Magne Sjaastad 46b364d0b0
RFT file improvements
* Guard null pointer access
* Delay open of RFT files until data is requested
When opening ensemble summary cases, the opening of RFT files can take some time. Avoid this by delaying the file open operation.

* Fix infinite update loop for RFT plots
* Avoid moving the tracker line when clicking in the plot
2022-11-11 10:07:27 +01:00

1725 lines
62 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaArgumentParser.h"
#include "RiaBaseDefs.h"
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RiaFilePathTools.h"
#include "RiaFontCache.h"
#include "RiaImportEclipseCaseTools.h"
#include "RiaLogging.h"
#include "RiaPlotWindowRedrawScheduler.h"
#include "RiaPreferences.h"
#include "RiaPreferencesSystem.h"
#include "RiaProjectModifier.h"
#include "RiaRegressionTestRunner.h"
#include "RiaSocketServer.h"
#include "RiaSummaryTools.h"
#include "RiaVersionInfo.h"
#include "RiaViewRedrawScheduler.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicSnapshotAllPlotsToFileFeature.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicSnapshotAllViewsToFileFeature.h"
#include "ExportCommands/RicSnapshotViewToFileFeature.h"
#include "HoloLensCommands/RicHoloLensSessionManager.h"
#include "RicImportGeneralDataFeature.h"
#include "SummaryPlotCommands/RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl.h"
#include "Rim2dIntersectionViewCollection.h"
#include "RimAnnotationCollection.h"
#include "RimAnnotationInViewCollection.h"
#include "RimAnnotationTextAppearance.h"
#include "RimCommandObject.h"
#include "RimEclipseCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimEclipseView.h"
#include "RimFlowPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimFormationNamesCollection.h"
#include "RimFractureTemplateCollection.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCase.h"
#include "RimGeoMechCellColors.h"
#include "RimGeoMechModels.h"
#include "RimGeoMechView.h"
#include "RimGridCrossPlot.h"
#include "RimGridCrossPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimIdenticalGridCaseGroup.h"
#include "RimMainPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimMultiPlot.h"
#include "RimMultiPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimObservedDataCollection.h"
#include "RimObservedSummaryData.h"
#include "RimOilField.h"
#include "RimPltPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimProject.h"
#include "RimRftPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimSaturationPressurePlot.h"
#include "RimSaturationPressurePlotCollection.h"
#include "RimSimWellInViewCollection.h"
#include "RimStimPlanColors.h"
#include "RimSummaryCase.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryCaseMainCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryCrossPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimSummaryPlot.h"
#include "RimTextAnnotation.h"
#include "RimTextAnnotationInView.h"
#include "RimViewLinker.h"
#include "RimViewLinkerCollection.h"
#include "RimWellLogFile.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlot.h"
#include "RimWellLogPlotCollection.h"
#include "RimWellPathCollection.h"
#include "RimWellPathFracture.h"
#include "RimWellPltPlot.h"
#include "RimWellRftPlot.h"
#include "Riu3dSelectionManager.h"
#include "RiuDockWidgetTools.h"
#include "RiuFileDialogTools.h"
#include "RiuGuiTheme.h"
#include "RiuMainWindow.h"
#include "RiuMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuMdiMaximizeWindowGuard.h"
#include "RiuMessagePanel.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindow.h"
#include "RiuPlotMainWindowTools.h"
#include "RiuProcessMonitor.h"
#include "RiuRecentFileActionProvider.h"
#include "RiuViewer.h"
#include "cafAppEnum.h"
#include "cafCmdExecCommandManager.h"
#include "cafEffectGenerator.h"
#include "cafFixedAtlasFont.h"
#include "cafPdmUiModelChangeDetector.h"
#include "cafPdmUiTreeView.h"
#include "cafProgressInfo.h"
#include "cafQTreeViewStateSerializer.h"
#include "cafSelectionManager.h"
#include "cafUiProcess.h"
#include "cafUtils.h"
#include "cvfProgramOptions.h"
#include "cvfqtUtils.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QDir>
#include <QErrorMessage>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QMdiSubWindow>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QProcessEnvironment>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <iostream>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <unistd.h> // for usleep
#endif // WIN32
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#endif // USE_UNIT_TESTS
/// \class RiaGuiApplication
/// Application class
bool RiaGuiApplication::isRunning()
return dynamic_cast<RiaGuiApplication*>( RiaApplication::instance() ) != nullptr;
RiaGuiApplication* RiaGuiApplication::instance()
RiaGuiApplication* currentGuiApp = dynamic_cast<RiaGuiApplication*>( RiaApplication::instance() );
CAF_ASSERT( currentGuiApp && "Should never be called from a method that isn't within the GUI context" );
return currentGuiApp;
RiaGuiApplication::RiaGuiApplication( int& argc, char** argv )
: QApplication( argc, argv )
, RiaApplication()
, m_mainWindow( nullptr )
, m_mainPlotWindow( nullptr )
setWindowIcon( QIcon( ":/AppLogo48x48.png" ) );
m_recentFileActionProvider = std::make_unique<RiuRecentFileActionProvider>();
connect( this, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), SLOT( onLastWindowClosed() ) );
bool RiaGuiApplication::saveProject()
CVF_ASSERT( m_project );
QString fileName;
if ( !isProjectSavedToDisc() )
fileName = promptForProjectSaveAsFileName();
fileName = m_project->fileName();
