mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 12:40:58 -06:00
* Make sure all contourmap copies are getting the correct case set for cell filters when creating/copying maps. * Rewrite polyline part manager to be more generic, not just linked to annotations. * Add new partmgr for cell filters to draw polygon filter outlines in both eclipse and geomech views * Show lines/spheres for polygon filter outline * Add color edit for line and spheres * Add support for z plane lock in poygon filter outline * Add new flags for enabling filter and/or polyline display * Add K range filter to polygon filter * Enable picking automatically when creating a new polygon filter
316 lines
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316 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2015- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2015- Ceetron Solutions AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#pragma once
#include "RiaDefines.h"
#include "RimNameConfig.h"
#include "RimViewWindow.h"
#include "RiuViewerToViewInterface.h"
#include "RivCellSetEnum.h"
#include "cafAppEnum.h"
#include "cafPdmField.h"
#include "cafPdmObject.h"
#include "cafPdmPtrField.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldCvfColor.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldCvfMat4d.h"
#include "cafPdmFieldCvfVec3d.h"
#include "cvfCollection.h"
#include "cvfObject.h"
#include <QPointer>
class RimCase;
class RimLegendConfig;
class RimWellPathCollection;
class RiuViewer;
class RivAnnotationsPartMgr;
class RivMeasurementPartMgr;
class RivWellPathsPartMgr;
class RivCellFilterPartMgr;
class RimViewNameConfig;
namespace cvf
class BoundingBox;
class ModelBasicList;
class Scene;
class String;
class Transform;
class Part;
} // namespace cvf
namespace caf
class DisplayCoordTransform;
enum PartRenderMaskEnum
surfaceBit = 1,
meshSurfaceBit = 2,
faultBit = 4,
meshFaultBit = 8,
intersectionCellFaceBit = 16,
intersectionCellMeshBit = 32,
intersectionFaultMeshBit = 64
class Rim3dView : public RimViewWindow, public RiuViewerToViewInterface, public RimNameConfigHolderInterface
Rim3dView( void );
~Rim3dView( void ) override;
int id() const final;
// Public fields:
caf::PdmField<double> scaleZ;
caf::PdmField<bool> isPerspectiveView;
caf::PdmField<int> maximumFrameRate;
caf::PdmField<bool> hasUserRequestedAnimation;
// Draw style
enum SurfaceModeType
caf::PdmField<caf::AppEnum<RiaDefines::MeshModeType>> meshMode;
caf::PdmField<caf::AppEnum<SurfaceModeType>> surfaceMode;
virtual RimCase* ownerCase() const = 0;
RiuViewer* viewer() const;
void setName( const QString& name );
QString name() const;
QString autoName() const;
void setMeshOnlyDrawstyle();
void setMeshSurfDrawstyle();
void setSurfOnlyDrawstyle();
void setFaultMeshSurfDrawstyle();
void setSurfaceDrawstyle();
void setShowGridBox( bool showGridBox );
virtual bool isShowingActiveCellsOnly();
virtual bool isGridVisualizationMode() const = 0;
void setBackgroundColor( const cvf::Color3f& newBackgroundColor );
cvf::Color3f backgroundColor() const override; // Implementation of RiuViewerToViewInterface
void applyBackgroundColorAndFontChanges();
int fontSize() const override;
void updateFonts() override;
void disableLighting( bool disable );
bool isLightingDisabled() const;
virtual bool isUsingFormationNames() const = 0;
cvf::ref<caf::DisplayCoordTransform> displayCoordTransform() const override;
virtual std::vector<RimLegendConfig*> legendConfigs() const = 0;
QImage snapshotWindowContent() override;
void zoomAll() override;
void forceShowWindowOn();
// Animation
int currentTimeStep() const;
void setCurrentTimeStep( int frameIdx );
void setCurrentTimeStepAndUpdate( int frameIdx ) override;
bool isTimeStepDependentDataVisibleInThisOrComparisonView() const;
size_t timeStepCount();
QString timeStepName( int frameIdx ) const override;
// Updating
void scheduleCreateDisplayModelAndRedraw();
virtual void scheduleGeometryRegen( RivCellSetEnum geometryType ) = 0;
void createDisplayModelAndRedraw();
void updateDisplayModelForCurrentTimeStepAndRedraw();
void createHighlightAndGridBoxDisplayModelAndRedraw();
void createMeasurementDisplayModelAndRedraw();
void updateGridBoxData();
void updateAnnotationItems();
void resetLegends();
void setScaleZAndUpdate( double scaleZ );
void updateScaling();
void updateZScaleLabel();
bool isScaleZEditable();
bool isMasterView() const;
Rim3dView* activeComparisonView() const;
void setComparisonView( Rim3dView* compView );
std::set<Rim3dView*> viewsUsingThisAsComparisonView();
static void removeModelByName( cvf::Scene* scene, const cvf::String& modelName );
virtual void setDefaultView();
cvf::Mat4d cameraPosition() const;
cvf::Vec3d cameraPointOfInterest() const;
RimViewNameConfig* nameConfig() const;
void disableGridBoxField();
