2019-09-06 10:57:22 +02:00

351 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RimFlowDiagSolution.h"
#include "RiaApplication.h"
#include "RiaColorTables.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RigFlowDiagResults.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RimEclipseResultCase.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimSimWellInViewCollection.h"
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimFlowDiagSolution, "FlowDiagSolution" );
bool RimFlowDiagSolution::hasCrossFlowEnding( const QString& tracerName )
return tracerName.endsWith( CROSS_FLOW_ENDING );
QString RimFlowDiagSolution::removeCrossFlowEnding( const QString& tracerName )
if ( tracerName.endsWith( CROSS_FLOW_ENDING ) )
return tracerName.left( tracerName.size() - 3 );
return tracerName;
QString RimFlowDiagSolution::addCrossFlowEnding( const QString& wellName )
return wellName + CROSS_FLOW_ENDING;
RimFlowDiagSolution::RimFlowDiagSolution( void )
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Flow Diagnostics Solution", "", "", "" );
CAF_PDM_InitField( &m_userDescription, "UserDescription", QString( "All Wells" ), "Description", "", "", "" );
RimFlowDiagSolution::~RimFlowDiagSolution( void ) {}
QString RimFlowDiagSolution::userDescription() const
return m_userDescription();
RigFlowDiagResults* RimFlowDiagSolution::flowDiagResults()
if ( m_flowDiagResults.isNull() )
size_t timeStepCount;
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( eclCase );
CVF_ASSERT( eclCase && eclCase->eclipseCaseData() );
timeStepCount = eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->results( RiaDefines::MATRIX_MODEL )->maxTimeStepCount();
m_flowDiagResults = new RigFlowDiagResults( this, timeStepCount );
return m_flowDiagResults.p();
std::vector<QString> RimFlowDiagSolution::tracerNames() const
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( eclCase );
std::vector<QString> tracerNameSet;
if ( eclCase && eclCase->eclipseCaseData() )
const cvf::Collection<RigSimWellData>& simWellData = eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->wellResults();
for ( size_t wIdx = 0; wIdx < simWellData.size(); ++wIdx )
tracerNameSet.push_back( simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName );
tracerNameSet.push_back( addCrossFlowEnding( simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName ) );
return tracerNameSet;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> RimFlowDiagSolution::allInjectorTracerActiveCellIndices( size_t timeStepIndex ) const
return allTracerActiveCellIndices( timeStepIndex, true );
std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> RimFlowDiagSolution::allProducerTracerActiveCellIndices( size_t timeStepIndex ) const
return allTracerActiveCellIndices( timeStepIndex, false );
std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> RimFlowDiagSolution::allTracerActiveCellIndices( size_t timeStepIndex,
bool useInjectors ) const
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( eclCase );
std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> tracersWithCells;
if ( eclCase && eclCase->eclipseCaseData() )
const cvf::Collection<RigSimWellData>& simWellData = eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->wellResults();
RigMainGrid* mainGrid = eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->mainGrid();
RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo(
RiaDefines::MATRIX_MODEL ); // Todo: Must come from the results definition
for ( size_t wIdx = 0; wIdx < simWellData.size(); ++wIdx )
if ( !simWellData[wIdx]->hasWellResult( timeStepIndex ) ) continue;
const RigWellResultFrame& wellResFrame = simWellData[wIdx]->wellResultFrame( timeStepIndex );
bool isInjectorWell = ( wellResFrame.m_productionType != RigWellResultFrame::PRODUCER &&
wellResFrame.m_productionType != RigWellResultFrame::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE );
std::string wellName = simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName.toStdString();
std::string wellNameXf = addCrossFlowEnding( simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName ).toStdString();
std::vector<int>& tracerCells = tracersWithCells[wellName];
