mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 10:21:54 -06:00
Use tree view instead of list view. Add filtering based on text match using realization numbers. Clean up user interface. Rename several GUI items.
1305 lines
48 KiB
1305 lines
48 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2017- Statoil ASA
// ResInsight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// ResInsight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// See the GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
// for more details.
#include "RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog.h"
#include "RiaEnsembleNameTools.h"
#include "RiaFilePathTools.h"
#include "RiaGuiApplication.h"
#include "RiaStdStringTools.h"
#include "RiaStringListSerializer.h"
#include "RiuFileDialogTools.h"
#include "RiuTools.h"
#include <QAbstractItemView>
#include <QAction>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QCollator>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <QDir>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QSignalBlocker>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QTime>
#include <QToolBar>
#include <QToolTip>
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
// Anonymous namespace for internal functions
// Get all first level items, usually the ensemble items
auto firstLevelItems = []( QStandardItem* rootItem ) -> QList<QStandardItem*>
QList<QStandardItem*> firstLevelItems;
for ( int i = 0; i < rootItem->rowCount(); ++i )
QStandardItem* item = rootItem->child( i );
if ( item )
firstLevelItems.append( item );
return firstLevelItems;
void setCheckedStateChildItems( QStandardItem* parentItem, Qt::CheckState checkState )
if ( !parentItem ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < parentItem->rowCount(); ++i )
auto childItem = parentItem->child( i );
if ( childItem && childItem->isCheckable() )
childItem->setCheckState( checkState );
setCheckedStateChildItems( childItem, checkState );
void findItemsMatching( QStandardItem* parentItem, const QString& substring, QList<QStandardItem*>& matchingItems )
if ( !parentItem ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < parentItem->rowCount(); ++i )
auto searchString = substring + "/";
auto childItem = parentItem->child( i );
if ( childItem )
auto textToMatch = childItem->text();
textToMatch.replace( '\\', '/' );
if ( childItem && textToMatch.contains( searchString, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
matchingItems.append( childItem );
findItemsMatching( childItem, substring, matchingItems );
void getTextForCheckedItems( QStandardItem* root, QStandardItem* parentItem, const QString& prefix, QStringList& checkedItems )
if ( !parentItem ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < parentItem->rowCount(); ++i )
auto childItem = parentItem->child( i );
if ( childItem && childItem->isCheckable() && childItem->checkState() == Qt::Checked )
if ( parentItem != root )
checkedItems.append( prefix + childItem->text() );
getTextForCheckedItems( root, childItem, prefix, checkedItems );
int defaultDialogHeight()
return 550;
QString findButtonText()
return "Search";
QString filesFoundText()
return "File Selection";
void sortStringsByLength( QStringList& strings, bool ascending )
QStringList sorted = strings;
int numItems = sorted.size();
bool swapped;
swapped = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < numItems - 1; i++ )
int s0 = strings[i].size();
int s1 = strings[i + 1].size();
if ( ( ascending && s0 > s1 ) || ( !ascending && s0 < s1 ) )
const QString temp = strings[i];
strings[i] = strings[i + 1];
strings[i + 1] = temp;
swapped = true;
} while ( swapped );
} // namespace
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialogResult RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::runRecursiveSearchDialog( QWidget* parent,
const QString& caption,
const QString& dir,
const QString& pathFilter,
const QString& fileNameFilter,
const std::vector<FileType>& fileTypes )
const QString filePathRegistryKey = QString( "RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog %1" ).arg( caption ).replace( " ", "_" );
const QString fileFilterRegistryKey = QString( "RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog file filter %1" ).arg( caption ).replace( " ", "_" );
const QString useRealizationStarRegistryKey = "RecursiveFileSearchDialog_use_realization";
QSettings settings;
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog dialog( parent, fileTypes );
QSignalBlocker signalBlocker( dialog.m_pathFilterField );
QSignalBlocker signalBlocker2( dialog.m_ensembleGroupingMode );
dialog.setWindowTitle( caption );
QString pathFilterText = dir;
RiaFilePathTools::appendSeparatorIfNo( pathFilterText );