return saveProjectAs( fileName );
QString RiaGuiApplication::promptForProjectSaveAsFileName() const
RiaGuiApplication* app = RiaGuiApplication::instance();
QString startPath;
if ( !m_project->fileName().isEmpty() )
startPath = m_project->fileName();
startPath = app->lastUsedDialogDirectory( "BINARY_GRID" );
startPath += "/ResInsightProject.rsp";
QString fileName = RiuFileDialogTools::getSaveFileName( nullptr,
tr( "Save File" ),
tr( "Project Files (*.rsp);;All files(*.*)" ) );
return fileName;
bool RiaGuiApplication::askUserToSaveModifiedProject()
if ( RiaPreferencesSystem::current()->showProjectChangedDialog() &&
caf::PdmUiModelChangeDetector::instance()->isModelChanged() )
QMessageBox msgBox;
msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Question );
QString questionText;
questionText = QString( "The current project is modified.\n\nDo you want to save the changes?" );
msgBox.setText( questionText );
msgBox.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel );
int ret = msgBox.exec();
if ( ret == QMessageBox::Cancel )
return false;
else if ( ret == QMessageBox::Yes )
if ( !saveProject() )
return false;
return true;
bool RiaGuiApplication::saveProjectAs( const QString& fileName )
QString errMsg;
if ( !RiaApplication::saveProjectAs( fileName, &errMsg ) )
QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, "Error when saving project file", errMsg );
return false;
return true;
void RiaGuiApplication::storeTreeViewState()
if ( m_mainWindow )
QStringList treeStates;
QStringList treeIndexes;
for ( auto& tv : m_mainWindow->projectTreeViews() )
QString treeViewState;
tv->storeTreeViewStateToString( treeViewState );
treeStates.append( treeViewState );
QModelIndex mi = tv->treeView()->currentIndex();
QString encodedModelIndexString;
caf::QTreeViewStateSerializer::encodeStringFromModelIndex( mi, encodedModelIndexString );
treeIndexes.append( encodedModelIndexString );
project()->mainWindowTreeViewStates = treeStates.join( RiaDefines::stringListSeparator() );
project()->mainWindowCurrentModelIndexPaths = treeIndexes.join( RiaDefines::stringListSeparator() );
if ( m_mainPlotWindow )
QStringList treeStates;
QStringList treeIndexes;
for ( auto& tv : mainPlotWindow()->projectTreeViews() )
QString treeViewState;
tv->storeTreeViewStateToString( treeViewState );
treeStates.append( treeViewState );
QModelIndex mi = tv->treeView()->currentIndex();
QString encodedModelIndexString;
caf::QTreeViewStateSerializer::encodeStringFromModelIndex( mi, encodedModelIndexString );
treeIndexes.append( encodedModelIndexString );
project()->plotWindowTreeViewStates = treeStates.join( RiaDefines::stringListSeparator() );
project()->plotWindowCurrentModelIndexPaths = treeIndexes.join( RiaDefines::stringListSeparator() );
void RiaGuiApplication::setWindowCaptionFromAppState()
// The stuff being done here should really be handled by Qt automatically as a result of
// setting applicationName and windowFilePath
// Was unable to make this work in Qt4.4.0!
#ifdef _DEBUG
capt += " ##DEBUG##";
QString projFileName;
if ( !m_project->fileName().isEmpty() )
QFileInfo fi( m_project->fileName() );
projFileName = fi.fileName();
if ( projFileName.isEmpty() ) projFileName = "Untitled project";
capt = projFileName + QString( "[*]" ) + QString( " - " ) + capt;
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->setWindowTitle( capt );
if ( m_mainPlotWindow ) m_mainPlotWindow->setWindowTitle( capt );
RimViewWindow* RiaGuiApplication::activePlotWindow() const
RimViewWindow* viewWindow = nullptr;
if ( m_mainPlotWindow )
QList<QMdiSubWindow*> subwindows = m_mainPlotWindow->subWindowList( QMdiArea::StackingOrder );
if ( subwindows.size() > 0 )
viewWindow = RiuInterfaceToViewWindow::viewWindowFromWidget( subwindows.back()->widget() );
return viewWindow;
bool RiaGuiApplication::useShaders() const
if ( !RiaPreferencesSystem::current()->useShaders() ) return false;
bool isShadersSupported = true;
if ( platformName() != "offscreen" ) // Avoid opengl access if we are in qt offscreen mode
isShadersSupported = caf::Viewer::isShadersSupported();
return isShadersSupported;
RiaDefines::RINavigationPolicy RiaGuiApplication::navigationPolicy() const
return m_preferences->navigationPolicy();
void RiaGuiApplication::initialize()
applyGuiPreferences( nullptr );
// Create main windows
// The plot window is created to be able to set expanded state on created objects, but hidden by default
RiuGuiTheme::updateGuiTheme( m_preferences->guiTheme() );
auto logger = std::make_unique<RiuMessagePanelLogger>();
logger->addMessagePanel( m_mainWindow->messagePanel() );
logger->addMessagePanel( m_mainPlotWindow->messagePanel() );
RiaLogging::setLoggerInstance( std::move( logger ) );
RiaLogging::loggerInstance()->setLevel( int( RILogLevel::RI_LL_DEBUG ) );
m_socketServer = new RiaSocketServer( this );
RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus RiaGuiApplication::handleArguments( gsl::not_null<cvf::ProgramOptions*> progOpt )
// Handling of the actual command line options
// --------------------------------------------------------
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "ignoreArgs" ) )
return ApplicationStatus::KEEP_GOING;
if ( progOpt->option( "help" ) || progOpt->option( "?" ) )
this->showFormattedTextInMessageBoxOrConsole( "The current command line options in ResInsight are:\n" +
this->commandLineParameterHelp() );
return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
// Code generation
// -----------------
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "generate" ) )
CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 );
