointOnLine )
cvf::Vec3d bboxCorners[8];
polygonBBox.cornerVertices( bboxCorners );
cvf::Vec3d startPoint = pointOnLine;
cvf::Vec3d endPoint = pointOnLine;
cvf::Vec3d lineDir = lineDirection;
// To avoid doing many iterations in loops below linedirection should be quite large.
lineDir = lineDir * polygonBBox.extent().length() / 5;
// Extend line in positive direction
while ( polygonBBox.contains( startPoint ) )
startPoint = startPoint + lineDir;
// Extend line in negative direction
while ( polygonBBox.contains( endPoint ) )
endPoint = endPoint - lineDir;
std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d> line;
line = { startPoint, endPoint };
return line;
double RigCellGeometryTools::getLengthOfPolygonAlongLine( const std::pair<cvf::Vec3d, cvf::Vec3d>& line, const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon )
cvf::BoundingBox lineBoundingBox;
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& polygonPoint : polygon )
cvf::Vec3d pointOnLine = cvf::GeometryTools::projectPointOnLine( line.first, line.second, polygonPoint, nullptr );
lineBoundingBox.add( pointOnLine );
double length = lineBoundingBox.extent().length();
return length;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RigCellGeometryTools::unionOfPolygons( const std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>>& polygons )
// Convert to int for clipper library and store as clipper "path"
std::vector<ClipperLib::Path> polygonPaths;
for ( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon : polygons )
auto& p = polygonPaths.back();
for ( const cvf::Vec3d& pp : polygon )
p.push_back( toClipperPoint( pp ) );
ClipperLib::Clipper clpr;
clpr.AddPaths( polygonPaths, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
ClipperLib::Paths solution;
clpr.Execute( ClipperLib::ctUnion, solution, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd, ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd );
// Convert back to std::vector<std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> >
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> unionPolygon;
for ( ClipperLib::Path pathInSol : solution )
for ( ClipperLib::IntPoint IntPosition : pathInSol )
unionPolygon.push_back( fromClipperPoint( IntPosition ) );
return unionPolygon;
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> RigCellGeometryTools::ajustPolygonToAvoidIntersectionsAtVertex( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyLine,
const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> adjustedPolygon;
double treshold = ( 1.0 / 10000.0 ) * 5; // 5 times polygonScaleFactor for converting to int for clipper
for ( cvf::Vec3d polygonPoint : polygon )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < polyLine.size() - 1; i++ )
cvf::Vec3d linePoint1( polyLine[i].x(), polyLine[i].y(), 0.0 );
cvf::Vec3d linePoint2( polyLine[i + 1].x(), polyLine[i + 1].y(), 0.0 );
double pointDistanceFromLine = cvf::GeometryTools::linePointSquareDist( linePoint1, linePoint2, polygonPoint );
if ( pointDistanceFromLine < treshold )
// calculate new polygonPoint
cvf::Vec3d directionOfLineSegment = linePoint2 - linePoint1;
// finding normal to the direction of the line segment in the XY plane (z=0)
cvf::Vec3d normalToLine( -directionOfLineSegment.y(), directionOfLineSegment.x(), 0.0 );
polygonPoint = polygonPoint + normalToLine * 0.005;
adjustedPolygon.push_back( polygonPoint );
return adjustedPolygon;
/// tests if a point is Left|On|Right of an infinite line.
/// Input: three points P1, P2, and P3
/// Return: >0 for P3 left of the line through P1 and P2
/// =0 for P3 on the line
/// <0 for P3 right of the line
/// ref. http://geomalgorithms.com/a01-_area.html
inline double RigCellGeometryTools::isLeftOfLine2D( const cvf::Vec3d& point1, const cvf::Vec3d& point2, const cvf::Vec3d& point3 )
return ( ( point2.x() - point1.x() ) * ( point3.y() - point1.y() ) - ( point3.x() - point1.x() ) * ( point2.y() - point1.y() ) );
/// winding number test for a point in a polygon
/// Operates only in the XY plane
/// Input: point = the point to test,
/// polygon[] = vertex points of a closed polygon of size n, where polygon[n-1]=polygon[0]
/// Return: true if inside, false if outside)
/// ref. http://geomalgorithms.com/a03-_inclusion.html
bool RigCellGeometryTools::pointInsidePolygon2D( const cvf::Vec3d point, const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon )
// Copyright 2000 softSurfer, 2012 Dan Sunday
// This code may be freely used and modified for any purpose
// providing that this copyright notice is included with it.
// SoftSurfer makes no warranty for this code, and cannot be held
// liable for any real or imagined damage resulting from its use.
