mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 23:23:01 -06:00
* Rename from DiffCurve to CalculatedCurve and add operators selection * Add option to select depth source for resampling in CalculatedCurve - Select source for depth values for resampling - Depths from first curve, second curve or union of these - Added unit tests for function creating union depth values and calculate value with selected operator. * Guard divide by zero * Adjust algorithm for union of depths - Prevent duplicated depth values (no need for enter/exist of k-layer when resampling) - Add threshold for depth distance - Update unit tests
480 lines
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480 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2023- Equinor ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimWellLogCalculatedCurve.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RigWellLogCurveData.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimPlot.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlot.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimWellLogTrack.h"
#include "RimWellPathCollection.h"
#include "RiuPlotCurve.h"
#include "cafPdmUiComboBoxEditor.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeOrdering.h"
CAF_PDM_SOURCE_INIT( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve, "WellLogCalculatedCurve" );
namespace caf
template <>
void AppEnum<RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::Operators>::setUp()
addItem( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::Operators::ADD, "ADD", "+" );
addItem( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::Operators::SUBTRACT, "SUBTRACT", "-" );
addItem( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::Operators::MULTIPLY, "MULTIPLY", "*" );
addItem( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::Operators::DIVIDE, "DIVIDE", "/" );
setDefault( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::Operators::SUBTRACT );
template <>
void AppEnum<RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::DepthSource>::setUp()
addItem( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::DepthSource::FIRST, "FIRST", "First Curve" );
addItem( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::DepthSource::SECOND, "SECOND", "Second Curve" );
addItem( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::DepthSource::UNION, "UNION", "Union" );
setDefault( RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::DepthSource::FIRST );
} // namespace caf
CAF_PDM_InitObject( "Well Log Calculated Curve", ":/WellLogCurve16x16.png" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_operator, "Operator", "Operator" );
m_operator.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiComboBoxEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_depthSource, "DepthSource", "Depth Source" );
m_depthSource.uiCapability()->setUiEditorTypeName( caf::PdmUiComboBoxEditor::uiEditorTypeName() );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_firstWellLogCurve, "FirstWellLogCurve", "First Well Log Curve" );
CAF_PDM_InitFieldNoDefault( &m_secondWellLogCurve, "SecondWellLogCurve", "Second Well Log Curve" );
setNamingMethod( RiaDefines::ObjectNamingMethod::AUTO );
setDeletable( true );
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::setOperator( Operators operatorValue )
m_operator = operatorValue;
if ( m_namingMethod() == RiaDefines::ObjectNamingMethod::AUTO )
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::setWellLogCurves( RimWellLogCurve* firstWellLogCurve, RimWellLogCurve* secondWellLogCurve )
disconnectWellLogCurveChangedFromSlots( m_firstWellLogCurve );
disconnectWellLogCurveChangedFromSlots( m_secondWellLogCurve );
if ( firstWellLogCurve )
m_firstWellLogCurve = firstWellLogCurve;
connectWellLogCurveChangedToSlots( m_firstWellLogCurve );
if ( secondWellLogCurve )
m_secondWellLogCurve = secondWellLogCurve;
connectWellLogCurveChangedToSlots( m_secondWellLogCurve );
if ( m_namingMethod() == RiaDefines::ObjectNamingMethod::AUTO )
QString RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::createCurveAutoName()
if ( !m_firstWellLogCurve() || !m_secondWellLogCurve() ) return QString( "Not able to find source curves for calculated curve" );
const auto& operatorStr = m_operator().uiText();
return QString( "Calculated (%1 %2 %3)" ).arg( m_firstWellLogCurve->curveName() ).arg( operatorStr ).arg( m_secondWellLogCurve->curveName() );
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::onLoadDataAndUpdate( bool updateParentPlot )
if ( !m_firstWellLogCurve() || !m_secondWellLogCurve() ) return;
if ( m_namingMethod() == RiaDefines::ObjectNamingMethod::AUTO )
// Use well A as reference for resampled curve data
auto* firstCurveData = m_firstWellLogCurve()->curveData();
auto* secondCurveData = m_secondWellLogCurve()->curveData();
if ( !firstCurveData || !secondCurveData ) return;
if ( firstCurveData->depthUnit() != secondCurveData->depthUnit() )
