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synced 2024-12-29 10:21:54 -06:00
233 lines
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# IMPORT code blocks
Set-Variable -name "kScriptLocation" `
-value (Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent) <#`
-option Constant#>
, "$kScriptLocation\io.ps1"
, "$kScriptLocation\msbuild-expression-eval.ps1"
) | ForEach-Object { . $_ }
Describe "MSBuild - Powershell Expression translation" {
It "Plain expressions" {
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "MyProjectString" | Should -BeExactly "MyProjectString"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "1905" | Should -BeExactly "1905"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "a;;b;c" | Should -BeExactly "a;;b;c"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "a-b-c" | Should -BeExactly "a-b-c"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "1-2-3" | Should -BeExactly "1-2-3"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "{1-2-3-4}" | Should -BeExactly "{1-2-3-4}"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "" | Should -BeExactly ""
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "c:\foo\bar.ini" | Should -BeExactly "c:\foo\bar.ini"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "..\foo\bar" | Should -BeExactly "..\foo\bar"
It "Arithmetical operators" {
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "`$(1+2+3)" | Should -BeExactly "6"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "`$(1-2-3)" | Should -BeExactly "-4"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "`$(1*2*3)" | Should -BeExactly "6"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "`$(10/2)" | Should -BeExactly "5"
It "Read from registry" {
$e = '$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion@ProgramFilesDir)'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -BeExactly $env:ProgramFiles
$e = '$(GetRegValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion@ProgramFilesDir"))'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -BeExactly $env:ProgramFiles
It "Property expansion" {
$ProjectDir = "C:\Users\Default"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "`$Foo;`$(ProjectDir);..\..;..\..\third-party" `
| Should -BeExactly '$Foo;C:\Users\Default;..\..;..\..\third-party'
$TargetName = "Test"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression "%(ASDASD);`$(TargetName)" | Should -BeExactly "%(ASDASD);Test"
$prop = "123"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression 'plaintext;"$(prop)"' | Should -BeExactly 'plaintext;"123"'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression 'plaintext;''$(prop)''' | Should -BeExactly 'plaintext;"123"'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression 'plaintext;$(prop)-$(prop)' | Should -BeExactly 'plaintext;123-123'
$TestDir = $env:ProgramFiles
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression '$(TestDir)\first\second' | Should -BeExactly "$env:ProgramFiles\first\second"
It "GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove() MSBuild builtin function" {
[string] $MSBuildThisFileDirectory = $env:SystemRoot
$e = '$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), ''Program Files'')Program Files'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -BeExactly $env:ProgramFiles
$e = '$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), "Program Files")Program Files'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -BeExactly $env:ProgramFiles
[string] $whatToFind = "Program Files"
$e = '$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), ''$(whatToFind)'')Program Files'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -BeExactly $env:ProgramFiles
$e = '$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildThisFileDirectory), Program Files)Program Files'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -BeExactly $env:ProgramFiles
[string] $_DirectoryBuildPropsFile = "clang-build.ps1"
[string] $MSBuildProjectDirectory = "$PSScriptRoot"
[string] $DirParent = [System.IO.Directory]::GetParent($MSBuildProjectDirectory)
$e = '$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildProjectDirectory), ''$(_DirectoryBuildPropsFile)''))'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -Be "$DirParent"
It "MakeRelative() MSBuild builtin function" {
$SystemDrive = $env:SystemDrive
$SystemRoot = $env:SystemRoot
$ProgramFiles = $env:ProgramFiles
$e = "`$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative('$SystemDrive', '$SystemRoot'))"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -Be "Windows"
$e = "`$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative(`$(SystemDrive), '$SystemRoot'))"
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -Be "Windows"
$e = '$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative($(SystemDrive), $(SystemRoot)\System32))'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -Be "Windows\System32"
$e = '$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative($(SystemRoot), $(SystemRoot)\System32))'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -Be "System32"
$e = '$([MSBuild]::MakeRelative($(ProgramFiles), $(SystemRoot)\System32))'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -Be "..\Windows\System32"
It ".NET Method invocation" {
$Sys32Folder = "System32"
$WinDir = $env:SystemRoot
$e = '$([System.IO.Path]::Combine(''$(WinDir)'', ''$(Sys32Folder)''))'
Evaluate-MSBuildExpression $e | Should -BeExactly "$WinDir\$Sys32Folder"
Describe "Condition evaluation" {
It "Logical operators" {
