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// Copyright (C) 2016 Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator.h"
#include "RimSummaryCurve.h"
#include "cvfVector3.h"
#include <cmath>
namespace caf
void caf::AppEnum< RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::CurveAppearanceType >::setUp()
addItem(RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::NONE, "NONE", "None");
addItem(RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::COLOR, "COLOR", "Color");
addItem(RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::SYMBOL, "SYMBOL", "Symbols");
addItem(RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::LINE_STYLE, "LINE_STYLE", "Line Style");
addItem(RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::GRADIENT, "GRADIENT", "Gradient");
addItem(RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::LINE_THICKNESS, "LINE_THICKNESS", "Line Thickness");
RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator(const std::set<std::pair<RimSummaryCase*, RifEclipseSummaryAddress> >& curveDefinitions)
for(const std::pair<RimSummaryCase*, RifEclipseSummaryAddress>& curveDef : curveDefinitions)
if(curveDef.first) m_caseToAppearanceIdxMap[curveDef.first] = -1;
if(!curveDef.second.wellName().empty()) m_welToAppearanceIdxMap[curveDef.second.wellName()] = -1;
if(!curveDef.second.wellGroupName().empty()) m_grpToAppearanceIdxMap[curveDef.second.wellGroupName()] = -1;
if(!(curveDef.second.regionNumber() == -1)) m_regToAppearanceIdxMap[curveDef.second.regionNumber()] = -1;
std::string varname = curveDef.second.quantityName();
m_varToAppearanceIdxMap[varname] = -1;
// Indexes for sub color ranges
char secondChar = 0;
if(varname.size() > 1)
secondChar = varname[1];
if ( secondChar != 'W'
&& secondChar != 'O'
&& secondChar != 'G'
&& secondChar != 'V')
secondChar = 0; // Consider all others as one group for coloring
m_secondCharToVarToAppearanceIdxMap[secondChar][varname] = -1;
m_caseCount = m_caseToAppearanceIdxMap.size();
m_variableCount = m_varToAppearanceIdxMap .size();
m_wellCount = m_welToAppearanceIdxMap .size();
m_groupCount = m_grpToAppearanceIdxMap .size();
m_regionCount = m_regToAppearanceIdxMap .size();
// Select the default appearance type for each data "dimension"
m_caseAppearanceType = NONE;
m_varAppearanceType = NONE;
m_wellAppearanceType = NONE;
m_groupAppearanceType = NONE;
m_regionAppearanceType = NONE;
std::set<RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::CurveAppearanceType> unusedAppearTypes;
m_dimensionCount = 0;
if(m_variableCount > 1) { m_varAppearanceType = *(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); unusedAppearTypes.erase(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); m_dimensionCount++; }
if(m_caseCount > 1) { m_caseAppearanceType = *(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); unusedAppearTypes.erase(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); m_dimensionCount++; }
if(m_wellCount > 1) { m_wellAppearanceType = *(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); unusedAppearTypes.erase(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); m_dimensionCount++; }
if(m_groupCount > 1) { m_groupAppearanceType = *(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); unusedAppearTypes.erase(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); m_dimensionCount++; }
if(m_regionCount > 1) { m_regionAppearanceType = *(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); unusedAppearTypes.erase(unusedAppearTypes.begin()); m_dimensionCount++; }
if (m_dimensionCount == 0) m_varAppearanceType = COLOR; // basically one curve
// Assign increasing indexes
{ int idx = 0; for(auto& pair : m_caseToAppearanceIdxMap) pair.second = idx++; }
{ int idx = 0; for(auto& pair : m_varToAppearanceIdxMap) pair.second = idx++; }
{ int idx = 0; for(auto& pair : m_welToAppearanceIdxMap) pair.second = idx++; }
{ int idx = 0; for(auto& pair : m_grpToAppearanceIdxMap) pair.second = idx++; }
{ int idx = 0; for(auto& pair : m_regToAppearanceIdxMap) pair.second = idx++; }
for (auto& charMapPair : m_secondCharToVarToAppearanceIdxMap)
{ int idx = 0; for(auto& pair : charMapPair.second) pair.second = idx++; }
void RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::assignDimensions( CurveAppearanceType caseAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType variAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType wellAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType gropAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType regiAppearance)