pathFilterText += pathFilter;
dialog.m_fileFilterField->addItem( fileNameFilter );
dialog.m_pathFilterField->addItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( pathFilterText ) );
for ( const auto& fileType : fileTypes )
QString item = QString( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( fileNameForType( fileType ) ).arg( fileExtensionForType( fileType ) );
dialog.m_fileTypeField->addItem( item, static_cast<int>( fileType ) );
dialog.m_fileFilterField->addItem( fileNameFilter );
populateComboBoxHistoryFromRegistry( dialog.m_pathFilterField, filePathRegistryKey );
populateComboBoxHistoryFromRegistry( dialog.m_fileFilterField, fileFilterRegistryKey );
bool isChecked = settings.value( useRealizationStarRegistryKey, true ).toBool();
dialog.m_useRealizationStarCheckBox->setChecked( isChecked );
dialog.m_fileFilterField->setCurrentText( fileNameFilter );
dialog.m_fileFilterField->setEditable( true );
dialog.m_pathFilterField->setCurrentText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( pathFilterText ) );
dialog.m_pathFilterField->setEditable( true );
if ( !fileTypes.empty() )
dialog.m_fileExtensions = QStringList( fileExtensionForType( fileTypes.front() ) );
dialog.m_fileType = fileTypes.front();
for ( const auto& s : caf::AppEnum<RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode>::uiTexts() )
dialog.m_ensembleGroupingMode->addItem( s );
dialog.setOkButtonEnabled( false );
dialog.resize( 800, 150 );
if ( dialog.result() == QDialog::Accepted )
settings.setValue( useRealizationStarRegistryKey, dialog.m_useRealizationStarCheckBox->isChecked() );
const int maxItemsInRegistry = 10;
RiaStringListSerializer stringListSerializer( filePathRegistryKey );
stringListSerializer.addString( dialog.m_pathFilterField->currentText(), maxItemsInRegistry );
RiaStringListSerializer stringListSerializer( fileFilterRegistryKey );
stringListSerializer.addString( dialog.m_fileFilterField->currentText(), maxItemsInRegistry );
return { .ok = dialog.result() == QDialog::Accepted,
.files = dialog.m_foundFiles,
.rootDir = dialog.rootDirWithEndSeparator(),
.pathFilter = dialog.pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator(),
.fileNameFilter = dialog.fileNameFilter(),
.fileType = dialog.fileType(),
.groupingMode = dialog.ensembleGroupingMode() };
return {};
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog( QWidget* parent, const std::vector<FileType>& fileTypes )
: QDialog( parent, RiuTools::defaultDialogFlags() )
, m_incomingFileTypes( fileTypes )
// Create widgets
m_browseButton = new QPushButton();
m_useRealizationStarCheckBox = new QCheckBox( "Use 'realization-*' in filter" );
connect( m_useRealizationStarCheckBox, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotUseRealizationStarClicked() ) );
m_pathFilterLabel = new QLabel();
m_pathFilterField = new QComboBox();
m_fileFilterLabel = new QLabel();
m_fileFilterField = new QComboBox();
m_fileTypeLabel = new QLabel();
m_fileTypeField = new QComboBox();
m_fileExtensionLabel = new QLabel();
m_fileExtensionField = new QLineEdit();
m_effectiveFilterLabel = new QLabel();
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel = new QLabel();
m_ensembleGroupingMode = new QComboBox();
m_findOrCancelButton = new QPushButton();
m_fileTreeView = new QTreeView();
m_treeViewFilterLabel = new QLabel( "Selection Filter" );
m_treeViewFilterLineEdit = new QLineEdit();
m_treeViewFilterButton = new QPushButton( "Apply" );
m_buttons = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel );
// Connect to signals
connect( m_pathFilterField, SIGNAL( currentTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotPathFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_pathFilterField, SIGNAL( editTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotPathFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileFilterField, SIGNAL( currentTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileFilterField, SIGNAL( editTextChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileFilterChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileTypeField, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileTypeChanged( int ) ) );
connect( m_fileExtensionField, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileExtensionChanged( const QString& ) ) );
connect( m_fileTreeView,
SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ),
SLOT( slotFileListCustomMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ) );
connect( m_treeViewFilterButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotFilterTreeViewClicked() ) );
connect( m_treeViewFilterLineEdit, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, m_treeViewFilterButton, &QPushButton::click );