// Users of this code must verify correctness for their application
int wn = 0; // the winding number counter
size_t N = polygon.size() - 1;
// loop through all edges of the polygon
for ( size_t i = 0; i < N; i++ )
{ // edge from V[i] to V[i+1]
if ( polygon[i].y() <= point.y() )
{ // start y <= P.y
if ( polygon[i + 1].y() > point.y() ) // an upward crossing
if ( isLeftOfLine2D( polygon[i], polygon[i + 1], point ) > 0 ) // P left of edge
++wn; // have a valid up intersect
{ // start y > P.y
if ( polygon[i + 1].y() <= point.y() ) // a downward crossing
if ( isLeftOfLine2D( polygon[i], polygon[i + 1], point ) < 0 ) // P right of edge
--wn; // have a valid down intersect
return wn != 0;
/// Returns the intersection of line 1 (a1 to b1) and line 2 (a2 to b2).
/// - operates only in the XY plane
/// - returns true and the x,y intersection if the lines intersect
/// - returns false if they do not intersect
/// ref. http://www.paulbourke.net/geometry/pointlineplane/pdb.c
std::pair<bool, cvf::Vec2d>
RigCellGeometryTools::lineLineIntersection2D( const cvf::Vec3d a1, const cvf::Vec3d b1, const cvf::Vec3d a2, const cvf::Vec3d b2 )
constexpr double EPS = 0.000001;
double mua, mub;
double denom, numera, numerb;
const double x1 = a1.x(), x2 = b1.x();
const double x3 = a2.x(), x4 = b2.x();
const double y1 = a1.y(), y2 = b1.y();
const double y3 = a2.y(), y4 = b2.y();
denom = ( y4 - y3 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) - ( x4 - x3 ) * ( y2 - y1 );
numera = ( x4 - x3 ) * ( y1 - y3 ) - ( y4 - y3 ) * ( x1 - x3 );
numerb = ( x2 - x1 ) * ( y1 - y3 ) - ( y2 - y1 ) * ( x1 - x3 );
// Are the lines coincident?
if ( ( std::abs( numera ) < EPS ) && ( std::abs( numerb ) < EPS ) && ( std::abs( denom ) < EPS ) )
return std::make_pair( true, cvf::Vec2d( ( x1 + x2 ) / 2, ( y1 + y2 ) / 2 ) );
// Are the lines parallel?
if ( std::abs( denom ) < EPS )
return std::make_pair( false, cvf::Vec2d() );
// Is the intersection along the segments?
mua = numera / denom;
mub = numerb / denom;
if ( mua < 0 || mua > 1 || mub < 0 || mub > 1 )
return std::make_pair( false, cvf::Vec2d() );
return std::make_pair( true, cvf::Vec2d( x1 + mua * ( x2 - x1 ), y1 + mua * ( y2 - y1 ) ) );
/// Returns true if the line from a1 to b1 intersects the line from a2 to b2
/// Operates only in the XY plane
bool RigCellGeometryTools::lineIntersectsLine2D( const cvf::Vec3d a1, const cvf::Vec3d b1, const cvf::Vec3d a2, const cvf::Vec3d b2 )
return lineLineIntersection2D( a1, b1, a2, b2 ).first;
/// Returns true if the line from a to b intersects the closed, simple polygon defined by the corner
/// points in the input polygon vector, otherwise false
/// Operates only in the XY plane
bool RigCellGeometryTools::lineIntersectsPolygon2D( const cvf::Vec3d a, const cvf::Vec3d b, const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polygon )
int nPolyLines = (int)polygon.size();
for ( int i = 1; i < nPolyLines; i++ )
if ( lineIntersectsLine2D( a, b, polygon[i - 1], polygon[i] ) ) return true;
return lineIntersectsLine2D( a, b, polygon[nPolyLines - 1], polygon[0] );
/// Returns true if the polyline intersects the simple polygon defined by the NEGK face corners of the input cell
/// Operates only in the XY plane
bool RigCellGeometryTools::polylineIntersectsCellNegK2D( const std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& polyline, const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& cellCorners )
const int nPoints = (int)polyline.size();
const int nCorners = 4;
for ( int i = 1; i < nPoints; i++ )
for ( int j = 1; j < nCorners; j++ )
if ( lineIntersectsLine2D( polyline[i - 1], polyline[i], cellCorners[j - 1], cellCorners[j] ) ) return true;
if ( lineIntersectsLine2D( polyline[i - 1], polyline[i], cellCorners[nCorners - 1], cellCorners[0] ) ) return true;
return false;
/// Returns true if the point in the XY plane is inside the given cell corners. Just the top (neg k) face is checked.
bool RigCellGeometryTools::pointInsideCellNegK2D( const cvf::Vec3d& point, const std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8>& cellCorners )
std::vector<cvf::Vec3d> polygon;
const std::vector<size_t> negK = { 0, 3, 2, 1, 0 };
for ( auto i : negK )
polygon.push_back( cellCorners[i] );
return RigCellGeometryTools::pointInsidePolygon2D( point, polygon );