mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
486 lines
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486 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RiuMatrixPlotWidget.h"
#include "RiaColorTools.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RimRegularLegendConfig.h"
#include "RimViewWindow.h"
#include "RiuAbstractLegendFrame.h"
#include "RiuCategoryLegendFrame.h"
#include "RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotItem.h"
#include "RiuQwtPlotTools.h"
#include "RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame.h"
#include "cvfColor3.h"
#include "qwt_plot_marker.h"
#include "qwt_scale_draw.h"
#include "qwt_text.h"
#include <QHBoxLayout>
class MatrixShapeItem : public QwtPlotShapeItem
MatrixShapeItem( const QString& title = QString() )
: QwtPlotShapeItem( title )
double value;
size_t rowIndex;
size_t columnIndex;
class TextScaleDraw : public QwtScaleDraw
TextScaleDraw( const std::map<size_t, QString>& tickLabels )
: m_tickLabels( tickLabels )
QwtText label( double value ) const override
size_t intValue = static_cast<size_t>( value + 0.25 );
auto it = m_tickLabels.find( intValue );
return it != m_tickLabels.end() ? it->second : "";
std::map<size_t, QString> m_tickLabels;
RiuMatrixPlotWidget::RiuMatrixPlotWidget( RimViewWindow* ownerViewWindow, RimRegularLegendConfig* legendConfig, QWidget* parent )
: matrixCellSelected( this )
, m_ownerViewWindow( ownerViewWindow )
, m_legendConfig( legendConfig )
// Configure main layout
QHBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
mainLayout->setContentsMargins( 15, 15, 15, 15 );
setLayout( mainLayout );
// White background
QPalette palette = this->palette();
palette.setColor( QPalette::Window, Qt::white );
setAutoFillBackground( true );
setPalette( palette );
// Add plot to main layout
m_plotWidget = new RiuQwtPlotWidget( nullptr, parent );
m_plotWidget->qwtPlot()->insertLegend( nullptr );
mainLayout->addWidget( m_plotWidget );
// Add legend to main layout
if ( m_legendConfig )
m_legendFrame = m_legendConfig->makeLegendFrame();
mainLayout->addWidget( m_legendFrame );
// Configure plot widget to be a matrix plot?
m_plotWidget->enableGridLines( RiuPlotAxis::defaultTop(), false, false );
m_plotWidget->enableGridLines( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), false, false );
m_plotWidget->enableGridLines( RiuPlotAxis::defaultRight(), false, false );
m_plotWidget->enableGridLines( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), false, false );
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleEnabled( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), true );
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleEnabled( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), true );
QwtPlot* RiuMatrixPlotWidget::qwtPlot() const
return m_plotWidget->qwtPlot();
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::clearPlotData()
m_columnHeaders = {};
m_rowHeaders = {};
m_rowValues = {};
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setColumnHeaders( const std::vector<QString>& columnHeaders )
if ( m_columnHeaders.empty() )
m_columnHeaders = columnHeaders;
else if ( columnHeaders.size() == m_columnHeaders.size() )
m_columnHeaders = columnHeaders;
CAF_ASSERT( "Column headers must be assigned for an empty matrix or re-assigned with an equal number of columns!" );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setRowValues( const QString& rowLabel, const std::vector<double>& values )
CAF_ASSERT( !m_columnHeaders.empty() && "Matrix column headers are not configured - headers are empty!" );
CAF_ASSERT( values.size() == m_columnHeaders.size() && "Number of row values must be equal number of configured matrix columns" );
// Insert in front to get rows from bottom to top in plot
m_rowHeaders.insert( m_rowHeaders.begin(), rowLabel );
m_rowValues.insert( m_rowValues.begin(), values );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::createPlot()
auto scalarMapperFrame = dynamic_cast<RiuScalarMapperLegendFrame*>( m_legendFrame.data() );
auto categoryFrame = dynamic_cast<RiuCategoryLegendFrame*>( m_legendFrame.data() );
