Magne Sjaastad 5151717743 #11088 Use non-optimized version for old projects to compute active cells BB
The performance to compute geometry BB for active cells has improved. The original code also set displayModelOffset based on the BB of active cells. To make sure that existing project files produce identically the the same, the non-optimized version is used in this case.
2024-01-31 12:43:55 +01:00

830 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2011- Statoil ASA
// Copyright (C) 2013- Ceetron Solutions AS
// Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ceetron AS
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <>
// for more details.
#include "RigEclipseCaseData.h"
#include "RifReaderEclipseOutput.h"
#include "RigActiveCellInfo.h"
#include "RigCaseCellResultsData.h"
#include "RigEclipseResultAddress.h"
#include "RigEquil.h"
#include "RigFormationNames.h"
#include "RigMainGrid.h"
#include "RigResultAccessorFactory.h"
#include "RigSimWellData.h"
#include "RigSimulationWellCenterLineCalculator.h"
#include "RigSimulationWellCoordsAndMD.h"
#include "RigVirtualPerforationTransmissibilities.h"
#include "RigWellPath.h"
#include "RigWellResultFrame.h"
#include "RigWellResultPoint.h"
#include <QDebug>
RigEclipseCaseData::RigEclipseCaseData( RimEclipseCase* ownerCase )
: m_hasParsedDeckForEquilData( false )
m_mainGrid = new RigMainGrid();
m_ownerCase = ownerCase;
m_matrixModelResults = new RigCaseCellResultsData( this, RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL );
m_fractureModelResults = new RigCaseCellResultsData( this, RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL );
m_activeCellInfo = new RigActiveCellInfo;
m_fractureActiveCellInfo = new RigActiveCellInfo;
m_matrixModelResults->setActiveCellInfo( m_activeCellInfo.p() );
m_fractureModelResults->setActiveCellInfo( m_fractureActiveCellInfo.p() );
m_unitsType = RiaDefines::EclipseUnitSystem::UNITS_METRIC;
RigMainGrid* RigEclipseCaseData::mainGrid()
return m_mainGrid.p();
const RigMainGrid* RigEclipseCaseData::mainGrid() const
return m_mainGrid.p();
void RigEclipseCaseData::setMainGrid( RigMainGrid* mainGrid )
m_mainGrid = mainGrid;
m_matrixModelResults->setMainGrid( m_mainGrid.p() );
m_fractureModelResults->setMainGrid( m_mainGrid.p() );
void RigEclipseCaseData::allGrids( std::vector<RigGridBase*>* grids )
CVF_ASSERT( grids );
if ( m_mainGrid.isNull() )
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_mainGrid->gridCount(); i++ )
grids->push_back( m_mainGrid->gridByIndex( i ) );
void RigEclipseCaseData::allGrids( std::vector<const RigGridBase*>* grids ) const
CVF_ASSERT( grids );
if ( m_mainGrid.isNull() )
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_mainGrid->gridCount(); i++ )
grids->push_back( m_mainGrid->gridByIndex( i ) );
/// Get grid by index. The main grid has index 0, so the first lgr has index 1
const RigGridBase* RigEclipseCaseData::grid( size_t index ) const
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainGrid.notNull() );
return m_mainGrid->gridByIndex( index );
/// Get grid by index. The main grid has index 0, so the first lgr has index 1
RigGridBase* RigEclipseCaseData::grid( size_t index )
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainGrid.notNull() );
return m_mainGrid->gridByIndex( index );
const RigGridBase* RigEclipseCaseData::grid( const QString& gridName ) const
if ( m_mainGrid.isNull() )
return nullptr;
if ( gridName.isEmpty() )
return m_mainGrid.p();
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_mainGrid->gridCount(); i++ )
const RigGridBase* grid = m_mainGrid->gridByIndex( i );
if ( QString::fromStdString( grid->gridName() ) == gridName ) return grid;