QString outputFile = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) );
QString errMsg;
if ( !RiaApplication::generateCode( outputFile, &errMsg ) )
RiaLogging::error( QString( "Error: %1" ).arg( errMsg ) );
return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::KEEP_GOING;
return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
// Unit testing
// --------------------------------------------------------
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "unittest" ) )
int testReturnValue = launchUnitTestsWithConsole();
if ( testReturnValue == 0 )
return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
RiaLogging::error( "Error running unit tests" );
return RiaApplication::ApplicationStatus::EXIT_WITH_ERROR;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "regressiontest" ) )
CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 );
QString regressionTestPath = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) );
// Use a logger writing to stdout instead of message panel
// This is useful when executing regression tests on a build server, and this is the reason for creating the
// logger when parsing the command line options
auto stdLogger = std::make_unique<RiaStdOutLogger>();
stdLogger->setLevel( int( RILogLevel::RI_LL_DEBUG ) );
RiaLogging::setLoggerInstance( std::move( stdLogger ) );
RiaRegressionTestRunner::instance()->executeRegressionTests( regressionTestPath, QStringList() );
return ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "updateregressiontestbase" ) )
CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 );
QString regressionTestPath = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) );
RiaRegressionTestRunner::instance()->updateRegressionTest( regressionTestPath );
return ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "startdir" ) )
CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 );
setStartDir( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) ) );
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "size" ) )
int width = o.safeValue( 0 ).toInt( -1 );
int height = o.safeValue( 1 ).toInt( -1 );
if ( width > 0 && height > 0 )
auto mainWindow = RiuMainWindow::instance();
if ( mainWindow )
mainWindow->resize( width, height );
auto plotWindow = mainPlotWindow();
if ( plotWindow )
plotWindow->resize( width, height );
int snapshotWidth = -1;
int snapshotHeight = -1;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "snapshotsize" ) )
int width = o.safeValue( 0 ).toInt( -1 );
int height = o.safeValue( 1 ).toInt( -1 );
if ( width > 0 && height > 0 )
snapshotWidth = width;
snapshotHeight = height;
QString snapshotFolderFromCommandLine;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "snapshotfolder" ) )
CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 );
snapshotFolderFromCommandLine = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) );
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "summaryplot" ) )
RicSummaryPlotFeatureImpl::createSummaryPlotsFromArgumentLine( cvfqt::Utils::toQStringList( o.values() ) );
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "openplotwindow" ) )
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->hide();
QString projectFileName;
if ( progOpt->hasOption( "last" ) )
projectFileName = preferences()->lastUsedProjectFileName;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "project" ) )
CVF_ASSERT( o.valueCount() == 1 );
projectFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.value( 0 ) );
if ( !projectFileName.isEmpty() )
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "multiCaseSnapshots" ) )
QString gridListFile = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) );
std::vector<QString> gridFiles = readFileListFromTextFile( gridListFile );
runMultiCaseSnapshots( projectFileName, gridFiles, "multiCaseSnapshots" );
return ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
if ( !projectFileName.isEmpty() )
cvf::ref<RiaProjectModifier> projectModifier;
RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction projectLoadAction = RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "replaceCase" ) )
if ( projectModifier.isNull() ) projectModifier = cvf::make_ref<RiaProjectModifier>();
if ( o.valueCount() == 1 )
// One argument is available, use replace case for first occurrence in the project
QString gridFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) );
projectModifier->setReplaceCaseFirstOccurrence( gridFileName );
size_t optionIdx = 0;
while ( optionIdx < o.valueCount() )
const int caseId = o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 );
QString gridFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) );
if ( caseId != -1 && !gridFileName.isEmpty() )
projectModifier->setReplaceCase( caseId, gridFileName );
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "replaceSourceCases" ) )
if ( projectModifier.isNull() ) projectModifier = cvf::make_ref<RiaProjectModifier>();
if ( o.valueCount() == 1 )
// One argument is available, use replace case for first occurrence in the project
std::vector<QString> gridFileNames =
readFileListFromTextFile( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) ) );
projectModifier->setReplaceSourceCasesFirstOccurrence( gridFileNames );
size_t optionIdx = 0;
while ( optionIdx < o.valueCount() )
const int groupId = o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 );
std::vector<QString> gridFileNames =
readFileListFromTextFile( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) ) );
if ( groupId != -1 && !gridFileNames.empty() )
projectModifier->setReplaceSourceCasesById( groupId, gridFileNames );
