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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
Do not try to create ESMRY file if there are no time steps in the summary data Do not try to read "TIME" record if no time steps are present
342 lines
12 KiB
342 lines
12 KiB
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "RiaRftDefines.h"
#include "RiaTestDataDirectory.h"
#include "RifOpmCommonSummary.h"
#include "RifReaderOpmRft.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Disable warning from external library to make sure treat warnings as error works
#pragma warning( disable : 4267 )
#include "opm/io/eclipse/EGrid.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ERft.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ESmry.hpp"
#include "opm/io/eclipse/ExtESmry.hpp"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
static const QString H5_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY = QString( "%1/h5-file/" ).arg( TEST_DATA_DIR );
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, ReadOpmSummaryDataListContent )
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
Opm::EclIO::ESmry eSmry( filePath.toStdString() );
esmryKeywords = eSmry.keywordList();
std::vector<std::string> extEsmryKeywords;
Opm::EclIO::ExtESmry extEsmry( filePath.toStdString() );
extEsmryKeywords = extEsmry.keywordList();
EXPECT_EQ( esmryKeywords.size(), extEsmryKeywords.size() );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < esmryKeywords.size(); i++ )
auto s1 = esmryKeywords[i];
auto s2 = extEsmryKeywords[i];
EXPECT_STREQ( s1.c_str(), s2.c_str() );
RifEclipseSummaryAddress eclAdr = RifEclipseSummaryAddress::fromEclipseTextAddressParseErrorTokens( s1 );
EXPECT_TRUE( eclAdr.isValid() );
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, DISABLED_OpmImportRftData )
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/model1/opm-simulation-reference/flow/MSW_MODEL_1.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/norne/ECL.2014.2/NORNE_ATW2013.RFT";
// QString filePath = "d:/Models/Statoil/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
Opm::EclIO::ERft eRft( filePath.toStdString() );
auto wells = eRft.listOfWells();
auto dates = eRft.listOfdates();
auto reports = eRft.listOfRftReports();
std::cout << "\nWells:\n";
for ( const auto& w : wells )
std::cout << w << "\n";
std::cout << "\nDates:\n";
for ( const auto& date : dates )
auto [year, month, day] = date;
std::cout << year << ", " << month << ", " << day << "\n";
std::cout << "\nReports:\n";
for ( const auto& report : reports )
auto [text, date, floatValue] = report;
std::cout << text << ", " << floatValue << "\n";
std::cout << "\nRFT Arrays:\n";
for ( int i = 0; i < eRft.numberOfReports(); i++ )
std::cout << "\n";
auto results = eRft.listOfRftArrays( i );
for ( const auto& [name, arrayType, size] : results )
std::cout << name << ", " << size << "\n";
// std::vector<int> getValues(Opm::EclIO::ERft& fileReader, std::)
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, DISABLED_OpmComputeSegmentTopology )
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/model1/opm-simulation-reference/flow/MSW_MODEL_1.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/norne/ECL.2014.2/NORNE_ATW2013.RFT";
// QString filePath = "d:/Models/Statoil/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSWRFT_toCS/MSWLOOPED_UN_RFT.RFT";
Opm::EclIO::ERft eRft( filePath.toStdString() );
auto wells = eRft.listOfWells();
auto dates = eRft.listOfdates();
class RftSegmentData
RftSegmentData( int segnxt, int brno, int brnst, int brnen, int segNo )
: m_segNext( segnxt )
, m_segbrno( brno )
, m_brnst( brnst )
, m_brnen( brnen )
, m_segmentNo( segNo )
int segNext() const { return m_segNext; }
int segBrno() const { return m_segbrno; }
int segBrnst() const { return m_brnst; }
int segBrnen() const { return m_brnen; }
int segNo() const { return m_segmentNo; }
int m_segNext;
int m_segbrno;
int m_brnst;
int m_brnen;
int m_segmentNo;
using RftSegmentKey = std::pair<std::string, Opm::EclIO::ERft::RftDate>;
std::map<RftSegmentKey, std::vector<RftSegmentData>> rftWellDateSegments;
for ( const auto& well : wells )
for ( const auto& date : dates )
std::vector<RftSegmentData> segmentsForWellDate;
std::vector<int> segnxt;
std::vector<int> segbrno;
std::vector<int> brnstValues;
std::vector<int> brnenValues;
std::vector<int> segNo;
std::string resultName = "SEGNXT";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