return nullptr;
size_t RigEclipseCaseData::gridCount() const
CVF_ASSERT( m_mainGrid.notNull() );
return m_mainGrid->gridCount();
void RigEclipseCaseData::computeWellCellsPrGrid()
// If we have computed this already, return
if ( !m_wellCellsInGrid.empty() ) return;
std::vector<RigGridBase*> grids;
allGrids( &grids );
// Debug code used to display grid names and grid sizes
size_t totCellCount = 0;
for (auto g : grids)
qDebug() << g->gridName().data();
qDebug() << g->cellCountI() << " " << g->cellCountJ() << " " << g->cellCountK() << " ";
size_t cellCount = g->cellCount();
totCellCount += cellCount;
qDebug() << cellCount;
qDebug() << "\n";
qDebug() << "\nTotal cell count " << totCellCount;
size_t gIdx;
// Allocate and initialize the arrays
m_wellCellsInGrid.resize( grids.size() );
m_gridCellToResultWellIndex.resize( grids.size() );
for ( gIdx = 0; gIdx < grids.size(); ++gIdx )
if ( m_wellCellsInGrid[gIdx].isNull() || m_wellCellsInGrid[gIdx]->size() != grids[gIdx]->cellCount() )
m_wellCellsInGrid[gIdx] = new cvf::UByteArray;
m_wellCellsInGrid[gIdx]->resize( grids[gIdx]->cellCount() );
m_gridCellToResultWellIndex[gIdx] = new cvf::UIntArray;
m_gridCellToResultWellIndex[gIdx]->resize( grids[gIdx]->cellCount() );
m_wellCellsInGrid[gIdx]->setAll( false );
m_gridCellToResultWellIndex[gIdx]->setAll( cvf::UNDEFINED_UINT );
// Fill arrays with data
size_t wIdx;
for ( wIdx = 0; wIdx < m_simWellData.size(); ++wIdx )
size_t tIdx;
for ( tIdx = 0; tIdx < m_simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellCellsTimeSteps.size(); ++tIdx )
RigWellResultFrame& wellCells = m_simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellCellsTimeSteps[tIdx];
// Well result branches
for ( const auto& wellSegment : wellCells.wellResultBranches() )
for ( const auto& resultPoint : wellSegment.branchResultPoints() )
size_t gridIndex = resultPoint.gridIndex();
size_t gridCellIndex = resultPoint.cellIndex();
if ( gridIndex < m_wellCellsInGrid.size() && gridCellIndex < m_wellCellsInGrid[gridIndex]->size() )
// NOTE : We do not check if the grid cell is active as we do for well head.
// If we add test for active cell, thorough testing and verification of the new behavior must
// be addressed
m_wellCellsInGrid[gridIndex]->set( gridCellIndex, true );
m_gridCellToResultWellIndex[gridIndex]->set( gridCellIndex, static_cast<cvf::uint>( wIdx ) );
void RigEclipseCaseData::setSimWellData( const cvf::Collection<RigSimWellData>& data )
m_simWellData = data;
std::set<QString> RigEclipseCaseData::findSortedWellNames() const
std::set<QString> sortedWellNames;
const cvf::Collection<RigSimWellData>& simWellData = wellResults();
for ( size_t wIdx = 0; wIdx < simWellData.size(); ++wIdx )
sortedWellNames.insert( simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName );
return sortedWellNames;
const RigSimWellData* RigEclipseCaseData::findSimWellData( QString wellName ) const
for ( size_t wIdx = 0; wIdx < m_simWellData.size(); ++wIdx )
if ( m_simWellData[wIdx]->m_wellName == wellName )
return m_simWellData[wIdx].p();
return nullptr;
const cvf::UByteArray* RigEclipseCaseData::wellCellsInGrid( size_t gridIndex )
CVF_ASSERT( gridIndex < m_wellCellsInGrid.size() );
return m_wellCellsInGrid[gridIndex].p();
const cvf::UIntArray* RigEclipseCaseData::gridCellToResultWellIndex( size_t gridIndex )
CVF_ASSERT( gridIndex < m_gridCellToResultWellIndex.size() );
return m_gridCellToResultWellIndex[gridIndex].p();
const RigCell& RigEclipseCaseData::cellFromWellResultCell( const RigWellResultPoint& wellResultCell ) const
CVF_ASSERT( wellResultCell.isCell() );
size_t gridIndex = wellResultCell.gridIndex();
size_t gridCellIndex = wellResultCell.cellIndex();