projectLoadAction = RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_CALCULATE_STATISTICS;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "replacePropertiesFolder" ) )
if ( projectModifier.isNull() ) projectModifier = cvf::make_ref<RiaProjectModifier>();
if ( o.valueCount() == 1 )
QString propertiesFolder = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) );
projectModifier->setReplacePropertiesFolderFirstOccurrence( propertiesFolder );
size_t optionIdx = 0;
while ( optionIdx < o.valueCount() )
const int caseId = o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 );
QString propertiesFolder = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) );
if ( caseId != -1 && !propertiesFolder.isEmpty() )
projectModifier->setReplacePropertiesFolder( caseId, propertiesFolder );
loadProject( projectFileName, projectLoadAction, projectModifier.p() );
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "case" ) )
QStringList fileNames =
RicImportGeneralDataFeature::fileNamesFromCaseNames( cvfqt::Utils::toQStringList( o.values() ) );
bool createView = true;
bool createPlot = true;
RicImportGeneralDataFeature::OpenCaseResults results =
RicImportGeneralDataFeature::openEclipseFilesFromFileNames( fileNames, createPlot, createView );
if ( results && !results.eclipseSummaryFiles.empty() )
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "savesnapshots" ) )
bool snapshotViews = false;
bool snapshotPlots = false;
QStringList snapshotItemTexts = cvfqt::Utils::toQStringList( o.values() );
if ( snapshotItemTexts.empty() )
// No options will keep backwards compatibility before we introduced snapshot of plots
snapshotViews = true;
for ( const QString& s : snapshotItemTexts )
if ( s.toLower() == "all" )
snapshotViews = true;
snapshotPlots = true;
else if ( s.toLower() == "views" )
snapshotViews = true;
else if ( s.toLower() == "plots" )
snapshotPlots = true;
QString snapshotFolder;
if ( snapshotFolderFromCommandLine.isEmpty() )
snapshotFolder = QDir::currentPath() + "/snapshots";
snapshotFolder = snapshotFolderFromCommandLine;
if ( snapshotPlots )
auto mainPlotWnd = mainPlotWindow();
if ( mainPlotWnd )
if ( snapshotHeight > -1 && snapshotWidth > -1 )
RiuMainWindowTools::setWindowSizeOnWidgetsInMdiWindows( mainPlotWnd, snapshotWidth, snapshotHeight );
RicSnapshotAllPlotsToFileFeature::exportSnapshotOfPlotsIntoFolder( snapshotFolder );
if ( snapshotViews )
auto mainWnd = RiuMainWindow::instance();
if ( snapshotHeight > -1 && snapshotWidth > -1 )
RiuMainWindowTools::setFixedWindowSizeFor3dViews( mainWnd, snapshotWidth, snapshotHeight );
RicSnapshotAllViewsToFileFeature::exportSnapshotOfViewsIntoFolder( snapshotFolder );
auto mainPlotWnd = mainPlotWindow();
if ( mainPlotWnd )
if ( RiuMainWindow::instance() ) RiuMainWindow::instance()->loadWinGeoAndDockToolBarLayout();
return ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
if ( cvf::Option o = progOpt->option( "commandFile" ) )
QString commandFile = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( o.safeValue( 0 ) );
if ( !progOpt->hasOption( "startdir" ) )
QFileInfo commandFileInfo( commandFile );
QString commandDir = commandFileInfo.absolutePath();
setStartDir( commandDir );
cvf::Option projectOption = progOpt->option( "commandFileProject" );
cvf::Option caseOption = progOpt->option( "commandFileReplaceCases" );
if ( projectOption && caseOption )
projectFileName = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( projectOption.value( 0 ) );
std::vector<int> caseIds;
std::vector<QString> caseListFiles;
if ( caseOption.valueCount() == 1 )
caseListFiles.push_back( cvfqt::Utils::toQString( caseOption.safeValue( 0 ) ) );
size_t optionIdx = 0;
while ( optionIdx < caseOption.valueCount() )
const int caseId = caseOption.safeValue( optionIdx++ ).toInt( -1 );
QString caseListFile = cvfqt::Utils::toQString( caseOption.safeValue( optionIdx++ ) );
if ( caseId != -1 && !caseListFile.isEmpty() )
caseIds.push_back( caseId );
caseListFiles.push_back( caseListFile );
if ( caseIds.empty() && !caseListFiles.empty() )
QString caseListFile = caseListFiles[0];
std::vector<QString> caseFiles = readFileListFromTextFile( caseListFile );
for ( const QString& caseFile : caseFiles )
RiaProjectModifier projectModifier;
projectModifier.setReplaceCaseFirstOccurrence( caseFile );
loadProject( projectFileName, RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE, &projectModifier );
executeCommandFile( commandFile );
CVF_ASSERT( caseIds.size() == caseListFiles.size() );
std::vector<std::vector<QString>> allCaseFiles;
size_t maxFiles = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < caseIds.size(); ++i )
std::vector<QString> caseFiles = readFileListFromTextFile( caseListFiles[i] );
allCaseFiles.push_back( caseFiles );
maxFiles = std::max( caseFiles.size(), maxFiles );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < caseIds.size(); ++i )
RiaProjectModifier projectModifier;
for ( size_t j = 0; j < maxFiles; ++j )
if ( allCaseFiles[i].size() > j )
projectModifier.setReplaceCase( caseIds[i], allCaseFiles[i][j] );
loadProject( projectFileName, RiaApplication::ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE, &projectModifier );
executeCommandFile( commandFile );
executeCommandFile( commandFile );
return ApplicationStatus::EXIT_COMPLETED;
return ApplicationStatus::KEEP_GOING;
int RiaGuiApplication::launchUnitTestsWithConsole()
// Following code is taken from cvfAssert.cpp
#ifdef WIN32
// Allocate a new console for this app
// Only one console can be associated with an app, so should fail if a console is already present.
