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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:39 -06:00
247 lines
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247 lines
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#include <QtNetwork>
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include "riSettings.h"
void setEclipseProperty(const NDArray& propertyFrames, const QString &hostName, quint16 port,
const qint64& caseId, const qint64& gridIndex, QString propertyName, const int32NDArray& timeStepIndices, QString porosityModel)
QTcpSocket socket;
socket.connectToHost(hostName, port);
if (!socket.waitForConnected(riOctavePlugin::shortTimeOutMilliSecs))
error((("Connection: ") + socket.errorString()).toLatin1().data());
QDataStream socketStream(&socket);
// Create command as a string with arguments , and send it:
QString command = QString("SetGridProperty %1 %2 %3 %4").arg(caseId).arg(gridIndex).arg(propertyName).arg(porosityModel);
for (int i = 0; i < timeStepIndices.length(); ++i)
if (i == 0) command += " ";
command += QString::number(static_cast<int>(timeStepIndices.elem(i)) - 1); // To make the index 0-based
if (i != timeStepIndices.length() -1) command += " ";
QByteArray cmdBytes = command.toLatin1();
socketStream << (qint64)(cmdBytes.size());
// Write property data header
dim_vector mxDims = propertyFrames.dims();
qint64 cellCountI = mxDims.elem(0);
qint64 cellCountJ = mxDims.elem(1);
qint64 cellCountK = mxDims.elem(2);
qint64 timeStepCount = 0;
if (mxDims.length() > 3)
timeStepCount = mxDims.elem(3);
timeStepCount = 1;
qint64 singleTimeStepByteCount = cellCountI * cellCountJ * cellCountK * sizeof(double);
//octave_stdout << " Cell count I: " << cellCountI << " Cell count J: " << cellCountJ << " Cell count K: " << cellCountK << std::endl;
//octave_stdout << " Time step count: " << timeStepCount << std::endl;
socketStream << (qint64)(cellCountI);
socketStream << (qint64)(cellCountJ);
socketStream << (qint64)(cellCountK);
socketStream << (qint64)(timeStepCount);
socketStream << (qint64)singleTimeStepByteCount;
const double* internalData = propertyFrames.fortran_vec();
int dataWritten = socket.write((const char *)internalData, singleTimeStepByteCount*timeStepCount);
if (dataWritten == singleTimeStepByteCount*timeStepCount)
QString tmp = QString("riSetGridProperty : Wrote %1").arg(propertyName);
if (caseId == -1)
tmp += QString(" to current case,");
tmp += QString(" to case with Id = %1,").arg(caseId);
tmp += QString(" grid index: %1, ").arg(gridIndex);
octave_stdout << tmp.toStdString() << " Time steps : " << timeStepCount << std::endl;
size_t cellCount = cellCountI * cellCountJ * cellCountK;
error("riSetGridProperty : Was not able to write the proper amount of data to ResInsight:");
octave_stdout << " Cell count : " << cellCount << "Time steps : " << timeStepCount << " Data Written: " << dataWritten << " Should have written: " << timeStepCount * cellCount * sizeof(double) << std::endl;
while(socket.bytesToWrite() && socket.state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
// octave_stdout << "Bytes to write: " << socket.bytesToWrite() << std::endl;
if (socket.bytesToWrite() && socket.state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
error("riSetGridProperty : ResInsight refused to accept the data. Maybe the dimensions or porosity model is wrong.\n");
DEFUN_DLD (riSetGridProperty, args, nargout,
"\triSetGridProperty( Matrix[numI][numJ][numK][numTimeSteps], [CaseId], GridIndex, PropertyName, [TimeStepIndices], [PorosityModel = \"Matrix\"|\"Fracture\"] ) \n"
"Interprets the supplied matrix as a property set defined for all cells in one of the grids in a case, and puts the data into ResInsight as a \"Generated\" property with the name \"PropertyName\".\n"