std::vector<const RigGridBase*> grids;
allGrids( &grids );
return grids[gridIndex]->cell( gridCellIndex );
bool RigEclipseCaseData::findSharedSourceFace( cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType& sharedSourceFace,
const RigWellResultPoint& sourceWellCellResult,
const RigWellResultPoint& otherWellCellResult ) const
size_t gridIndex = sourceWellCellResult.gridIndex();
size_t gridCellIndex = sourceWellCellResult.cellIndex();
size_t otherGridIndex = otherWellCellResult.gridIndex();
size_t otherGridCellIndex = otherWellCellResult.cellIndex();
if ( gridIndex != otherGridIndex ) return false;
std::vector<const RigGridBase*> grids;
allGrids( &grids );
const RigGridBase* grid = grids[gridIndex];
size_t i, j, k;
grid->ijkFromCellIndex( gridCellIndex, &i, &j, &k );
size_t faceIdx;
for ( faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < 6; faceIdx++ )
cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType sourceFace = static_cast<cvf::StructGridInterface::FaceType>( faceIdx );
size_t ni, nj, nk;
RigGridBase::neighborIJKAtCellFace( i, j, k, sourceFace, &ni, &nj, &nk );
if ( grid->isCellValid( ni, nj, nk ) )
size_t neighborCellIndex = grid->cellIndexFromIJK( ni, nj, nk );
if ( neighborCellIndex == otherGridCellIndex )
sharedSourceFace = sourceFace;
return true;
return false;
/// Helper class used to find min/max range for valid and active cells
class CellRangeBB
, m_max( cvf::Vec3st::ZERO )
void add( size_t i, size_t j, size_t k )
if ( i < m_min.x() ) m_min.x() = i;
if ( j < m_min.y() ) m_min.y() = j;
if ( k < m_min.z() ) m_min.z() = k;
if ( i > m_max.x() ) m_max.x() = i;
if ( j > m_max.y() ) m_max.y() = j;
if ( k > m_max.z() ) m_max.z() = k;
cvf::Vec3st m_min;
cvf::Vec3st m_max;
void RigEclipseCaseData::computeActiveCellIJKBBox()
if ( m_mainGrid.notNull() && m_activeCellInfo.notNull() && m_fractureActiveCellInfo.notNull() )
CellRangeBB matrixModelActiveBB;
CellRangeBB fractureModelActiveBB;
size_t idx;
for ( idx = 0; idx < m_mainGrid->cellCount(); idx++ )
size_t i, j, k;
m_mainGrid->ijkFromCellIndex( idx, &i, &j, &k );
if ( m_activeCellInfo->isActive( idx ) )
matrixModelActiveBB.add( i, j, k );
if ( m_fractureActiveCellInfo->isActive( idx ) )
fractureModelActiveBB.add( i, j, k );
m_activeCellInfo->setIjkBoundingBox( matrixModelActiveBB.m_min, matrixModelActiveBB.m_max );
m_fractureActiveCellInfo->setIjkBoundingBox( fractureModelActiveBB.m_min, fractureModelActiveBB.m_max );
void RigEclipseCaseData::computeActiveCellBoundingBoxes( bool useOptimizedVersion )
if ( useOptimizedVersion )
std::vector<QString> RigEclipseCaseData::simulationWellNames() const
std::vector<QString> wellNames;
for ( const auto& wellResult : wellResults() )
wellNames.push_back( wellResult->m_wellName );
return wellNames;
bool RigEclipseCaseData::hasSimulationWell( const QString& simWellName ) const
const auto wellNames = simulationWellNames();
return std::find( wellNames.begin(), wellNames.end(), simWellName ) != wellNames.end();
std::vector<const RigWellPath*>
RigEclipseCaseData::simulationWellBranches( const QString& simWellName, bool includeAllCellCenters, bool useAutoDetectionOfBranches ) const
std::vector<const RigWellPath*> branches;
if ( simWellName.isEmpty() || simWellName.toUpper() == "NONE" )
return branches;
const RigSimWellData* simWellData = findSimWellData( simWellName );
if ( !simWellData ) return branches;
std::tuple<QString, bool, bool> simWellSeachItem = std::make_tuple( simWellName, includeAllCellCenters, useAutoDetectionOfBranches );
if ( m_simWellBranchCache.find( simWellSeachItem ) == m_simWellBranchCache.end() )
const auto simWellBranches = RigSimulationWellCenterLineCalculator::calculateWellPipeCenterlineForTimeStep( this,