FILE* consoleFilePointer;
freopen_s( &consoleFilePointer, "CONOUT$", "w", stdout );
freopen_s( &consoleFilePointer, "CONOUT$", "w", stderr );
// Make cout, wcout, cin, wcin, wcerr, cerr, wclog and clog point to console as well
return launchUnitTests();
RiuMainWindow* RiaGuiApplication::getOrCreateAndShowMainWindow()
if ( !m_mainWindow )
return m_mainWindow;
RiuMainWindow* RiaGuiApplication::mainWindow()
return m_mainWindow;
RiuPlotMainWindow* RiaGuiApplication::getOrCreateMainPlotWindow()
if ( !m_mainPlotWindow )
return m_mainPlotWindow.get();
void RiaGuiApplication::createMainWindow()
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainWindow == nullptr );
if ( RiaPreferences::current()->useUndoRedo() )
caf::CmdExecCommandManager::instance()->enableUndoCommandSystem( true );
m_mainWindow = new RiuMainWindow;
QString platform = cvf::System::is64Bit() ? "(64bit)" : "(32bit)";
m_mainWindow->setWindowTitle( "ResInsight " + platform );
// if there is an existing logger, reconnect to it
auto logger = dynamic_cast<RiuMessagePanelLogger*>( RiaLogging::loggerInstance() );
if ( logger )
logger->addMessagePanel( m_mainWindow->messagePanel() );
void RiaGuiApplication::createMainPlotWindow()
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainPlotWindow == nullptr );
if ( RiaPreferences::current()->useUndoRedo() )
caf::CmdExecCommandManager::instance()->enableUndoCommandSystem( true );
m_mainPlotWindow = std::make_unique<RiuPlotMainWindow>();
m_mainPlotWindow->setWindowTitle( "Plots - ResInsight" );
RiuPlotMainWindow* RiaGuiApplication::getOrCreateAndShowMainPlotWindow()
if ( !m_mainPlotWindow )
if ( m_mainPlotWindow->isMinimized() )
return m_mainPlotWindow.get();
RiuPlotMainWindow* RiaGuiApplication::mainPlotWindow()
return m_mainPlotWindow.get();
RiuMainWindowBase* RiaGuiApplication::mainWindowByID( int mainWindowID )
if ( mainWindowID == 0 )
return m_mainWindow;
else if ( mainWindowID == 1 )
return m_mainPlotWindow.get();
return nullptr;
RimViewWindow* RiaGuiApplication::activeViewWindow()
RimViewWindow* viewWindow = nullptr;
QWidget* mainWindowWidget = RiaGuiApplication::activeWindow();
if ( dynamic_cast<RiuMainWindow*>( mainWindowWidget ) )
viewWindow = RiaGuiApplication::instance()->activeReservoirView();
else if ( dynamic_cast<RiuPlotMainWindow*>( mainWindowWidget ) )
RiuPlotMainWindow* mainPlotWindow = dynamic_cast<RiuPlotMainWindow*>( mainWindowWidget );
QList<QMdiSubWindow*> subwindows = mainPlotWindow->subWindowList( QMdiArea::StackingOrder );
if ( subwindows.size() > 0 )
viewWindow = RiuInterfaceToViewWindow::viewWindowFromWidget( subwindows.back()->widget() );
return viewWindow;
RiuMainWindowBase* RiaGuiApplication::activeMainWindow()
QWidget* mainWindowWidget = RiaGuiApplication::activeWindow();
RiuMainWindowBase* mainWindow = dynamic_cast<RiuMainWindowBase*>( mainWindowWidget );
return mainWindow;
bool RiaGuiApplication::isMain3dWindowVisible() const
return m_mainWindow && m_mainWindow->isVisible();
bool RiaGuiApplication::isMainPlotWindowVisible() const
return m_mainPlotWindow && m_mainPlotWindow->isVisible();
void RiaGuiApplication::addToRecentFiles( const QString& fileName )
CVF_ASSERT( m_recentFileActionProvider &&
"The provider needs to be created before any attempts to use the recent file actions" );
m_recentFileActionProvider->addFileName( fileName );
std::vector<QAction*> RiaGuiApplication::recentFileActions() const
CVF_ASSERT( m_recentFileActionProvider &&
"The provider needs to be created before any attempts to use the recent file actions" );
return m_recentFileActionProvider->actions();
void RiaGuiApplication::clearAllSelections()
Riu3dSelectionManager::instance()->deleteAllItems( Riu3dSelectionManager::RUI_APPLICATION_GLOBAL );
Riu3dSelectionManager::instance()->deleteAllItems( Riu3dSelectionManager::RUI_TEMPORARY );
void RiaGuiApplication::showFormattedTextInMessageBoxOrConsole( const QString& text )
// Create a message dialog with cut/paste friendly text
QDialog dlg;
dlg.setModal( true );
QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout;
dlg.setLayout( layout );
QTextEdit* textEdit = new QTextEdit( &dlg );
layout->addWidget( textEdit, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
layout->setColumnStretch( 1, 3 );
QPushButton* okButton = new QPushButton;
okButton->setText( "Ok" );
layout->addWidget( okButton, 2, 2 );
QObject::connect( okButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), &dlg, SLOT( accept() ) );
// Convert text to text edit friendly format
QString formattedText = text;
formattedText.replace( "&", "&amp;" );
formattedText.replace( "<", "&lt;" );
formattedText.replace( ">", "&gt;" );
formattedText = QString( "<pre>%1</pre>" ).arg( formattedText );
textEdit->setText( formattedText );
textEdit->setReadOnly( true );
// Resize dialog to fit text etc.