RiaLogging::warning( "Well log curve depth units are not the same" );
if ( firstCurveData->propertyValueUnit() != secondCurveData->propertyValueUnit() )
RiaLogging::warning( "Well log curve property value units are not the same" );
// Find the data for resampling
const auto depthType = RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum::MEASURED_DEPTH;
const std::vector<double> depthValues = depthValuesFromSource( depthType );
const auto depthUnit = firstCurveData->depthUnit();
const auto propertyUnit = firstCurveData->propertyValueUnit();
auto firstCurveDepthValues = firstCurveData->depths( depthType );
auto firstCurvePropertyValues = firstCurveData->propertyValues();
auto secondCurveDepthValues = secondCurveData->depths( depthType );
auto secondCurvePropertyValues = secondCurveData->propertyValues();
// Resample curve depth and property values if needed
if ( m_depthSource() != DepthSource::FIRST )
cvf::ref<RigWellLogCurveData> firstCurveDataResampled = firstCurveData->calculateResampledCurveData( depthType, depthValues );
firstCurveDepthValues = firstCurveDataResampled->depths( depthType );
firstCurvePropertyValues = firstCurveDataResampled->propertyValues();
if ( m_depthSource() != DepthSource::SECOND )
cvf::ref<RigWellLogCurveData> secondCurveDataResampled = secondCurveData->calculateResampledCurveData( depthType, depthValues );
secondCurveDepthValues = secondCurveDataResampled->depths( depthType );
secondCurvePropertyValues = secondCurveDataResampled->propertyValues();
// Verify equal sizes
if ( firstCurveDepthValues.size() != depthValues.size() ) return;
if ( firstCurveDepthValues.size() != firstCurvePropertyValues.size() ) return;
if ( firstCurveDepthValues.size() != secondCurveDepthValues.size() ) return;
if ( firstCurveDepthValues.size() != secondCurvePropertyValues.size() ) return;
// Calculate curve
std::vector<double> calculatedDepthValues( depthValues.size() );
std::vector<double> calculatedPropertyValues( depthValues.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < depthValues.size(); ++i )
calculatedPropertyValues[i] = calculateValue( firstCurvePropertyValues[i], secondCurvePropertyValues[i], m_operator() );
calculatedDepthValues[i] = depthValues[i];
const bool useLogarithmicScale = false;
const bool isExtractionCurve = false;
// Set curve data
auto depthsMap = std::map<RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum, std::vector<double>>();
depthsMap[depthType] = calculatedDepthValues;
setPropertyValuesAndDepths( calculatedPropertyValues, depthsMap, 0.0, depthUnit, isExtractionCurve, useLogarithmicScale, propertyUnit );
// Set curve data to plot
std::vector<double> xPlotValues = curveData()->propertyValuesByIntervals();
std::vector<double> yPlotValues = curveData()->depthValuesByIntervals( depthType, depthUnit );
m_plotCurve->setSamplesFromXValuesAndYValues( xPlotValues, yPlotValues, useLogarithmicScale );
updateCurvePresentation( updateParentPlot );
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::setAutomaticName()
m_curveName = createCurveAutoName();
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::onWellLogCurveChanged( const SignalEmitter* emitter )
loadDataAndUpdate( true );
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::connectWellLogCurveChangedToSlots( RimWellLogCurve* wellLogCurve )
if ( !wellLogCurve ) return;
wellLogCurve->dataChanged.connect( this, &RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::onWellLogCurveChanged );
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::disconnectWellLogCurveChangedFromSlots( RimWellLogCurve* wellLogCurve )
if ( !wellLogCurve ) return;
wellLogCurve->dataChanged.disconnect( this );
double RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::calculateValue( double firstValue, double secondValue, Operators operatorValue )
if ( operatorValue == Operators::ADD )
return firstValue + secondValue;
if ( operatorValue == Operators::SUBTRACT )
return firstValue - secondValue;
if ( operatorValue == Operators::MULTIPLY )
return firstValue * secondValue;
if ( operatorValue == Operators::DIVIDE )
return secondValue == 0.0 ? std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() : firstValue / secondValue;
return 0.0;
std::vector<double> RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::depthValuesFromSource( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum depthType ) const
if ( !m_firstWellLogCurve || !m_firstWellLogCurve->curveData() || !m_secondWellLogCurve || !m_secondWellLogCurve->curveData() )
return {};
if ( m_depthSource() == DepthSource::FIRST )
return m_firstWellLogCurve->curveData()->depths( depthType );
else if ( m_depthSource() == DepthSource::SECOND )
return m_secondWellLogCurve->curveData()->depths( depthType );
else if ( m_depthSource() == DepthSource::UNION )
return unionDepthValuesFromCurves( depthType );
return {};
/// As this method creates an union of depths from two vectors, the duplicated depths are neglected.