includeAllCellCenters );
m_simWellBranchCache.insert( std::make_pair( simWellSeachItem, cvf::Collection<RigWellPath>() ) );
for ( const auto& [coords, wellCells] : simWellBranches )
auto wellMdCalculator = RigSimulationWellCoordsAndMD( coords );
cvf::ref<RigWellPath> newWellPath = new RigWellPath( wellMdCalculator.wellPathPoints(), wellMdCalculator.measuredDepths() );
m_simWellBranchCache[simWellSeachItem].push_back( newWellPath.p() );
for ( const auto& branch : m_simWellBranchCache[simWellSeachItem] )
branches.push_back( branch.p() );
return branches;
void RigEclipseCaseData::setVirtualPerforationTransmissibilities( RigVirtualPerforationTransmissibilities* virtualPerforationTransmissibilities )
m_virtualPerforationTransmissibilities = virtualPerforationTransmissibilities;
const RigVirtualPerforationTransmissibilities* RigEclipseCaseData::virtualPerforationTransmissibilities() const
return m_virtualPerforationTransmissibilities.p();
void RigEclipseCaseData::ensureDeckIsParsedForEquilData( const QString& dataDeckFile, const QString& includeFileAbsolutePathPrefix )
if ( !m_hasParsedDeckForEquilData )
RifReaderEclipseOutput::importEquilData( dataDeckFile, includeFileAbsolutePathPrefix, this );
m_hasParsedDeckForEquilData = true;
std::vector<RigEquil> RigEclipseCaseData::equilData() const
return m_equil;
void RigEclipseCaseData::setEquilData( const std::vector<RigEquil>& equilObjects )
m_equil = equilObjects;
RigActiveCellInfo* RigEclipseCaseData::activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel )
if ( porosityModel == RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
return m_activeCellInfo.p();
return m_fractureActiveCellInfo.p();
const RigActiveCellInfo* RigEclipseCaseData::activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel ) const
if ( porosityModel == RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
return m_activeCellInfo.p();
return m_fractureActiveCellInfo.p();
void RigEclipseCaseData::setActiveCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel, RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo )
if ( porosityModel == RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
m_activeCellInfo = activeCellInfo;
m_matrixModelResults->setActiveCellInfo( m_activeCellInfo.p() );
m_fractureActiveCellInfo = activeCellInfo;
m_fractureModelResults->setActiveCellInfo( m_fractureActiveCellInfo.p() );
bool RigEclipseCaseData::hasFractureResults() const
return activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL ) &&
activeCellInfo( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::FRACTURE_MODEL )->reservoirActiveCellCount() > 0;
void RigEclipseCaseData::computeActiveCellsGeometryBoundingBoxSlow()
if ( m_activeCellInfo.isNull() || m_fractureActiveCellInfo.isNull() )
if ( m_mainGrid.isNull() )
cvf::BoundingBox bb;
m_activeCellInfo->setGeometryBoundingBox( bb );
m_fractureActiveCellInfo->setGeometryBoundingBox( bb );
RigActiveCellInfo* activeInfos[2];
activeInfos[0] = m_fractureActiveCellInfo.p();
activeInfos[1] = m_activeCellInfo.p(); // Last, to make this bb.min become display offset
cvf::BoundingBox bb;
for ( int acIdx = 0; acIdx < 2; ++acIdx )
if ( m_mainGrid->nodes().empty() )
bb.add( cvf::Vec3d::ZERO );
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8> hexCorners;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_mainGrid->cellCount(); i++ )
if ( activeInfos[acIdx]->isActive( i ) )
m_mainGrid->cellCornerVertices( i, );
for ( const auto& corner : hexCorners )
bb.add( corner );
activeInfos[acIdx]->setGeometryBoundingBox( bb );
// This design choice is unfortunate, as the bounding box of active cells can be computed in different ways.