m_caseAppearanceType = caseAppearance;
m_varAppearanceType = variAppearance;
m_wellAppearanceType = wellAppearance;
m_groupAppearanceType = gropAppearance;
m_regionAppearanceType = regiAppearance;
// Update the dimensionCount
m_dimensionCount = 0;
if(m_caseAppearanceType != NONE) ++m_dimensionCount;
if(m_varAppearanceType != NONE) ++m_dimensionCount;
if(m_wellAppearanceType != NONE) ++m_dimensionCount;
if(m_groupAppearanceType != NONE) ++m_dimensionCount;
if(m_regionAppearanceType != NONE) ++m_dimensionCount;
void RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::getDimensions(CurveAppearanceType* caseAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType* variAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType* wellAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType* gropAppearance,
CurveAppearanceType* regiAppearance) const
*caseAppearance = m_caseAppearanceType ;
*variAppearance = m_varAppearanceType ;
*wellAppearance = m_wellAppearanceType ;
*gropAppearance = m_groupAppearanceType ;
*regiAppearance = m_regionAppearanceType;
void RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::setupCurveLook(RimSummaryCurve* curve)
m_currentCurveBaseColor = cvf::Color3f(0, 0, 0);
m_currentCurveGradient = 0.0f;
int caseAppearanceIdx = m_caseToAppearanceIdxMap[curve->summaryCase()];
int varAppearanceIdx = m_varToAppearanceIdxMap[curve->summaryAddress().quantityName()];
int welAppearanceIdx = m_welToAppearanceIdxMap[curve->summaryAddress().wellName()];
int grpAppearanceIdx = m_grpToAppearanceIdxMap[curve->summaryAddress().wellGroupName()];
int regAppearanceIdx = m_regToAppearanceIdxMap[curve->summaryAddress().regionNumber()];
// Remove index for curves without value at the specific dimension
if(curve->summaryAddress().wellName().empty()) welAppearanceIdx = -1;
if(curve->summaryAddress().wellGroupName().empty()) grpAppearanceIdx = -1;
if(curve->summaryAddress().regionNumber() < 0) regAppearanceIdx = -1;
setOneCurveAppearance(m_caseAppearanceType, m_caseCount, caseAppearanceIdx, curve);
setOneCurveAppearance(m_wellAppearanceType, m_wellCount, welAppearanceIdx, curve);
setOneCurveAppearance(m_groupAppearanceType, m_groupCount, grpAppearanceIdx, curve);
setOneCurveAppearance(m_regionAppearanceType, m_regionCount, regAppearanceIdx, curve);
if (m_varAppearanceType == COLOR && m_secondCharToVarToAppearanceIdxMap.size() > 1)
int subColorIndex = -1;
char secondChar = 0;
std::string varname = curve->summaryAddress().quantityName();
if (varname.size() > 1) secondChar = varname[1];
subColorIndex = m_secondCharToVarToAppearanceIdxMap[secondChar][varname];
if (secondChar == 'W')
// Pick blue
m_currentCurveBaseColor = cycledBlueColor(subColorIndex);
else if (secondChar == 'O')
// Pick Green
m_currentCurveBaseColor = cycledGreenColor(subColorIndex);
else if (secondChar == 'G')
// Pick Red
m_currentCurveBaseColor = cycledRedColor(subColorIndex);
else if(secondChar == 'V')
// Pick Brown
m_currentCurveBaseColor = cycledBrownColor(subColorIndex);
m_currentCurveBaseColor = cycledNoneRGBBrColor(subColorIndex);
setOneCurveAppearance(m_varAppearanceType, m_variableCount, varAppearanceIdx, curve);
curve->setColor(gradeColor(m_currentCurveBaseColor, m_currentCurveGradient));
void RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::setOneCurveAppearance(CurveAppearanceType appeaType, size_t totalCount, int appeaIdx, RimSummaryCurve* curve)
case NONE:
case COLOR:
m_currentCurveBaseColor = cycledPaletteColor(appeaIdx);
m_currentCurveGradient = gradient(totalCount, appeaIdx);
case SYMBOL:
cvf::Color3f RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledPaletteColor(int colorIndex)
if (colorIndex < 0) return cvf::Color3f::BLACK;
static const int colorCount = 15;
static const cvf::ubyte colorData[][3] =
{ 0, 112, 136 }, // Dark Green-Blue
{ 202, 0, 0 }, // Red
{ 78, 204, 0 }, // Clear Green
{ 236, 118, 0 }, // Orange
{ 0 , 0, 0 }, // Black
{ 56, 56, 255 }, // Vivid Blue
{ 248, 0, 170 }, // Magenta
{ 169, 2, 240 }, // Purple
{ 0, 221, 221 }, // Turquoise
{ 201, 168, 206 }, // Light Violet
{ 0, 205, 68 }, // Bluish Green
{ 236, 188, 0 }, // Mid Yellow
{ 51, 204, 255 }, // Bluer Turquoise
{ 164, 193, 0 }, // Mid Yellowish Green
{ 0, 143, 239 }, // Dark Light Blue
