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719 lines
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// Custom Visualization Core library
// Copyright (C) 2018- Ceetron Solutions AS
// This library may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or
// the GNU Lesser General Public License as follows:
// GNU General Public License Usage
// This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>>
// for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU Lesser General Public License at <<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>>
// for more details.
#include "cafOverlayScalarMapperLegend.h"
#include "cvfBase.h"
#include "cvfBufferObjectManaged.h"
#include "cvfCamera.h"
#include "cvfFont.h"
#include "cvfGeometryBuilderDrawableGeo.h"
#include "cvfGeometryUtils.h"
#include "cvfGlyph.h"
#include "cvfMatrixState.h"
#include "cvfOpenGL.h"
#include "cvfOpenGLResourceManager.h"
#include "cvfRenderStateDepth.h"
#include "cvfRenderStateLine.h"
#include "cvfShaderProgram.h"
#include "cvfShaderProgramGenerator.h"
#include "cvfShaderSourceProvider.h"
#include "cvfShaderSourceRepository.h"
#include "cvfTextDrawer.h"
#include "cvfUniform.h"
#include "cvfViewport.h"
#include "cafInternalLegendRenderTools.h"
#include "cvfRenderState_FF.h"
#include "cvfRenderStateBlending.h"
#include "cvfScalarMapper.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
namespace caf
using namespace cvf;
/// \class cvf::OverlayColorLegend
/// \ingroup Render
/// Constructor
OverlayScalarMapperLegend::OverlayScalarMapperLegend( Font* font )
: TitledOverlayFrame( font, 200, 200 )
, m_tickNumberPrecision( 4 )
, m_numberFormat( AUTO )
, m_Layout( Vec2ui( 200u, 200u ) )
CVF_ASSERT( font );
CVF_ASSERT( !font->isEmpty() );
m_tickValues.reserve( 3 );
m_tickValues.add( 0.0 );
m_tickValues.add( 0.5 );
m_tickValues.add( 1.0 );
// Empty destructor to avoid errors with undefined types when cvf::ref's destructor gets called
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::setScalarMapper( const ScalarMapper* scalarMapper )
m_scalarMapper = scalarMapper;
if ( m_scalarMapper.notNull() )
std::vector<double> levelValues;
m_scalarMapper->majorTickValues( &levelValues );
m_tickValues.assign( levelValues );
/// Hardware rendering using shader programs
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::render( OpenGLContext* oglContext, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size )
renderGeneric( oglContext, position, size, false );
/// Software rendering using software
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::renderSoftware( OpenGLContext* oglContext, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size )
renderGeneric( oglContext, position, size, true );
bool OverlayScalarMapperLegend::pick( int oglXCoord, int oglYCoord, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size )
Recti oglRect( position, size.x(), size.y() );
OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo layoutInViewPortCoords( Vec2ui( oglRect.width(), oglRect.height() ) );
layoutInfo( &layoutInViewPortCoords );
Vec2i legendBarOrigin = oglRect.min();
legendBarOrigin.x() += static_cast<uint>( layoutInViewPortCoords.colorBarRect.min().x() );
legendBarOrigin.y() += static_cast<uint>( layoutInViewPortCoords.colorBarRect.min().y() );
Recti legendBarRect = Recti( legendBarOrigin,
static_cast<uint>( layoutInViewPortCoords.colorBarRect.width() ),
static_cast<uint>( layoutInViewPortCoords.colorBarRect.height() ) );
if ( ( oglXCoord > legendBarRect.min().x() ) && ( oglXCoord < legendBarRect.max().x() ) &&
( oglYCoord > legendBarRect.min().y() ) && ( oglYCoord < legendBarRect.max().y() ) )
return true;
return false;
/// Set up camera/viewport and render
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::renderGeneric( OpenGLContext* oglContext, const Vec2i& position, const Vec2ui& size, bool software )
if ( size.x() <= 0 || size.y() <= 0 )
Camera camera;
camera.setViewport( position.x(), position.y(), size.x(), size.y() );
camera.setViewMatrix( Mat4d::IDENTITY );
camera.viewport()->applyOpenGL( oglContext, Viewport::CLEAR_DEPTH );
m_Layout = OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo( size );
layoutInfo( &m_Layout );
m_textDrawer = new TextDrawer( this->font() );
// Set up text drawer
float maxLegendRightPos = 0;
setupTextDrawer( m_textDrawer.p(), &m_Layout );
Vec2f backgroundSize( size );
// Do the actual rendering
if ( software )
if ( this->backgroundEnabled() )
InternalLegendRenderTools::renderBackgroundImmediateMode( oglContext,
this->backgroundFrameColor() );
renderLegendImmediateMode( oglContext, &m_Layout );
m_textDrawer->renderSoftware( oglContext, camera );
const MatrixState matrixState( camera );
if ( this->backgroundEnabled() )
InternalLegendRenderTools::renderBackgroundUsingShaders( oglContext,
this->backgroundFrameColor() );
renderLegendUsingShaders( oglContext, &m_Layout, matrixState );
m_textDrawer->render( oglContext, camera );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( oglContext );
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::setupTextDrawer( TextDrawer* textDrawer, const OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo* layout )
CVF_ASSERT( layout );
textDrawer->setVerticalAlignment( TextDrawer::CENTER );
textDrawer->setTextColor( this->textColor() );
const float textX = layout->tickEndX + layout->tickTextLeadSpace;
const float overlapTolerance = 1.2f * layout->charHeight;
float lastVisibleTextY = 0.0;
size_t numTicks = m_tickValues.size();
size_t it;
for ( it = 0; it < numTicks; it++ )
float textY = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.min().y() + layout->tickYPixelPos->get( it ) );
// Always draw first and last tick label. For all others, skip drawing if text ends up
// on top of the previous label.