// Must keep the code to make sure existing projects display 3D model at the same location in the scene.
m_mainGrid->setDisplayModelOffset( bb.min() );
void RigEclipseCaseData::computeActiveCellsGeometryBoundingBoxOptimized()
if ( m_activeCellInfo.isNull() || m_fractureActiveCellInfo.isNull() )
if ( m_mainGrid.isNull() )
cvf::BoundingBox bb;
m_activeCellInfo->setGeometryBoundingBox( bb );
m_fractureActiveCellInfo->setGeometryBoundingBox( bb );
RigActiveCellInfo* activeInfos[2];
activeInfos[0] = m_fractureActiveCellInfo.p();
activeInfos[1] = m_activeCellInfo.p();
cvf::BoundingBox bb;
for ( int acIdx = 0; acIdx < 2; ++acIdx )
if ( m_mainGrid->nodes().empty() )
bb.add( cvf::Vec3d::ZERO );
// Use the top and bottom layer of active cells to compute the bounding box
auto [minBB, maxBB] = activeInfos[acIdx]->ijkBoundingBox();
for ( auto k : { minBB.z(), maxBB.z() } )
for ( size_t i = minBB.x(); i <= maxBB.x(); i++ )
for ( size_t j = minBB.y(); j <= maxBB.y(); j++ )
size_t cellIndex = m_mainGrid->cellIndexFromIJK( i, j, k );
std::array<cvf::Vec3d, 8> hexCorners;
m_mainGrid->cellCornerVertices( cellIndex, );
for ( const auto& corner : hexCorners )
bb.add( corner );
activeInfos[acIdx]->setGeometryBoundingBox( bb );
auto bbMainGrid = m_mainGrid->boundingBox();
// Use center of bounding box as display offset. This point will be stable and independent of the active cell bounding box.
m_mainGrid->setDisplayModelOffset( );
void RigEclipseCaseData::setActiveFormationNames( RigFormationNames* activeFormationNames )
m_matrixModelResults->setActiveFormationNames( activeFormationNames );
const RigFormationNames* RigEclipseCaseData::activeFormationNames() const
return m_matrixModelResults->activeFormationNames();
const std::vector<QString> RigEclipseCaseData::formationNames() const
if ( activeFormationNames() )
return activeFormationNames()->formationNames();
return {};
RigAllanDiagramData* RigEclipseCaseData::allanDiagramData()
return m_matrixModelResults->allanDiagramData();
RigCaseCellResultsData* RigEclipseCaseData::results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel )
if ( porosityModel == RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
return m_matrixModelResults.p();
return m_fractureModelResults.p();
const RigCaseCellResultsData* RigEclipseCaseData::results( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel ) const
if ( porosityModel == RiaDefines::PorosityModelType::MATRIX_MODEL )
return m_matrixModelResults.p();
return m_fractureModelResults.p();
const std::vector<double>* RigEclipseCaseData::resultValues( RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModel,
RiaDefines::ResultCatType type,
const QString& resultName,
size_t timeStepIndex )
RigCaseCellResultsData* gridCellResults = results( porosityModel );
const std::vector<double>* swatResults = nullptr;
if ( gridCellResults->ensureKnownResultLoaded( RigEclipseResultAddress( type, resultName ) ) )
swatResults = &( gridCellResults->cellScalarResults( RigEclipseResultAddress( type, resultName ), timeStepIndex ) );
return swatResults;