connect( m_treeViewFilterLineEdit, &QLineEdit::textEdited, m_treeViewFilterButton, &QPushButton::click );
m_treeViewFilterLineEdit->setPlaceholderText( "Select Realizations: 1, 5-7, 9-18:3" );
m_treeViewFilterLabel->setVisible( false );
m_treeViewFilterButton->setVisible( false );
m_treeViewFilterLineEdit->setVisible( false );
connect( m_browseButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotBrowseButtonClicked() ) );
connect( m_findOrCancelButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotFindOrCancelButtonClicked() ) );
connect( m_buttons, SIGNAL( accepted() ), this, SLOT( slotDialogOkClicked() ) );
connect( m_buttons, SIGNAL( rejected() ), this, SLOT( slotDialogCancelClicked() ) );
m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setDefault( true );
// Set widget properties
m_pathFilterLabel->setText( "Path pattern" );
m_fileFilterLabel->setText( "File pattern" );
m_fileTypeLabel->setText( "File type" );
m_fileExtensionLabel->setText( "File extension" );
m_effectiveFilterLabel->setText( "Effective filter" );
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
QObject::connect( &m_filePathModel,
[]( QStandardItem* item )
if ( item->isCheckable() )
setCheckedStateChildItems( item, item->checkState() );
} );
m_fileTreeView->setModel( &m_filePathModel );
m_fileTreeView->setHeaderHidden( true );
m_fileTreeView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection );
m_fileTreeView->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
m_fileTreeView->setVisible( false );
m_fileTreeView->setMinimumHeight( 350 );
m_browseButton->setText( "..." );
m_browseButton->setFixedWidth( 25 );
m_findOrCancelButton->setText( findButtonText() );
m_findOrCancelButton->setFixedWidth( 75 );
// Define layout
QVBoxLayout* dialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
QGroupBox* inputGroup = new QGroupBox( "Search" );
QGridLayout* inputGridLayout = new QGridLayout();
int row = 0;
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_pathFilterLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_pathFilterField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_browseButton, row, 3 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileFilterLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileFilterField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileTypeLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileTypeField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileExtensionLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileExtensionField, row, 1, 1, 2 );
QHBoxLayout* horizontalLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
horizontalLayout->addWidget( m_useRealizationStarCheckBox );
QLabel* ensembleGroupingLabel = new QLabel( "Ensemble Grouping" );
horizontalLayout->addWidget( ensembleGroupingLabel );
horizontalLayout->addWidget( m_ensembleGroupingMode );
horizontalLayout->addStretch( 1 );
inputGridLayout->addLayout( horizontalLayout, row, 1 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_effectiveFilterLabel, row, 0 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_effectiveFilterContentLabel, row, 1 );
inputGridLayout->addWidget( m_findOrCancelButton, row, 2 );
inputGroup->setLayout( inputGridLayout );
m_outputGroup = new QGroupBox( "Files Found" );
QGridLayout* outputGridLayout = new QGridLayout();
outputGridLayout->addWidget( m_treeViewFilterLabel, 1, 0 );
outputGridLayout->addWidget( m_treeViewFilterLineEdit, 1, 1 );
outputGridLayout->addWidget( m_treeViewFilterButton, 1, 2 );
outputGridLayout->addWidget( m_fileTreeView, 2, 0, 1, 3 );
m_outputGroup->setLayout( outputGridLayout );
dialogLayout->addWidget( inputGroup );
dialogLayout->addWidget( m_outputGroup );
dialogLayout->addWidget( m_buttons );
setLayout( dialogLayout );
QString text = "The path filter uses normal wildcard file globbing, like in any unix shell. \n"
"When the filter ends with a single \"*\" (eg. \"/home/*\"), however, ResInsight will \n"
"search recursively in all subdirectories from that point.\n"
"This is indicated by \"...\" in the Effective Filter label below.\n"
"An asterix \"*\" matches any number of any characters, except the path separator.\n"
"A question mark \"?\" matches any single character, except the path separator.\n"
"Square brackets \"[]\" encloses a list of characters and matches one of the enclosed characters.\n"
"they are also used to escape the characters *,? and []";
// https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qregularexpression.html#wildcardToRegularExpression
m_pathFilterLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_pathFilterField->setToolTip( text );
QString text = "Define the extension using \".EGRID|.GRDECL\"";