/// The duplicated depths in a depth vector represent enter and exist of a k-layer. When resampling
/// the curves using the union of depths, one does not know if the new depth values are at enter
/// or exit of a layer. Therefore, the duplicated depths are neglected.
std::vector<double> RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::unionDepthValuesFromVectors( const std::vector<double>& firstDepths,
const std::vector<double>& secondDepths,
double threshold )
auto isWithinThreshold = [&]( double value, const std::vector<double>& existingValues ) -> bool
auto calculateDistance = []( double value1, double value2 ) -> double { return std::abs( value1 - value2 ); };
for ( const auto& existingValue : existingValues )
if ( calculateDistance( value, existingValue ) < threshold )
return true;
return false;
// Get union of depths
std::vector<double> unionDepths;
auto insertIntoUnionDepthsVector = [&]( const std::vector<double>& depths, std::vector<double>& unionDepthsVector )
for ( const auto& depth : depths )
if ( isWithinThreshold( depth, unionDepthsVector ) ) continue;
unionDepthsVector.push_back( depth );
insertIntoUnionDepthsVector( firstDepths, unionDepths );
insertIntoUnionDepthsVector( secondDepths, unionDepths );
// Sort vector
std::sort( unionDepths.begin(), unionDepths.end() );
return unionDepths;
/// When creating an union depth vector, the duplicated depth values are neglected. These duplicates
/// indicates enter and exit of k-layer. However, when curves are resampled, this info is not
/// representative and duplicated depth values are not needed.
std::vector<double> RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::unionDepthValuesFromCurves( RiaDefines::DepthTypeEnum depthType ) const
if ( !m_firstWellLogCurve || !m_firstWellLogCurve->curveData() || !m_secondWellLogCurve || !m_secondWellLogCurve->curveData() )
return {};
constexpr double depthThreshold = 0.1;
// Get union of depths
const auto firstDepths = m_firstWellLogCurve->curveData()->depths( depthType );
const auto secondDepths = m_secondWellLogCurve->curveData()->depths( depthType );
return unionDepthValuesFromVectors( firstDepths, secondDepths, depthThreshold );
QString RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::wellName() const
return m_curveName;
QString RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::wellLogChannelUiName() const
return m_curveName;
QString RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::wellLogChannelUnits() const
if ( m_firstWellLogCurve->wellLogChannelUnits() != m_secondWellLogCurve->wellLogChannelUnits() )
const auto& operatorStr = m_operator().uiText();
return QString( "%1 %2 %3" )
.arg( m_firstWellLogCurve->wellLogChannelUnits() )
.arg( operatorStr )
.arg( m_secondWellLogCurve->wellLogChannelUnits() );
return m_firstWellLogCurve->wellLogChannelUnits();
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering )
caf::PdmUiGroup* group = uiOrdering.addNewGroup( "Data Source" );
group->add( &m_depthSource );
group->add( &m_firstWellLogCurve );
group->add( &m_secondWellLogCurve );
group->add( &m_operator );
RimStackablePlotCurve::defaultUiOrdering( uiOrdering );
uiOrdering.skipRemainingFields( true );
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::defineUiTreeOrdering( caf::PdmUiTreeOrdering& uiTreeOrdering, QString uiConfigName )
uiTreeOrdering.skipRemainingChildren( true );
void RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue )
RimWellLogCurve::fieldChangedByUi( changedField, oldValue, newValue );
if ( changedField == &m_firstWellLogCurve || changedField == &m_secondWellLogCurve )
if ( !m_firstWellLogCurve() || !m_secondWellLogCurve() ) return;
PdmObjectHandle* prevValue = oldValue.value<caf::PdmPointer<PdmObjectHandle>>().rawPtr();
auto* prevWellLogCurve = dynamic_cast<RimWellLogCurve*>( prevValue );
disconnectWellLogCurveChangedFromSlots( prevWellLogCurve );
if ( changedField == &m_firstWellLogCurve ) connectWellLogCurveChangedToSlots( m_firstWellLogCurve );
if ( changedField == &m_secondWellLogCurve ) connectWellLogCurveChangedToSlots( m_secondWellLogCurve );
loadDataAndUpdate( true );
if ( changedField == &m_operator || changedField == &m_depthSource )
loadDataAndUpdate( true );
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> RimWellLogCalculatedCurve::calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions )
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> options;
options = RimWellLogCurve::calculateValueOptions( fieldNeedingOptions );
if ( !options.empty() ) return options;
if ( fieldNeedingOptions == &m_firstWellLogCurve || fieldNeedingOptions == &m_secondWellLogCurve )
RimWellLogPlotCollection* wellLogPlotCollection = RimMainPlotCollection::current()->wellLogPlotCollection();
if ( !wellLogPlotCollection ) return {};
// Find each well log plot in collection
std::vector<RimWellLogCurve*> wellLogCurves = wellLogPlotCollection->descendantsOfType<RimWellLogCurve>();
for ( RimWellLogCurve* curve : wellLogCurves )
if ( !curve || curve == this ) continue;
options.push_back( caf::PdmOptionItemInfo( curve->curveName(), curve ) );
return options;