std::vector<int>& tracerCellsCrossFlow = tracersWithCells[wellNameXf];
for ( const RigWellResultBranch& wBr : wellResFrame.m_wellResultBranches )
for ( const RigWellResultPoint& wrp : wBr.m_branchResultPoints )
if ( wrp.isValid() && wrp.m_isOpen &&
( ( useInjectors && wrp.flowRate() < 0.0 ) || ( !useInjectors && wrp.flowRate() > 0.0 ) ) )
RigGridBase* grid = mainGrid->gridByIndex( wrp.m_gridIndex );
size_t reservoirCellIndex = grid->reservoirCellIndex( wrp.m_gridCellIndex );
int cellActiveIndex = static_cast<int>( activeCellInfo->cellResultIndex( reservoirCellIndex ) );
if ( useInjectors == isInjectorWell )
tracerCells.push_back( cellActiveIndex );
tracerCellsCrossFlow.push_back( cellActiveIndex );
if ( tracerCells.empty() ) tracersWithCells.erase( wellName );
if ( tracerCellsCrossFlow.empty() ) tracersWithCells.erase( wellNameXf );
return tracersWithCells;
RimFlowDiagSolution::TracerStatusType RimFlowDiagSolution::tracerStatusOverall( const QString& tracerName ) const
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( eclCase );
TracerStatusType tracerStatus = UNDEFINED;
if ( eclCase && eclCase->eclipseCaseData() )
const cvf::Collection<RigSimWellData>& simWellData = eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->wellResults();
for ( size_t wIdx = 0; wIdx < simWellData.size(); ++wIdx )
QString wellName = removeCrossFlowEnding( tracerName );
if ( simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName != wellName ) continue;
tracerStatus = CLOSED;
for ( const RigWellResultFrame& wellResFrame : simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellCellsTimeSteps )
if ( wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::GAS_INJECTOR ||
wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::OIL_INJECTOR ||
wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::WATER_INJECTOR )
if ( tracerStatus == PRODUCER )
tracerStatus = VARYING;
tracerStatus = INJECTOR;
else if ( wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::PRODUCER )
if ( tracerStatus == INJECTOR )
tracerStatus = VARYING;
tracerStatus = PRODUCER;
if ( tracerStatus == VARYING ) break;
if ( hasCrossFlowEnding( tracerName ) )
if ( tracerStatus == PRODUCER )
tracerStatus = INJECTOR;
else if ( tracerStatus == INJECTOR )
tracerStatus = PRODUCER;
return tracerStatus;
RimFlowDiagSolution::TracerStatusType RimFlowDiagSolution::tracerStatusInTimeStep( const QString& tracerName,
size_t timeStepIndex ) const
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfTypeAsserted( eclCase );
if ( eclCase && eclCase->eclipseCaseData() )
const cvf::Collection<RigSimWellData>& simWellData = eclCase->eclipseCaseData()->wellResults();
for ( size_t wIdx = 0; wIdx < simWellData.size(); ++wIdx )
QString wellName = removeCrossFlowEnding( tracerName );
if ( simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName != wellName ) continue;
if ( !simWellData[wIdx]->hasWellResult( timeStepIndex ) ) return CLOSED;
const RigWellResultFrame& wellResFrame = simWellData[wIdx]->wellResultFrame( timeStepIndex );
if ( wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::GAS_INJECTOR ||
wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::OIL_INJECTOR ||
wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::WATER_INJECTOR )
if ( hasCrossFlowEnding( tracerName ) ) return PRODUCER;
return INJECTOR;
else if ( wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::PRODUCER ||
wellResFrame.m_productionType == RigWellResultFrame::UNDEFINED_PRODUCTION_TYPE )
if ( hasCrossFlowEnding( tracerName ) ) return INJECTOR;
return PRODUCER;
CVF_ASSERT( false );
cvf::Color3f RimFlowDiagSolution::tracerColor( const QString& tracerName ) const
QString wellName = removeCrossFlowEnding( tracerName );
if ( wellName == RIG_FLOW_TOTAL_NAME ) return cvf::Color3f::LIGHT_GRAY;
if ( wellName == RIG_RESERVOIR_TRACER_NAME ) return cvf::Color3f::LIGHT_GRAY;
if ( wellName == RIG_TINY_TRACER_GROUP_NAME ) return cvf::Color3f::DARK_GRAY;
RimEclipseResultCase* eclCase;
this->firstAncestorOrThisOfType( eclCase );
if ( eclCase )
return eclCase->defaultWellColor( wellName );
return cvf::Color3f::LIGHT_GRAY;
caf::PdmFieldHandle* RimFlowDiagSolution::userDescriptionField()
return &m_userDescription;