m_fileExtensionLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_fileExtensionField->setToolTip( text );
QString text = "The file filter uses normal wild cards, but is not allowed to contain path separators. ";
m_fileFilterLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_fileFilterField->setToolTip( text );
QString text = "This label displays the complete filter that is being applied. \n"
"The possible \"...\" indicates a complete recursive directory search.";
m_effectiveFilterLabel->setToolTip( text );
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setToolTip( text );
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::cleanTextFromPathFilterField() const
QString pathFilterText = m_pathFilterField->currentText().trimmed();
pathFilterText = RiaFilePathTools::toInternalSeparator( pathFilterText );
pathFilterText = RiaFilePathTools::removeDuplicatePathSeparators( pathFilterText );
pathFilterText.replace( QString( "**" ), QString( "*" ) );
if ( m_useRealizationStarCheckBox->isChecked() )
pathFilterText = replaceWithRealizationStar( pathFilterText );
return pathFilterText;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::rootDirWithEndSeparator() const
QString rootDir = cleanTextFromPathFilterField();
rootDir = RiaFilePathTools::rootSearchPathFromSearchFilter( rootDir );
return RiaFilePathTools::appendSeparatorIfNo( rootDir );
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator() const
QString pathFilter = cleanTextFromPathFilterField();
QString rootDir = RiaFilePathTools::rootSearchPathFromSearchFilter( pathFilter );
pathFilter.remove( 0, rootDir.size() );
if ( pathFilter.startsWith( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) ) pathFilter.remove( 0, 1 );
return pathFilter;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileNameFilter() const
return m_fileFilterField->currentText().trimmed();
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileExtensions() const
QString extFromFilter = extensionFromFileNameFilter();
if ( !extFromFilter.isEmpty() )
return QStringList( { extFromFilter } );
QStringList exts = m_fileExtensions;
sortStringsByLength( exts, true );
return exts;
RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileType() const
return m_fileType;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::extensionFromFileNameFilter() const
for ( const QString& ext : m_fileExtensions )
if ( m_fileFilterField->currentText().endsWith( ext, Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
return ext;
return "";
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::updateFileListWidget()
if ( ensembleGroupingMode() != RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::NONE )
if ( m_fileType == RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::STIMPLAN_SUMMARY ||
m_fileType == RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY )
auto fileType = RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::mapSummaryFileType( m_fileType );
std::map<QString, QStringList> groupedByEnsemble = RiaEnsembleNameTools::groupFilesByCustomEnsemble( m_foundFiles, fileType );
for ( auto [ensembleName, groupedFileNames] : groupedByEnsemble )
addToTreeView( ensembleName, groupedFileNames );
std::vector<QStringList> groupedByEnsemble = RiaEnsembleNameTools::groupFilesByEnsemble( m_foundFiles, ensembleGroupingMode() );
for ( const QStringList& groupedFileNames : groupedByEnsemble )
QString ensembleName = RiaEnsembleNameTools::findSuitableEnsembleName( groupedFileNames, ensembleGroupingMode() );
addToTreeView( ensembleName, groupedFileNames );
QModelIndex index = m_filePathModel.index( 0, 0 );
m_fileTreeView->expand( index );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::addToTreeView( const QString& ensembleName, const QStringList& fileNames )
auto rootItem = m_filePathModel.invisibleRootItem();
int rootSearchPathLength = rootDirWithEndSeparator().size();
bool isEmpty = m_filePathModel.rowCount() == 0;
auto ensembleItem = new QStandardItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( ensembleName ) );
ensembleItem->setCheckable( true );
if ( isEmpty ) ensembleItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
rootItem->appendRow( ensembleItem );
for ( const auto& fileName : fileNames )
auto itemText = fileName;
itemText.remove( 0, rootSearchPathLength );
auto fileItem = new QStandardItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( itemText ) );
fileItem->setCheckable( true );
if ( isEmpty ) fileItem->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
ensembleItem->appendRow( fileItem );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::clearFileList()
m_outputGroup->setTitle( filesFoundText() );