if ( it != 0 && it != ( numTicks - 1 ) )
if ( cvf::Math::abs( textY - lastVisibleTextY ) < overlapTolerance )
m_visibleTickLabels.push_back( false );
// Make sure it does not overlap the last tick as well
float lastTickY = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.max().y() );
if ( cvf::Math::abs( textY - lastTickY ) < overlapTolerance )
m_visibleTickLabels.push_back( false );
double tickValue = m_tickValues[it];
String valueString;
switch ( m_numberFormat )
case FIXED:
valueString = String::number( tickValue, 'f', m_tickNumberPrecision );
valueString = String::number( tickValue, 'e', m_tickNumberPrecision );
valueString = String::number( tickValue );
Vec2f pos( textX, textY );
textDrawer->addText( valueString, pos );
lastVisibleTextY = textY;
m_visibleTickLabels.push_back( true );
float titleY = static_cast<float>( layout->overallLegendSize.y() ) - layout->margins.y() - layout->charHeight / 2.0f;
for ( it = 0; it < this->titleStrings().size(); it++ )
Vec2f pos( layout->margins.x(), titleY );
textDrawer->addText( this->titleStrings()[it], pos );
titleY -= layout->lineSpacing;
/// Draw the legend using shader programs
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::renderLegendUsingShaders( OpenGLContext* oglContext,
OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo* layout,
const MatrixState& matrixState )
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( layout->overallLegendSize.x() > 0 );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( layout->overallLegendSize.y() > 0 );
RenderStateDepth depth( false );
depth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateLine line( static_cast<float>( this->lineWidth() ) );
line.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
// All vertices. Initialized here to set Z to zero once and for all.
static float vertexArray[] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
// Per vector convenience pointers
float* v0 = &vertexArray[0];
float* v1 = &vertexArray[3];
float* v2 = &vertexArray[6];
float* v3 = &vertexArray[9];
float* v4 = &vertexArray[12];
// Constant coordinates
v0[0] = v3[0] = layout->tickStartX;
v1[0] = v4[0] = layout->tickMidX;
// Connects
static const ushort trianglesConnects[] = {0, 1, 4, 0, 4, 3};
ref<ShaderProgram> shaderProgram = oglContext->resourceManager()->getLinkedUnlitColorShaderProgram( oglContext );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( shaderProgram.notNull() );
if ( shaderProgram->useProgram( oglContext ) )
shaderProgram->applyFixedUniforms( oglContext, matrixState );
glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0 );
glEnableVertexAttribArray( ShaderProgram::VERTEX );
glVertexAttribPointer( ShaderProgram::VERTEX, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertexArray );
// Render color bar as one colored quad per pixel
int legendHeightPixelCount = static_cast<int>( layout->tickYPixelPos->get( m_tickValues.size() - 1 ) -
layout->tickYPixelPos->get( 0 ) + 0.01 );
if ( m_scalarMapper.notNull() )
int iPx;
for ( iPx = 0; iPx < legendHeightPixelCount; iPx++ )
const Color3ub& clr =
m_scalarMapper->mapToColor( m_scalarMapper->domainValue( ( iPx + 0.5 ) / legendHeightPixelCount ) );
float y0 = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.min().y() + iPx );
float y1 = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.min().y() + iPx + 1 );
// Dynamic coordinates for rectangle
v0[1] = v1[1] = y0;
v3[1] = v4[1] = y1;
// Draw filled rectangle elements
UniformFloat uniformColor( "u_color", Color4f( Color3f( clr ) ) );
shaderProgram->applyUniform( oglContext, uniformColor );
glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, trianglesConnects );
glDrawRangeElements( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 4, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, trianglesConnects );
// Render frame
// Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines
bool isRenderingFrame = true;
if ( isRenderingFrame )
v0[0] = v2[0] = layout->colorBarRect.min().x() - 0.5f;
v1[0] = v3[0] = layout->colorBarRect.max().x() - 0.5f;
v0[1] = v1[1] = layout->colorBarRect.min().y() - 0.5f;
v2[1] = v3[1] = layout->colorBarRect.max().y() - 0.5f;