"If the CaseId is not defined, ResInsight’s Current Case is used.\n"
int nargin = args.length ();
if (nargin < 2)
error("riSetGridProperty: Too few arguments, required input parameters are the data matrix, grid index and property name.\n");
return octave_value_list ();
if (nargin > 6)
error("riSetGridProperty: Too many arguments.\n");
return octave_value_list ();
NDArray propertyFrames = args(0).array_value();
if (error_state)
error("riSetGridProperty: The supplied first argument is not a valid Matrix");
return octave_value_list ();
dim_vector mxDims = propertyFrames.dims();
if (!(mxDims.length() == 3 || mxDims.length() == 4))
error("riSetGridProperty: The supplied Data Matrix must have three dimensions (numI*numJ*numK*1) or four dimensions (numI*numJ*numK*numTimeSteps)");
return octave_value_list ();
std::vector<int> argIndices;
argIndices.push_back(0); // Array data
argIndices.push_back(1); // Case Id
argIndices.push_back(2); // GridIndex
argIndices.push_back(3); // Property name
argIndices.push_back(4); // Time step indices
argIndices.push_back(5); // Porosity model
// Check that the second argument is an integer
if (!args(argIndices[1]).is_real_scalar()) // Check if second argument is an int. If it is
error("riSetGridProperty: The GridIndex argument is missing");
return octave_value_list ();
// Check if we do not have a CaseId:
if (args(argIndices[2]).is_string()) // Check if second argument is a text. If it is, the caseid is missing
argIndices[1] = -1;
for (size_t aIdx = 2; aIdx < argIndices.size(); ++aIdx)
// Check if we have a Requested TimeSteps
if (!(nargin > argIndices[4] && args(argIndices[4]).is_matrix_type()))
argIndices[4] = -1;
for (size_t aIdx = 5; aIdx < argIndices.size(); ++aIdx)
// Check if we have a PorosityModel
int lastArgumentIndex = argIndices[5] ;
if (!(nargin > argIndices[5] && args(argIndices[5]).is_string()))
argIndices[5] = -1;
for (size_t aIdx = 6; aIdx < argIndices.size(); ++aIdx)
// Check if we have more arguments than we should
if (nargin > lastArgumentIndex + 1)
error("riSetGridProperty: Unexpected argument after the PorosityModel.\n");
return octave_value_list ();
int caseId = -1;
int gridIndex = 0;
std::string propertyName = "UNDEFINED";
int32NDArray timeStepIndices;
std::string porosityModel = "Matrix";
if (argIndices[1] >= 0) caseId = args(argIndices[1]).int_value();
if (argIndices[2] >= 0) gridIndex = args(argIndices[2]).int_value();
if (argIndices[3] >= 0) propertyName = args(argIndices[3]).char_matrix_value().row_as_string(0);
if (argIndices[4] >= 0) timeStepIndices = args(argIndices[4]).int32_array_value();
if (argIndices[5] >= 0) porosityModel = args(argIndices[5]).string_value();
if (timeStepIndices.length() > 1)
if (mxDims.length() == 3)
error("riSetGridProperty: The input matrix has three dimensions, but there are more than one time step in [TimeStepIndices]. If more than one time step is defined, the data matrix must be 4D.");
return octave_value_list ();
int timeStepCount = mxDims.elem(3);
if (timeStepIndices.length() != timeStepCount)
error("riSetGridProperty: The number of time steps in the input matrix must match the number of time steps in the TimeStepIndices array.");
return octave_value_list ();
if (porosityModel != "Matrix" && porosityModel != "Fracture")
error("riSetGridProperty: The value for \"PorosityModel\" is unknown. Please use either \"Matrix\" or \"Fracture\"\n");
return octave_value_list ();
setEclipseProperty(propertyFrames, "", 40001, caseId, gridIndex, propertyName.c_str(), timeStepIndices, porosityModel.c_str());
return octave_value_list ();