setOkButtonEnabled( false );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::updateStatus( Status status, const QString& extraText )
static int progressLoopStep = 0;
static QTime lastStatusUpdate = QTime::currentTime();
QTime now = QTime::currentTime();
// Do not update dialog more often than twice per second to avoid text update from slowing down search progress
if ( status != NO_FILES_FOUND && lastStatusUpdate.msecsTo( now ) < 250 ) return;
QString newStatus;
if ( status == SEARCHING_FOR_DIRS || status == SEARCHING_FOR_FILES )
switch ( status )
newStatus = "Scanning Directories";
newStatus = "Finding Files";
for ( int progress = 0; progress < progressLoopStep; ++progress )
newStatus += " .";
if ( ++progressLoopStep >= 5 ) progressLoopStep = 0;
if ( !extraText.isEmpty() ) newStatus += "\n" + extraText;
else if ( status == NO_FILES_FOUND )
newStatus = "No files found";
lastStatusUpdate = now;
// Show status message in the tree view
auto rootItem = m_filePathModel.invisibleRootItem();
auto ensembleItem = new QStandardItem( newStatus );
rootItem->appendRow( ensembleItem );
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::findMatchingFiles()
if ( cleanTextFromPathFilterField().isEmpty() ) return QStringList();
QStringList dirs;
QString pathFilter = pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator();
QString rootDir = rootDirWithEndSeparator();
if ( rootDir.size() > 1 && rootDir.endsWith( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) ) rootDir.chop( 1 );
buildDirectoryListRecursiveSimple( rootDir, pathFilter, &dirs );
return findFilesInDirs( dirs );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::buildDirectoryListRecursiveSimple( const QString& currentDirFullPathNoEndSeparator,
const QString& currentPathFilterNoEndSeparator,
QStringList* accumulatedDirs )
QString currDir = currentDirFullPathNoEndSeparator;
QString pathFilter = currentPathFilterNoEndSeparator;
if ( m_isCancelPressed )
updateStatus( SEARCHING_FOR_DIRS, currDir );
if ( pathFilter.isEmpty() )
accumulatedDirs->push_back( currentDirFullPathNoEndSeparator );
QStringList pathFilterPartList = pathFilter.split( RiaFilePathTools::separator() );
QDir qdir( currDir, pathFilterPartList[0], QDir::NoSort, QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot );
QStringList subDirs = qdir.entryList();
if ( pathFilterPartList.size() == 1 && pathFilterPartList[0] == "*" )
accumulatedDirs->push_back( currDir );
for ( const QString& subDir : subDirs )
QString fullPath = qdir.absoluteFilePath( subDir );
QString nextPathFilter;
if ( pathFilterPartList.size() == 1 && pathFilterPartList[0] == "*" )
nextPathFilter = "*";
auto pf = pathFilterPartList;
nextPathFilter = pf.join( RiaFilePathTools::separator() );
buildDirectoryListRecursiveSimple( fullPath, nextPathFilter, accumulatedDirs );
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::findFilesInDirs( const QStringList& dirs )
QStringList allFiles;
QStringList filters = createFileNameFilterList();
for ( const auto& dir : dirs )
QDir qdir( dir );
QStringList files = qdir.entryList( filters, QDir::Files );
if ( m_isCancelPressed ) return QStringList();
updateStatus( SEARCHING_FOR_FILES, qdir.absolutePath() );
for ( QString file : files )
QString absFilePath = qdir.absoluteFilePath( file );
allFiles.append( absFilePath );
return allFiles;
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::createFileNameFilterList()
QString fileNameFilter = this->fileNameFilter();
QStringList fileExtensions = this->fileExtensions();
QStringList nameFilter;
QString effectiveFileNameFilter = !fileNameFilter.isEmpty() ? fileNameFilter : "*";
if ( fileExtensions.empty() || !extensionFromFileNameFilter().isEmpty() )
nameFilter.append( effectiveFileNameFilter );
for ( QString fileExtension : fileExtensions )
nameFilter.append( effectiveFileNameFilter + "." + fileExtension );
return nameFilter;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::replaceWithRealizationStar( const QString& text )
const QString pattern = "realization-\\d+";
QRegularExpression regexp( pattern, QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption );
QString textWithStar = text;
textWithStar.replace( regexp, "realization-*" );
return textWithStar;
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::populateComboBoxHistoryFromRegistry( QComboBox* comboBox, const QString& registryKey )
RiaStringListSerializer stringListSerializer( registryKey );
QStringList files = stringListSerializer.textStrings();
const int maxItemsInRegistry = 10;
int numRecentFiles = std::min( (int)files.size(), maxItemsInRegistry );
for ( int i = 0; i < numRecentFiles; i++ )
comboBox->addItem( files[i] );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::updateEffectiveFilter()