static const ushort frameConnects[] = {0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 0};
UniformFloat uniformColor( "u_color", Color4f( this->lineColor() ) );
shaderProgram->applyUniform( oglContext, uniformColor );
glDrawElements( GL_LINES, 8, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, frameConnects );
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 3, 8, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, frameConnects );
// Render tickmarks
bool isRenderingTicks = true;
if ( isRenderingTicks )
// Constant coordinates
v0[0] = layout->tickStartX;
v1[0] = layout->tickMidX - 0.5f * ( layout->tickEndX - layout->tickMidX ) - 0.5f;
v2[0] = layout->tickMidX;
v3[0] = layout->tickEndX - 0.5f * ( layout->tickEndX - layout->tickMidX ) - 0.5f;
v4[0] = layout->tickEndX;
static const ushort tickLinesWithLabel[] = {0, 4};
static const ushort tickLinesWoLabel[] = {2, 3};
size_t ic;
for ( ic = 0; ic < m_tickValues.size(); ic++ )
float y0 = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.min().y() + layout->tickYPixelPos->get( ic ) - 0.5f );
// Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines
v0[1] = v1[1] = v2[1] = v3[1] = v4[1] = y0;
UniformFloat uniformColor( "u_color", Color4f( this->lineColor() ) );
shaderProgram->applyUniform( oglContext, uniformColor );
const ushort* linesConnects;
if ( m_visibleTickLabels[ic] )
linesConnects = tickLinesWithLabel;
linesConnects = tickLinesWoLabel;
glDrawElements( GL_LINES, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, linesConnects );
glDrawRangeElements( GL_LINES, 0, 4, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, linesConnects );
glDisableVertexAttribArray( ShaderProgram::VERTEX );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( shaderProgram.notNull() );
shaderProgram->useNoProgram( oglContext );
// Reset render states
RenderStateDepth resetDepth;
resetDepth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateLine resetLine;
resetLine.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( oglContext );
/// Draw the legend using immediate mode OpenGL
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::renderLegendImmediateMode( OpenGLContext* oglContext, OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo* layout )
CVF_UNUSED( layout );
CVF_FAIL_MSG( "Not supported on OpenGL ES" );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( layout->overallLegendSize.x() > 0 );
CVF_TIGHT_ASSERT( layout->overallLegendSize.y() > 0 );
RenderStateDepth depth( false );
depth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateLighting_FF lighting( false );
lighting.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
// All vertices. Initialized here to set Z to zero once and for all.
static float vertexArray[] = {
// Per vector convenience pointers
float* v0 = &vertexArray[0];
float* v1 = &vertexArray[3];
float* v2 = &vertexArray[6];
float* v3 = &vertexArray[9];
float* v4 = &vertexArray[12];
// Constant coordinates
v0[0] = v3[0] = layout->tickStartX;
v1[0] = v4[0] = layout->tickMidX;
// Render color bar as one colored quad per pixel
int legendHeightPixelCount = static_cast<int>( layout->tickYPixelPos->get( m_tickValues.size() - 1 ) -
layout->tickYPixelPos->get( 0 ) + 0.01 );
if ( m_scalarMapper.notNull() )
int iPx;
for ( iPx = 0; iPx < legendHeightPixelCount; iPx++ )
const Color3ub& clr =
m_scalarMapper->mapToColor( m_scalarMapper->domainValue( ( iPx + 0.5 ) / legendHeightPixelCount ) );
float y0 = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.min().y() + iPx );
float y1 = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.min().y() + iPx + 1 );
// Dynamic coordinates for rectangle
v0[1] = v1[1] = y0;
v3[1] = v4[1] = y1;
// Draw filled rectangle elements
glColor3ubv( clr.ptr() );
glVertex3fv( v0 );
glVertex3fv( v1 );
glVertex3fv( v4 );
glVertex3fv( v3 );
// Render frame
// Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines
bool isRenderingFrame = true;
if ( isRenderingFrame )
v0[0] = v2[0] = layout->colorBarRect.min().x() - 0.5f;
v1[0] = v3[0] = layout->colorBarRect.max().x() - 0.5f;
v0[1] = v1[1] = layout->colorBarRect.min().y() - 0.5f;
v2[1] = v3[1] = layout->colorBarRect.max().y() - 0.5f;
glColor3fv( this->textColor().ptr() );