segnxt = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
std::string resultName = "SEGBRNO";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
segbrno = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
std::string resultName = "BRNST";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
brnstValues = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
std::string resultName = "BRNEN";
if ( eRft.hasArray( resultName, well, date ) )
brnenValues = eRft.getRft<int>( resultName, well, date );
if ( segnxt.empty() ) continue;
if ( segnxt.size() != segbrno.size() ) continue;
if ( brnenValues.empty() || brnstValues.empty() ) continue;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < segnxt.size(); i++ )
int branchIndex = segbrno[i] - 1;
int nextBranchIndex = -1;
if ( i + 1 < segbrno.size() ) nextBranchIndex = segbrno[i + 1] - 1;
bool isLastSegmentOnBranch = branchIndex != nextBranchIndex;
int brnst = brnstValues[branchIndex];
int brnen = brnenValues[branchIndex];
int segmentId = -1;
if ( !isLastSegmentOnBranch )
if ( i + 1 < segnxt.size() ) segmentId = segnxt[i + 1];
segmentId = brnen;
segNo.push_back( segmentId );
segmentsForWellDate.emplace_back( RftSegmentData( segnxt[i], segbrno[i], brnst, brnen, segmentId ) );
auto wellDateKey = std::make_pair( well, date );
rftWellDateSegments[wellDateKey] = segmentsForWellDate;
for ( const auto& a : rftWellDateSegments )
auto [wellName, date] = a.first;
auto segmentData = a.second;
std::cout << "\nWell: " << wellName << "Date : " << std::get<0>( date ) << " " << std::get<1>( date ) << " "
<< std::get<2>( date ) << " \n";
for ( const auto& r : segmentData )
std::cout << "SEGNXT " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segNext() << ", ";
std::cout << "SEGBRNO " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrno() << ", ";
std::cout << "BNRST " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrnst() << ", ";
std::cout << "BRNEN " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segBrnen() << ", ";
std::cout << "SEGNO " << std::setw( 2 ) << r.segNo() << "\n";
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, OpmComputeSegmentTopology )
std::vector<std::string> esmryKeywords;
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/model1/opm-simulation-reference/flow/MSW_MODEL_1.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/gitroot/opm-tests/norne/ECL.2014.2/NORNE_ATW2013.RFT";
// QString filePath = "d:/Models/Statoil/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
// QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSW-RFTfile/NORNE_ATW2013_RFTPLT_MSW.RFT";
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/MSWRFT_toCS/MSWLOOPED_UN_RFT.RFT";
RifReaderOpmRft reader( filePath );
auto adresses = reader.eclipseRftAddresses();
std::vector<float> segStartDepth;
std::vector<float> segEndDepth;
std::vector<float> segNumber;
std::set<RifEclipseRftAddress> segmentAdresses;
for ( const auto& adr : adresses )
if ( adr.wellLogChannel() == RifEclipseRftAddress::RftWellLogChannelType::SEGMENT_VALUES )
segmentAdresses.insert( adr );
for ( const auto& adr : segmentAdresses )
qDebug() << adr.timeStep().toString( "YYYY MM dd" ) << " " << adr.segmentResultName();
if ( adr.segmentResultName() == RiaDefines::segmentNumberResultName() )
std::vector<double> values;
reader.values( adr, &values );
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, OpenEmptySummaryFile )
QString SUMMARY_TEST_DATA_DIRECTORY = QString( "%1/SummaryData/empty-file/" ).arg( TEST_DATA_DIR );
QString smspecFilePath = rootPath + ".SMSPEC";
Opm::EclIO::ESmry eSmry( smspecFilePath.toStdString() );
// Test to verify that is is possible to read an empty summary file
// eSmry.make_esmry_file() will fail if the summary file is empty
EXPECT_TRUE( eSmry.numberOfTimeSteps() == 0 );
TEST( OpmSummaryTests, DISABLED_ReadOpmRadialGrid )
QString filePath = "e:/models/from_equinor_sftp/2021.10.1-Radial-testcase/global-radial/GLOBAL-RADIAL.EGRID";
Opm::EclIO::EGrid eGrid( filePath.toStdString() );
auto dims = eGrid.dimension();
size_t cellCount = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2];
std::array<double, 8> X{};
std::array<double, 8> Y{};
std::array<double, 8> Z{};
for ( size_t cidx = 0; cidx < cellCount; cidx++ )
eGrid.getCellCorners( cidx, X, Y, Z );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
std::cout << X[i] << " " << Y[i] << " " << Z[i] << "\n";