QString pathFilterText = pathFilterWithoutStartSeparator();
if ( pathFilterText == "*" || pathFilterText.endsWith( QString( RiaFilePathTools::separator() ) + "*" ) )
pathFilterText.chop( 1 );
pathFilterText = pathFilterText + "...";
QString effFilterText =
QString( "%1%2/%3" ).arg( rootDirWithEndSeparator() ).arg( pathFilterText ).arg( createFileNameFilterList().join( "|" ) );
effFilterText = RiaFilePathTools::removeDuplicatePathSeparators( effFilterText );
// Present native separators to the user
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( effFilterText ) );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::setOkButtonEnabled( bool enabled )
m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setEnabled( enabled );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::warningIfInvalidCharacters()
if ( fileNameFilter().contains( QRegularExpression( "[\\\\/:]" ) ) )
QToolTip::showText( m_fileFilterField->mapToGlobal( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ), "File pattern contains invalid characters" );
m_effectiveFilterContentLabel->setText( "(Invalid filter)" );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotPathFilterChanged( const QString& text )
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileFilterChanged( const QString& text )
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileTypeChanged( int index )
m_fileType = static_cast<FileType>( m_fileTypeField->itemData( index ).toInt() );
QString extension = fileExtensionForType( m_fileType );
m_fileExtensions = QStringList( extension );
m_fileExtensionField->setText( extension );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileExtensionChanged( const QString& text )
m_fileExtensions = QStringList( text );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFileListCustomMenuRequested( const QPoint& point )
QMenu menu;
QAction* action;
action = new QAction( QIcon( ":/Copy.svg" ), "&Copy", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotCopyFileItemText() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
action = new QAction( "On", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotTurnOnFileListItems() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
action = new QAction( "Off", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotTurnOffFileListItems() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
action = new QAction( "Toggle", this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( slotToggleFileListItems() ) );
menu.addAction( action );
QPoint globalPoint = m_fileTreeView->mapToGlobal( point );
menu.exec( globalPoint );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotToggleFileListItems()
auto selectionModel = m_fileTreeView->selectionModel();
auto indices = selectionModel->selectedIndexes();
for ( auto& index : indices )
if ( index.isValid() )
auto item = m_filePathModel.itemFromIndex( index );
if ( item && item->isCheckable() )
item->setCheckState( item->checkState() == Qt::Checked ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotTurnOffFileListItems()
auto selectionModel = m_fileTreeView->selectionModel();
auto indices = selectionModel->selectedIndexes();
for ( auto& index : indices )
if ( index.isValid() )
auto item = m_filePathModel.itemFromIndex( index );
if ( item && item->isCheckable() )
item->setCheckState( Qt::Unchecked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotTurnOnFileListItems()
auto selectionModel = m_fileTreeView->selectionModel();
auto indices = selectionModel->selectedIndexes();
for ( auto& index : indices )
if ( index.isValid() )
auto item = m_filePathModel.itemFromIndex( index );
if ( item && item->isCheckable() )
item->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotCopyFileItemText()
auto index = m_fileTreeView->currentIndex();
if ( index.isValid() )
auto item = m_filePathModel.itemFromIndex( index );
if ( item )
QString relativePathText = item->text();
QApplication::clipboard()->setText( relativePathText );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFindOrCancelButtonClicked()
if ( m_findOrCancelButton->text() == findButtonText() )
m_treeViewFilterLabel->setVisible( true );
m_treeViewFilterButton->setVisible( true );
m_treeViewFilterLineEdit->setVisible( true );
if ( !m_fileTreeView->isVisible() )
m_fileTreeView->setVisible( true );
if ( height() < defaultDialogHeight() ) resize( width(), defaultDialogHeight() );
m_findOrCancelButton->setText( "Cancel" );
m_isCancelPressed = false;
QStringList candidates = findMatchingFiles();
// Sort by numbers instead of alphabetically
QCollator collator;
collator.setNumericMode( true );
std::sort( candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), collator );