glBegin( GL_LINES );
glVertex3fv( v0 );
glVertex3fv( v1 );
glVertex3fv( v1 );
glVertex3fv( v3 );
glVertex3fv( v3 );
glVertex3fv( v2 );
glVertex3fv( v2 );
glVertex3fv( v0 );
// Render tickmarks
bool isRenderingTicks = true;
if ( isRenderingTicks )
// Constant coordinates
v0[0] = layout->tickStartX;
v1[0] = layout->tickMidX - 0.5f * ( layout->tickEndX - layout->tickMidX ) - 0.5f;
v2[0] = layout->tickMidX;
v3[0] = layout->tickEndX - 0.5f * ( layout->tickEndX - layout->tickMidX ) - 0.5f;
v4[0] = layout->tickEndX;
size_t ic;
for ( ic = 0; ic < m_tickValues.size(); ic++ )
float y0 = static_cast<float>( layout->colorBarRect.min().y() + layout->tickYPixelPos->get( ic ) - 0.5f );
// Dynamic coordinates for tickmarks-lines
v0[1] = v1[1] = v2[1] = v3[1] = v4[1] = y0;
glColor3fv( this->textColor().ptr() );
glBegin( GL_LINES );
if ( m_visibleTickLabels[ic] )
glVertex3fv( v0 );
glVertex3fv( v4 );
glVertex3fv( v2 );
glVertex3fv( v3 );
// Reset render states
RenderStateLighting_FF resetLighting;
resetLighting.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
RenderStateDepth resetDepth;
resetDepth.applyOpenGL( oglContext );
CVF_CHECK_OGL( oglContext );
#endif // CVF_OPENGL_ES
/// Get layout information
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::layoutInfo( OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo* layout )
ref<Glyph> glyph = this->font()->getGlyph( L'A' );
layout->charHeight = static_cast<float>( glyph->height() );
layout->lineSpacing = layout->charHeight * 1.5f;
layout->margins = Vec2f( 8.0f, 8.0f );
layout->tickTextLeadSpace = 5.0f;
float colorBarWidth = 25.0f;
float colorBarHeight = static_cast<float>( layout->overallLegendSize.y() ) - 2 * layout->margins.y() -
static_cast<float>( this->titleStrings().size() ) * layout->lineSpacing - layout->lineSpacing;
layout->colorBarRect =
Rectf( layout->margins.x(), layout->margins.y() + layout->charHeight / 2.0f, colorBarWidth, colorBarHeight );
layout->tickStartX = layout->margins.x();
layout->tickMidX = layout->margins.x() + layout->colorBarRect.width();
layout->tickEndX = layout->tickMidX + 5;
// Build array containing the pixel positions of all the ticks
size_t numTicks = m_tickValues.size();
layout->tickYPixelPos = new DoubleArray( numTicks );
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < numTicks; i++ )
double t;
if ( m_scalarMapper.isNull() )
t = 0;
t = m_scalarMapper->normalizedValue( m_tickValues[i] );
t = Math::clamp( t, 0.0, 1.1 );
if ( i != numTicks - 1 )
layout->tickYPixelPos->set( i, t * layout->colorBarRect.height() );
layout->tickYPixelPos->set( i, layout->colorBarRect.height() ); // Make sure we get a value at the top even
// if the scalarmapper range is zero
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::setTickPrecision( int precision )
m_tickNumberPrecision = precision;
void OverlayScalarMapperLegend::setTickFormat( NumberFormat format )
m_numberFormat = format;
cvf::Vec2ui OverlayScalarMapperLegend::preferredSize()
OverlayColorLegendLayoutInfo layout( {200, 200} ); // Use default size
layoutInfo( &layout );
float preferredYSize = 2 * layout.margins.y() + layout.lineSpacing * this->titleStrings().size() +
1.5f * layout.lineSpacing * m_tickValues.size();
unsigned int maxTickTextWidth = 0;
for ( double tickValue : m_tickValues )
String valueString;
switch ( m_numberFormat )
case FIXED:
valueString = String::number( tickValue, 'f', m_tickNumberPrecision );
valueString = String::number( tickValue, 'e', m_tickNumberPrecision );
valueString = String::number( tickValue );
unsigned int textWidth = this->font()->textExtent( valueString ).x();
maxTickTextWidth = maxTickTextWidth < textWidth ? textWidth : maxTickTextWidth;
float preferredXSize = layout.tickEndX + layout.margins.x() + layout.tickTextLeadSpace + maxTickTextWidth;
for ( const cvf::String& titleLine : titleStrings() )
float titleWidth = this->font()->textExtent( titleLine ).x() + 2 * layout.margins.x();
preferredXSize = preferredXSize < titleWidth ? titleWidth : preferredXSize;
preferredXSize = std::min( preferredXSize, 400.0f );
return {(unsigned int)( std::ceil( preferredXSize ) ), (unsigned int)( std::ceil( preferredYSize ) )};
} // namespace caf