QSizeF docSize = textEdit->document()->size();
dlg.resize( 20 + docSize.width() + 2 * layout->margin(),
20 + docSize.height() + 2 * layout->margin() + layout->spacing() + okButton->sizeHint().height() );
void RiaGuiApplication::invokeProcessEvents( QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags )
processEvents( flags );
void RiaGuiApplication::onFileSuccessfullyLoaded( const QString& fileName, RiaDefines::ImportFileType fileType )
if ( uint( fileType ) & uint( RiaDefines::ImportFileType::ANY_ECLIPSE_FILE ) )
if ( fileType == RiaDefines::ImportFileType::ECLIPSE_SUMMARY_FILE )
auto plotWindow = getOrCreateAndShowMainPlotWindow();
auto mainWindow = getOrCreateAndShowMainWindow();
if ( !RiaGuiApplication::hasValidProjectFileExtension( fileName ) )
void RiaGuiApplication::onProjectBeingOpened()
// When importing a project, do not maximize the first MDI window to be created
m_maximizeWindowGuard = std::make_unique<RiuMdiMaximizeWindowGuard>();
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->setBlockSubWindowActivatedSignal( true );
if ( mainPlotWindow() ) mainPlotWindow()->setBlockSubWindowActivatedSignal( true );
void RiaGuiApplication::onProjectOpeningError( const QString& errMsg )
RiaLogging::errorInMessageBox( nullptr, "Error when opening project file", errMsg );
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->setPdmRoot( nullptr );
void RiaGuiApplication::onProjectOpened()
if ( m_project->show3DWindow() )
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->hide();
if ( m_project->showPlotWindow() )
if ( !m_mainPlotWindow )
else if ( mainPlotWindow() )
if ( m_mainWindow )
if ( m_mainPlotWindow )
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->setBlockSubWindowActivatedSignal( false );
if ( mainPlotWindow() ) mainPlotWindow()->setBlockSubWindowActivatedSignal( false );
// Make sure to process events before this function to avoid strange Qt crash
void RiaGuiApplication::onProjectBeingClosed()
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->cleanupGuiBeforeProjectClose();
if ( m_mainPlotWindow ) m_mainPlotWindow->cleanupGuiBeforeProjectClose();
void RiaGuiApplication::onProjectClosed()
if ( m_mainWindow ) m_mainWindow->initializeGuiNewProjectLoaded();
if ( m_mainPlotWindow ) m_mainPlotWindow->initializeGuiNewProjectLoaded();
void RiaGuiApplication::onProjectBeingSaved()
setLastUsedDialogDirectory( "BINARY_GRID", QFileInfo( m_project->fileName() ).absolutePath() );
void RiaGuiApplication::onProjectSaved()
m_recentFileActionProvider->addFileName( m_project->fileName() );
void RiaGuiApplication::applyGuiPreferences( const RiaPreferences* oldPreferences,
const std::vector<caf::FontHolderInterface*>& defaultFontObjects )
if ( m_activeReservoirView && m_activeReservoirView->viewer() )
m_activeReservoirView->viewer()->enablePerfInfoHud( RiaPreferencesSystem::current()->show3dInformation() );
if ( useShaders() )
caf::EffectGenerator::setRenderingMode( caf::EffectGenerator::SHADER_BASED );
caf::EffectGenerator::setRenderingMode( caf::EffectGenerator::FIXED_FUNCTION );
if ( m_mainWindow )
for ( auto& tv : m_mainWindow->projectTreeViews() )
tv->enableAppendOfClassNameToUiItemText( RiaPreferencesSystem::current()->appendClassNameToUiText() );
if ( mainPlotWindow() )
for ( auto& tv : mainPlotWindow()->projectTreeViews() )
tv->enableAppendOfClassNameToUiItemText( RiaPreferencesSystem::current()->appendClassNameToUiText() );
for ( auto fontObject : defaultFontObjects )
if ( this->project() )
std::vector<RimViewWindow*> allViewWindows;
project()->descendantsIncludingThisOfType( allViewWindows );
RimWellPathCollection* wellPathCollection = this->project()->activeOilField()->wellPathCollection();
bool existingViewsWithDifferentMeshLines = false;
bool existingViewsWithCustomColors = false;
bool existingViewsWithCustomZScale = false;
if ( oldPreferences )
for ( auto viewWindow : allViewWindows )
auto rim3dView = dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( viewWindow );
if ( rim3dView )
if ( m_preferences->defaultMeshModeType() != oldPreferences->defaultMeshModeType() &&
rim3dView->meshMode() != oldPreferences->defaultMeshModeType() &&
rim3dView->meshMode() != m_preferences->defaultMeshModeType() )
existingViewsWithDifferentMeshLines = true;