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '0 != 1' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 != 1' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 == 1' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '0 == 1' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '0 < 1' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 <= 1' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 < 0' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 <= 0' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 > 0' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 >= 1' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 < 0 or 0 < 1' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '!(1 < 0 or 0 < 1)' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 < 0 and 0 < 1' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '1 < 0 and 0 < 1' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '((1 < 0) or (0 < 1)) and !("a"=="b")' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '"apple" == "apple"' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '''apple'' == ''apple''' | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '''apple'' == ''pear''' | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '"apple" != "pear"' | Should -BeExactly $true
It "Registry access" {
$c = "'`$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion@ProgramFilesDir)' != ''"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition $c | Should -BeExactly $true
$ProgramFiles = $env:ProgramFiles
$c = "'`$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion@ProgramFilesDir)' == '`$(ProgramFiles)'"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition $c | Should -BeExactly $true
$c = "'`$(Registry:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion@NonexistentValue)' == ''"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition $c | Should -BeExactly $true
It "Variable expansion" {
$Configuration = "Release2"
$Platform = "Win32"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "'`$(Configuration)|`$(Platform)'=='Debug|Win32' or '`$(Configuration)' == 'Release2'" | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "'`$(Configuration)|`$(Platform)'=='Release|Win32'" | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '$(Platform.Replace(" ", "")) and $(testB)' | Should -BeExactly $false
It "Prop to Bool decay" {
$First = "something"
$Second = "else"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '$(First) and $(Second)' | Should -BeExactly $true
Remove-Variable "First"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition '$(First) and $(Second)' | Should -BeExactly $false
It "Exists() MSBuild builtin function" {
$WinDir = $env:SystemRoot
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "exists('`$(WinDir)')" | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "1 == 1 and exists('`$(WinDir)')" | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "exists('`$(WinDir)\System32')" | Should -BeExactly $true
$WinDir += "gibberish12345"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "exists('`$(WinDir)')" | Should -BeExactly $false
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "0 == 1 and exists('`$(WinDir)')" | Should -BeExactly $false
$eression = 'Exists("$([System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory())")'
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition $eression | Should -BeExactly $true
$eression = 'Exists("$([System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory())\nonexistent12345")'
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition $eression | Should -BeExactly $false
$Sys32 = "$env:SystemRoot\System32"
$WinDir = "$Sys32..\.."
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "Exists('`$(Sys32)\..')" | Should -BeExactly $true
It "Access to [String] builtin functions" {
$TargetName = "AnotherTest"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$(TargetName.EndsWith('Test'))" | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$(TargetName.EndsWith('Test2'))" | Should -BeExactly $false
$myVar = 'TwoThree'
$MySelector = "One;Two;Three"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$(MySelector.Contains(`$(myVar.Substring(3, 3))))"`
| Should -BeExactly $true
$MySelector = "One;Two;Three"
$myVar = "Two"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$(MySelector.Contains(`$(myVar)))" | Should -BeExactly $true
$MySelector = "One;Two;Three"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$(MySelector.Contains('Three'))" | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$(MySelector.Contains('Four'))" | Should -BeExactly $false
It ".NET method invocation" {
$year = (Get-Date).Year
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$([System.DateTime]::Now.Year) == `$(year)" | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "`$([System.DateTime]::Now.Year) != `$(year)" | Should -BeExactly $false
It "HasTrailingSlash() MSBuild builtin function" {
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "HasTrailingSlash('c:\windows\')" | Should -BeExactly $true
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "HasTrailingSlash('c:\windows')" | Should -BeExactly $false
$c = "HasTrailingSlash('c:\windows\') and hasTrailingSlash('c:\temp/')"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition $c | Should -BeExactly $true
$c = "HasTrailingSlash('c:\windows\') and !hasTrailingSlash('c:\temp/')"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition $c | Should -BeExactly $false
$prop = "c:\windows\"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "hasTrailingSlash(`$(prop))" | Should -BeExactly $true
$prop = "c:\windows"
Evaluate-MSBuildCondition "hasTrailingSlash(`$(prop))" | Should -BeExactly $false