int paletteIdx = colorIndex % colorCount;
cvf::Color3ub ubColor(colorData[paletteIdx][0], colorData[paletteIdx][1], colorData[paletteIdx][2]);
cvf::Color3f cvfColor(ubColor);
return cvfColor;
cvf::Color3f RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledNoneRGBBrColor(int colorIndex)
if(colorIndex < 0) return cvf::Color3f::BLACK;
static const int colorCount = 7;
static const cvf::ubyte colorData[][3] =
{ 236, 118, 0 }, // Orange
{ 0 , 0, 0 }, // Black
{ 248, 0, 170 }, // Magenta
{ 236, 188, 0 }, // Mid Yellow
{ 169, 2, 240 }, // Purple
{ 0, 221, 221 }, // Turquoise
{ 201, 168, 206 }, // Light Violet
int paletteIdx = colorIndex % colorCount;
cvf::Color3ub ubColor(colorData[paletteIdx][0], colorData[paletteIdx][1], colorData[paletteIdx][2]);
cvf::Color3f cvfColor(ubColor);
return cvfColor;
cvf::Color3f RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledGreenColor(int colorIndex)
if(colorIndex < 0) return cvf::Color3f::BLACK;
static const int colorCount = 3;
static const cvf::ubyte colorData[][3] =
{ 78, 204, 0 }, // Clear Green
{ 164, 193, 0 }, // Mid Yellowish Green
{ 0, 205, 68 } // Bluish Green
int paletteIdx = colorIndex % colorCount;
cvf::Color3ub ubColor(colorData[paletteIdx][0], colorData[paletteIdx][1], colorData[paletteIdx][2]);
cvf::Color3f cvfColor(ubColor);
return cvfColor;
cvf::Color3f RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledBlueColor(int colorIndex)
if(colorIndex < 0) return cvf::Color3f::BLACK;
static const int colorCount = 3;
static const cvf::ubyte colorData[][3] =
{ 56, 56, 255 }, // Vivid Blue
{ 0, 143, 239 }, // Dark Light Blue
{ 153, 153, 255 }, // Off Light Blue
int paletteIdx = colorIndex % colorCount;
cvf::Color3ub ubColor(colorData[paletteIdx][0], colorData[paletteIdx][1], colorData[paletteIdx][2]);
cvf::Color3f cvfColor(ubColor);
return cvfColor;
cvf::Color3f RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledRedColor(int colorIndex)
if(colorIndex < 0) return cvf::Color3f::BLACK;
static const int colorCount = 3;
static const cvf::ubyte colorData[][3] =
{ 202, 0, 0 }, // Off Red
{ 255, 51, 51}, // Bright Red
{ 255, 102, 102 } // Light Red
int paletteIdx = colorIndex % colorCount;
cvf::Color3ub ubColor(colorData[paletteIdx][0], colorData[paletteIdx][1], colorData[paletteIdx][2]);
cvf::Color3f cvfColor(ubColor);
return cvfColor;
cvf::Color3f RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledBrownColor(int colorIndex)
if(colorIndex < 0) return cvf::Color3f::BLACK;
static const int colorCount = 3;
static const cvf::ubyte colorData[][3] =
{186, 101, 44},
{ 99, 53, 23 }, // Highway Brown
{ 103, 56, 24} // Dark Brown
int paletteIdx = colorIndex % colorCount;
cvf::Color3ub ubColor(colorData[paletteIdx][0], colorData[paletteIdx][1], colorData[paletteIdx][2]);
cvf::Color3f cvfColor(ubColor);
return cvfColor;
RimPlotCurve::LineStyleEnum RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledLineStyle(int index)
if (index < 0) return RimPlotCurve::STYLE_SOLID;
return caf::AppEnum<RimPlotCurve::LineStyleEnum>::fromIndex(1 + (index % (caf::AppEnum<RimPlotCurve::LineStyleEnum>::size() - 1)));
RimPlotCurve::PointSymbolEnum RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledSymbol(int index)
if (index < 0) return RimPlotCurve::SYMBOL_NONE;
return caf::AppEnum<RimPlotCurve::PointSymbolEnum>::fromIndex(1 + (index % (caf::AppEnum<RimPlotCurve::PointSymbolEnum>::size() - 1)));
int RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::cycledLineThickness(int index)
static const int thicknessCount = 3;
static const int thicknesses[] ={ 1, 3, 5 };
if (index < 0) return 1;
return (thicknesses[(index) % 3]);
float RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::gradient(size_t totalCount, int index)
if(totalCount == 1 || index < 0) return 0.0f;
const float darkLimit = -0.45f;
const float lightLimit = 0.7f;
float totalSpan = lightLimit - darkLimit;
float step = totalSpan / (totalCount -1);
return darkLimit + (index * step);
cvf::Color3f RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator::gradeColor(const cvf::Color3f& color, float factor)
CVF_ASSERT(-1.0 <= factor && factor <= 1.0);
cvf::Vec3f orgC(color.r(), color.g(), color.b());
cvf::Vec3f targetC;
if(factor < 0)
targetC = cvf::Vec3f(0, 0, 0);
targetC = cvf::Vec3f(1, 1, 1);
cvf::Vec3f newColor = ((float)fabs(factor)) * (targetC - orgC) + orgC;
return cvf::Color3f(newColor[0], newColor[1], newColor[2]);