if ( m_preferences->defaultViewerBackgroundColor() != oldPreferences->defaultViewerBackgroundColor() &&
rim3dView->backgroundColor() != oldPreferences->defaultViewerBackgroundColor() &&
rim3dView->backgroundColor() != m_preferences->defaultViewerBackgroundColor() )
existingViewsWithCustomColors = true;
if ( m_preferences->defaultScaleFactorZ() != oldPreferences->defaultScaleFactorZ() &&
rim3dView->scaleZ() != static_cast<double>( oldPreferences->defaultScaleFactorZ() ) &&
rim3dView->scaleZ() != static_cast<double>( m_preferences->defaultScaleFactorZ() ) )
existingViewsWithCustomZScale = true;
RimEclipseView* eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( rim3dView );
if ( eclipseView )
if ( m_preferences->defaultWellLabelColor() != oldPreferences->defaultWellLabelColor() &&
eclipseView->wellCollection()->wellLabelColor() != oldPreferences->defaultWellLabelColor() &&
eclipseView->wellCollection()->wellLabelColor() != m_preferences->defaultWellLabelColor() )
existingViewsWithCustomColors = true;
if ( oldPreferences->defaultWellLabelColor() != wellPathCollection->wellPathLabelColor() )
existingViewsWithCustomColors = true;
bool applySettingsToAllViews = false;
if ( existingViewsWithCustomColors || existingViewsWithCustomZScale || existingViewsWithDifferentMeshLines )
QStringList changedData;
if ( existingViewsWithDifferentMeshLines ) changedData << "Mesh Visibility";
if ( existingViewsWithCustomColors ) changedData << "Colors";
if ( existingViewsWithCustomZScale ) changedData << "Z-Scale";
QString listString = changedData.takeLast();
if ( !changedData.empty() )
listString = changedData.join( ", " ) + " and " + listString;
QMessageBox::StandardButton reply;
reply = QMessageBox::question( activeMainWindow(),
QString( "Apply %1 to Existing Views or Plots?" ).arg( listString ),
QString( "You have changed default %1 and have existing views or plots with "
"different settings.\n" )
.arg( listString ) +
QString( "Do you want to apply the new default settings to all existing "
"views?" ),
QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel );
applySettingsToAllViews = ( reply == QMessageBox::Ok );
for ( auto viewWindow : allViewWindows )
auto rim3dView = dynamic_cast<Rim3dView*>( viewWindow );
if ( rim3dView )
if ( oldPreferences &&
( applySettingsToAllViews || rim3dView->meshMode() == oldPreferences->defaultMeshModeType() ) )
rim3dView->meshMode = m_preferences->defaultMeshModeType();
if ( oldPreferences && ( applySettingsToAllViews || rim3dView->backgroundColor() ==
oldPreferences->defaultViewerBackgroundColor() ) )
rim3dView->setBackgroundColor( m_preferences->defaultViewerBackgroundColor() );
if ( oldPreferences &&
( applySettingsToAllViews ||
rim3dView->scaleZ() == static_cast<double>( oldPreferences->defaultScaleFactorZ() ) ) )
rim3dView->setScaleZ( static_cast<double>( m_preferences->defaultScaleFactorZ() ) );
if ( rim3dView == activeViewWindow() )
if ( RiuMainWindow::instance() ) RiuMainWindow::instance()->updateScaleValue();
RimEclipseView* eclipseView = dynamic_cast<RimEclipseView*>( rim3dView );
if ( eclipseView )
if ( oldPreferences && ( applySettingsToAllViews || eclipseView->wellCollection()->wellLabelColor() ==
oldPreferences->defaultWellLabelColor() ) )
eclipseView->wellCollection()->wellLabelColor = m_preferences->defaultWellLabelColor();
if ( oldPreferences )
bool matchingColor = wellPathCollection->wellPathLabelColor() == oldPreferences->defaultWellLabelColor();
if ( applySettingsToAllViews || matchingColor )
wellPathCollection->wellPathLabelColor = oldPreferences->defaultWellLabelColor();
if ( oldPreferences->defaultPlotFontSize() != m_preferences->defaultPlotFontSize() )
if ( m_mainWindow )
if ( oldPreferences->defaultPageLayout() != m_preferences->defaultPageLayout() )
for ( RimViewWindow* viewWindow : allViewWindows )
RimPlotWindow* plotWindow = dynamic_cast<RimPlotWindow*>( viewWindow );
if ( plotWindow )
std::vector<caf::PdmUiItem*> uiEditorsToUpdate;
caf::SelectionManager::instance()->selectedItems( uiEditorsToUpdate );
for ( caf::PdmUiItem* uiItem : uiEditorsToUpdate )
caf::PdmUiItem::enableExtraDebugText( RiaPreferencesSystem::current()->appendFieldKeywordToToolTipText() );
if ( oldPreferences )