void disablePerspectiveProjectionField();
void updateDisplayModelVisibility();
bool hasVisibleTimeStepDependent3dWellLogCurves() const;
RimWellPathCollection* wellPathCollection() const;
void addWellPathsToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* wellPathModelBasicList, const cvf::BoundingBox& wellPathClipBoundingBox );
void addDynamicWellPathsToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* wellPathModelBasicList,
const cvf::BoundingBox& wellPathClipBoundingBox );
void addAnnotationsToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* annotationsModel );
void addMeasurementToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* measureModel );
void addCellFiltersToModel( cvf::ModelBasicList* cellFilterModel );
// Override viewer
RiuViewer* nativeOrOverrideViewer() const;
bool isUsingOverrideViewer() const;
void hideComparisonViewField();
// Abstract methods to implement in subclasses
virtual void onCreateDisplayModel() = 0;
virtual void onUpdateDisplayModelForCurrentTimeStep() = 0;
virtual void onUpdateDisplayModelVisibility(){};
virtual void onClampCurrentTimestep() = 0;
virtual size_t onTimeStepCountRequested() = 0;
virtual void onClearReservoirCellVisibilitiesIfNecessary(){};
virtual bool isTimeStepDependentDataVisible() const = 0;
virtual void defineAxisLabels( cvf::String* xLabel, cvf::String* yLabel, cvf::String* zLabel ) = 0;
virtual void onCreatePartCollectionFromSelection( cvf::Collection<cvf::Part>* parts ) = 0;
virtual void onUpdateStaticCellColors() = 0;
virtual void onResetLegendsInViewer() = 0;
virtual void onUpdateLegends() = 0;
virtual void onUpdateScaleTransform() = 0;
virtual cvf::Transform* scaleTransform() = 0;
// Overridden PdmObject methods:
caf::PdmFieldHandle* userDescriptionField() override;
caf::PdmFieldHandle* backgroundColorField();
void fieldChangedByUi( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* changedField, const QVariant& oldValue, const QVariant& newValue ) override;
void defineUiOrdering( QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiOrdering& uiOrdering ) override;
virtual QList<caf::PdmOptionItemInfo> calculateValueOptions( const caf::PdmFieldHandle* fieldNeedingOptions,
bool* useOptionsOnly ) override;
void initAfterRead() override;
void setupBeforeSave() override;
// Overridden ViewWindow methods:
void updateViewWidgetAfterCreation() override;
QWidget* createViewWidget( QWidget* mainWindowParent ) override;
// Timestep Field. Children clamps this differently
caf::PdmField<int> m_currentTimeStep;
// 3D display model data
cvf::ref<cvf::ModelBasicList> m_wellPathPipeVizModel;
cvf::ref<cvf::ModelBasicList> m_intersectionVizModel;
cvf::ref<RivWellPathsPartMgr> m_wellPathsPartManager;
friend class RimProject;
void setId( int id );
void assignIdIfNecessary() final;
void updateMdiWindowTitle() override;
void deleteViewWidget() override;
QWidget* viewWidget() override;
// Implementation of RimNameConfigHolderInterface
void performAutoNameUpdate() override final;
// Implementation of RiuViewerToViewInterface
void setCameraPosition( const cvf::Mat4d& cameraPosition ) override;
void setCameraPointOfInterest( const cvf::Vec3d& cameraPointOfInterest ) override;
void endAnimation() override;
caf::PdmObjectHandle* implementingPdmObject() override;
void handleMdiWindowClosed() override;
void setMdiWindowGeometry( const RimMdiWindowGeometry& windowGeometry ) override;
// Pure private methods
void createHighlightAndGridBoxDisplayModel();
void appendAnnotationsToModel();
void appendMeasurementToModel();
void appendCellFiltersToModel();
// Pure private methods : Override viewer and comparison view
void setOverrideViewer( RiuViewer* overrideViewer );
Rim3dView* prepareComparisonView();
void restoreComparisonView();
QPointer<RiuViewer> m_viewer;
QPointer<RiuViewer> m_overrideViewer;
bool m_isCallingUpdateDisplayModelForCurrentTimestepAndRedraw; // To avoid infinite recursion if comparison views
// are pointing to each other.
// Fields
caf::PdmField<int> m_id;
caf::PdmField<QString> m_name_OBSOLETE;
caf::PdmChildField<RimViewNameConfig*> m_nameConfig;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_disableLighting;
caf::PdmField<cvf::Mat4d> m_cameraPosition;
caf::PdmField<cvf::Vec3d> m_cameraPointOfInterest;
caf::PdmField<cvf::Color3f> m_backgroundColor;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_showGridBox;
caf::PdmField<bool> m_showZScaleLabel;
caf::PdmPtrField<Rim3dView*> m_comparisonView;
caf::PdmField<caf::FontTools::RelativeSizeEnum> m_fontSize;
// 3D display model data
cvf::ref<cvf::ModelBasicList> m_highlightVizModel;
cvf::ref<RivAnnotationsPartMgr> m_annotationsPartManager;
cvf::ref<RivMeasurementPartMgr> m_measurementPartManager;
cvf::ref<RivCellFilterPartMgr> m_cellfilterPartManager;