m_foundFiles = candidates;
m_findOrCancelButton->setText( findButtonText() );
if ( m_isCancelPressed )
else if ( m_foundFiles.isEmpty() )
updateStatus( NO_FILES_FOUND );
m_outputGroup->setTitle( QString( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( filesFoundText() ).arg( m_foundFiles.size() ) );
setOkButtonEnabled( !m_foundFiles.isEmpty() );
m_buttons->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setFocus();
m_isCancelPressed = true;
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotFilterTreeViewClicked()
QString filterText = m_treeViewFilterLineEdit->text();
auto values = RiaStdStringTools::valuesFromRangeSelection( filterText.toStdString() );
auto items = firstLevelItems( m_filePathModel.invisibleRootItem() );
for ( auto item : items )
if ( item->checkState() == Qt::Unchecked ) continue;
if ( filterText.isEmpty() )
setCheckedStateChildItems( item, Qt::Checked );
setCheckedStateChildItems( item, Qt::Unchecked );
for ( auto val : values )
QString searchString = "realization-" + QString::number( val );
QList<QStandardItem*> matchingItems;
findItemsMatching( item, searchString, matchingItems );
for ( auto item : matchingItems )
item->setCheckState( Qt::Checked );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotDialogOkClicked()
QStringList checkedItems;
getTextForCheckedItems( m_filePathModel.invisibleRootItem(), m_filePathModel.invisibleRootItem(), rootDirWithEndSeparator(), checkedItems );
m_foundFiles = checkedItems;
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotDialogCancelClicked()
m_foundFiles = QStringList();
m_isCancelPressed = true;
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::showEvent( QShowEvent* event )
QDialog::showEvent( event );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotBrowseButtonClicked()
QString folder = RiuFileDialogTools::getExistingDirectory( this, "Select folder", rootDirWithEndSeparator() );
RiaFilePathTools::appendSeparatorIfNo( folder );
folder += "*";
if ( !folder.isEmpty() )
m_pathFilterField->addItem( QDir::toNativeSeparators( folder ) );
m_pathFilterField->setCurrentText( QDir::toNativeSeparators( folder ) );
void RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::slotUseRealizationStarClicked()
RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::ensembleGroupingMode() const
if ( m_ensembleGroupingMode->currentIndex() == 0 ) return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::FMU_FOLDER_STRUCTURE;
if ( m_ensembleGroupingMode->currentIndex() == 1 ) return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::EVEREST_FOLDER_STRUCTURE;
if ( m_ensembleGroupingMode->currentIndex() == 2 ) return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::NONE;
return RiaEnsembleNameTools::EnsembleGroupingMode::FMU_FOLDER_STRUCTURE;
QStringList RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileTypeToExtensionStrings( const std::vector<RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType>& fileTypes )
QStringList extensions;
for ( const auto& f : fileTypes )
extensions.append( RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileExtensionForType( f ) );
return extensions;
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileExtensionForType( FileType fileType )
switch ( fileType )
case FileType::GRDECL:
return "GRDECL";
case FileType::EGRID:
return "EGRID";
case FileType::GRID:
return "GRID";
case FileType::SMSPEC:
return "SMSPEC";
return "XML";
case FileType::LAS:
return "LAS";
case FileType::SURFACE:
return "TS";
return "CSV";
case FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY:
return "CSV";
return "*";
QString RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::fileNameForType( FileType fileType )
switch ( fileType )
case FileType::GRDECL:
return "Eclipse Text File";
case FileType::EGRID:
return "Eclipse Grid File";
case FileType::GRID:
return "Eclipse Grid File";
case FileType::SMSPEC:
return "Eclipse Summary File";
return "StimPlan Fracture";
case FileType::LAS:
return "LAS File";
case FileType::SURFACE:
return "Surface File";
return "StimPlan Summary File";
case FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY:
return "Reveal Summary File";
return "*";
RiaDefines::FileType RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::mapSummaryFileType( RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType fileType )
switch ( fileType )
case RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::SMSPEC:
return RiaDefines::FileType::SMSPEC;
case RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY:
return RiaDefines::FileType::REVEAL_SUMMARY;
case RicRecursiveFileSearchDialog::FileType::STIMPLAN_SUMMARY:
return RiaDefines::FileType::STIMPLAN_SUMMARY;
return RiaDefines::FileType::SMSPEC;