int RiaGuiApplication::applicationResolution()
return RiaGuiApplication::instance()->desktop()->logicalDpiX();
void RiaGuiApplication::startMonitoringWorkProgress( caf::UiProcess* uiProcess )
CAF_ASSERT( m_mainWindow );
m_mainWindow->processMonitor()->startMonitorWorkProcess( uiProcess );
void RiaGuiApplication::stopMonitoringWorkProgress()
CAF_ASSERT( m_mainWindow );
void RiaGuiApplication::slotWorkerProcessFinished( int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus )
CAF_ASSERT( m_mainWindow );
QProcessEnvironment processEnvironment = m_workerProcess->processEnvironment();
// Execute delete later so that other slots that are hooked up
// get a chance to run before we delete the object
if ( m_workerProcess )
m_workerProcess = nullptr;
// Always make sure the command objects are executed before any return statement
// Either the work process crashed or was aborted by the user
if ( exitStatus == QProcess::CrashExit )
// MFLog::error("Simulation execution crashed or was aborted.");
m_runningWorkerProcess = false;
// Exit code != 0 means we have an error
if ( exitCode != 0 )
// MFLog::error(QString("Simulation execution failed (exit code %1).").arg(exitCode));
m_runningWorkerProcess = false;
// If multiple cases are present, invoke launchProcess() which will set next current case, and run script on this case
if ( !m_scriptCaseIds.empty() )
launchProcess( m_currentProgram, m_currentArguments, processEnvironment );
// Disable concept of current case
m_currentScriptCaseId = -1;
m_runningWorkerProcess = false;
void RiaGuiApplication::onLastWindowClosed()
// Qt can send the lastWindowClosed signal multiple times. Disconnect to avoid reentry.
QObject::disconnect( this, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), this, SLOT( onLastWindowClosed() ) );
void RiaGuiApplication::runMultiCaseSnapshots( const QString& templateProjectFileName,
std::vector<QString> gridFileNames,
const QString& snapshotFolderName )
if ( !m_mainWindow ) return;
QByteArray curState = m_mainWindow->dockManager()->saveState( 0 );
RiuDockWidgetTools::defaultDockState( RiuDockWidgetTools::dockStateHideAll3DWindowName() ) );
const size_t numGridFiles = gridFileNames.size();
for ( size_t i = 0; i < numGridFiles; i++ )
QString gridFn = gridFileNames[i];
RiaProjectModifier modifier;
modifier.setReplaceCaseFirstOccurrence( gridFn );
bool loadOk = loadProject( templateProjectFileName, ProjectLoadAction::PLA_NONE, &modifier );
if ( loadOk )
RicSnapshotAllViewsToFileFeature::exportSnapshotOfViewsIntoFolder( snapshotFolderName );
m_mainWindow->dockManager()->restoreState( curState );
bool RiaGuiApplication::notify( QObject* receiver, QEvent* event )
// Pre-allocating a memory exhaustion message
// Doing som e trickery to avoid deadlock, as creating a messagebox actually triggers a call to this notify method.
static QMessageBox* memoryExhaustedBox = nullptr;
static bool allocatingMessageBox = false;
if ( !memoryExhaustedBox && !allocatingMessageBox )
allocatingMessageBox = true;
memoryExhaustedBox =
new QMessageBox( QMessageBox::Critical,
"ResInsight Exhausted Memory",
"Memory is Exhausted!\n ResInsight could not allocate the memory needed, and is now "
"unstable and will probably crash soon." );
bool done = false;
if ( event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress )
if ( activeWindow() != mainWindow() )
QKeyEvent* keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>( event );
RimPlotWindow* plot = dynamic_cast<RimPlotWindow*>( activePlotWindow() );
if ( plot ) done = plot->handleGlobalKeyEvent( keyEvent );
else if ( event->type() == QEvent::Wheel )
if ( activeWindow() != mainWindow() )
QWheelEvent* wheelEvent = static_cast<QWheelEvent*>( event );
RimPlotWindow* plot = dynamic_cast<RimPlotWindow*>( activePlotWindow() );
if ( plot ) done = plot->handleGlobalWheelEvent( wheelEvent );
if ( !done )
done = QApplication::notify( receiver, event );
catch ( const std::bad_alloc& )
done = true;
if ( memoryExhaustedBox ) memoryExhaustedBox->exec();
std::cout << "ResInsight: Memory is Exhausted!\n ResInsight could not allocate the memory needed, and is now "
"unstable "
"and will probably crash soon."
<< std::endl;
// If we really want to crash instead of limping forward:
// throw;
return done;