if ( scalarMapperFrame )
scalarMapperFrame->setScalarMapper( m_legendConfig->scalarMapper() );
if ( categoryFrame )
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::scheduleReplot()
RimViewWindow* RiuMatrixPlotWidget::ownerViewWindow() const
return m_ownerViewWindow;
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent* )
// Added empty override to preventing menu for Mdi Area
// I.e.: RiuContextMenuLauncher for RiuPlotMainWindow (mdi area)
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setPlotTitleEnabled( bool enabled )
m_plotWidget->setPlotTitleEnabled( enabled );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setLegendFontSize( int fontSize )
m_plotWidget->setLegendFontSize( fontSize );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setPlotTitle( const QString& title )
m_plotWidget->setPlotTitle( title );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setShowValueLabel( bool showValueLabel )
m_showValueLabel = showValueLabel;
// Due to few data points - clear plot and create matrix cells with new label flag
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setRowTitle( const QString& title )
m_rowTitle = title;
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setInvalidValueColor( const cvf::Color3ub& color )
m_invalidValueColor = color;
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setUseInvalidValueColor( bool useInvalidValueColor )
m_useInvalidValueColor = useInvalidValueColor;
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setInvalidValueRange( double min, double max )
CAF_ASSERT( min <= max && "Min must be less or equal to max!" );
m_invalidValueRange = std::make_pair( min, max );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setColumnTitle( const QString& title )
m_columnTitle = title;
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setPlotTitleFontSize( int fontSize )
m_plotWidget->setPlotTitleFontSize( fontSize );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setAxisTitleFontSize( int fontSize )
m_axisTitleFontSize = fontSize;
m_plotWidget->setAxisFontsAndAlignment( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), m_axisTitleFontSize, m_axisLabelFontSize );
m_plotWidget->setAxisFontsAndAlignment( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), m_axisTitleFontSize, m_axisLabelFontSize );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setAxisLabelFontSize( int fontSize )
m_axisLabelFontSize = fontSize;
m_plotWidget->setAxisFontsAndAlignment( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), m_axisTitleFontSize, m_axisLabelFontSize );
m_plotWidget->setAxisFontsAndAlignment( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), m_axisTitleFontSize, m_axisLabelFontSize );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setValueFontSize( int fontSize )
m_valueFontSize = fontSize;
// Due to few data points - clear plot and create matrix cells with new font size
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::setMaxColumnLabelCount( int maxLabelCount )
m_maxColumnLabelCount = maxLabelCount;
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::updateAxes()
if ( !m_plotWidget ) return;
// Labels on y-axis
const int maxLabelCount = 1000;
m_plotWidget->qwtPlot()->setAxisScaleDraw( QwtAxis::YLeft, new TextScaleDraw( createIndexLabelMap( m_rowHeaders, maxLabelCount ) ) );
m_plotWidget->qwtPlot()->setAxisScaleEngine( QwtAxis::YLeft, new RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine );
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleText( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), m_rowTitle );
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleEnabled( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), true );
m_plotWidget->setAxisFontsAndAlignment( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), m_axisTitleFontSize, m_axisLabelFontSize, false, Qt::AlignCenter );
m_plotWidget->setAxisLabelsAndTicksEnabled( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), true, false );
m_plotWidget->setAxisRange( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(), 0.0, static_cast<double>( m_rowHeaders.size() ) + 1 );
