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synced 2025-01-26 00:06:49 -06:00
Some regression tests cause exceptions to trigger based on the HDF5 data present in test dataset. This causes the regression test to hang.
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454 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RifHdf5Reader.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaQDateTimeTools.h"
#include "H5Cpp.h"
#include "H5Exception.h"
#include "cvfAssert.h"
#include "cvfMath.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDir>
#include <QStringList>
#include <algorithm>
/// May reduce constructor content upon discussion of overlying framework.
/// std::string dateString = getStringAttribute(file, "/KaseStudy/TransientSections", "initial_date");
/// QDateTime initalDateTime = sourSimDateTimeToQDateTime(dateString); // may rearrange/change to be a call in
/// timeSteps()
RifHdf5Reader::RifHdf5Reader( const QString& fileName )
: m_fileName( fileName )
, m_fileStrategy( 0 )
H5::H5File file( fileName.toStdString().c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY ); // evt fileName.toLatin1().data()
m_fileStrategy = getIntAttribute( file, "/", "file_strategy" ); // fileStrategy == 1 means one time step per file
if ( m_fileStrategy == 1 )
m_timeStepFileNames = getSourSimTimeStepFileNames( fileName );
catch ( ... ) // catch any failure
bool RifHdf5Reader::dynamicResult( const QString& result, size_t stepIndex, std::vector<double>* values ) const
if ( m_fileStrategy != 1 ) return false; // NB: currently incapable of handling all results in one sourres file
QStringList props = propertyNames();
QStringList::iterator it = std::find( props.begin(), props.end(), result );
int propIdx = ( it != props.end() ) ? it - props.begin() : 0; // index to 'result' in QStringList props (usually
// size_t but int gave no warning)
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
std::string fileName = m_timeStepFileNames[stepIndex];
std::string timeStepGroup = "/Timestep_" + getTimeStepNumberAs5DigitString( fileName );
H5::H5File file( fileName.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY );
std::string groupName = timeStepGroup + "/GridFunctions/GridPart_00000/GridFunction_" +
IntTo5DigitString( propIdx + 1 ); // adjust to HDF5 one based indexing
getElementResultValues( file, groupName, values );
return true;
catch ( ... ) // catch any failure
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Failed to read SourSimRL dynamic results" ) );
return false;
/// Qt alternative fileName.toLatin1().data()
std::vector<QDateTime> RifHdf5Reader::timeSteps() const
std::vector<QDateTime> times;
if ( m_fileStrategy != 1 ) return times; // NB: currently incapable of handling all results in one sourres file
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::H5File mainFile( m_fileName.toStdString().c_str(),
H5F_ACC_RDONLY ); // initial date part is an attribute of SourSimRL main file
std::string dateString = getStringAttribute( mainFile, "/KaseStudy/TransientSections", "initial_date" );
QDateTime dtInitial = sourSimDateTimeToQDateTime( dateString );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_timeStepFileNames.size(); i++ )
std::string fileName = m_timeStepFileNames[i];
std::string timeStepGroup = "/Timestep_" + getTimeStepNumberAs5DigitString( fileName );
H5::H5File file( fileName.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY );
double timeStepValue = getDoubleAttribute( file,
"timestep" ); // Assumes only one time step per file
int timeStepDays = cvf::Math::floor( timeStepValue );
double fractionOfDay = timeStepValue - timeStepDays;
double milliseconds = fractionOfDay * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 * 1000.0;
QDateTime dt = dtInitial;
dt = RiaQDateTimeTools::addDays( dt, timeStepDays );
dt = RiaQDateTimeTools::addMSecs( dt, milliseconds );
times.push_back( dt );
catch ( ... ) // catch any failure
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Failed to read SourSimRL time steps" ) );
return times;
/// Result variables of first timestep listed by HDF5 subgroups to the following base group:
/// "/Timestep_00001/GridFunctions/GridPart_00000"
/// According to sourres file description, it seems safe to assume equal presence for all time steps.
