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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
* Compute average MD for intersections with a cell * Create extractor for simulation well * Remove rftReader from RifDataSourceForRftPlt * Add function compute measured depth for RFT cells based on well path geometry * Move statistics reader to well ensemble curve set * Make sure both TVD and MD are cached if possible * Add selection of grid case to use for estimation of measured depth (MD) Add "Grid Model For MD" where the user can select a grid model. This grid model is propagated to a hidden field in EnsembleCurveSet. The grid model is then applied to RifReaderEnsembleStatisticsRft owned by EnsembleCurveSet
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158 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2017 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "RimWellLogCurve.h"
#include "RifEclipseRftAddress.h"
#include "cafAppEnum.h"
#include "cafPdmField.h"
#include "cafPdmPtrField.h"
#include "cvfObject.h"
#include <QDateTime>
#include <map>
class RifReaderRftInterface;
class RigEclipseWellLogExtractor;
class RimEclipseCase;
class RimObservedFmuRftData;
class RimSummaryCase;
class RimSummaryCaseCollection;
class RimWellPath;
class RimPressureDepthData;
class RimWellLogRftCurve : public RimWellLogCurve
enum class RftDataType
~RimWellLogRftCurve() override;
void setWellName( const QString& wellName );
QString wellName() const override;
QString wellLogChannelUiName() const override;
QString wellLogChannelUnits() const override;
void setTimeStep( const QDateTime& dateTime );
QDateTime timeStep() const;
void setSegmentBranchIndex( int branchIndex );
void setSegmentBranchType( RiaDefines::RftBranchType branchType );
void setEclipseCase( RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase );
RimEclipseCase* eclipseCase() const;
void setSummaryCase( RimSummaryCase* summaryCase );
RimSummaryCase* summaryCase() const;
void setEnsemble( RimSummaryCaseCollection* ensemble );
RimSummaryCaseCollection* ensemble() const;
void setObservedFmuRftData( RimObservedFmuRftData* observedFmuRftData );
RimObservedFmuRftData* observedFmuRftData() const;
void setPressureDepthData( RimPressureDepthData* observedFmuRftData );
RimPressureDepthData* pressureDepthData() const;
void setRftAddress( RifEclipseRftAddress address );
RifEclipseRftAddress rftAddress() const;
void setDefaultAddress( QString wellName );
void setSimWellBranchData( bool branchDetection, int branchIndex );
void enableColorFromResultName( bool enable );
void assignColorFromResultName( const QString& resultName );
void setScaleFactor( double factor );
QString createCurveAutoName() override;
QString createCurveNameFromTemplate( const QString& templateText ) override;
QStringList supportedCurveNameVariables() const override;
void onLoadDataAndUpdate( bool updateParentPlot ) override;
RiaDefines::PhaseType phaseType() const override;
// Pdm overrrides
void defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering ) override;
QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions ) override;
void fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue ) override;
std::vector<QString> perPointLabels() const;
RifReaderRftInterface* rftReader() const;
RigEclipseWellLogExtractor* extractor();
void updateWellChannelNameAndTimeStep();
std::map<QString, QString> createCurveNameKeyValueMap() const;
std::vector<double> xValues();
std::vector<double> errorValues();
std::vector<double> tvDepthValues();
std::vector<double> measuredDepthValues( QString& prefixText );
bool deriveMeasuredDepthFromObservedData( const std::vector<double>& tvDepthValues, std::vector<double>& derivedMDValues );
int segmentBranchIndex() const;
static bool isSegmentResult( const QString& resultName );
caf::PdmPtrField<RimEclipseCase*> m_eclipseCase;
caf::PdmPtrField<RimSummaryCase*> m_summaryCase;
caf::PdmPtrField<RimSummaryCaseCollection*> m_ensemble;
caf::PdmPtrField<RimObservedFmuRftData*> m_observedFmuRftData;
caf::PdmPtrField<RimPressureDepthData*> m_pressureDepthData;
caf::PdmField<QDateTime> m_timeStep;
caf::PdmField<QString> m_wellName;
caf::PdmField<int> m_branchIndex;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_branchDetection;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_curveColorByPhase;
caf::PdmField<double> m_scaleFactor;
caf::PdmField<caf::AppEnum<RimWellLogRftCurve::RftDataType>> m_rftDataType;
caf::PdmField<QString> m_segmentResultName;
caf::PdmField<int> m_segmentBranchIndex;
caf::PdmField<caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::RftBranchType>> m_segmentBranchType;
caf::PdmField<caf::AppEnum<RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType>> m_wellLogChannelName;