m_plotWidget->setMajorAndMinorTickIntervalsAndRange( RiuPlotAxis::defaultLeft(),
static_cast<double>( m_rowHeaders.size() ) - 0.5,
static_cast<double>( m_rowHeaders.size() ) );
// Labels on column axis
auto scaleDraw = new TextScaleDraw( createIndexLabelMap( m_columnHeaders, m_maxColumnLabelCount ) );
scaleDraw->setLabelRotation( 30.0 );
m_plotWidget->qwtPlot()->setAxisScaleDraw( QwtAxis::XBottom, scaleDraw );
m_plotWidget->qwtPlot()->setAxisScaleEngine( QwtAxis::XBottom, new RiuQwtLinearScaleEngine );
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleText( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), m_columnTitle );
m_plotWidget->setAxisTitleEnabled( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), true );
m_plotWidget->setAxisFontsAndAlignment( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(),
Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignTop );
m_plotWidget->setAxisLabelsAndTicksEnabled( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), true, false );
m_plotWidget->setAxisRange( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(), 0.0, static_cast<double>( m_columnHeaders.size() ) + 1 );
m_plotWidget->setMajorAndMinorTickIntervalsAndRange( RiuPlotAxis::defaultBottom(),
static_cast<double>( m_columnHeaders.size() ) - 0.5,
static_cast<double>( m_columnHeaders.size() ) );
m_plotWidget->qwtPlot()->setAxisLabelAlignment( QwtAxis::XBottom, Qt::AlignRight );
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::createMatrixCells()
CAF_ASSERT( m_legendConfig.notNull() && m_legendConfig->scalarMapper() && "Scalar mapper must be set for legend config!" );
for ( size_t rowIdx = 0u; rowIdx < m_rowValues.size(); ++rowIdx )
for ( size_t colIdx = 0u; colIdx < m_rowValues[rowIdx].size(); ++colIdx )
const double value = m_rowValues[rowIdx][colIdx];
const auto label = QString( "%1" ).arg( value, 0, 'f', 2 );
cvf::Color3ub color = m_legendConfig->scalarMapper()->mapToColor( value );
if ( m_useInvalidValueColor && m_invalidValueRange.first <= value && value <= m_invalidValueRange.second )
color = m_invalidValueColor;
QColor qColor( color.r(), color.g(), color.b() );
auto rectangle = RiuQwtPlotTools::createBoxShapeT<MatrixShapeItem>( label,
static_cast<double>( colIdx ),
static_cast<double>( colIdx ) + 1.0,
static_cast<double>( rowIdx ),
static_cast<double>( rowIdx ) + 1,
qColor );
rectangle->value = value;
rectangle->rowIndex = rowIdx;
rectangle->columnIndex = colIdx;
rectangle->attach( m_plotWidget->qwtPlot() );
if ( m_showValueLabel )
QwtText textLabel( label );
cvf::Color3f contrastColor = RiaColorTools::contrastColor( cvf::Color3f( color ) );
textLabel.setColor( RiaColorTools::toQColor( contrastColor ) );
QFont font = textLabel.font();
font.setPixelSize( caf::FontTools::pointSizeToPixelSize( m_valueFontSize ) );
textLabel.setFont( font );
QwtPlotMarker* marker = new QwtPlotMarker();
marker->setLabel( textLabel );
marker->setXValue( colIdx + 0.5 );
marker->setYValue( rowIdx + 0.5 );
marker->attach( m_plotWidget->qwtPlot() );
std::map<size_t, QString> RiuMatrixPlotWidget::createIndexLabelMap( const std::vector<QString>& labels, int maxLabelCount )
if ( labels.empty() ) return {};
int increment = 1;
if ( (int)labels.size() > maxLabelCount )
increment = (int)labels.size() / ( maxLabelCount - 1 );
increment = std::max( 1, increment );
std::map<size_t, QString> indexLabelMap;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < std::min( labels.size(), size_t( maxLabelCount - 1 ) ); ++i )
auto index = i * increment;
indexLabelMap.emplace( index, labels[index] );
indexLabelMap.emplace( labels.size() - 1, labels.back() );
return indexLabelMap;
void RiuMatrixPlotWidget::onPlotItemSelected( std::shared_ptr<RiuPlotItem> plotItem, bool toggle, int sampleIndex )
RiuQwtPlotItem* qwtPlotItem = dynamic_cast<RiuQwtPlotItem*>( plotItem.get() );
if ( !qwtPlotItem ) return;
MatrixShapeItem* matrixItem = dynamic_cast<MatrixShapeItem*>( qwtPlotItem->qwtPlotItem() );
if ( matrixItem )
matrixCellSelected.send( std::make_pair( static_cast<int>( matrixItem->rowIndex ), static_cast<int>( matrixItem->columnIndex ) ) );