QStringList RifHdf5Reader::propertyNames() const
QStringList propNames;
if ( m_fileStrategy != 1 ) return propNames; // NB: currently incapable of handling all results in one sourres file
if ( m_timeStepFileNames.empty() )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Failed to read properties. Transient data does not exist." ) );
return propNames;
std::string fileName = m_timeStepFileNames[0]; // assume the result variables to be identical across time steps =>
// extract names from first time step file
std::string groupName = "/Timestep_" + getTimeStepNumberAs5DigitString( fileName ) + "/GridFunctions/GridPart_00000";
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::H5File file( fileName.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY );
std::vector<std::string> resultNames = getResultNames( file, groupName );
for ( const std::string& s : resultNames )
propNames.push_back( s.c_str() );
catch ( ... ) // catch any failure
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Failed to read properties from file : '%1'" ).arg( fileName.c_str() ) );
return propNames;
//=========================== PRIVATE METHODS =====================================================
std::vector<std::string> RifHdf5Reader::getSourSimTimeStepFileNames( const QString& fileName ) const
QFileInfo fi( fileName );
QString name = fi.fileName();
QString dir = fi.path();
QDir baseDir( dir );
baseDir.setFilter( QDir::Files );
QStringList nameFilters;
nameFilters << name + ".?????";
baseDir.setNameFilters( nameFilters );
QStringList fileNames = baseDir.entryList();
std::vector<std::string> timeStepFileNames;
for ( int i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); i++ )
std::string fullPath = dir.toStdString() + "/" + fileNames[i].toStdString();
timeStepFileNames.push_back( fullPath );
return timeStepFileNames;
/// Build a QDateTime based on a SourSimRL HDF date attribute
/// Did not succeed with QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromString(dateString, "YYYY MM DD hh mm ss");
/// Thus a conversion of substrings via integers
QDateTime RifHdf5Reader::sourSimDateTimeToQDateTime( std::string dateString ) const
int year = std::stoi( dateString.substr( 0, 4 ) );
int month = std::stoi( dateString.substr( 5, 2 ) );
int day = std::stoi( dateString.substr( 8, 2 ) );
int hours = std::stoi( dateString.substr( 11, 2 ) );
int minutes = std::stoi( dateString.substr( 14, 2 ) );
int seconds = std::stoi( dateString.substr( 17, 2 ) );
QDate d( year, month, day );
QTime t( hours, minutes, seconds );
QDateTime dt = RiaQDateTimeTools::createUtcDateTime( d, t );
return dt;
/// Build a string based on an int that consists of exactly 5 characters for HDF5 numbering
std::string RifHdf5Reader::getTimeStepNumberAs5DigitString( std::string fileName ) const
return fileName.substr( fileName.size() - 5 ); // extract the 5 last characters/digits
/// Build a string based on an int that consists of exactly 5 characters for HDF5 numbering
std::string RifHdf5Reader::IntTo5DigitString( int i ) const
std::string numString = "00000" + std::to_string( i );
return numString.substr( numString.size() - 5 ); // extract the 5 last characters/digits
int RifHdf5Reader::getIntAttribute( H5::H5File file, std::string groupName, std::string attributeName ) const
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::Group group = file.openGroup( groupName.c_str() );
H5::Attribute attr = group.openAttribute( attributeName.c_str() );
int value = 0;
H5::DataType type = attr.getDataType();
attr.read( type, &value );
return value;
catch ( ... )
return 0;
double RifHdf5Reader::getDoubleAttribute( H5::H5File file, std::string groupName, std::string attributeName ) const
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::Group group = file.openGroup( groupName.c_str() );
H5::Attribute attr = group.openAttribute( attributeName.c_str() );
double value = 0.0;
H5::DataType type = attr.getDataType();
attr.read( type, &value );
return value;
catch ( ... )
return 0.0;
std::string RifHdf5Reader::getStringAttribute( H5::H5File file, std::string groupName, std::string attributeName ) const
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::Group group = file.openGroup( groupName.c_str() );
H5::Attribute attr = group.openAttribute( attributeName.c_str() );
std::string stringAttribute( 1024, '\0' );
H5::DataType nameType = attr.getDataType();
attr.read( nameType, &stringAttribute[0] );
return stringAttribute;
catch ( ... )
return "";
std::vector<std::string> RifHdf5Reader::getSubGroupNames( H5::H5File file, std::string baseGroupName ) const
return RifHdf5ReaderTools::getSubGroupNames( &file, baseGroupName );
std::vector<std::string> RifHdf5Reader::getResultNames( H5::H5File file, std::string baseGroupName ) const
std::vector<std::string> subGroupNames = getSubGroupNames( file, baseGroupName );
std::vector<std::string> resultNames;
for ( std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = subGroupNames.begin(); it != subGroupNames.end(); it++ )
std::string groupName = baseGroupName + "/" + *it;
std::string name = getStringAttribute( file, groupName, "name" );
resultNames.push_back( name );
return resultNames;
void RifHdf5Reader::getElementResultValues( H5::H5File file, std::string groupName, std::vector<double>* resultValues ) const
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::Group group = file.openGroup( groupName.c_str() );
H5::DataSet dataset = H5::DataSet( group.openDataSet( "values" ) );
hsize_t dims[2];
H5::DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims( dims, nullptr );
( *resultValues ).resize( dims[0] );
dataset.read( resultValues->data(), H5::PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE );
catch ( ... )
std::vector<std::string> RifHdf5ReaderTools::getSubGroupNames( H5::H5File* file, const std::string& baseGroupName )
if ( file )
H5::Exception::dontPrint(); // Turn off auto-printing of failures to handle the errors appropriately
H5::Group baseGroup = file->openGroup( baseGroupName.c_str() );
std::vector<std::string> subGroupNames;
hsize_t groupSize = baseGroup.getNumObjs();
for ( hsize_t i = 0; i < groupSize; i++ )
std::string nodeName( 1024, '\0' );
ssize_t slen = baseGroup.getObjnameByIdx( i, &nodeName[0], 1023 );
nodeName.resize( slen + 1 );
subGroupNames.push_back( nodeName );
return subGroupNames;
catch ( ... )
return {};